09-26-2006, 03:59 PM
Yes. I've been quite hyped about this game, to be honest.

Although I am yet to play it, but I have read many mixed reviews, from both people and critics.

I love how the over-the-top shooting works, it seems like a very fun game to play, and lovely to look at - I don't know; it's one of them games that really caught my eye, which doesn't happen all that often.

Has anyone played it/got it and if so could you inform me as to how it plays, and whether it is worth a purchase?

09-26-2006, 04:26 PM
I`ve played a demo and it`s......ok.

It`s plays like GTA but let`s you pull off pretty wild moves. For instance, driving off a cliff and grabbing onto a helicopter or getting out of your car, standing on the top and jumpng from car to car.

Although the driving is pretty neat the actual third person controls are horrible. The shooting uses a lock-on system that is beyond belief and tasks such as running and jumping seem somewhat funny due to the animation. The envorments look very well with lovely thick jungles to roam through and a truly excellent draw dstance.

But meh, for me it`s good for demo. I played the demo for a hour, so i wouldn`t buy it tbh.