09-29-2006, 09:40 PM
Found this resentley, it's something I did for school a couple of years back and I thought to share this with you. Just so you learn right now that I'm weird and should be shunned by all.

The Advantages and Disadvantages with

Well for starters, the advantage with life is living. But that could also be a disadvantage so I guess we�ll call it a tie about that. A great disadvantage is that little thing about dying, well actually I�m not so sure about if It�s a disadvantage because if you believe in that �The-Lord-is-so-cool- you-could-die�-crap, then I guess It�s an advantage. If so then life is just long, long, very looooong waiting line, like those on B�ckah�sten every weekend. But you can�t be sure to get in, nope, you have to have �the stamp�. What I�m talking about is a life of going to church and all the baptism stuff and..wait...I guess we can file dying under �D� for Disadvantage (or possible �Dull� but that would be about the same).

Where should I begin with the disadvantages? I mean sure, there is fun to be had but in the long run life is pretty dull and therefore a disadvantage, you know what we need? We need those �suicide booth�s� as shown in �Futurama�. There is a fun way of ending it all. And when we are on it, WHY THE HECK IS SUICIDE SO HARD?! It�s like in that poem:
�Guns are noisy,
Noses give a.s.o�

Why is it so complicated? Wouldn�t it be better if we had some kind of fun way of going bye-bye? Laughing to death, tickled to death or even bored to death would be sufficient, come on people I�m throwing bones until my arms hurts here. Okay okay I should probably stop before this disadvantages and advantages-paper turns into a 200 pages report on how to commit suicide. This is the second paper I write on this subject you know, the first one I basically swapped of the internet so I didn�t get so good a grade there. I did do it because it wasn�t that fun assignment so I put a stand-up monolog in it just too make it more fun. But I�m not grumpy about it, you know what the French say; �Ce�la vie��. There�s another disadvantage right there, french people. Now I don�t mind them, I�m sure they are nice to their mothers and all but they are just so uptight! Not talking to people because of their lack of ability to speak french?! How #��&%&& wrong is that?!

Advantages? You want advantages too? �Buffy The Vampire Slayer�, there�s your advantage. And �Dragonball Z� I guess. The original, which was named �Dragonball�, can be found under section �D�. ANIME MOVIES! there�s a great advantage, those movies make up for every single disadvantage I�ve been writing earlier including those who will fallow below.
In fact, anime movies are so great the make up for the following;

That freaky little kid in the IKEA-commercial
Lousy movies
And those irritating little toys you get with your comic book.

When I think about it, anime movies don�t make up for children. I dispise those nasty little things. Children are the biggest, most annoying disadvantage with life. And they get away with it too! Every parent just say something along the lines of; �Oh but he/she is too young to understand.�, well, bugger that! Those little monsters understands more than we think and if we don�t stop them with deadly, ultraviolent and brutal means we�ll be overrun by them!

Now I�ve given you my view of the disadvantages and advantages with life, and I didn�t copy a thing:-) (well I did copy that poem about suicide but that was really more of a quote).
Yay for me, yay for me I�m finished and now I�m going to bed!

09-29-2006, 09:58 PM
Stamps, anime, dogs and children.

That's all i saw while scrolling down.

Swedish Fish
09-29-2006, 11:49 PM
How are idiots bad?

Pimp Daddy McSnake
09-29-2006, 11:55 PM
Nice introduction post..... NOT

fastidious percolator
09-30-2006, 12:32 AM
Onion kid, lol