09-26-2006, 04:05 PM
This video clip ( is a demonstration of how you can defeat Omega Weapon with Quistis, Rinoa, and Selphie with a few handicaps:

* No Limit-Breaks
* No Invulnerbility
* No Mega-Elixirs
* No Mega-Potions
* No Mega-Phoenix
* No Phoenix Pinions
* No GFHP+xx% Ability Learnt
* No Boost Ability Learnt
* No more then 7 stat-increase Items were used (ie HP-Up, etc)
* No Angelo-Reverse Ability

Quistis - Lv49
Rinoa - Lv21
Selphie - Lv15

The entire battle took around 80mins in total.

Part I ( features the first 7mins.
Part II ( contains several clips within the last 20mins of the fight.

Check it out... ;)

09-26-2006, 07:44 PM
Sounds like a heck of a time...
I don't have nearly the connection to watch that though.

09-26-2006, 09:57 PM
That's a pretty neat video. Omega kept doing Tera Break as his first move when I battled him a couple times.

09-26-2006, 11:40 PM
This video clip ( is a demonstration of how you can defeat Omega Weapon with Quistis, Rinoa, and Selphie with a few handicaps:

* No Limit-Breaks
* No Invulnerbility
* No Mega-Elixirs
* No Mega-Potions
* No Mega-Phoenix
* No Phoenix Pinions
* No GFHP+xx% Ability Learnt
* No Boost Ability Learnt
* No more then 7 stat-increase Items were used (ie HP-Up, etc)
* No Angelo-Reverse Ability

Quistis - Lv49
Rinoa - Lv21
Selphie - Lv15

The entire battle took around 80mins in total.

Part I ( features the first 7mins.
Part II ( contains several clips within the last 20mins of the fight.

Check it out... ;)
It takes quite a long time though.

I'd just open up the disc tray when it's Selphie's turn to do her limit break, then look for The End limit break. Then it's goodbye Omega Weapon.

09-27-2006, 03:01 AM
It takes quite a long time though.

I'd just open up the disc tray when it's Selphie's turn to do her limit break, then look for The End limit break. Then it's goodbye Omega Weapon.

The cheesyist way to beat him eh ;)

09-27-2006, 03:02 AM
That's a pretty neat video. Omega kept doing Tera Break as his first move when I battled him a couple times.

I find that hard to believe. Both from what I've read and through experience.

Every FAQ I've ever come across outlines in detail the order of Omega's attacks, and Terra Break comes in right after Gravija.

His first attack will either be Lv5 Death or a physical one.

09-27-2006, 04:42 AM
I read on that wikipedia site that the FFVIII Omega Weapon you fight when all your characters are at lvl. 100 is the strongest and hardest FF enemy, and that's what my characters were at when I fought him: 100. If I knew how to make a video and put it up on the internet, I would. A few members on here even asked what level I was at. When I told them, they said "Oh, that's why then".

So after he did that a few times, I stuck the ability Initiative on Squall so I can immediataly use a Hero (I didn't have Holy Wars) on him so he won't die.

09-27-2006, 04:59 AM
hey wait, sacred nic...

are YOU the one who made the vid? if so, brilliant job. I found the Omega battle so hard, i had to resort to The End. :p

09-27-2006, 08:43 AM
I read on that wikipedia site that the FFVIII Omega Weapon you fight when all your characters are at lvl. 100 is the strongest and hardest FF enemy, and that's what my characters were at when I fought him: 100. If I knew how to make a video and put it up on the internet, I would. A few members on here even asked what level I was at. When I told them, they said "Oh, that's why then".

So after he did that a few times, I stuck the ability Initiative on Squall so I can immediataly use a Hero (I didn't have Holy Wars) on him so he won't die.

Ultima Weapon is variable depending on your highest leveled character.

However Omega Weapon is Lv100 and plays the same regardless of your party's level.

are YOU the one who made the vid? if so, brilliant job. I found the Omega battle so hard, i had to resort to The End.

Yep. Thanks man :)

Hex Omega
09-27-2006, 01:51 PM
why would you want to do that? gj nevertheless.

09-27-2006, 09:08 PM
Ultima wasn't anywhere near difficult when I compare him to Omega when I was at level 100. But I don't care, I know what I saw and since I have no 'proof' there's no way to convince you otherwise.

09-28-2006, 12:22 AM
Well what made Omega any more 'difficult' when you were at Lv100 as opposed to , say , Lv75? Have you tried this for yourself. If so, some detailed examples of the differences would help me understand where you're coming from ;)

Personally, I didn't notice any difference in Omega's difficulty from when I fought him with a party at Lv100, and then again with a party of Squall (Lv95), Rinoa (Lv72), and Zell (Lv64), and then once again with Quistis (Lv49), Rinoa (Lv21), and Selphie (Lv15).

09-29-2006, 03:40 AM
The cheesyist way to beat him eh ;)

but it's a strategy! a very good strategy! ;_;

09-29-2006, 04:49 AM
I just said the biggest example; for a few battles, the first move he did was Tera Break. Sometimes it would be Gravija first instead (that happened alot). Like I said, I'm not going to sit here and try to convince you with no proof on my part.

Hex Omega
09-29-2006, 11:41 AM
its cool and all, but why bother? i set out to kill him as quickly and as effectively as possible, not some horrible long winded method.

J. Peterman
09-29-2006, 04:03 PM
i was so strong omega weapon ran away on me true story

09-29-2006, 04:07 PM
Can anyone tell me where to Draw the spell called The End? Because i have only gotten it through a game shark.

09-29-2006, 05:18 PM
You can't draw it because you already have it. It shows up very rarely. I imagine the lower your HP is (e.g. below 10), the higher the chance of coming across it.

09-29-2006, 06:32 PM
And just in case you didn't know --- The End is a random function of Selphie's magical Limit break. It shows up extremely rarely as you cycle through the spells --- "Do Over."

Selphie actually has four special spells --- Full-Cure, Wall, Rapture and The End. All of which are obtainable through Gameshark, I believe. And all of which only show up in the game menu under the stats once you've cast them at least once.

Anyway, turns out I had the connection to view it after all. Interesting stuff. That was pretty wild, having Gilgamesh show up and then Phoenix saved your ass two times.

BTW, did you realize that you misspelled Rinoa's name on your captions throughout? :) Sorry, can't help it. It was starting to bug just a bit.

09-29-2006, 07:43 PM
I thought the captions made it funny!

09-29-2006, 10:11 PM
Selphie actually has four special spells --- Full-Cure, Wall, Rapture and The End. All of which are obtainable through Gameshark, I believe. And all of which only show up in the game menu under the stats once you've cast them at least once.
Don't they appear also when you have remodeled Selphie's weapon into another weapon?

09-29-2006, 10:17 PM
its cool and all, but why bother? i set out to kill him as quickly and as effectively as possible, not some horrible long winded method.


think of all that time you could have spent making me cheeseburgers :(

09-29-2006, 11:15 PM
I thought the captions made it funny!
Oh, they did. But the misspelling still bugged. Unless it was an intentional slight against Rinoa, in which case it's perversely, meanly funny because I'm not really a Rinoa fan myself.

Don't they appear also when you have remodeled Selphie's weapon into another weapon?
Not that I've ever been aware of.

09-30-2006, 03:51 AM
lol... yeah the spelling mistakes of Rinoa's name was purely that - a typo. For some reason, when I type, it comes out Riona instead.

Or maybe Riona rolls off my tongue better then Rinoa (or Rhino, as a few of my mates called her). ;)

10-01-2006, 07:03 AM
(or Rhino, as a few of my mates called her). ;)

lol, I call her that too. Go figure.

Don't they appear also when you have remodeled Selphie's weapon into another weapon?

I believe so. I think with each weapon upgrade, you can use the next ability on the list, since she has only four weapons.

10-10-2006, 12:36 PM
Cheater! :-P (