10-05-2006, 12:31 AM
Has anyone heard anything about the splinter cell movie? the farthest ive heard is the teaser on the 3 splinter cell. if it has gone into production will it be good? or will it be a semipathetic Misson Impossable rip-off doomed to fade out into oblivion.Personaly i think it will be a good one, cuz i dont think that Ubisoft Shanghai would let anything bad happen to thier God-child. Which brings me to the next point of the new game coming out later in the year "Splinter Cell: Double Agent" In thid griddyer more realalistic depiction of Sam Fishers life, his daughter is killed in a car crash and his world collapes. (i guess making him go bald. cuz i dont know how that one happend.) afterward he quites his job, but Lambert drags him right back in. This time he is to go under cover as a terrorist. Through-out the game you will haave to make choices that will infulence your game play and the story line. towards the end of the game these choices will take a large effect on what levels you play (essencially good or bad). there are sertain levels only avalable to the "good" route.but, the choice is yours. you also get a girlfriend. or, close friend that is a lady and sam is atracted to is more the case.but the game'; i guess is sapossed to be revolutionary as far as light effects, which includes shadowing and textures. and then small minute truley immures the gamer. and there has been inavasions to the metering systems, such as the way to avious exposer meter which glows insainly green/yellow/ or red depending on how exposed you are. and finally your hole health meter has been replaced by a tiny light on your back. so. im getting it.

10-12-2006, 09:50 PM
i take all that time to type all this crap and then no one posts on it. ... so im going to. sucks just to waste your life doing somthing and nothing productive comes out of it. like going to the bathroom... theres alot more interesting things i could be doing insted. but, unfortunatly thats somthing required by life.

the guy watching you
10-12-2006, 10:26 PM
metal gear solid is better

10-13-2006, 11:53 AM
They're generally fairly different, before we get started on this again.

Splinter Cell is purely stealth based, with Metal Gear you have the choice with regards to what action to take.

I don't play Metal Gear Solid, I've played and completed the first, which I think is pretty much what most people have done. I much prefer Splinter Cell because I think it relies on tactics and stealth more; you can't just run in with a shotgun and kill everyone, etc.

The new Splinter Cell, again, looks really good. Graphically as per usual, it looks stunning, and I'm looking forward to that level set entirely outside in daytime, since it's never been done. It'll be interesting to see what stealth aspects are imlemented under such conditions.

Not sure about the film, I've only seen a teaser trailer.