03-04-2002, 11:39 PM
I personally thought the 'male bonding ritual' as Zidane called it when he asked Vivi to go to the bathroom with him while watching the stars. Eiko was sitting on the stone wall listening and that was funny, because of weird look on her face.

03-05-2002, 12:40 AM
no way! when in the beggining of the game, when you're planning to kidnap dagger, and Baku has the mini alexander and the garnet doll, and you tell him to captur queen brahne, and he pulls out the Brahane doll and... says... something funny... HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA AAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Divine Strike
03-05-2002, 01:22 AM
When they are boarding the Cargo Ship and Zidane grabs Garnet's...... (I have no reason to finish this because I am sure you all know what I mean)

zidane tribal
03-08-2002, 05:53 PM
yea divine (chuckle) that was really funny lol, or when your in alexandria and you talk to this old guy he says, "ohh now i know what i have to do, i have to take a dump..." that was stellar...or when that lady in the armor store told steiner that his armor is rusty and disgusting...that was funny too....

03-09-2002, 04:59 AM
yah when he says hes gotta take a dump, that fuuny, and its actually in lindblum:lol :lol :lol :lol

03-10-2002, 03:54 AM
when zidane tuched daggers ass, and said "ooh, soft".:D :D :p :p :D :D


03-11-2002, 05:59 PM
yea the oo, soft part was damn funny. I'd have to go with that.

03-11-2002, 09:43 PM
I agree with FFreaKuja

03-11-2002, 11:43 PM
For me, I guess the funniest part really wasn't supposed to be funny... I gave the chracters weird names.

Eiko I called "Whazzup." So everytime someone said her name, I suddenly got a vision of them all doing Bud commercials.

"What's up, Whazzup?"

(As Eiko gets kidnapped by Kuja)
Eiko: "Aaah! Leave me alone!"
Zidane: "Whazzup!!"

Hehe... ;)

The references to Hawaii really made me grin! The Ukulele le Chocobo theme, the Aloha Shirts you can dig up (Choc H&C), even the name Tantalus is a place in Honolulu (though I imagine they had other sources for that name). I guess them being in Hawaii as they made the game had its influences! :D

03-12-2002, 03:10 AM
I'm suprised garnet didn't kick zidane off the ladder or didn't scold him at all ahahahahahaha halarious smart ass remarks oooo soft idiot get his ass kicked for sure hehehehehehe can't stop laughing

zidane tribal
03-12-2002, 05:53 PM
Originally posted by kurohime
For me, I guess the funniest part really wasn't supposed to be funny... I gave the chracters weird names.

Eiko I called "Whazzup." So everytime someone said her name, I suddenly got a vision of them all doing Bud commercials.

"What's up, Whazzup?"

(As Eiko gets kidnapped by Kuja)
Eiko: "Aaah! Leave me alone!"
Zidane: "Whazzup!!"

Hehe... ;)

The references to Hawaii really made me grin! The Ukulele le Chocobo theme, the Aloha Shirts you can dig up (Choc H&C), even the name Tantalus is a place in Honolulu (though I imagine they had other sources for that name). I guess them being in Hawaii as they made the game had its influences! :D heheheh that is hilarious!!! on my friends game i made everyone garnet....that was funny when all the characters said garnet...he ended up starting a new game because on the 3rd disc it gets hard to understand whats going on lol.....( oh yea it wasnt alexandria, i am an idiot....)later...

03-12-2002, 09:43 PM
Ya, one time I named a guy ... :lol:lol:lol

03-13-2002, 05:02 AM
Funniest part of the game...DEFINATLEY when Zidane grab's Garnet's/Dagger's (soft, and cute ^^) ass. I wanted to do that over and over....^^ But don't mind me....x.x;; (some people say it's child molest if I like Garnet...but guess what?! I'M NOT AN ADULT! MUHAHAHAH! I'm NOT EVEN OVER 15!....But I'm definatley over 13...what does that leave? *GASP* PH34R!...Anyway, that is the funniest part. ^^ (I sometimes think it's funny how perverted Square can be....)

03-13-2002, 05:23 AM
at first I thought she would deck him right in the face for doing that ahahaha o and don't worry it not wrong to like someone like her and your right it isn't called molesting she isn't even real so it's not a crime heheh

03-13-2002, 08:13 AM
Yeah, when Zidane grabs Dagger's ass. That's classic. I also like changing names. I called Vivi "You suck"

03-14-2002, 12:42 AM
on disc three when zidane rescuse dagger from the falling castle I could just see that rope snap that would make a good blooper

03-14-2002, 04:32 AM
I must say for me the funniest part is when Zidane and Stiener are talking about Beatrix. (And Dagger is there) And Zidane says "Boy, you sure know how to pick em'." and Stiener says "Your one to talk." Then Dagger says "Stiener!" Then he (Stiener) runs off. It was something like that.

03-14-2002, 01:48 PM
The 'Love Letter' -part is funny ^^ Also the wedding in Conde Petie: 'Playin' hard to get, eh?' :D

zidane tribal
03-14-2002, 05:09 PM
yea vivi and quina getting married was funny...

03-15-2002, 08:24 PM
During the Hunter Chase:

"Hey, turn around, big boy!"
"DAMN, you're ugly!!!"

I dunno... it's the little silly lines like that that get me all the time. :D

Angel Aeris
04-07-2002, 03:10 PM
I thought the wedding in Conde Petie was funny... When Quina and Vivi got each other... he he. "I... so happy..." "M-me too..." And when Zidane tried so hard to hit Dagger. Haha... poor guy. The love letter part was also funny. And in the very ending... Part of Vivi... you know... I was sad, but it made me laugh...


By the way, ~Cloud~ and I are looking for more family members. PM to someone of us and tell, if you wanna be part of it!!!

My husband is ~Cloud~ *love & kisses*
My brother-in-law is quistis's lover(iverine)

zidane tribal
04-08-2002, 04:53 PM
yea those were pretty funny.....Rally ho!!!!

04-08-2002, 10:57 PM
I think the funniest part is when you meet those Dwarves at Conde Petie, It's like hell trying to read what they're saying tho.

04-10-2002, 02:15 PM
Originally posted by kurohime
During the Hunter Chase:

"Hey, turn around, big boy!"
"DAMN, you're ugly!!!"

I dunno... it's the little silly lines like that that get me all the time. :D

I like the part in the ending when Zidane went back in the Iifa Tree to save Kuja. That scene was both funny because of the cocky way he was acting when he was dodging the killer vines and cool w/ the Matrix-like effects. There's also the part when he drops into the area were Kuja is at and the screen freezes. I thought he'd grab on to something for support but he falls past him instead. :D

04-10-2002, 07:01 PM
Ahh, so many one-liners! The whole 'Garnet fan-service' scene strikes me as my favourite (not just the 'groping'), so,m for those who can't remember, I'll quote it in full:

Garnet starts to climb the ladder of the Cargo Ship. Zidane runs and climbs up below her. The airship starts to vibrate and Zidane lunges his arm up without looking.

Zidane: "Ooo,.. soft."

Garnet, turning, still with Zidane's hand groping her backside: "Ahhh!!!"

Then, it cuts to a scene of the Cargo Ship taking off. Next, it shows Zidane and Garnet standing on the ship's balcony.

Zidane, rubbing his hand behind his head: "C'mon, it's not like I did it on purpose!"

Garnet: "Please, enough!"

She then turns to enter the ship, but then turns again to face Zidane: "I trust you Zidane."

Zidane, after Garnet leaves: "Hmm, I get the impression she doesn't quite trust me yet. Heh, maybe she'll reward me with a kiss or two if I try hard enough!"

Then, he's startled as Garnet suddenly appears at the door.

Zidane: "Wow! Already?! Gee, I didn't think you loved me THAT much!!"

Classic! I remember rolling about on the floor in laughter when I saw those lines for the first time.

Still, it can NEVER compare to the whole Wall Market mission in FFVII. But, I'm afraid I digress...

04-11-2002, 04:37 AM
funniest part is when you had to to the rat city,when Freya jumped up the statue,vivi tried to jump but tripped on his face, i laughed so hard