03-04-2002, 04:49 PM
Firstly sorry if im not suppose to post a direct link to another site but i thought that this could make an interesting discussion if not will one of the mods just delete it or just let me know where i have gone wrong:)

Riona is Ultimacia? click here (http://members.netscapeonline.co.uk/fflunaticpand0ra/ff8/RinUlti.htm)

I was given that link by a friend the other day that�s some interesting theory or a lot of coincidences what does everyone think?

03-04-2002, 05:09 PM
ellone, I recently found this out, but there is a no rumour rule, and a thread exactly like this, and someone already used that link.

I know where that info was copied from. in fact I probably have the adress an they made many more good points, too.

I just checked And I don't ,But I'll try and Find It AndIf no one closes this thread by the time I do,
Ill post it

If it is closed ,I'll send it to ellone
Unless She objects

03-04-2002, 05:15 PM
Eh, there already is a thread about this..


Please use that one.. :o