10-02-2006, 07:49 PM
Thar it is :smrt: Have fun!

10-03-2006, 01:08 AM
Thanks for the Soundtrack

10-03-2006, 07:26 AM
Thank a bunch for the soundtrack! You're the coolest! :-D

10-03-2006, 11:01 PM
thank you, an interesting facts I found out about this soundtrack is that the music compose is very old and famous too, classic yet still....good

10-04-2006, 08:31 AM
So is this the cool version with the Islamic chant in the Fire Temple?

10-04-2006, 10:56 PM
Yeah !!!!! I think

10-05-2006, 05:19 AM
gracias for this amigo!

10-05-2006, 11:38 PM
T^T Today just got a bit better. Thank you.

Joachim Armster
10-07-2006, 06:35 AM
There are no free download slots available


10-19-2006, 08:29 PM

10-21-2006, 01:57 PM
Thanks a ton! :)

10-21-2006, 10:00 PM
its downloading slow but its downloading. thanks.

10-25-2006, 02:10 PM
Awesome OST, thanks for uploading =D

10-31-2006, 09:30 PM
Will hardly start (can't get it) haha, thanks anyway.

For next time check out some other hosting sites.

11-01-2006, 04:22 AM
Awesome post!

11-01-2006, 04:36 AM
Thank you! One less CD from my personal collection that I'll have to rip. :)

11-01-2006, 08:44 PM
First of all, we already have the OoT soundtrack on GH.

Secondly, if you'll follow that link, you'll realize that you have not uploaded the OST. The OST is 82 tracks, whereas what you have uploaded is 30 tracks. I don't have a clue what this is.

"Thanks for uploading! I didn't have this!" Shit, don't any of you fucking retards check the actual site? Sarah should just delete everything if no one is going to use it. Less bandwidth costs for him/her.

11-01-2006, 09:11 PM

also: people can upload things that're already on the site. I have no problem with that.

11-01-2006, 09:14 PM
Yes. Him/Her because I don't know your gender. You once posted you're a male, and then you got pissed off when I called you a male. So I don't know your gender. Would you rather I use the generic "it"?

And it's not the fact that it's already on the site that's annoying. It's the fact that it's on the site and people are like, "zOMG I DUNT HAEV THIS BCUZ IM 2 ST00PID TO CHK SITE LOL."

And, as I stated, this archive file only has 30 tracks, whereas the real OST has 82. So, this isn't even the OST, anyway.

11-01-2006, 10:22 PM
I've never stated I was male; I have no idea where you're getting that.

being rude to people making unacceptable requests is one thing. being rude to the uploader is another; if you're not content with what they uploaded just move on.

11-01-2006, 11:36 PM
Jeeze, dude, mellow. I know the OoT soundtrack is on the site. I wanted to save the people who maintain it some bandwidth and save my hands some agony by not downloading the tracks one at a time.

11-02-2006, 03:31 AM
I'll download the whole soundtrack later. For now, I'll just enjoy the sweet music of a game I've never played (I never owned an N64, and usually I don't like RPG games), but that makes me want to play it.

11-02-2006, 09:22 AM
Okay, Sarah, since you're some ADD child, I'll try to explain this as clearly as possible.

My problem is not with the uploader. My problem is with the downloaders.

Do you comprehend any of this?

Oh, yeah, and you declared yourself a male when some Asian dude using bad Engrish made a pass at you, "oh your such a pretty little grl." That was three or four months ago.

Jeeze, dude, mellow. I know the OoT soundtrack is on the site. I wanted to save the people who maintain it some bandwidth and save my hands some agony by not downloading the tracks one at a time.And yet, you didn't even upload the real OST. You uploaded some short album that has only a handful of tracks from the OST.

save my hands some agony by not downloading the tracks one at a time.Wait. What? Why would you download something you already have? Furthermore, what's wrong with your hands if they become agonized by point-and-clicking? I guess you don't play video games, because if your hands can't handle point-and-clicking, then video games must be torture.

See, Sarah, now I have a problem with the uploader. But this only came after, not before.

11-02-2006, 05:17 PM
Wait. What? Why would you download something you already have?

I'm downloading music I already have so I can put it on an mp3 player and save myself some trouble next time I have a two-day long bus trip. Lugging 80+ CDs around like that is...tedious.

Furthermore, what's wrong with your hands if they become agonized by point-and-clicking? I guess you don't play video games, because if your hands can't handle point-and-clicking, then video games must be torture.

I've got carpal tunnel in both hands. It flares up the worst when I'm at the computer. Since playing video games only involves using my thumbs, if I can sit straight enough in front of the tv it doesn't hurt much. I don't mind having saved myself a little bit of trouble by at least getting 35 tracks off this download.

11-02-2006, 06:07 PM
I'm downloading music I already have so I can put it on an mp3 player and save myself some trouble next time I have a two-day long bus trip. Lugging 80+ CDs around like that is...tedious.This is the most illogical shit ever! You obviously already have the mp3s, since you've uploaded them for the rest of us to have! And you say lugging around 80+ CDs is tedious, but you'd download them all again? That's not tedious?

Jesus shitting fucks. You have got to be the most stupid person on the forums right now. I used to call Olde "Olde Stupid" but you're taking the cake, now.

I've got carpal tunnel in both hands. It flares up the worst when I'm at the computer. Since playing video games only involves using my thumbs, if I can sit straight enough in front of the tv it doesn't hurt much. I don't mind having saved myself a little bit of trouble by at least getting 35 tracks off this download.Pro-tip: The term "video games" also means PC games. I originally included that term in my original post, but then remembered it's redundant. Like "gay fag" is redundant.

So you can sit straight in front of the TV, but not in front of the computer? Oh, wait, I see. You wrote "if I can sit straight [...]." Got ADD or something?

Well, if you can only play games which only use your thumbs, then I guess you won't be getting a Wii.

11-02-2006, 06:46 PM
This is the most illogical shit ever! You obviously already have the mp3s, since you've uploaded them for the rest of us to have! And you say lugging around 80+ CDs is tedious, but you'd download them all again? That's not tedious?

Sweety, you've just totally made an ass of yourself. I am not the person who uploaded the soundtrack. I'm just a forum user who downloaded the thing. Statements like "one less CD for me to rip myself" should have clarified that.

I don't usually ask, but I'd like an apology for the unnecessary rudeness.

Pro-tip: The term "video games" also means PC games. I originally included that term in my original post, but then remembered it's redundant. Like "gay fag" is redundant.

You should have clarified that to begin with. I play plenty of video games on consoles and none on the PC.

So you can sit straight in front of the TV, but not in front of the computer?

Yep, that's exactly it. It must be nice to see a screen from a distance, but having only one poorly functioning retina means if I want to actually look at anything it has to be no more than five inches away from my face. My tv at home is arranged such that I don't have to do chair yoga in order to see the screen. The computer desk is less accomodating and I usually just lean back and turn on my screen reading program instead of looking at the screen. You ought to try navigating GH with a screen reader sometime; you'll see the other reason why I don't mind taking shortcuts when I can.

Oh, wait, I see. You wrote "if I can sit straight [...]." Got ADD or something?

Actually yes, I do have ADD.

Well, if you can only play games which only use your thumbs, then I guess you won't be getting a Wii.

I won't, no, but I'll be playing the games nonetheless.

11-02-2006, 11:37 PM
I love this soundtrack so thanks. well actually I would love this full soundtrack. all 82 tracks of it. but this is still good, so thanks.

11-03-2006, 06:48 AM
thank you very much for sharing and uploading =)

11-05-2006, 10:28 PM
Sweety, you've just totally made an ass of yourself. I am not the person who uploaded the soundtrack. I'm just a forum user who downloaded the thing.Oh, really? Sure fooled me, considering you posted:
I know the OoT soundtrack is on the site. I wanted to save the people who maintain it some bandwidth

Statements like "one less CD for me to rip myself" should have clarified that.Wait for it...

You should have clarified that to begin with.Wow. Can you take your own advice?

I don't usually ask, but I'd like an apology for the unnecessary rudeness.Well maybe if you'd stop being stupid and write coherent sentences and "clarifiy" (do you know that word, or do you just use it randomly?), there would be no "unnecessary rudeness."

Furthermore, you seem to fail to understand that apologies are to come from the heart. If I tell someone, "I'm sorry." and I don't truely mean it, it's worse than not even apologizing at all. Way to make stupid demands.

You should have clarified that to begin with. I play plenty of video games on consoles and none on the PC.No, I should not have clarified. Try reading my sentence again. "I originally included that term in my original post, but then remembered it's redundant. Like 'gay fag' is redundant." This is common knowledge.

Yep, that's exactly it. It must be nice to see a screen from a distance, but having only one poorly functioning retina means if I want to actually look at anything it has to be no more than five inches away from my face. My tv at home is arranged such that I don't have to do chair yoga in order to see the screen. The computer desk is less accomodating and I usually just lean back and turn on my screen reading program instead of looking at the screen. You ought to try navigating GH with a screen reader sometime; you'll see the other reason why I don't mind taking shortcuts when I can.Are you trying to be smart? I'm sorry, but, you already confessed you have ADD. That automatically nullifies any arguments you might try to make.

By the way, for someone who likes to "take shortcuts" you sure to spend a lot of time messing with the quotation system. You probably spend more time messing with it than you would to simply leave it alone.

Actually yes, I do have ADD.That explains why you can't make coherent arguments, and why you can't figure out why I'm pissed off at you.

I won't, no, but I'll be playing the games nonetheless.How can you play the games if you can't play the games?

11-06-2006, 04:01 AM
Oh, really? Sure fooled me, considering you posted:
I know the OoT soundtrack is on the site. I wanted to save the people who maintain it some bandwidth

And this managed to confuse you? Perhaps you should consider looking up the definition of "bandwidth" sometime. I'm sure it would be a highly educational experience. But since I must guide your wee little hand while you read all the big words, I shall clarify (clarify! clarify!) further: I wanted to save the site owners the bandwidth because bandwidth costs them money. Saving money = good. Losing money = bad. Still with me? Let me know if I'm going too fast.

Furthermore, you seem to fail to understand that apologies are to come from the heart. If I tell someone, "I'm sorry." and I don't truely mean it, it's worse than not even apologizing at all. Way to make stupid demands.

Lord, please forgive me, for I have been exceptionally thoughtless. I have asked someone to apologize to me for being an utter crotch weasel when he didn't feel like apologizing. I should have remembered that apologies are only reserved for Heartfelt Lifetime Television Moments(TM), where deadbeat dads tearfully reunite with their families and mend their ways. How ridiculous I was to ask for an apology for mere rudeness! That would imply that you should be accountable for your own vitriol. Please, accept my own apology, which I can assure you comes STRAIGHT from my heart.

Are you trying to be smart? I'm sorry, but, you already confessed you have ADD. That automatically nullifies any arguments you might try to make.

Oh yes, of course, how silly of me. I forgot that Attention Deficit Disorder renders all of my thoughts worthless. I do wish the books would remind me of these things once in a while.

Speaking of which, I feel a need to point out to you that you seem to be suffering from a strong case of Simplistic Hotheaded Idiotic Turd Syndrome (SHITS). I suggest you look into it right away, as it can cause many problems if undiagnosed.

How can you play the games if you can't play the games?

What a paradox! Am I a Zen master? Have I transcended the universe as we know it? Or do I perhaps have friends and family who are purchasing the system who will allow me to play it? LOOKS LIKE WE'VE GOT ANOTHER MYSTERY ON OUR HANDS, GANG.

I'd love to go round and round on you with this more, Yugi-boy, but one of us has better things to do with her life. Respond if you want, but I'll be ignoring it. Do us all a favor and, rather than buying the Wii on launch day, go out and get yourself some manners, a personality, and a couple of working braincells. I'll be glad to chip in a few bucks.

11-10-2006, 01:11 AM
Thanks :)

Phil S
11-10-2006, 06:45 AM
Um... *awkward moment here*

Thanks for the upload. ^_^

11-10-2006, 08:47 AM
That explains why you can't make coherent arguments, and why you can't figure out why I'm pissed off at you.

You are pissed off at someone you nothing about except how they post and how they play games...? Why do you get angry so quickly and end up in arguments left right and centre. it is really quite stupid. but now i am suspecting you only come onto FFS to argue with people... does that make you feel special? abusing randoms on the net. You remind me of a character from this flash:, thanks for the upload its a good ost. :D

02-27-2007, 12:46 AM
Oh, really? Sure fooled me, considering you posted:

Wait for it...
Wow. Can you take your own advice?

Well maybe if you'd stop being stupid and write coherent sentences and "clarifiy" (do you know that word, or do you just use it randomly?), there would be no "unnecessary rudeness."

Furthermore, you seem to fail to understand that apologies are to come from the heart. If I tell someone, "I'm sorry." and I don't truely mean it, it's worse than not even apologizing at all. Way to make stupid demands.

No, I should not have clarified. Try reading my sentence again. "I originally included that term in my original post, but then remembered it's redundant. Like 'gay fag' is redundant." This is common knowledge.

Are you trying to be smart? I'm sorry, but, you already confessed you have ADD. That automatically nullifies any arguments you might try to make.

By the way, for someone who likes to "take shortcuts" you sure to spend a lot of time messing with the quotation system. You probably spend more time messing with it than you would to simply leave it alone.

That explains why you can't make coherent arguments, and why you can't figure out why I'm pissed off at you.

How can you play the games if you can't play the games?
stfu dumbass, stop wasting time being emo

thats a GG, and forever @ that

02-27-2007, 02:25 AM
Wow, I'd forgotten all about this 'tard. Thanks, CaptainGordon! :D

Edit: It's just occurred to me that what I said above was rude and un-called for. GG4ever, I apologize for calling you a 'tard.

02-27-2007, 04:39 AM
Thanks for reviving an old thread to insult a guy who hasn't been here in ages! You shouldn't call others dumbasses if you're going to be one also.

02-27-2007, 05:41 AM
Hey now, Prak, it's all right if he's a dumb ass, too. After all, it takes one to know one.

02-27-2007, 08:04 PM
Why can't more intelligent people join this forum other than the shit load of cunts that we usualy get.

02-28-2007, 12:56 AM
stfu dumbass, stop wasting time being emo

thats a GG, and forever @ that

02-28-2007, 05:20 AM
STFU n00b GTFO Internet ESAD faggot IPU bitch

02-28-2007, 10:27 PM
stfu dumbass, stop wasting time being emo

thats a GG, and forever @ that

The Rancid Cheese
03-01-2007, 06:13 AM
Wow I wondered why this topic was getting posted in again as I looked at the dates I thought it was odd since the Ocarina OST is old news but this is just a random flame thread now, bah!

So is "Sarah" a girl . . . I concluded she was based on the name but you never know . . .