10-04-2006, 12:57 AM
Ok so I live in new york and I know someone who works in the nintendo store. He gave me the hint that nintendo will have 10 wii's on display. I headed down there and gave it a go. I must say that its pretty cool, but I have my worries. Ok the games on display were wii sports (bowling, tennis, shooting), wario ware, excite truck and metroid prime. I played the tennis and the graphics are blah. But the controls were really responsive. Swing your hand and the tennis racket swings in the same motion. Bowling same as tennis. Move your hand and the bowler will move his hand in same motion. Faster motion means balls gets tossed harder, break the wrist and it will put spin on the ball. Warioware was the real star IMO. The game is great. If youve ever played the series before its same idea just way more interactive. I didnt play metroid but it looks great and excite truck looked really good but didnt get the chance to play it. I loved the controls but my worries are, how will the longevity for the system be? How long will gamers play a system that seems more of a gimmick? I mean i really like the wii so far but will it attract gamers for the years to come? will it win the console wars?

Hex Omega
10-04-2006, 01:05 AM
Pretty much the concern I have, is that the Wii defeats the whole point of consoles and gaming. I mean you don't play games to move around and pretend you're playing tennis or whatever. You do it to relax, hang around with your pals and have fun.

I mean, it's a great idea, and fair play to Nintendo for having the balls to try it, but I have concerns, which hopefully will be proved wrong!

J. Peterman
10-04-2006, 01:12 AM
to be honest i just don't really like the games nintendo makes anymore i mean i really only play like madden and that's good enough

10-04-2006, 01:13 AM
what about all that talk about having a regular control for it? obviously its not just gonna be a freaking excersize machine. plus you got vc too. trust me, worrying about kids being too lazy to play because they're too fat to move their arm should be the least of your concerns regarding the wii. there WILL be games that play normally with a regular control.

hb smokey
10-04-2006, 02:37 AM
Ok so I live in new york and I know someone who works in the nintendo store. He gave me the hint that nintendo will have 10 wii's on display. I headed down there and gave it a go. I must say that its pretty cool, but I have my worries. Ok the games on display were wii sports (bowling, tennis, shooting), wario ware, excite truck and metroid prime. I played the tennis and the graphics are blah. But the controls were really responsive. Swing your hand and the tennis racket swings in the same motion. Bowling same as tennis. Move your hand and the bowler will move his hand in same motion. Faster motion means balls gets tossed harder, break the wrist and it will put spin on the ball. Warioware was the real star IMO. The game is great. If youve ever played the series before its same idea just way more interactive. I didnt play metroid but it looks great and excite truck looked really good but didnt get the chance to play it. I loved the controls but my worries are, how will the longevity for the system be? How long will gamers play a system that seems more of a gimmick? I mean i really like the wii so far but will it attract gamers for the years to come? will it win the console wars?
Bullshit you played it.

J. Peterman
10-04-2006, 03:31 AM
prof when u get a wii u can laugh at him man

10-04-2006, 05:29 AM
the graphics are blah.

The fact that you included this makes me wonder if you understand what Nintendo is trying to do.

J. Peterman
10-04-2006, 05:35 AM
they r trying to make a mind control machine but it didn't work too well so they turned it into a gaming system

10-04-2006, 07:02 AM
you know... Microsoft and sony better not follow... because i don't want to play final fantasy and have to jump off the couch with shin pads, arm guards and a controller trying to beat the crap out of thin air... until they perfect virtual reality.

10-04-2006, 07:16 AM
I also have doubts about the legitimacy of this. I don't think there are Wii sample units out anywhere. But eh, whatever.

If what you say is true, you have admitted yourself that the system is fun. Whether it wins the "console wars," a virtually useless endeavor that has been fabricated by obsessive fans, is completely irrelevant. What you should be concerned about is whether it will be a lot of fun to play it, and according to you the answer to that is yes.

For the record, though, Nintendo has managed to consistently remain a highly profitable company even after Sony eclipsed them by a long shot in terms of market share. I get tired of explaining this, but basically, it's downright foolish to think that they need to "win" or else they are in some kind of trouble. That's not how business works.

10-04-2006, 11:29 AM
Ok the games on display were wii sports (bowling, tennis, shooting), wario ware, excite truck and metroid prime.

I'm calling shennanigans for two reasons;

1. There is no shooting game in Wii Sports. Tennis, baseball, golf, boxing, bowling and possibly airplane, but no shooting.

2. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, according to the people who saw it at E3 and TGS, is still very rough. Shaping up, yes, but I think it would make much more sense to use Red Steel to show off the FPS capabilities, considering it's a launch title.

10-04-2006, 01:59 PM
2. Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, according to the people who saw it at E3 and TGS

Nintendo doesn't go to the Tokyo Game Show. I read something from before it though, and they basically said that the problems were cleared up and the game played super great.

10-04-2006, 02:27 PM
No prove that you actually played it or not, but let me tell you something about the graphics. Yes the wii tennis graphics are "blah" but the game is not the graphics, but the expirience. I consider wii sports a game that u just play over and over again without getting bored, because it seems really fun. And dont forget that wii is more owerfull than game cube and game cube itself is more powerfull than ps2. So no worries for graphics for me

10-04-2006, 04:49 PM
If you are telling the truth, steal a console and a copy of Wario Ware and mail them to me please. I will PM you my address.

Holy moly, Wario Ware is the funnest game ever ;_;

10-04-2006, 06:02 PM
in the end, despite him having played it or not, the "gimmick" issue is pretty worrying tho

i'm even doubting to get mine @ launch as the 2 games i really want are probably even games i wouldnt like to play with the controller anyway

Excite Truck is a really standard arcade racer and i can see why they went with the trucks and the overly spastic nature of the game as it fits the loose controls perfectly, however, i'd rather have them add a decent online mode of the game and play with my gcube controller compared to that probably shallow experience, wake the fuck up Nintendo and look at what Microsoft is doing online!

Zelda looks like it'l be the most serious and darkest game of the franchise sofar, i'm sure fishing with the Wiimote is awesome but aside from that, for a 80h+ game, i really dont think i'l have a need for it, exploration has always been Zelda's main appeal so getting forced to fish and shoot arrows and swing your sword semi realistically isnt really looking all that appealing anymore for the price i'l need to spend on it and the fact i cant switch between control modes as i'm forced to choose one of the 2 versions coming out.
Its also a pretty(smart) cheap shot of'm to label it as a Wii LAUNCH game btw.

i'm also pretty pissed of bout the pricing in general, they could EASILY sell the thing for 200€ and games at a MAXIMUM of 40€ compared to Sony and Microsoft, instead they're just keeping up regular prices for what is essentially a severely outdated console with a high tech controller wich they essentially could have made for the gamecube at a price of 100€ incl. + 1 game(Wiisports) + a small graphical update thingy ala the expansion pack of the N64

not only would i save out money, my cube's lifeline would be severely extended and probably turn out to be the longest around out of any of my consoles

they are even boasting about the fact how they're not selling any unit at a loss compared to Sony and Microsoft even tho they know they'l sell millions upon millions of the damn thing possibly even outdoing Sony's succes with the psx

I started severely hyped on the Wii as i see it offering great new ideas but sofar they've barely announced any of those and just making gaming more approachable isnt really what i need as its pretty fuckin approachable to me as it is(i still dont get why the controller has so few buttons tbh)

hb smokey
10-04-2006, 06:15 PM
That's one of the most retarded posts I've read in a while.

10-04-2006, 06:28 PM

10-05-2006, 12:32 AM
When it comes to Nintendo, the last thing I care about is graphics because that is the last thing I expect. Just like how Final Fantasy Fans expect an amazing storyline with every game.
I would honestly want buy the 360 over the Wii, but I am not going to.
While the 360 has great games, online modes, and would look excellent on my HD TV; Nintendo games are generally more fun.
I can enjoy a nice long RPG in the comfort of my own home, but I remember how much fun my friends and I had with the Gamecube.
I cannot count how many hours we spent competing with eachother in games like Mario Party, Super Smash Melee, and most recently Mario Baseball.

So while I think that the other companys make better systems, Nintendo sticks to what it has always done and made the games more fun. The Wii is just another system that could more than likely keep me entertained longer than the 360 or PS3.

The Wii has already won any and every war.

10-05-2006, 02:31 AM
in the end, despite him having played it or not, the "gimmick" issue is pretty worrying tho

It's not a gimmick. It's the entire basis of the system.

I don't know what you could ask for beyond what they've done. If there are other ways to use the controller, let's hear them.

10-05-2006, 07:04 AM
Remember, people called the DS a gimmick too.

J. Peterman
10-05-2006, 07:17 AM
man though i have no ds hand held consoles are a no go for me man just be a man and make it the tv screen yo but man if u are down with the small screen i am fine with that go enjoy it i won't though man oh yeah

hb smokey
10-05-2006, 01:32 PM
You don't want to know.

10-05-2006, 01:42 PM
It's not a gimmick. It's the entire basis of the system.
i never called the controller a gimmick, i'm just fearing that most developers will only end up using it like that

You don't want to know.
its best to shut up when your only fanboying for the fuck of it, dumbass wannabe

10-05-2006, 08:29 PM
Most developers are using it as a way to control elements of the game.

hb smokey
10-05-2006, 08:34 PM
however, i'd rather have them add a decent online mode of the game and play with my gcube controller compared to that probably shallow experience, wake the fuck up Nintendo and look at what Microsoft is doing online!
This is the first stupid point. Nintendo did wake the fuck up as soon as they introduced the Wi-Fi connection. You can't sit there and expect a company that preached how useless online play was for so long, to suddenly come out with an interface that surpasses Xbox Live.

for a 80h+ game, i really dont think i'l have a need for it, exploration has always been Zelda's main appeal so getting forced to fish and shoot arrows and swing your sword semi realistically isnt really looking all that appealing anymore for the price i'l need to spend on it and the fact i cant switch between control modes as i'm forced to choose one of the 2 versions coming out.
And the second. Twilight Princess is not going to take over 80 hours to finish, not even close. The longest Zelda game in the series probably hasn't even topped 20 hours, so for Nintendo to suddenly add 60 additional hours of content when they worked on this game about as long as most other titles in the franchise is just downright wrong to say. And the thing with 'semi realistically' is just about as laughable as all your other points. Everything with the wii remote is supposed to be semi-realistic, so if you're expecting it to be something more then you are just depriving yourself.

Its also a pretty(smart) cheap shot of'm to label it as a Wii LAUNCH game btw.
Uh, what?

i'm also pretty pissed of bout the pricing in general, they could EASILY sell the thing for 200€ and games at a MAXIMUM of 40€ compared to Sony and Microsoft, instead they're just keeping up regular prices for what is essentially a severely outdated console with a high tech controller wich they essentially could have made for the gamecube at a price of 100€ incl. + 1 game(Wiisports) + a small graphical update thingy ala the expansion pack of the N64
How in the world is the Wii severely outdated? It's more powerful, it has a ton of neat features with the Wii Channels, and it's not even out yet so it hasn't lost its charm. And the expansion pack for the N64 wasn't to provide a small graphical update; it's also not so easy to just say 'hey let's upgrade the power of the console' years after it's release with some cheap add-on.

not only would i save out money, my cube's lifeline would be severely extended and probably turn out to be the longest around out of any of my consoles
It's such a good thing that you will never be working in the marketing business.

I'd much rather come up with a completely brand new console and experience, than try to convince the mass that the cube has this revolutionary new controlling scheme coming for it when it was 'lackluster' for most of its life cycle. Bring about a whole new wave of excitement and hype, or just say 'hey here's something for our console that isn't very popular anyways.'

They are even boasting about the fact how they're not selling any unit at a loss compared to Sony and Microsoft even tho they know they'l sell millions upon millions of the damn thing possibly even outdoing Sony's succes with the psx
Uh, are you trying to make some sort of point, or just look even more ignorant? Nintendo isn't boasting about that. Besides, Mr. Iwata said that there will be a loss with each Wii console sold, just a lot less than what most consoles go through.

I started severely hyped on the Wii as i see it offering great new ideas but sofar they've barely announced any of those and just making gaming more approachable isnt really what i need as its pretty fuckin approachable to me as it is(i still dont get why the controller has so few buttons tbh)
You know if you are such a genius you could contact Nintendo and suggest these great new ideas that you have; because clearly a company like them isn't working hard to come up with bright new ideas, along with all third-party pals. Seriously, I've seen a lot of interesting ideas already for the technology, especially this early at launch. And the point of the Wii isn't to make it approachable to the core-gamers you dingbat, it's to allow the mass to easily pick up the controller and play. And, to counter your button point, why exactly does every controller require 20 buttons?

EDIT: I also just noticed your insult with your prior post, so now I don't feel regrettable for saying what I did. I'm a dumbass wannabe? ahahahahhaah

10-05-2006, 08:53 PM
Besides, Mr. Iwata said that there will be a loss with each Wii console sold, just a lot less than what most consoles go through.

? (

hb smokey
10-05-2006, 08:57 PM
Yes I was informed of this by Prak in chat. So I guess I take that point back.

10-06-2006, 03:03 PM

J. Peterman
10-06-2006, 04:55 PM
It is time for Angel baseball.

Seymour Guado
10-07-2006, 01:07 AM
I used to be a Metroid fan, well i still am but after the second one came out for the gamecube, the name is not coming to me someting about echos or whatever. I was let down by that game. I loved the first one so much, and the gameboy games are pretty sweet, I still play Metroid Fusion. For the consoles i'm a little weiry about it so I won't buy it until I play it. That is if I end up getting a Wii. I have my eye set on a 360 but if the Wii plays out like it says it will you never i'm not sure Metroid will be any good, but thats just my opinion.

10-09-2006, 08:48 PM
Bullshit you played it.

I did play it. Nintendo is on the fusion tour right now. They made a stop and the nintendo store and had about 10 systems on display. Ok im not too sure if the shooting game is apart of wii sports but it was on display and it was more of just shooting targets. I mentioned the graphics are bleh because they are. I didnt say it took anything away from the gaming experience. I liked it enough to preorder it. I asked on of the workers what games would be available at launch and he didnt know. I know wii sports is being bundled with the system. Metroid looked good although it didnt look much better than the gamecube version. I think the biggest draw for that game is how the game will be controlled. It did seem to run smoother.

dark phoenix
10-09-2006, 09:10 PM
I am soo jealous of you now.

10-10-2006, 01:17 AM
I did play it. Nintendo is on the fusion tour right now. They made a stop and the nintendo store and had about 10 systems on display. Ok im not too sure if the shooting game is apart of wii sports but it was on display and it was more of just shooting targets. I mentioned the graphics are bleh because they are. I didnt say it took anything away from the gaming experience. I liked it enough to preorder it. I asked on of the workers what games would be available at launch and he didnt know. I know wii sports is being bundled with the system. Metroid looked good although it didnt look much better than the gamecube version. I think the biggest draw for that game is how the game will be controlled. It did seem to run smoother.

The Nintendo Fusion Tour headliners did stop by the Nintendo World Store in NYC on October 3, so your story checks out.

But considering they limited it to 300 people in NYC, and you were one of those, you're one crazy/lucky motherfucker.

10-10-2006, 01:28 AM
The Nintendo Fusion Tour headliners did stop by the Nintendo World Store in NYC on October 3, so your story checks out.

But considering they limited it to 300 people in NYC, and you were one of those, you're one crazy/lucky motherfucker.

My friend works in the store so I was really lucky. It wasnt as crowded as I expected. I was able to get on line 3 times to play 3 games. I couldnt get on the metroid line though. It was really flooded with alot of people.

J. Peterman
10-10-2006, 08:28 AM

10-13-2006, 12:00 PM
Smokey, I don't agree with you saying that the Zelda games don't have any more than 20 hours of gameplay, I think there is more hours, in many cases.

10-13-2006, 07:23 PM
Well, Smokey's got a point, if it's just going through the game and shit, it only takes about 20-25 hours, but if ya wanna get everything it would take maybe 5 hours more. But since Zelda is about exploration, some people just take a long time to explore.

10-13-2006, 07:26 PM
Well, going around the game you're looking at at least 25 hours, from my point of view ;(

10-13-2006, 07:31 PM
Really? My playing time for ALTTP was 23 hours and some minutes. That definitely felt like the longest one to me.

10-13-2006, 07:41 PM
Hrm, I never looks for LTTP, I didn't know you could find it out?

I think OOT has the most playtime for me.

10-13-2006, 08:38 PM
It's a good guess. I know I didn't spend under 10 hours, and I know I didn't spend more than 35 hours on it.