10-04-2006, 07:18 PM
pretty cool and original anime directed by Masaaki Yuasa(Mind Game, cat Soup, Crayon Shin-chan)
has a real vivid visual style combining cell animation over live action wich gives it a really unique sketchy look and allows for allot of original visuals
epidode 1 (
episode 2 (
you can get the rest of'm thru torrents @

vague Plot summary:

Since ancient times there has been a race of flesh eating monsters called Shokujinki(食人鬼 shokujinki). They can assume human form or otherwise live in the shadows while feeding on humans. The Kifuken(鬼封剣 kifuuken)martial style school was created to hunt down those creatures and its teachings have been passed down through the generations to the Momota family.

The story revolves around the forbidden romance between Toshihiko, the lastest heir of the Kifuken school and Yuka, a young woman who is also a Shokujinki.


Pimp Daddy McSnake
10-04-2006, 08:11 PM
wtf Masaaki did cat Soup AND Crayon Shin-chan? Now I love him twice as much

10-04-2006, 08:19 PM
i think he even did some work on Champloo aswell
i'm absolutely dying for a Mindgame dvd release btw

Erisu Kimu
10-16-2006, 12:53 PM
Haha, I love Kemonozume. Sure, the art seems weird, but it's MY type of thing. Just like how I loved the art in Noein and Serial Experiments Lain, I love the art in Kemonozume. That monkey had me cracking up, but the last image shown in the OP's post, that scene had me rolling. The story is quite interesting and I like how the Shokujinki's power source comes from its arms.