Mario Kinnikuman
10-04-2006, 08:08 AM
This is elementarily an adaptation of Shakespeare's "To Be or Not To Be" Soliliquy, in the context of Video Games, by myself.,_or_not_to_be

The Video Game Soliloquy

By Mario Kinnikuman

To play or not to play; that�s the conundrum.
Whether it�s nobler to standoff
The truncheons and firearms of sundry henchmen
or excogitate a solution towards a puzzle that nonpluses.
And advance to the sequential level.
To pause; to stint;
No more; and by chousing we cease
The writhing and poignancy of compunction
That our prowess and panache is mendacious
Earnestly to be invoked.
To pause; to stint;
To stint; scrutinize the screen; aha! A glitch!
For in the stagnancy of obnoxiousness, what errors might incipient
When we have exhausted this mortal brain.
Prompts us to save anon. Lest we lose.
That takes deliberation in perfection�s span.
For who would withstand the arduous difficulty setting,
The stringent time limit, the villain�s bulge,
Weary of lengthy stages, the lagging game speed,
The ennui of reiteration after �Game Over�,
That attests the posture of the gamer�s chagrin,
When his or her defeatism might finally concede
With a press of the �Quit� option.
Who physically would tolerate,
To be groggy and bewildered underneath a refulgent light,
Abhorring the corollary alpha of a subsequent death,
The onset of the game, the player debuted
No statistics restored, agitates the mind
Forces us to inure in viewing bereaved strengths
Than others which we could spare to lose.
Thus, video games all render us cravens;
The graphic�s pixilated resolution
Beclouded by a person�s shadow.
A showdown of pugnacious factions and attrition
Yet this tension inexplicably abates in a vagary
The carnage, aborted.

Copyrighted, by Mario Kinnikuman.