10-04-2006, 01:30 AM
I have taken a very long time to create a timeline of Final Fantasy, connecting them all into the same world, and useing various infomation, tried to make a reason for why the "Bad" people who didn't really have a reason, have a reason for doing so. I'm sure I'm almost 100% wrong but I guess it could be my own FAN Timeline. NOTE: THe Crystal of Beginings is the name I gave the one in IX, I forgot its name.


Legend: AGC = After Gaia's Creation, AC = After Chaos, ATE = After Time Enix, AGS = After Gaia Separates AGM = After Gaia Merges, AJ = After JENOVA, ANG = After New Gaia

Beginning of Time
- The Crystal of Beginnings is created; Necron is inside the Crystal.
- Each Universe is created through the Crystal of Beginnings; were planets will one-day stand there are 2 Crystals in their places.
- A single virus cell begins traveling through space.

Gaia's Creation
- 2 Crystals in the Milky Way create 4 Crystals each and create the Planet of Gaia.
- With all the crystals, the elements out of them they create a complete balanced environment.
- The 4 Elemental Light Crystals go to 4 quadrants of the Planet, The 4 Elemental Dark Crystals go underground below the Light ones, and the Crystal of Light goes to the center of the planet and the Crystal of Dark underground beneath it.

2000 Years AGC
- Life begins to form; the first species to appear were the Dwarfs.

2001 Years AGC
- Dwarfs move underground.

2054 Years AGC
- Dwarfs find Dark Crystal of Water.

2076 Years AGC
- Dwarfs find Dark Crystal of Earth.

2207 Years AGC
- Dwarfs find Dark Crystal of Fire.

2300 Years AGC
- Dwarfs find Dark Crystal of Wind.

2365 Years AGC
- An entire civilization is now under ground.
- They build Castle's around the Crystals.

7000 Years AGC
- Cetra form/Arrive.

7080 Years AGC
- Cetra Create Weapons.

7500 Years AGC
- Most of the Cetra settle down and become humans.

7700 Years AGC
- Elf's form.

9065 Years AGC
- Link is born.

9070 Years AGC
- Links adventures begin.

9995 Years AGC
- Links adventures end.
- Castle of Cornelia is built.
- The Crystal of Dark is found and put in the bottom chamber of Castle Cornelia.
- The Crystal of Light is found and put in an underground chamber.
- Cid of Lufan creates an Airship and hides it in a desert in the Southeast.

9999 Years AGC
- Necron creates Chaos and an evil soul named Bahamut.
- Chaos and the Bahamut go to Gaia to cleanse it of all life, so Omega can be awoken.
- A small child of Cornelia is possessed by Bahamut, is turned into the Dragon Bahamut.
- Chaos at 1% starts destroying.
- Link; Being a warrior, takes on Chaos, Chaos not winning moves up to 5%, and kills Link.
- Bahamut thinks what Chaos is doing is wrong and starts a battle with him.
- 3 Days later the battle ends and Chaos is killed, his soul was trapped in the Temple of Cornelia inside the Crystal of Dark, and is renamed "The Temple of Chaos".
- Bahamut flies out to the open ocean where he finds dragons; a lot smaller. They call him king and he becomes King of Dragons.
- Citizens of Cornelia move Southeast of the Temple of Chaos and build Cornelia again.
- Link is laid to rest, Elfheim; the City of Elf�s, is built were he died.

1 Year AC
- Cornelia is re-built.
- Dragon's create a home for themselves in the Western Ocean.

1800 Years AC
- Fiends of Chaos appear, they begin to tap into the power of the Crystals.
- The land of Melmond turns to dirt by Lich.
- The Temple of Water sank into the ocean by Kraken.
- The Temple of Fire turns into an active Volcano by Marlieth.
- The Temple of Wind is taken over by Tiamet and the Lufan's become exiled to a new home.
- 5 Warriors of Lufan fear Chaos had returned and went back to the Temple of Chaos but were turned into bats by Chaos's spirit.

1972 Years AC
- Auron is born to King and Queen of Cornelia.

1974 Years AC
- Garland is born to King and Queen of Cornelia.

- Princess Sarah is born to King and Queen of Cornelia.

1999 Years AC
- The town of Provoca is taken over by Bikke the pirate and his gang.
- Dark Elf Astos steals a crystal from Mayota the Witch that causes her to become somewhat blind.
- He turns into a human from losing his crown in the Temple of Marsh.
- Auron is chosen as Prince over Garland.
- Garland becomes jealous and runs away from Cornelia.
- Garland runs into the temple of Chaos and defeats a powerful dragon.
- Garland releases Chaos's soul from the Crystal of Dark and possesses Chaos.
-The rulers of another planet known as Terra realize Garland�s magnificent power and bring him to their world. They tell Garland how their world is failing and he is appointed leader of that world as they seal themselves in a deep sleep.
- As predicted Terra is destroyed and no natural life remains. Garland realizes he can use the planets energy from Gaia to re-power Terra, by interrupting the flow of souls and transporting it to Terra.

2000 Years AC
- Garland kidnaps his sister Sarah, and holds her hostage in the Temple of Chaos. So that warriors will come to him, fall before his slaughter to gain power.
- Auron goes after Garland and is killed by him.
- Auron's body mysteriously disappears.
- Light Warriors appear mysteriously outside the Castle of Cornelia.
- Final Fantasy I Events Take Place.
- Using their Crystals, the Light Warriors create a portal in the Temple of Chaos that leads back 2000 years into the past.

Time Enix
- The Light Warriors using their skill come face to face with Garland again.
- Garland transforms into Chaos.
- The Light Warriors defeat Garland and the Temple of Chaos begins to sink into the ground.
- The Light Warriors dematerialize.
- The Time Enix closes.

(NOTE: The Final Fantasy Storyline from here on continues from 2000 years in the past when the Light Warriors defeated Garland)

Just ATE
- Garland realizes he himself will not be enough to get the flow of souls to Terra, so he starts creating menacing creations to do his work for him.

1500 Years ATE
- The Planet suffers some changes to its formation due to a slight earthquake.
- Chocobo Gardens Appears, only Chocobo's can see it.
- Chocobo's appear on Gaia.

2000 Years ATE
- Garland possesses the Emperor.
- Final Fantasy II events take place.

4500 Years ATE
- The Crystal of Flight is formed with an island, and the island begins to float around the world.

5000 Years ATE
- Garland releases his most powerful creation so far; Dark Cloud, upon Gaia.
- Final Fantasy III events take place.
- The 4 orphans defeat Dark Cloud.

6700 Years ATE
- Lunarians appear in Gaia's 2nd moon and highly enhance it.
- The Lunarians leader, Zemus is possessed by Garland and, overruled so threatens to destroy Gaia.
- Zemus somehow dies.
- Lunarians turn Floating Island into the flying Wale airship.

8670 Years ATE
- A Lunarian; KluYa travels to Gaia and has 2 sons; Cecil and Golbez.
- KluYa dies. King of Baron orphans Cecil, Golbez�s whereabouts become unknown.

8700 Years ATE
- Zemus takes over Golbez.
- King of Baron is killed by one of Golbez�s fiends. The fiend takes King of Barons form.
- Final Fantasy IV events take place.
- Cecil meets his brother Golbez who is being controlled by Zemus.
- Meteo is first used in history.
- Zemus turns into his true form; Zeromous.
- Cecil and friends defeat Zeromous.

9000 Years ATE
-Enuo, an ancient evil created by Garland, and released on Gaia, creates a "Void" which threatens destruction of Gaia. The people of Gaia succeed in defeating Enuo but cannot destroy the Void. In desperation, they call upon the power of four Elemental Crystals, which they split in two. The split causes Gaia to split into two planets, and the Void is trapped in the N-Zone between the two planets.
- The Machine �Omega Weapon� is created, It was intended for complete destruction of Gaia, but it didn�t obey commands and was sealed.

1000 Years AGS
- Garland turns the oldest tree in the forest or Moori on the 2nd planet into a solider named X-Death.
- 4 Warriors from the 2nd planet trap X-Death.

1030 Years AGS
- Final Fantasy V events take place.
- Gaia and the 2nd Planet merge and become one planet again.
- X-Death opens the void again.
- Giglamesh is abandoned by X-Death, once defeated by Bartz, goes into hiding.
- Bartz and friends defeat X-Death; X-Death gets trapped in the void.

2000 Years AGM
- Garland creates 3 fiends, which he called Magi.
- Garland names his planet Terra.

3000 Years AGM
- Garland releases the fiends upon the world.
- The war of Magi occurs, any human caught in it are turned into Espers.
- The 3 Magi seal themselves in Crescent Lake.
- Alexander is created.

3970 Years AGM
- Cid conducts experiments on the Espers; his general Kefka is given magic powers, the first normal human to be given magic powers.
- Garland realizes Kefka�s power possesses him.

4000 Years AGM
- Final Fantasy VI events take place.
- The Omega Weapon is destroyed.
- Kefka is Defeated.

15000 Years AGM
- The single virus cell at the creation of the universe had picked up millions of other cells and formed JENOVA.

20000 Years AGM
- JENOVA collides with Gaia, a massive crater is created; The Northern Crater.

JENOVA is considered a God and so time from before this is known as BC for humans. Afterwards is known as AJ.

0 AJ - 1950 AJ
- Midgar is created, it begins to use the Gaia (Lifestream) form the planet for energy.
- Turks are formed.

1957 AJ
- The GI tribe attack Cosmo Canyon; Seto is turned to stone.

- Hojo discovers what appears to be a piece of the dark Lord Chaos. He keeps it for a later experiment.

1967 AJ
- Professor Gast along with Hojo, Lucrecia and Vincent extract the body of JENOVA.

1969 AJ
- Vincent learns of what Hojo has in plan for Lucrecia and has one final night with Lucrecia.

1970 AJ
- Sephiroth is Born to Lucrecia, JENOVA cells, and Hojo's cells are injected into Vincent�s true baby.
- Vincent becomes crazy knowing what Hojo had done to Lucrecia baby (not knowing it was his) and confronts Hojo.
- Hojo shots off Vincent�s arm and Leg.
- Hojo conducts experiments on Vincent, including highly enhancing him with robot parts and the piece of Chaos he found, this makes Vincent immortal.

1975 AJ
- Gast runs away to Icicle Inn were he finds the last remaining Ancient; Iflana.
- Sephiroth is told his mother JENOVA died whilst giving birth to him, his true origins are never known.

1976 AJ
- Gast and Iflana have a child; Aerith.

1977 AJ
- Hojo storms Icicle Inn, Gast is killed, and Hojo captures Iflana and Aerith.

1978 AJ
- Iflana manages to escape with Aerith to Sector 7, Iflana dies and Elmyra takes in Aerith.
- Aerith takes a Materia her mother had and kept it in a safe place.

1982 AJ
- Shin-Ra's Military Wing attacks Wutai.
- Cid Highwind is given go-head to launch Shin-Ra's rocket into space. His wife; Sierra is in the engine room when it takes off checking everything is safe. Cid shuts down the rocket, destroying his dream to save Sierra.

1984 AJ
- Sephiroth is introduced to SOILDER, He becomes above rank from everyone else.
- Lucrecia hides away in a waterfall.

1986 AJ
- Aerith begins to show amazing talent.

1987 AJ
- Aerith starts selling flowers for 1 Gil each.
- Denzel is born.

1990 AJ
- Cloud moves to Midgar to become apart of SOILDER.
- Hojo begins Mako experiments in the Mako reactor in the mountains of Nebelheim. JENOVA is moved to there as well.

1992 AJ
- Cloud accompanies Sephiroth and Zack whilst they go to Nebelheim to investigate the Mako Reactor. With Tifa's help they stumble across Soldiers being turned into Monsters and JENOVA itself.
- Sephiroth becomes insane finding his "Mother", he goes on a murderous rampage killing everyone.
- Sephiroth wounds Tifa.
- Sephiroth wounds Zack.
- Cloud is stabbed, but grabs Sephiroth sword and throws him into the Lifestream.
- Tifa recovers and goes to Midgar. She opens a bar in Sector 7.
- Hojo captures Zack and Cloud and all victoms of Nebelheim. They become clones except for Zack and Cloud, they do not respond to the experiment, and are posed as "Failures".
- When a guard comes to give Zack his food, Zack knocks him out, and escapes with Cloud, hitching a ride on a truck that takes them to Midgar.
- When Zack and Cloud reach Midgar, soldiers shoot down Zack but Cloud is let to live because he was a failure. Cloud takes Zack�s Sword.
- Sephiroth learns he can control the clones with his mind, but not make them do much of value yet. But learns he can control Cloud perfectly due to his failure status.
- Clouds mind becomes unstable and he remembers everything from Zack�s point of view.
- Shin-Ra orders Nebelheim rebuilt.
- Hojo moves JENOVA from Nebel reactor to Shin-Ra headquarters.

1993 AJ
- Shin-Ra builds a Mako reactor in Corel Mountain.
- Barret�s wife and Dyne's wife along with all the citizens die.
- Barret and Dyne are shot in opposite hands, and Dyne falls down a cliff.
- Barret finds Marlene, Dyne's Daughter and calls her his own.
- Both Barret and Dyne (unknowingly of each others survival) get the lost hands replaced as guns.
- Dyne's mind becomes lost.
- The Gold Saucer is built over the ruins of Core Corel becomes a prison.
- Dyne moves to Corel Prison and becomes the "boss".
- Barret moves to Midgar and forms a group called AVALANCHE.

1996 AJ
- Yuffie in anger runs away from Wutai in search of Materia.
- Nanaki is captured by Hojo and re-named Red XIII.

1997 AJ
- Cloud fully recovers.
- Tifa asks Cloud to join Avalanche. Cloud accepts.
- Final Fantasy VII events take place.
- Realizing what Sephiroth is trying to accomplish, the same thing that he tried, Garland creates a force which if anyone Sephiroth kills, or anything he does to the planet, the sould energy will go directly to Terra.
- Sephiroth kills Aerith.
- 5 weapons are activated; all are defeated, except Ultimate who manages to escape.
- Cloud and Co. reach the Northern Crater were they come face to face with another JENOVA form. They defeat it but her cells are scattered all throughout the Lifestream.
- The group fights Sephiroth one final time and he turns into the One Winged Angel.
- Sephiroth destroys, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Satan, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
- The group defeat Sephiroth.
- Clouds mind escapes his body and fights Sephiroth one more time.
- Vincent and Yuffie get a lift and quickly get to Midgar to get everyone out of the slums.
- Cloud defeats Sephiroth. Sephiroth having so much will power separates his soul into 3 different parts; Loz, Yazoo and Kadaj.
- Cloud and Co. escapes the Northern crater as Holy escapes.
- Holy fails against Meteo, so the Lifestream takes over and defeats it.
- Due to JENOVA's cells being in the Lifestream, most people are infected with Geostigma.
- The group go to the Forgotten Capital to pay their respects to Aerith, and they separate.
- Cloud and Tifa move to Kalm.
- The city of Edge is built.
- Tifa makes a new bar in Edge.
- Barret leaves leaving Marlene in Cloud and Tifa�s care.
- Barret gets an upgrade in his gun.

1998 AJ
- Cloud buys a bike and becomes a delivery boy.
- Denzel's orphan group moves to Edge.
- Denzel is taken in by Tifa.

1999 AJ
- Reno, Rude, Tseng and Elena conduct a mission to the Northern Crater.
- Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children events take place.

2000 AJ
- Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus events take place.
- Omega is activated for the first time to do what Chaos could not.
- Vincent looses his Chaos, and becomes mortal.

2497 AJ
- Nanaki and his grandchildren travel to the ruins of Midgar.

10000 AJ
- Hyne a sorcerer gives his power to the sorcerers, and the power is passed down through Generations. When dies, another takes over.

16000 AJ
- The time of the Centra, they form 2 civilizations, Dollet in the west, and Esthar is the east, Esther begins to prosper scientifically.

19920 AJ
- The Lunar Cry occurs, which floods the moon with monsters. It strikes Gaia, and a crater forms, this strike destroys the Centra population.
- Dollet separates it empire into different cities; Timber, Galbadia and Dollet.
- Esthar begin to rebuild its society scientifically.

19981 AJ
- Ellone is born in Winhill; she has the ability to send her consciousness back in time.

19982 AJ
- Sorceress makes war against Galbadia, led by president Deling.
- Galbadia takes over Timber.
- A number of scientist move to the center of the planet were a mysterious island rests, they build Fisherman�s Horizon on it, and life in peace there.
- Adel learns of the Crystal Pillar that can cause a Lunar Cry, she builds a structure; Lunatic Pandora around it to prevent its abilities.
- Dr. Odine discovers he can summon monsters from the past using jewels, along with summoning monsters that may still be alive today. As long as the jewel (or Materia or Sphere) has a memory of that being in it.
- Laguna falls off a cliff and taken in by the Shumi tribe.
- Laguna searches for Ellone.
- Squall Leaonheart is born.
- Laguna reaches the Lunatic Pandora but is captured by Dr. Odine.
- Laguna hatches a plan to rid of Adel; they also get rid of the Crystal Pillar and through it in the water to prevent a Lunar Cry.
- They trick Adel into sealing herself in a container that they launch into space.
- Laguna becomes president of Esthar.

19987 AJ
- Ultimecia comes through a Time Enix from the future and dies, but is succeeded by Edea.
- Knowing what she could do Cid and Edea create a place known as Garden where they train students to fight the sorceress known as SeeD.
- Cid receives funding from a resident of Shumi; NORG who lives in the depths of Balamb Garden.
- In total 3 Gardens are made, all on the old Centra shelters.
- All the gang, Squall, Zell, Quistis, Selphie, Seifer and Irvine from the orphanage go into the gardens.
- Edea trains her own SeeD called the White SeeD.
- Julia Heartily is killed in a car accident.

20000 AJ
- Ultimecia finally gains full control over Edea.
- Edea plans to take over Galbadia herself.
- Rinoa runs away from her father and joins the Forest Owls.
- It is learnt that using Dr. Odine's junction system it causes memory loss.
- Selphie is transferred from Trabia garden to Balamb Garden.
- Ellone is taken to Balamb Garden for some unexpected reason.
- Squall and Seifer have a one-on-one real Gunblade fight, and both get a scar on their face for it.
- Final Fantasy VIII events take place.
- Ultimate Weapon is beaten by Squall and Co. and wanders the plains until he comes across the fallen Temple of Wind from the time of the Light Warriors, he inhabits it.
- Omega is killed by Squall and Co. and follows Ultima to the Temple.
- Squall and Co. kill Ultimecia; her soul leaves Gaia but runs into Chocobo Gardens, and accidentally fuses with a Chocobo, becoming Ozma.

25000 AJ
- Ultimecia re-creates Garlands Time Enix and travels into the past.

30000 AJ
- Garland sees the horror of Gaia, and what it has become. He uses a spell known as Firja, which makes the entire planet a flaming Fireball killing everyone and everything on it. The death of everything gave him the energy to power Terra�but the energy was sucked away Necron.

25 Years ANG
- Life begins anew on Gaia.

50 Years ANG
- Garland finally decides instead of keeping Terra alive to take over Gaia, so he erects a tree on Gaia to suck up the souls of the dead and turn them into monsters, and slowly but surely replace Gaia with Terra.

4500 Years ANG
- A large tribe of hunters finally settles down, establishing a city called Lindblum. A man named Cid Fabool creates the annual Festival of the Hunt, to commemorate their origins. He and his sons become the leaders of Lindblum in their future generations.
- Garland begins work on a population for Gaia; The Genomes.

4950 Years ANG
- Cid VIII, an engineer, learns to harness the Mist to power airships. Soon Lindblum is the center of a vast airship commerce network. No one realizes the Mist's true origins.

4976 Years ANG
- A genome created by Garland proves to be too volatile for his use as a true Genome. Instead, Garland gives him a soul and sends him to Gaia to induce chaos and havoc. However, he is built faulty and mad with power, and is intended to run down as soon as his job is done.

4980 Years ANG
- Kuja rebels against Garland and his origins. He hides his tail, and, angered by Garland's intent to control him, plots to return to Terra and overthrow him (while still achieving his goal of chaos in Gaia). He searches for the mystic eidolons, magic creatures that can only be called into existence by summoners. He discovers the existence of Alexander, a huge eidolon guarding Alexandria Castle, and learns that four crystal shards scattered among nobles of the Mist Continent seal it. Garland learns of Kuja's quest and vows to destroy the eidolons he seeks.

4982 Years ANG
- Garland uses the Invincible against the summoner village of Madain Sari, to prevent them falling into Kuja's hands. The village is destroyed, with very few survivors. One is Sara, who is cast adrift in a boat with her parents, both of whom perish. Families of three also survive and live in Madain Sari, which soon has a small population of Moogles.
- Sara washes ashore near Alexandria Castle. Noticing she looks identical to her recently deceased daughter Garnet, Queen Brahne and her Husband take Sara in and call her Garnet. Kind of Alexandria notices she has a horn, he orders it cut off.

4988 Years ANG
- Another Genome is created by Garland, one whose power surpasses even Kuja; his given name is Zidane. Garland intends for him to be the avenging angel to finish the job Kuja started. Kuja, upon arriving back to Bran Bal and seeing Zidane's power, grows jealous and casts him into Gaia, the very world he wishes to destroy. He knows that if he can finish the job before Zidane grows up, he will have proved his purpose of existence. He lets Zidane live to be able to gloat to him when it is finished.
- The members of Tantalus pick up Zidane in Lindblum.

4994 Years ANG
- Kuja begins experimenting with his own ironic weapons: special Black Mages. These are automatons similar to Genomes, capable of performing magical acts of extreme destruction. Using the properties of Mist creates them. Kuja builds the factory underground in the town of Dali, paying the villagers handsomely to quit their farming and work there instead. Nearly all the villagers jump at the opportunity.
- While a cargo of Black Mages are being transported via airship in the Treno area, a small prototype falls off and is snagged by Quan, a master of the Qu tribe. He finds that Vivi teaches him much about life he never knew due to his insights.
- The husband and wife survivors of Madain Sari beget a daughter named Eiko, who becomes close friends with the moogles. Soon afterwards, they and Eiko's grandfather pass away. An eidolon named Madeen, present at Eiko's birth, vows to watch over her, and takes over the body of a Moogle named Mog to be her guardian.

4995 Years ANG
- Quan Dies.

4997 Years ANG
- Several other Black Mages eventually become sentient and decide to break away from Kuja's grasp. They build a small village in the forest on the Outer Continent, deep inside, and hide away from Kuja.

4998 Years ANG
- On an excursion to the city of Treno, Zidane executes a heist in the opera house. The bouncer, a surly redhead named Amarant, tries to pick a fight, but Zidane tricks him and runs away. Amarant is intrigued by Zidane's attitude in the short conversation he has with him, and resolves to find him again.

- Freya, a Burmecian (a rat-like race) is saddened when her lover Sir Fratley leaves to see the world. Eventually she leaves as well, and takes up residence in Lindblum near the Tantalus headquarters. She keeps searching for Fratley in the years she lives away from her home.
- Kuja, satisfied with his latest batch of Black Mages, strikes up a deal with Queen Brahne of Alexandria. He corrupts her mind with ideas of greed, and tells her that the four crystal shards (which he intends to collect to release Alexander and capture it) are the key to incredible power. She falls under his spell and begins to take every possible step to get the four shards (and any eidolons along the way, as well). One of the shards is held by her daughter Garnet, one by her brother-in-law, Regent Cid IX of Lindblum; one is in Burmecia, and Eiko in Madain Sari holds one.

4998 Years ANG
- Doctor Tot, the tutor of Princess Garnet, fearing the queen, leaves Alexandria. He pursues his research in Treno, and eventually is financed by the Bishop family.

4999 Years ANG
- Garland creates a third Genome named Mikoto, a far more cold-hearted design than either Kuja or Zidane. She is intended to take over the job of creating chaos when Zidane also finally runs down.

5000 Years ANG
- Cid's long-suffering wife, Hilda (who's also a magician) finally gets fed up with Cid's womanizing and turns him into an Oglop (a small bouncy squishy bug thingy) with a big moustache. She then leaves in a huff, taking with her the Hilda Garde, an experimental airship that works on steam power. She is later captured by Kuja, who steals the airship.
- Cid begins to notice Brahne's mood, and is frightened for Garnet's sake. He hires Tantalus to put on a show of Lord Avon's play "I Want To Be Your Canary", and under that guise, to kidnap Garnet during her 16th birthday party, and take her back to Lindblum. (Note that the "real" Garnet would be 16, while Sara is actually older than that.) Only Baku knows of the real reason behind the kidnapping; the rest of the troupe assumes it's a routine ransom situation. Marcus is to play the lead, Blank is to distract the audience using a swarm of Oglops, and he and Zidane are to capture the princess.
- Final Fantasy IX Events take place.
- The ancient machine �Alexander� is destroyed.
- Kuja kills Garland, and Destroys Terra.
- Garlands soul heads straight to the crystal of Terra. When merging with it Chaos, is able to brake free from control of Garland, and now controls Garland. But due to merging with the crystal whilst Terra blew up they became a floating ball of darkness latter to be entitled; Yu Yevon.
- Ultimecia is finally killed.
- Kuja resurrects memories of the past from the Crystal of Beginnings, such as; The Fiends of Chaos, Cornelia, Ultimecia�s Castle, Kain�s Sphere, plus much more, which makes up Memoria
- Garlands spirit guide Zidane and Co. threw Memoria.
- Zidane and Co. defeat Kuja, but Kuja destroys the Crystal as he flies uncontrollably out of Memoria, into the depths of the Iifa Tree.

- Zidane and Co. enters the edge of the Universe that separates the world of Life, to the world of the dead, as Necron appears, after being with help in the crystal for time untold. He gathers power, and memory from everyone over time. He must kill Zidane and Co. to use there Gaia to create a new Crystal otherwise the entire Universe will be destroyed.
- Zidane and Co. defeat Necron.
- 2 Planets near the Crystal World collide to create a new Crystal of Beginnings.
- As everyone leaves Zidane stays behind to find Kuja.
- Kuja dies.
- Vivi dies, but his soul Gaia creates more identical Black Mages, which call themselves �Vivi�s Sons�

5001 Years ANG
- Zidane returns on Sara�s 17th Birthday.

5028 Years ANG
- Cid creates an ultimate Airship; though it is lost when an unexpected earthquake occurs and the airship fell down a massive crater.

9500 Years ANG
- The �Temple of Chaos� is found. It is re-enforced with metal, and concrete. It is named �Via Purifico�.

10000 Years ANG
- The ruins of the colossus Alexander is taken into the Via Purifico.

15000 Years ANG
- A huge war rages between the cities of Bevelle and Zanarkand. The war is fought with high-technological weapons, or "machina". Bevelle's machina is far superior to that of Zanarkand. The war lays waste to a large area of land, later known as the Calm Lands. The leader of Zanarkand, Yu Yevon, fears the worst.
- Shuyin in an attempt to save Zanarkand tries to steal Vegnagun. When his lover Lenne, tries to stop him they are both shot down, and killed.
- At Yevon's behest, many of the people of Zanarkand give up their lives and turn themselves into fayths.
- Chaos; in an attempt to take back the world of his own takes over Yu Yevon, and when combining his power with the most powerful summon on the planet was turned into the Monster known as �Sin�.
- Sin destroys Zanarkand.
- Yu Yevon's daughter, Lady Yunalesca, pioneers a plan to punish Bevelle and honor her father as well. She creates a technique called the Final Summoning, wherein a summoner who trains her Aeon-summoning abilities can call the Final Aeon. The Aeon is created from a guardian of the summoner, who has a close bond with her; the guardian is killed and turned into a fayth, who then controls the Aeon. Summoning the Final Aeon destroys Chaos�s armor Sin, but Chaos then merges with the new Aeon and Sin is reborn anew after a time. The summoner also cannot withstand the energy caused by this phenomenon, and dies as well.
- Yunalesca proclaims that this rite can defeat Sin for a time and give Gaia hope for a short while, but unless the world embraces the teachings of Yu Yevon and atones for their sins, Sin will never disappear completely.
- Yunalesca uses her husband Zaon as the first Final Aeon. She is then killed by the Final Summoning, but refuses to be sent to the afterlife. She remains in the ruins of Zanarkand to guide future summoners in the rite of the Final Summoning.
- The fayths of Gaia all dream a dream and re-create Zanarkand in a dream world, so in a way it can still live and thrive.
- Bevelle remains in terror of Yevon and Sin, and to appease Yevon begins circulating his teachings. Mainly these revolve around the Final Summoning and a ban on machina. He allows certain non-martial machina (Blitzball machines, for instance) to survive. Bevelle disseminates these teachings (along with Yunalesca's plan involving the Final Summoning) and sets up temples throughout Spira. Each temple holds a fayth, whose Aeon�s summoners can train themselves with.
- The Al Bhed, a tribe speaking a foreign language, are unimpressed with Yevon and remain steadfast in using machina. They are labeled traitors by Bevelle and their machina is destroyed whenever possible, or lost. Eventually the Al Bhed lose the knowledge of how to make machina and are forced to use whatever they can salvage without knowing the actual workings of it.

15122 Years ANG
- An Al Bhed named Bilghen sets up machina towers in the Thunder Plains, designed to attract the lightning bolts continually raining down on it. He is killed by a stray bolt.

15189 Years ANG
- A thief steals a fayth from a temple and hides it in a cavern near Mount Gagazet, in an attempt to prevent summoners from completing their pilgrimages and sacrificing themselves. The cavern eventually becomes home to strong fiends and is called the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth.

15200 Years ANG
- Lord Mi'ihen sets up an army of soldiers called the Crimson Blades, dedicated to fighting Sin and protecting Spira. Fearful for the fate of the rite of Final Summoning, the temple of Bevelle brands Mi'ihen a traitor and blasphemer. Mi'ihen walks along the path (The ruins of Castle Alexandria) later known as Mi'ihen Highroad to Bevelle, and defends himself in front of the court of Yevon. He succeeds in winning their trust, and Yevon changes the name of the Crimson Blades to the Crusaders, and declares it an arm of the Yevon clergy.

15300 Years ANG
- A priest of Yevon rebels against teachings and is banished to the Omega Ruins, where the soul of Omega takes over his body and is brought back to the physical world once again�

15950 Years ANG
- Lord Mika is ordained as Grand Maester of Yevon. He dies sometime in the next while, but refuses to be sent and remains Grand Maester.

15970 Years ANG
- Sin attacks the Home of the Al Bhed and destroys it. An Al Bhed named Cid arises as leader and leads them to rebuild their Home in the desert island of Bikanel.

- A summoner named Belgemine goes on her pilgrimage. She nears the end of it, but is killed before being able to summon the Final Aeon. She is not sent, but stays on Spira and resolves to help future summoners train their aeons until one is skilled enough to call the Final Aeon without her help.
- Auron appears in the afterlife by the help of the soul of Aerith. He is told he was transported thousands of years into the future because he is the one who can kill Yu Yevon. He is taken to Gaia, were he is left to put an end to the madness.
- Auron finds Bevelle and is offered the job of a monk. This is not what he was put on Gaia to do, but he believes there is nothing he can do at the moment.

15977 Years ANG
- Wakka is born.

15983 Years ANG
- Braska, a priest of Yevon, begins visiting the Al Bhed in an effort to promote relationships between the two cultures. He falls in love with an Al Bhed (the sister of Cid, leader of the Al Bhed) and marries her. They have a child named Yuna. Cid, though initially angry at his sister, softens and invites her to return home. She agrees, but on the way her ship is attacked by Sin and she is killed. Braska resolves to become a summoner to defeat Sin.
- Auron, a warrior monk of Yevon, is offered the hand of the high priest's daughter. He refuses to marry against his will, though, and is ostracized from the order of monks.

15989 Years ANG
- Auron meets Braska who invites Auron to accompany him on his trek to defeat Sin. Auron agrees.
- Jecht, star blitzball player in the dream Zanarkand, wades out to sea and encounters Sin who somehow found a way to the dream Zanarkand, and this thrusts him out of the dream and into Gaia, near Bevelle. After a rowdy incident with the nearby guards, Jecht ends up in prison. Braska, intrigued, visits the prison and offers Jecht his freedom in exchange for being his guardian on the journey to the real Zanarkand. Jecht agrees.

15990 Years ANG
- Auron's friend, Wes Kinoc, is named captain of the warrior monks (a promotion originally intended for Auron). He is later promoted to maester of Yevon as well.
- Kimahri Ronso looses his horn in a fight with his brother.
- Along Braska's journey, he visits Besaid Island and is enthralled by it; he asks Auron to bring Yuna there after the pilgrimage is over.
- Braska and party reach Zanarkand, where Yunalesca meets them. Upon discovering the role of the guardian, Jecht agrees to become the fayth, having given up hope of returning to Zanarkand. He asks Auron to find a way to his own Zanarkand and watch over his son Tidus; Auron agrees.
- Jecht becomes the Final Aeon. Braska summons him and defeats Sin, but dies. Jecht eventually merges with Yu Yevon and becomes the new Sin.

- Auron, torn in loss and sorrow, makes his way back to the temple in Zanarkand and confronts Yunalesca, demanding to know why Braska had to die. Yunalesca gives him the usual spiel about the Final Summoning providing hope for Spira. Auron attacks Yunalesca, but is defeated and mortally wounded. He makes his way down Mount Gagazet, and stumbles across Kimahri. He begs him to take Braska's daughter Yuna from Bevelle to Besaid. He loses consciousness and is discovered by Rin, an Al Bhed merchant, who takes him in. Auron leaves Rin's shop in the middle of the night.
- Wakka joins the Besaid Aurochs, eventually becoming its captain. They are not to win any games in the next ten years.
- Kimahri goes to Bevelle, finds Yuna, and takes her to Besaid. She begs him not to leave her, and he stays in Besaid with her.
- Yuna grows up with newfound friends Lulu, Wakka, and his brother Chappu. Both Lulu's and Wakka's parents are killed in an attack by Sin either soon after or just before Yuna arrives. Lulu and Chappu grow close and eventually develop a romantic connection.
- Auron rides Sin and ends up in the dream Zanarkand, where he watches over Tidus. Tidus's mother dies of broken heart when Jecht does not return. Tidus grows up in his father's shadow to become the star player of the Zanarkand Abes.
- Jyscal Guado brings the Guado�s closer to Yevon.

15994 Years ANG
- Both Guado and humans give Jyscal�s son, Seymour, an extremely tough time. Jyscal has no choice but to send him and his mother away to Baaj Island (homing the ruins of the Temple of Water (Now known as Baaj Temple)). Desiring to protect him, his mother becomes a fayth and gives him the power of the dark Aeon Anima. Tasting the power, however, Seymour desires far more.

15996 Years ANG
- Rikku, Cid's daughter, is attacked by a fiend in the water. Her brother attacks it with a Thunder spell, but hits her instead, eventually giving her a phobia of lightning.

15998 Years ANG
- Seymour returns to Guadosalam and rises in the ranks of Yevon, becoming high priest of Macalania Temple.
- Lulu becomes guardian to a summoner named Lady Ginnem and accompanies her on her pilgrimage. However, upon reaching the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth, Lady Ginnem is killed by fiends. She is never sent, and becomes a powerful fiend.

15999 Years ANG
- Luzzu, leader of the Besaid chapter of the Crusaders, convinces Chappu to join the Crusaders. He is given an Al Bhed machina weapon. He is killed in a battle with Sin. Lulu becomes reserved and cold.
- Wakka loses his concentration in a blitzball tournament because of the news of Chappu. He resolves to leave blitzball and become a guardian.

16000 Years ANG
- Wakka and Lulu accompany Father Zuke, a priest of Yevon, on a pilgrimage to become a summoner. However, upon reaching the Calm Lands, Zuke quits his pilgrimage and becomes a monk in Bevelle. Throughout the pilgrimage, Wakka becomes distracted thinking about blitzball, and resolves to return to Besaid for one last tournament before becoming a guardian for Yuna, who has also decided to become a summoner.
- Seymour murders his father Jyscal, but Jyscal realizes what is going on and records a video sphere warning the finder of Seymour's true intentions. He is unwillingly sent to the Farplane before his time. Seymour is ordained as a maester of Yevon.
- Yevon begins training people for entry into the Crimson Squad, a group that purports to be an elite offshoot of the Crusaders, although being officially unaffiliated with it. Three of those people are Nooj, Baralai, and Gippal, who are recorded by Paine during their training.
- Yuna enters the Cloister of Trials in Besaid Temple. Lulu and Kimahri act as her guardians, while Wakka practices with the Aurochs on the beach.
- Cid sends his daughter Rikku and her brother with a crew of Al Bhed on a salvage ship to the ruins in Baaj Island. They are to find the legendary machina airship that Cid Fabool IX�s made thousands of years ago.
- Cid also puts into motion a plan to stop all the summoners from completing their pilgrimages; sick and tired of the sacrifice that goes on to pacify Sin.
- Operation Mi�ihen begins preparations.
- Auron rides Sin back to the dream Zanarkand, destroying it, and brings Tidus back to the Gaia.
- Final Fantasy X events take place.
- Tidus and Co. defeat Omega and Ultima. Both of there physical bodies are destroyed and only there souls remane.
- Tidus and Co. Defeat Sin
- Whilst inside Sin, they defeat Jecht and all of there own Aeon�s to bring out Yu Yevon. Auron takes the final blow against Yu Yevon as Mentally says farewell to Garland, and Garland does the same. Yu Yevon begins to shine bright as it brakes into its 3 parts. 1 goes to the afterlife (Yu Yevon) one goes to Gaia (Garland) and the other goes to the moon (Chaos).
- Both Auron and Tidus fade away, as Sin blows up for 1 final time.
- Yuna speaks to all of Gaia, telling them that Sin won the battle but they won the war.
- Garland travels to Bevelle, were he is given the title of maester due to his knowledge and wisdom he portraits. Garland creates a group called New Yevon. He calls himself �Trema� after his father.
- Nooj creates a group called �The Crusaders�.

16001 Years ANG
- Gippal becomes head of the machine faction turning Djose Temple into a Machina facility.
- Kimahri becomes elder of the Ronso.
- Hovers are installed on the Mi'ihen highroad. Chocobo�s slowly go out of style.

16002 Years ANG
- Brother and Buddy when they get lost follow a Gull when they get lost and find the long lost ship, the Ragnarok that Squall and Co. used, which they dub the Celsius.
- Wakka and Lulu get married.
- O'aka buys up Rin's Travel Agency near Macalania Temple, but is foiled when the temple falls into the lake because of the fayth vanishing, drying up his customer prospects.

- Macalania Woods also begins to fade. The Guado move into the woods hiding away from the rest of Spira, and in particular the Ronso, whose vengeance they fear.
- Dona joins the Youth League, along with Maroda and the previous Chocobo Knights (Lucil, Elma, and Clasko). A nervous lad named Yaibal also joins. But Dona�s husband Barthello joins New Yevon.
-Yuna is offered the hand of the son of the praetor (he is not the real son but just someone that Garland took as his son) of New Yevon in marriage. She refuses. Some time later, Garland uncovers that �The Temple of Chaos� lies beneath Bevelle and he orders it destroyed. Priest think he is has lost the plot and force him to leave. He does not leave Bevelle and instead goes to the very bottom of �The Temple of Chaos�. Baralai is appointed in his place.
- Cid creates a business by turning Zanarkand into a tourist attraction. He hires Isaaru to help.
- Pacce creates his own sphere-hunting group, the Kinder Guardians, whose only other members are Taro and Hana, two other kiddies.
- Rikku shows Yuna a sphere of Shuyin, which she believes, is Tidus; she joins Rikku, and the rest of the Gullwings in hope of finding Tidus once more�
- Final Fantasy X-2 Events take place.
- Shuyin steals Vegnagun, and hides it in the depths of the Farplane (Lifestream).
- Yuna and Co. defeat Shuyin, and the soul of Lenne takes Shuyin away to the afterlife.
- The soul of Bahamut offers Yuna if she wants to see Tidus again.
- Tidus appears back at Besaid, and he and Yuna travel back to Zanarkand.

16057 Years ANG
- Tidus dies, but due to not having a soul, just being a dream, he disappears.

10-04-2006, 05:32 PM
lol I feal really bad for you since noone has responded

10-04-2006, 05:33 PM
Well im interested. Show us :D

10-04-2006, 05:35 PM
I am interested too. Link us up bro!
Could be interesting to see what I would have done instead.

10-05-2006, 02:04 AM
Mkay, like I said, purely my vision of what I think. So please no bad responces. There may be some mistakes, and some bad spelling but, you'll get my drift.

10-05-2006, 04:27 AM
Oh god, thats huge :)

10-05-2006, 06:56 AM
Hehe enjoy!

10-05-2006, 08:20 AM
not bad dude

cant you incorporate crystal chronicals or ffxi?

10-05-2006, 08:21 AM
not bad dude

cant you incorporate crystal chronicals or ffxi?

oh and mystic quest

10-05-2006, 02:16 PM
I see it as just the Number based games, and XI, I will be doing once I get it next week, I just need to get the storyline and work it out.

10-05-2006, 02:20 PM
Oh and I'd jsut like to say, if all the games arn't in the same world, which I think they are, it is safe to say that at least, I, IV, V, VII, and IX are in the same world:
a) The Dwarfs
b) Garland taking Cycle of Souls then trying another way
c) Both VII and IX are stated to be Gaia

10-05-2006, 05:09 PM
You did this all yourself?

Credit to you but you should really get laid more :P

10-05-2006, 05:41 PM
Mny credits to you :) And i havent even read it all yet :-P

10-05-2006, 05:42 PM

Interesting idea, and you've obviously put a lot of thought into this, however, it is incorrect. Each FF game takes place in a completely different parallel universe from the previous title - with only certian elements re-occuring between each FF title (summons, magic spells, equipment names, a character named Cid, airships, crystals etc).

The only exception to this rule is FFXII, which takes place in the world of Ivalice, the same world as which previously appeared in FF Tactics and FF Tactics Advance. It is also rumoured that FFVII's world is actually FFX's planet of Spira in the far future, but the 'evidence' for this is tenuous and vague at best.

Incidentally, FFV takes place on three different parallel worlds (although the third world is simply the two previous worlds combined), and FFIV features a trip to the moon, not to mention FFIX is set on the twin worlds of Gaia and Terra (which apparently is located inside Gaia).

Not to mention three titles also tie in with Earth (FF Tactics Advance starts off on Earth before 'changing' into Ivalice, as does the animated series FF Unlimited, and the FF movie FF The Spirits Within also takes place on Earth. ANd I won't even bother mentioning FFI's 'time loop', and the Time Compression concept from FFVIII, nor the 'real' and 'dream' worlds in FFX.

I apologise if that sounded long winded and critical, but I just wanted clarify that it is inaccurate. It was an interesting idea though. :)

10-05-2006, 08:40 PM
Oh and I'd jsut like to say, if all the games arn't in the same world, which I think they are, it is safe to say that at least, I, IV, V, VII, and IX are in the same world:
a) The Dwarfs
b) Garland taking Cycle of Souls then trying another way
c) Both VII and IX are stated to be Gaia

dude you've spent too much time on this already its amazing what you have done

10-06-2006, 03:59 AM
Thanks sappy, but like I said, purely my vision Enkido, but you have every right to say what you have said. But I still believe there on the same world many years apart, I know Im proberly wrong but, I just feel beter telling myself this. And Jarosik yes I did do all this myself, and Im only 15 =/

10-06-2006, 05:09 AM
I think Spehilocke spent way too much time creating utter bullshit.

10-06-2006, 05:23 AM
When your basically wheelchair bound, there's not a whole lot you can do, so I decided just to do something and vwala, here it is...

10-06-2006, 07:46 AM
Thanks sappy, but like I said, purely my vision Enkido, but you have every right to say what you have said. But I still believe there on the same world many years apart, I know Im proberly wrong but, I just feel beter telling myself this. And Jarosik yes I did do all this myself, and Im only 15 =/

its nice to think that somehow the series is linked i mean once you complete one there's nothing left thats it so its nice to think that somehow you are playing a 'sequel' and not just another game

10-06-2006, 11:52 AM
I agree =)

10-06-2006, 12:46 PM
;663157']I think Spehilocke spent way too much time creating utter bullshit.

Everyone loves the over critical, cold hearted bastard but whoah, that's a little strong. You might want to read the post that follows yours.

10-06-2006, 03:36 PM
"Everyone loves the over critical, cold hearted bastard but whoah" Is that refering to me? I'm confused...

10-06-2006, 03:41 PM
No he was referring to me.

But that is honestly what it is.
Sure from a standpoint the timeline might look impressive, but you have no evidence to prove what you say may actually have occured all on the same planet.

And honestly, being in a wheelchair for a physical handicap is nothing like walking on two legs but I can assure you, you can do so much more productive things with your time then creating...utter bullshit.

So, I relly have no pity for you and will not excuse your lack of a decent explanation of your post just because you are handicapped.

10-06-2006, 03:47 PM
Didn't expect you to brutha, I have much infomation to prove they are on the same world, and I will post it if you wish?

10-06-2006, 03:54 PM
Oh man, the bus on the way home smelled like that feeling you get in your throat before you vomit.

Also, pretty nice list you got there. Much better than half of the trash posted in these forums. It gets my thumbs up it does.

10-06-2006, 03:56 PM
Glad to see you think so to =) Im also glad its a person who likes LOST =D

10-06-2006, 10:18 PM
Sure Sephilocke, believe it or not, I would enjoy reading it.

05-15-2007, 05:41 PM
FF VII and IX aren't necessarily the same world; Gaea (VII) --> Gaia (IX). The different spellings mean differen worlds in my opinion. Nice time line, but I see 6-12 taking place on different worlds. 1-5 possibly on the same world, but i really doubt it.

05-16-2007, 02:11 AM
Refresh me on what happened at the end of IV and the beginning of V.

Did they steal or break the crystals in IV? If so, were they fixed before V?

05-19-2007, 05:12 AM
the Crystals were stollen in IV. Can't remember if they shattered or not.

They Definatly Shattered in V

05-24-2007, 05:13 AM
how about XI and XII im interested now lol

09-20-2010, 10:50 PM
woah, what a dusty thread... forgot how I ended up here.
But as far as I know... SquareEnix confirmed that FF7 plays chronologically AFTER FF10, they stated that, the little Shinra guy in FF10-2 is some kind of great ancestor of Rufus Shinra from FF7 (but you could have figured that out by yourself after Shinra's comment in the end of FF10-2 ;) )
I try to find really "realistic" connections between the games sometimes too, but ... just to think about the geologically surface of the worlds you play on... even IF this is the same planet and there are tousands of years between the games, the continents are shifting like crazy... and how does FF3 fit in there with this weird flying continent? Even more confusing is FF4 with the two moons, or FF5 and FF9 with this parallel dimension stuff.
And the Ivalice stories, since they only take place in specific "countries" and not on a whole world...uuum well I don't want to mention vana'diel from FF11 lol

okay enough timeline rant, this franchise is just out of control... gawd FF13 with this weird... cocoon and pulse... where this 2 planets?! they don't explain crap to you! XD

Darth Revan
09-21-2010, 05:10 AM
Enkidoh said it best here:


Interesting idea, and you've obviously put a lot of thought into this, however, it is incorrect. Each FF game takes place in a completely different parallel universe from the previous title - with only certian elements re-occuring between each FF title (summons, magic spells, equipment names, a character named Cid, airships, crystals etc).

The only exception to this rule is FFXII, which takes place in the world of Ivalice, the same world as which previously appeared in FF Tactics and FF Tactics Advance. It is also rumoured that FFVII's world is actually FFX's planet of Spira in the far future, but the 'evidence' for this is tenuous and vague at best.

Incidentally, FFV takes place on three different parallel worlds (although the third world is simply the two previous worlds combined), and FFIV features a trip to the moon, not to mention FFIX is set on the twin worlds of Gaia and Terra (which apparently is located inside Gaia).

Not to mention three titles also tie in with Earth (FF Tactics Advance starts off on Earth before 'changing' into Ivalice, as does the animated series FF Unlimited, and the FF movie FF The Spirits Within also takes place on Earth. ANd I won't even bother mentioning FFI's 'time loop', and the Time Compression concept from FFVIII, nor the 'real' and 'dream' worlds in FFX.

I apologise if that sounded long winded and critical, but I just wanted clarify that it is inaccurate. It was an interesting idea though. :)

Also... Sneedo. Don't. Revive. Old. Threads. Look at date of last post before doing so.

09-21-2010, 03:36 PM
Enkidoh always puts it best.

09-24-2010, 01:27 PM
yes, old Thread, but still useful for new players

Darth Revan
09-24-2010, 02:26 PM
Then create a new thread, instead of reviving one over three years old. Thread necromancy is frowned upon btdownloads.