10-01-2006, 05:52 AM
I predict that eight out of ten users who read the thread title will promptly say, "wtf?" or some variation.

Last weekend was rather sad for me; my ps2 (finally) kicked the bucket on me. I was playing Dragon Quest VIII, and my ps2 started making really scary noises. Within a day, DQVIII's menu screen took a minute and a half to load, with lots of skipping in the music track (the disc is in nearly-perfect shape, btw).

Anyway, in my first week sans my ps2, I dug up my PSone, hooked it up, and started a game of Chrono Cross, which I'm rather enjoying. I did a bit of interweb nosing, and found that the silver ps2 ( is launching here in the States soon, so when I get my paycheck, we shall be pre-ordering one. I have FFXII preordered, as well, so the timing is really quite nice.

All in all, so far, I'm holding up quite well. I think the anticipation of Wii and FFXII are what's keeping me.

Valerie Valens
10-01-2006, 06:16 AM
What is DQ8 like?

10-01-2006, 06:24 AM
What is DQ8 like?
It's <3. I haven't quite gotten into it because I set it aside for awhile and then Warcraft came around but for what I've played, it's pretty good.

and when without a PS2, play Warcraft.

I just put $10 more on FF12 yesterday to cover the Collectors Edition. Luckily, my mother bought me a pre-order for the Warcraft expansion. ^____^

10-01-2006, 11:39 AM
What is DQ8 like?
its great
no flashy bullshit like FFX/X2 wich is like 5 minutes gameplay 10 minutes of retarted cgi
just a good solid rpg with stellar design and allot of fun charakters, nothing terribly original but whats there is pretty much perfect and its fuckin HUGE!
also, if you dont like it(like me) you can turn the DUB of!
i'm always so damn relieved when they add that option

Desert Wolf
10-01-2006, 11:49 AM
I predict that eight out of ten users who read the thread title will promptly say, "wtf?" or some variation.

Last weekend was rather sad for me; my ps2 (finally) kicked the bucket on me. I was playing Dragon Quest VIII, and my ps2 started making really scary noises. Within a day, DQVIII's menu screen took a minute and a half to load, with lots of skipping in the music track (the disc is in nearly-perfect shape, btw).

Anyway, in my first week sans my ps2, I dug up my PSone, hooked it up, and started a game of Chrono Cross, which I'm rather enjoying. I did a bit of interweb nosing, and found that the silver ps2 ( is launching here in the States soon, so when I get my paycheck, we shall be pre-ordering one. I have FFXII preordered, as well, so the timing is really quite nice.

All in all, so far, I'm holding up quite well. I think the anticipation of Wii and FFXII are what's keeping me.

Dear god I think you need a hobby.

10-01-2006, 11:53 AM
Video games are a hobby.

Swedish Fish
10-01-2006, 01:12 PM
Good luck with the survival and all.

10-01-2006, 02:00 PM
What is DQ8 like?

it really isnt that great. a bit simple on the whole, not very hard. =/

Miss. Rabbitsworth
10-01-2006, 02:20 PM
Awww man, sorry to hear that. It sucks when you're PS2-less.

Hex Omega
10-01-2006, 02:25 PM
i havent used my ps2 for months.

10-01-2006, 04:10 PM
The only game I play on my PS2 these days is PES5, that will no doubt change when I buy PES6, though. I keep meaning to play Ico but I am lazy D:

jewess crabcake
10-01-2006, 04:48 PM
Aww you poor poor bastard. Well maybe it's time you bought an Xbox which is what I plan on doing.... Christmas.... maybe.

10-01-2006, 07:56 PM
Sciz it wont let me send you a private message.

10-01-2006, 07:56 PM
it'll be a right. but if worse comes to worse then you can use the little pads on the toggle sticks for food.

10-01-2006, 07:57 PM
Sciz it wont let me send you a private message.


ill dump my thing.

10-01-2006, 08:00 PM
did you have a ps2? or a pstwo?

i always get worried with my hardware when i read stories like this. but i've never ever had problems ever in my whole life with any console....EVER!

i take care of my shit as if it were precious gold and handle it like those sugar clumps that very easily get crushed when you try to handle them. :p

so i personally think mine will last me 50+ years or something if i tried. lol

10-01-2006, 08:07 PM
did you have a ps2? or a pstwo?

i always get worried with my hardware when i read stories like this. but i've never ever had problems ever in my whole life with any console....EVER!

i take care of my shit as if it were precious gold and handle it like those sugar clumps that very easily get crushed when you try to handle them. :p

so i personally think mine will last me 50+ years or something if i tried. lol

i wish i had your luck. i really want to play my old nintindo.

10-01-2006, 08:16 PM
actually. the nintendo is the one and only that never seemed to work just right. lol. if you were like me, you had to do a lot of wierd things to get the system to accept your games.

i liked to freeze the cartrdge myself. works every time. :D

if i still had my snes, i know it'd be working perfectly. that one wans't anal about the games like the nes, so long as you took care of the games. i always had bad luck with rentals, but the games i owned always worked perfectly. too bad i was an idiot and i sold it to get money for the n64. :p

10-02-2006, 04:12 AM
Hey Cyan, go to Gamestop (or whatever your local game store may be called.) and give them the broken PS2. Even if it can't read discs, is a piece of shit, or won't even turn on, they will give you a good $30 store credit.
But if it can play games you can get anywhere from $50-$65.

Pretty sweet deal for something you don't use and doesn't even work.

10-02-2006, 04:21 AM
I just opened this thread up (thanks bird <3) because it sounds so stupid

10-02-2006, 06:51 AM
It's amazing what a combination of insomnia and Captain Morgan will start.

J. Peterman
10-02-2006, 07:11 AM
I do not play PS2 anymore b/c it is bad man only Madden X-Box i use but got bored all my players are 99 that game has messed up ratings seriously

10-02-2006, 07:43 AM
It's <3. I haven't quite gotten into it because I set it aside for awhile and then Warcraft came around but for what I've played, it's pretty good.

and when without a PS2, play Warcraft.

I just put $10 more on FF12 yesterday to cover the Collectors Edition. Luckily, my mother bought me a pre-order for the Warcraft expansion. ^____^

warcraft has been around for 12 years and you're just now discovering it? That's sad. Not sure what this expansion you're talking about is though.

I recommend Warcraft 2 or 3 over the first though, especially 3 for it's great gameplay.

But I agree with her; pick up warcraft and play through it, it's pretty good (though old) fun, and that should last you until the wii. You might not be able to run it if you have windows XP since it's a DOS game and you might not be into rtses, but it's good.

Valerie Valens
10-02-2006, 11:02 AM
I just opened this thread up (thanks bird <3) because it sounds so stupid

Ahhh! That explains the retardation of the parody topic. :D