Vehym Vyhdyco
10-03-2006, 08:17 PM
All right, I know something that's gonna be one of the definite answers to the question: "What makes the Final Fantasy Series so special?" The amazing FMVs of course and the music! How can you be playing a Final Fantasy game and not be thinking: "wow, the graphics in this game are great..." or "the music is so emotional..."? I mean, are you one of those people who has like every Final Fantasy FMV stored up on an overloaded computer? Or every piece of music ever composed for the game? Well, now's the time to confess an obsession and tell us your favourite Final Fantasy FMV or piece of music, so from which game, the name of the FMV and the music it's with or just the music itself, I look forward to your posts! =)

10-03-2006, 08:34 PM

10-04-2006, 01:47 AM
Favourite Music, geez...Im going to have to say every single one of them, and Favourite FMV, When the White Dragons go for the Invincible whilst it goes to Memoria, and the Red Rose blocks the White Dragons, that FMV was perfection, along with the music for it...

10-04-2006, 04:36 AM
I would say that the Loss on me from ff ix is one of the best themes in final fantasy

10-04-2006, 05:31 PM
I mean, are you one of those people who has like every Final Fantasy FMV stored up on an overloaded computer? I confess I am one of those people but I don't have a favorite Final Fantasy song

Vehym Vyhdyco
10-05-2006, 08:49 PM
Cool, lol, I am one of those people too...but what's wrong with loving the FMVs? Lol, anyways, loving all the replies, thanks alot, keep them coming! =)

10-06-2006, 03:35 PM
I owuld have them all store don ym PC if I didn't have such a small HD (10 Gig) But I have them all stored on my 200 Gig Ipod =D

10-06-2006, 08:49 PM
Well i have them stored on DVDs (not for playback on dvd players) because they take too much space in my hard drive.;)

10-07-2006, 05:01 AM
Loss on me from ff ix
Er.. it's "Rose of May." If it were "Loss of Me," Queen Brahne's ship, which uses the same word (ROOSU) in Japanese, would be the "Lead Loss." XD Not to mention the title has been translated officially several times in Square's piano books, as "Rose of May." ;)

Er, yeah.

Anyway. My favorite FMV is, and always will be, the ending of FF9. And my favorite music (that isn't a theme song) would either be Todokanu Omoi, Rose of May, or You're Not Alone, all from FF9.

I'm also not someone who has every piece of music on my computer. I bought all of the CDs. OSTs, singles, piano, and symphonic collections. Uematsu is definitely one of my heroes and a great guy to boot, so I'm an utter fangirl of his. XD

10-08-2006, 05:23 PM
As I'm currently obssessed with FFXI, I'd definetely have to say my favourite FMV scene is FFXI's opening movie. Although it is heavily influenced by the Battle of Helm's Deep from The Lord of the Rings ~ The Two Towers, it is still an awesome scene of the destruction of Tavnazia that grabs you by the shoulders and doesn't let go til the bitter end.

Especially seeing those gigantic Behemoths - true to their very name - smashing through the city walls as if they were made of thin air that really did it for me. And of course, the melancholy finale, as a traumatised Aldo wanders aimlessly though the ruined city as the bells of Memoria de la Stona toll in the background really sinks home the destruction that was caused. Gripping stuff.

Favourite music piece - now, that is a harder choice. For me, I guess it will always be the opera scene from FFVI though, especially the Aria di Mezzo Caraterre. Absolutely beautiful, and Uematsu's magnum opus. :)