09-25-2006, 05:12 AM
Since the FFIX forum needs some activity, and I'd like to get into a decent discussion, I thought I'd pose the question: which is better, FFIX or FFVI? And more importantly, why?

While FFVI is an excellent game, I think FFIX is just a little bit better. I'll try to compare the two.

Gameplay: Both games have similar "systems", with four-character ATB battles, set abilities/classes, and even the interface is closely similar, even in asthetics. Both are well-executed, and apart from late-game shenanagians, fairly well-balanced. I think FFIX is a little more polished, however. It's much easier to make each character in FFIX useful than in FFVI--while FFVI rewards you for going out of your way to make characters like Relm or Strago or Umaro useful, FFIX doesn't require such a commitment. Each character is quite useful and can be used in non-conventional ways. In my last playthrough, I used Amarant as my healer, with the "Healer" and "Accuracy +" abilities.

Characters: FFVI wins out here, simply because of Kefka. While Kuja is an excellent villain, Kefka > Kuja, hands down. Other than those two, I would contend that FFVI and IX are of equal quality, character-wise.

Music: FFIX wins out here, but not by much. Vamo'alla Flamenco, Vivi's Theme, and Ukele de Chocobo (among others!) are great tracks. FFVI has its share too, with Aria de Mezzo, Dancing Mad, and Techno de Chocobo (Also among others-just personal faves) but I think FFIX is better, overall.

Story: FFVI probably has the best plot-twist in any FF to date (FFXII isn't out in my neck of the woods yet, can't comment), but I thought FFIX's story was a little better, overall. I love humorous dialogue, and while FFVI has absolutely golden moments (Mr. Thou!), FFIX delivers humorous moments pretty consistently, with lots of great "Zidane-moments" (insert a Kuro-squeal here) involving most of the cast, but most notably Steiner and Dagger. "Ooh, soft!" Enough said. :-D

So there we go. Hopefully, this starts some decent discussion!

09-25-2006, 05:35 AM
Oh gee. Both are right up at the top of my list.

Let's see --- you talked about playable characters. One thing I generally like about FFIX is that each character generally has a decent amount of interesting plot and battle uniqueness. Personally, I felt that FFVI's biggest failing was that it had way too many pointless/auxiliary characters with little or no plot.

Musically --- both have great tracks, but I think FFIX wins because FFVI has quite a few not-so-great tracks that don't really do much for me. And Final Fantasy IX also has "Melodies of Life," "Rose of May," and a lot of strong character themes. FFVI had some good strong character themes too, but I think FFIX may be even better.

Final Fantasy IX of course had more to explore as far as minigames / bonuses. Final Fantasy VI definitely had a great chocobo theme like you mentioned --- but it sucked as far as chocobo utilization. Whereas Final Fantasy IX has the best chocobo system of any FF --- and Chocobo Hot / Cold rocked big-time.

Villains --- yeah Kefka is awesome, but Kuja really isn't all that far behind.

09-25-2006, 06:44 AM
I will say IX is better. Again, not by much.

Loved both games music, but my fave song from these is the one Dagger sings when shes lonely (dont know the name). That song is eternally stuck in my head.

I think IX has a much worse story than VI. Though I see similarities. Two different worlds (Im counting world of ruin as a diff world). Also the evil empire of VI and the war hungry Queen Brahne of IX. Kuja kind of betrays Queen Brahne and Kefka betrays Emperor Gestahl in a way.

The characters are more plentiful in VI and more of them have fleshed out stories. I thought Quina needed more background and Freya had potential to have a great tragic story, I thought her ex-lover or whatever should have been found dead rather than just forgotten her.

Anyway, the main reason I say IX over VI is the side quests. So much to do and collect.
The cards, chocographs, coffees, general hidden treasure, ultimate weapons, the auction house, moogle mail, catching frogs, and the like.
I spent so much time just on these things.

09-25-2006, 07:20 AM
i play FFII sometime and the story was like FFnext story
but FFIX never can be placed with any FF games cause
you get fan in game with long dreamful story and characters

09-25-2006, 07:22 AM
i play FFII sometime and the story was like FFnext story
but FFIX never can be placed with any FF games cause
you get fan in game with long dreamful story and characters

So youve only played FFII and FFIX?
Im sorry I didnt catch whether or not you like FFIX.

09-25-2006, 08:33 AM
*LOL* You know I'm going to have to hurt you for making me compare my two favorite games like this, Cy... XD But I still adore you, and thus I shall forgive! And besides, now I get to ramble and stuff. Heh-heh-heh.

And I suppose it will go without saying that this response will have spoilers for both FF6 and FF9, and I'm not going to bother marking them after this. ^^


Without getting into real technical things, I enjoyed FF9's gameplay more as a whole. This includes not only the battle system, but also the sidequests and mini-games (even if the entire last half of FF6 is really just a big sidequest in iteslf...). I definitley think FF9 is a lot more polished, too. What also worked for me much more in FF9 is the trance system, as opposed to the (seemingly random) special moves in FF6, which I kinda started calling the "random OMFG move."

Then there's each game's use of character classes/abilities. FF6 granted each character the ability to learn Magic abilities through the espers, and it always amused me that by the time I got to Kefka, my TRUE black mage was actually... Locke. XD (With Celes and Terra only being "less" becuase I didn't teach them Tritoch's spells, and trained Locke with everything). In comparison, I actually preferred the way FF9 also gave almost all of the characters abilities that could also do damage or heal, but still made it unique to each character. Zidane had the healing Sacrifice, Amarant had Chakra, etc. etc. etc.

Well, FF9 has Zidane, so it wins, of course!! For the "three leads"... Vivi, Dagger, and Zidane absolutely win for me in leaps and bounds over Terra, Celes, and Locke. It's the supporting cast that I think makes it harder to choose which cast as a whole I prefer... *L* But in the end, again, I think I have to go with FF9's cast.

While trying to say this without reverting back to "hopeless Zidane fangirl" mode, I honestly think that Zidane has more personality in him than Locke, Terra, and Celes combined. Heh-heh. But that's just me. XD As far as the "bad guys" go, I think that would go to FF6. I really can't choose between Kuja and Kefka... FF6 has the added bonus of Ultros (who to this day, still wins my heart over both Kuja OR Kefka!!).

Where I think FF6 sort of lost it for me in the character department was how much less powerful character interaction after WoR. Because only certain characters are required to be found and play a part in the story at all after that, the GAME is less linear, but I thought it sacrificed some of the extent to which of characters' relationships could have been developed. Yes, I'm a dorky romantic, and I'm talking about relationships like Locke/Celes... but even the twins, and Cyan... You get a little extra by finding each character, but it still sort of felt like all of those bonds the characters built over in Balance was for something, but... sort of... not. Or maybe that's just me. Heh.

I loved finding out about individual characters in FF6, but what I loved even more about FF9, was the sense that the eight of them became real friends, a real team, over that time. FF6 brought a sense of friendship, but I just felt it so much stronger in FF9.

GAH! The "I cannot CHOOSE!!" thing again!! FF6's symphonic arrangements win, hands-down, over everything. FF6's Opera scene is also, without a doubt, MY favorite game sequence, ever. So the use of music in that sequence wins a lot of admiration points.

*LOL* But otherwise, in-game, I think FF9's music edges it out. Of course it SOUNDS a bit richer because of better technology, but also because there's more variety in FF9's music as you move from environment to environment, there's just more richness in that sense, too. One thing I really loved about FF9 was how it really incorporated the "Melodies of Life" song into Dagger's story.

Going back to what I said about the characters in FF6 vs. FF9... it goes back to FF9 having Zidane in it, therefore making it t3h winz!! --- you called me on that one, Cy! Mwah-ha!! FF9 being a bit more powerful to me in the character development and interaction department.

I think FF6's scenario is better, but I felt FF9 did a better job in making its scenario into a script, if that makes any sense... ^^ I'd have to agree wholeheartedly with Cy's comments about FF9's dialogue.

As far as the Plot Twist (tm!) goes, heckyeah, FF6's Balance to Ruin plot twist had me in all sorts of shock when I first played it ("Dude, THE WORLD IS GONE?!!"). The similar point in FF9 would probably be the escape from Terra and the planetwide return of the Mist. But comparing the two games from those points on... where I think FF6 loses for me is Kefka's tower, compared to FF9's Memoria. Kefka's tower just felt like a final dungeon, while FF9's Memoria worked better for me as a climax to the story.

And then there were the endings.

Heh-heh, I've played many, MANY games since I played FF9, and there has yet to be a game whose ending even came close to giving me the same amount of satisfaction, and sheer "feel-good"-ness, that FF9's gave me. :P

*nods sagely*

...I'll shut up now. XD

09-25-2006, 01:21 PM
Both are great, i really cannot compare them. FF IX overates ffvii and viii on ps1 and ff vi does the same in snes. They both pushed the limits of the cosoles they were created on.

Hex Omega
09-25-2006, 03:04 PM
While FFVI is an excellent game, I think FFIX is just a little bit better. I'll try to compare the two.

I disagree, I think FFVI is the better game. Better story, better characters, better villian, although there is very little between them.

I think FFIX is a little more polished, however. It's much easier to make each character in FFIX useful than in FFVI

Hence why I prefer VI, it requires you to think more. Not that IX doesn't require thought either.

while FFVI rewards you for going out of your way to make characters like Relm or Strago or Umaro useful, FFIX doesn't require such a commitment. Each character is quite useful and can be used in non-conventional ways. In my last playthrough, I used Amarant as my healer, with the "Healer" and "Accuracy +" abilities.

I disagree, you can make any character in FFVI do what you desire as well. And, the fact you lose certain characters for generous portions of IX, means you have to go out of your way to train them.

Characters: FFVI wins out here, simply because of Kefka. While Kuja is an excellent villain, Kefka > Kuja, hands down. Other than those two, I would contend that FFVI and IX are of equal quality, character-wise.

I'm with you here. Zidane, Vivi, Dagger, Freya and several others are excellent characters, but the same could be said of VI, also like you said, Kefka > Kuja.

Music: FFIX wins out here, but not by much. Vamo'alla Flamenco, Vivi's Theme, and Ukele de Chocobo (among others!) are great tracks. FFVI has its share too, with Aria de Mezzo, Dancing Mad, and Techno de Chocobo (Also among others-just personal faves) but I think FFIX is better, overall.

I'm with you here as well, both sound-tracks are wonderful, but IX shades it.

Story: FFVI probably has the best plot-twist in any FF to date (FFXII isn't out in my neck of the woods yet, can't comment), but I thought FFIX's story was a little better, overall.

I love IX's story, the way it snowballs, and it is coherent, consistent and well-concluded. But I prefer VI's story, it for me is a lot stronger, the various emotions are conveyed better, like for example, you can really feel the despair post-cataclysm. Every character has their own detailed background, and every character has a major part to play.

To conclude, there is little or nothing between the two games, quality wise. They are both masterpieces, and fly the flag for the FF series. But, my own personal taste, tells me that I prefer FFVI, but like I said, there is little or nothing between them.

09-25-2006, 03:12 PM
Analysis thus far: they are equal.

09-25-2006, 06:43 PM
Hence why I prefer VI, it requires you to think more. Not that IX doesn't require thought either.

It's not so much thinking as it is having to commit to Character X to make them good. Strago must grind for spells, as well as learn his Lores. Relm must grind for spells, and Sketch is kind of, well, sketchy (bad pun, I know), until it becomes Control (for Strago). Umaro and Gogo have to grind for levels more than the rest of the cast, as they don't get Esper-boosts.

I disagree, you can make any character in FFVI do what you desire as well.

This goes back to the commitment part. You can make Sabin a white mage, but you need to grind his magic stat, as well as learning the good healing spells. In FFIX, you can merely change equipment to make Character X do task Y. For instance, you can make Vivi a healer by equipping elemental-absorbing armor--with Doomsday, you can nuke and heal at the same time. A bit of Holy-strengthening equipment makes Eiko more of a nuke and less of a hybrid healer/pseudo-summoner. Equipping two ability stones makes Amarant a powerful healer. Yeah, you may have to grind a bit to learn an ability or two, but the commitment necessary is minor, compared to FFVI.

And, the fact you lose certain characters for generous portions of IX, means you have to go out of your way to train them.

After FFVI's zomg plot twist (do I get a TM?), you have to completely reassemble your party. You have to go out of your way just to re-recruit them, let alone train them. Also, in FFIX, your characters have a knack for catching up quite quickly, level-wise.

To conclude, there is little or nothing between the two games, quality wise. They are both masterpieces, and fly the flag for the FF series. But, my own personal taste, tells me that I prefer FFVI, but like I said, there is little or nothing between them.

Don't get me wrong--I'm not bashing FFVI by any stretch. I absolutely adore FFVI. For the longest time, I couldn't decide which one I liked better. I'm totally with you, though, about there being little to nothing between them, quality-wise. Hence the discussion! XD

hb smokey
09-25-2006, 06:48 PM
I'll have to go with FFIX, but only because I haven't played FFVI in several years. Ask me again after I play FFVI Advance.

Black Paladin
09-25-2006, 06:55 PM
Do you have any reliable dates for FFV and VI. Because any release lists I look at have great variations on them.

Hex Omega
09-25-2006, 07:00 PM
It's not so much thinking as it is having to commit to Character X to make them good. Strago must grind for spells, as well as learn his Lores. Relm must grind for spells, and Sketch is kind of, well, sketchy (bad pun, I know), until it becomes Control (for Strago). Umaro and Gogo have to grind for levels more than the rest of the cast, as they don't get Esper-boosts.

How is that any different in FFIX? You have to train hard to learn all the abilities, skills etc etc for every character in almost all FF games.

This goes back to the commitment part. You can make Sabin a white mage, but you need to grind his magic stat, as well as learning the good healing spells. In FFIX, you can merely change equipment to make Character X do task Y.

Likewise, you can do this in FFVI. Earrings boost your magic stat significantly. There are other items that help a lot too.

For instance, you can make Vivi a healer by equipping elemental-absorbing armor--with Doomsday, you can nuke and heal at the same time. A bit of Holy-strengthening equipment makes Eiko more of a nuke and less of a hybrid healer/pseudo-summoner. Equipping two ability stones makes Amarant a powerful healer. Yeah, you may have to grind a bit to learn an ability or two, but the commitment necessary is minor, compared to FFVI.

Commitment isn't a bad thing you know.

After FFVI's zomg plot twist (do I get a TM?), you have to completely reassemble your party. You have to go out of your way just to re-recruit them, let alone train them. Also, in FFIX, your characters have a knack for catching up quite quickly, level-wise.

Maybe so, but it ties in with the story, and I don't see how this is a bad thing.

Don't get me wrong--I'm not bashing FFVI by any stretch. I absolutely adore FFVI. For the longest time, I couldn't decide which one I liked better. I'm totally with you, though, about there being little to nothing between them, quality-wise. Hence the discussion! XD

Like I said, quality wise there is next to nothing to choose between the two games. Personally, I do prefer VI, but I don't doubt the quality of IX, and I almost equally adore IX, but I slighty favour VI.

hb smokey
09-25-2006, 07:00 PM
Do you have any reliable dates for FFV and VI. Because any release lists I look at have great variations on them.
Well, FFV Advance is due out in early November, and FFVI Advance before the end of the year.

Swedish Fish
09-25-2006, 10:11 PM
In terms of characters IX comes out on top because of the defined role that they play in battle and in the plot. Like Agent said, there were too many pointless/auxillary characters in VI.

In terms of plot, VI comes out a little ahead of IX simply because it involves Kefka and has the better set of plot-twists. IX's plot was great, but I think that VI was marginally better.

In terms of soundtracks, IX is clearly superior, but VI's has merit as well. IX has some real hits with me, and so does VI, but VI's are fewer and fartehr between.

With gameplay they're almost neck and neck, but IX's inchs ahead because of the character roles and polished battle system.

Overall IX is better, but VI is easily the second best in the series without any question. Enough said, I love both of them.

Hex Omega
09-25-2006, 11:54 PM
In terms of characters IX comes out on top because of the defined role that they play in battle and in the plot. Like Agent said, there were too many pointless/auxillary characters in VI.

Quina? Amarant?

09-26-2006, 12:37 AM
Amarant has a fair amount of story associated with him, and I happen to like Amarant. I also happen to like Quina. S/he actually has a decent amount of plot as well, but really his/her role is sort of humor-based and I think it works well.

As opposed to say --- Umaro, Gogo, to a lesser degree Mog, and to a somewhat lesser degree, Gau and Shadow.

Hex Omega
09-26-2006, 01:01 AM
Amarant has a fair amount of story associated with him, and I happen to like Amarant.

Amarant is cliche and unoriginal imho.

I also happen to like Quina. S/he actually has a decent amount of plot as well, but really his/her role is sort of humor-based and I think it works well.

Comic relief, and s/he wasn't even any good at that.

As opposed to say --- Umaro, Gogo, to a lesser degree Mog, and to a somewhat lesser degree, Gau and Shadow.

Shadow has a good bit of story to him, granted he might be unoriginal as well. And, i'm sure you'll agree the main characters of the story, more then make up for the fringe ones ~

Also, the NPC's in FFVI were much better imo. I mean, General Leo, what more do I need to say? Although Tantalus were really neat.

09-26-2006, 01:05 AM
Heh-heh. I see your General Leo and raise you a General Beatrix. ;)

Hex Omega
09-26-2006, 01:07 AM
Hahaha, too true ~

Arrrgh damn you Cyan, putting my two fav FF games head-to-head like this. :p

09-26-2006, 03:09 AM
Yeah. And I raise FFIX's Regent Cid over FFVI's Cid any day.

Swedish Fish
09-26-2006, 03:27 AM
Quina? Amarant?

I found both to be quite interesting as characters and combatants.

09-26-2006, 05:40 AM
Hahaha, too true ~

Arrrgh damn you Cyan, putting my two fav FF games head-to-head like this. :p

Mwahaha! They're my two faves, too. I've (so far) accomplished what I set out to do, so you'll hear no complaints from me!

Amarant is cliche and unoriginal imho.

Well-done cliche isn't all that bad, imo. And yes, I would contend that Amarant is well-done cliche. FTR, he's a much better jerk-off who changes than the jerkoffs in the two previous FF's. I think Amarant is particularly interesting, especially when you contrast his development to Dagger's.

Yeah. And I raise FFIX's Regent Cid over FFVI's Cid any day.

While we're at it, Tantalus > the Returners. Especially Baku > Baron.

Hex Omega
09-26-2006, 09:27 AM
Yeah. And I raise FFIX's Regent Cid over FFVI's Cid any day.

I found Cid from VI to be a much better character. His story is far more intresting. I can't deny Regent Cid has a story to him, and ties in with the overall story, but let's be honest, he isn't really anything other then comic relief.

I found both to be quite interesting as characters and combatants.

How so?

Mwahaha! They're my two faves, too. I've (so far) accomplished what I set out to do, so you'll hear no complaints from me!

Indeed, intelligent discussion is always welcome ~

Well-done cliche isn't all that bad, imo. And yes, I would contend that Amarant is well-done cliche.

Cliches are rarely a good thing. While it may be difficult to avoid them in games these days, Amarant was such an obvious and over-used cliche.

FTR, he's a much better jerk-off who changes than the jerkoffs in the two previous FF's. I think Amarant is particularly interesting, especially when you contrast his development to Dagger's.

Yes, and I never seen his change coming!

While we're at it, General Leo > All

Fix'd. :smrt:

09-26-2006, 07:18 PM
While we're at it, Tantalus > the Returners. Especially Baku > Baron.

There is a huge difference though. Tantalus were thieves and Returners were an organization against the Empire, they were involved in war etc

Shadow has a good bit of story to him, granted he might be unoriginal as well.

Shadow has aSpoilers ahead: really interesting past of how he ended up being with no emotions, how Relm is his daughter and how he betrayed his best friend. I agree that he is the "silent" character, something that is used in many games but on the other hand he has a story that explains how he ended up like this

09-26-2006, 07:40 PM
Props to Amarant for giving shit to Eiko.
Heh heh.

09-26-2006, 07:47 PM
Oh, I've seen the Shadow dreams, I'm fully aware of Shadow's story. I still think he's one of the characters in FFVI that could use a bit more plot.

Spoilers --- I suppose --- although anyone that's coming into an FFVI vs. IX debate thread oughta be familiar with the plots of both.

Oh, and FFIX's Cid is much more than comic relief. He's the ruler of an entire country --- an important ally Tantalus and your party. And he's a real Cid --- a builder of boats and airships and all that good stuff. And he becomes a Grandpa to Eiko. FFVI's Cid is some government experimenter /worker who later sees the error of his ways and then croaks if you don't feed him enough / the right fish.

09-26-2006, 07:51 PM
FFVI's Cid is some government experimenter /worker who later sees the error of his ways and then croaks if you don't feed him enough / the right fish.

Profuse LOLing occured.
Also, what is Shadow Stories?
or what ever its called there...

Hex Omega
09-26-2006, 07:56 PM
Oh, I've seen the Shadow dreams, I'm fully aware of Shadow's story. I still think he's one of the characters in FFVI that could use a bit more plot.

I think he has more then enough, what more do you think he needs?

Oh, and FFIX's Cid is much more than comic relief. He's the ruler of an entire country --- an important ally Tantalus and your party. And he's a real Cid --- a builder of boats and airships and all that good stuff. And he becomes a Grandpa to Eiko. FFVI's Cid is some government experimenter /worker who later sees the error of his ways and then croaks if you don't feed him enough / the right fish.

I think you're being very biased here Agent(granted, I was too), but FFVI Cid is more then what you've described. The bond he forms with Celes is very strong and is conveyed strongly also. As for Regent Cid, I found him very difficult to take seriously, what with every sentence having 'gwok' or 'ribbit' in it, the comical scenes with the Supersoft potion, etc etc.

09-27-2006, 09:04 AM
Cliches are rarely a good thing. While it may be difficult to avoid them in games these days, Amarant was such an obvious and over-used cliche.

But you'll at least agree that he was well-executed, despite his inherant cliche? Also, I haven't got that big of an issue with the cliche point as he was supporting-cast through-and-through. I rather enjoyed the angle Squeenix took with that archetype in IX, at any rate. Unlike the previous two FF's, this jerk off didn't suddenly realize he had a penis.


I'll get you back for that one! XD

There is a huge difference though. Tantalus were thieves and Returners were an organization against the Empire, they were involved in war etc

*minor spoilers*

That's irrelevant. Once you play the "protect Banon" scene where you split into three parties, you don't really hear from them again. Tantalus actually plays a role in the story throughout the story, and they even get involved in the ending.

As for Regent Cid, I found him very difficult to take seriously, what with every sentence having 'gwok' or 'ribbit' in it, the comical scenes with the Supersoft potion, etc etc.

Following that, taking Zidane, Dagger, and/or Steiner seriously would be difficult, what with the "hey Rusty!" scenes, the "ooh, soft" scene, the mistaken date scene, and the love letter scene...the fact is, FFIX has plenty of humor in it; most of the characters are involved in silly scenes. Saying you couldn't take Cid seriously would logically imply that you couldn't take a good many other characters seriously.

Hex Omega
09-27-2006, 11:58 AM
But you'll at least agree that he was well-executed, despite his inherant cliche? Also, I haven't got that big of an issue with the cliche point as he was supporting-cast through-and-through. I rather enjoyed the angle Squeenix took with that archetype in IX, at any rate. Unlike the previous two FF's, this jerk off didn't suddenly realize he had a penis.

Well yes, I never said he was badly done, I just said he was unoriginal and predictible.

I'll get you back for that one! XD

haha, it's quite refreshing to have a debate where it isn't just sarcastic insults ~

That's irrelevant. Once you play the "protect Banon" scene where you split into three parties, you don't really hear from them again. Tantalus actually plays a role in the story throughout the story, and they even get involved in the ending.

Yes, but the Returners don't really tie in with the story, pretty much after Narshe. Sure, they could have been involved more, but the natrual course of the story would have been messed up. Also, I would bet most of them were killed when Kefka moved the statues.

Following that, taking Zidane, Dagger, and/or Steiner seriously would be difficult, what with the "hey Rusty!" scenes, the "ooh, soft" scene, the mistaken date scene, and the love letter scene...the fact is, FFIX has plenty of humor in it; most of the characters are involved in silly scenes. Saying you couldn't take Cid seriously would logically imply that you couldn't take a good many other characters seriously.

Steiner was difficult to take seriously as well, but you make a good point. FFIX does strike a good balance between humour and seriousness. As does FFVI, it isn't without its funny moments either, but is generally a much more serious game.

09-27-2006, 04:49 PM
haha, it's quite refreshing to have a debate where it isn't just sarcastic insults ~

I know! I'm not exactly sure what to think as I'm reading/posting. I actually checked to make sure this was FFS.

Yes, but the Returners don't really tie in with the story, pretty much after Narshe. Sure, they could have been involved more, but the natrual course of the story would have been messed up. Also, I would bet most of them were killed when Kefka moved the statues.

That's sort of my point. The Returners serve as little more than a jumping-off point for the story; Tantalus is far more involved than "oh, Zidane's a member and they needed to kidnap Dagger."

Hex Omega
09-28-2006, 02:37 PM
That's sort of my point. The Returners serve as little more than a jumping-off point for the story; Tantalus is far more involved than "oh, Zidane's a member and they needed to kidnap Dagger."

I see what you mean, but how does that make FFIX better then VI?

09-28-2006, 04:42 PM
Shadow --- well, for one thing, a better ending. The ending seems to imply that he committed suicide, and I agree with what somebody said that if he had truly learned to understand friendship and family, then he wouldn't do that.

09-29-2006, 08:17 PM
I see what you mean, but how does that make FFIX better then VI?

I didn't say it did, necessarily. That was just backing up this assertion:

While we're at it, Tantalus > the Returners. Especially Baku > Baron.

09-30-2006, 09:14 AM
I think he has more then enough, what more do you think he needs?

Well, yes, Shadow has fair enough story for a character that SPOLERS
you take descision to take with you and to save him or let him die in the middle of the game.

Hex Omega
09-30-2006, 12:58 PM
Shadow --- well, for one thing, a better ending. The ending seems to imply that he committed suicide, and I agree with what somebody said that if he had truly learned to understand friendship and family, then he wouldn't do that.

'imply' doesn't mean he did.

Valerie Valens
09-30-2006, 06:37 PM
Drawing parallels between 2 largely unrelated storylines is pretty dumb IMO. I'll refrain from commenting on thr aspects of both storylines because I haven't played through FF9 yet.

However, the biggest thing I noticed between them are the gameplay engine. While FF9 has this unique ATE thing, it's more of an embellishment than a pillar for gameplay. It's a tool to facillitate the insertion of cutscenes, one might even argue that the developers are too lazy to find an appropriate timing to insert the cutscenes and thus incoroprated that. While the idea of learning abilities from items is a pretty nice idea, it would just culliminate to either giving the characters immunity, powerups, or extra options to select on the menu...all while FF6 has Sabin's Blitz abilities, Cyan's Swordtech abilities (Extra waiting time. :P ) and Gau's Leap/Rage (Which requires going to Veldt to build up on the skills.) in addition to that, there's also relics which give another depth of gameplay. For example, try equipping Locke with the Genji and Thief Glove, and the Steal option becomes the much more useful Capture option which hits twice and lets Lock attempt to steal items twice. or you can try giving Sabin 2 elemental claws, a Black Belt and a Genji Glove. What about Offering and Genji Glove?

10-01-2006, 05:27 AM
For example, try equipping Locke with the Genji and Thief Glove, and the Steal option becomes the much more useful Capture option which hits twice and lets Lock attempt to steal items twice. or you can try giving Sabin 2 elemental claws, a Black Belt and a Genji Glove. What about Offering and Genji Glove?

Once you have access to more abilities (especially the more potent ones), you can come up with plenty of brokenness in FFIX, as well. Abilities like Thievery, Dragon Crest, and Frog Drop may actually equal Genji Glove/Offering in its brokenness.

Valerie Valens
10-01-2006, 06:14 AM
8 weapon hits does not constitute broken-ness, plus you can only get one Genji Glove and one Offering in the game, iirc. ;)

Hex Omega
10-01-2006, 01:00 PM
Neither game comes close to being even remotely broken.

FFVI has just about the right level of difficulty, whereas every game after FFVII was easily beaten.

10-02-2006, 06:24 AM
8 weapon hits does not constitute broken-ness, plus you can only get one Genji Glove and one Offering in the game, iirc. ;)

When you have an Atma Weapon and an Illumina, 8 hits is a just a bit much, mir? ;-)

Neither game comes close to being even remotely broken.

I beg to differ. Wind God Gau, Gem Box/Economizer, Ultima, Genji Glove/Offering, Ultima, Vanish/Doom, Ultima...So far as FFIX goes, Thievery, Frog Drop, Dragon Crest, Reflect x2/Flare, Shadow-absorbtion/Doomsday...There are fairly easy ways to get stupidly powerful in both games.

Valerie Valens
10-02-2006, 10:57 AM
When you have an Atma Weapon and an Illumina, 8 hits is a just a bit much, mir? ;-)

Yes, but you don't get those weapons right off the bat, right?

I beg to differ. Wind God Gau, Gem Box/Economizer, Ultima, Genji Glove/Offering, Ultima, Vanish/Doom, Ultima...So far as FFIX goes, Thievery, Frog Drop, Dragon Crest, Reflect x2/Flare, Shadow-absorbtion/Doomsday...There are fairly easy ways to get stupidly powerful in both games.

The Wind God rage requires you to have defeated the Wind God FIRST, and then going to the veldt and praying that another Wind God will appear.

Don't know about the Gem/Box economiser, but if it has anything to do with boosting GP earnings then, no. You'd have plenty of money for what you want from the shops without help anyways.

Genji Glove/Offering...there's only one of each in the game, and it leaves the character equipped with them to be quite vulnerable to status effects that other relics could have protected against. Not to mention the drop in physical defense associated with sacrificing a shield to equip an extra weapon, and back-rowing the character pretty much ruins the purpose of the genji glove for most weapons.

Ultima - You only get it very late in the game, damage caps at 9999, very high MP requirement, long casting time, etc.

Vanish/Doom doesn't work on bosses.

10-02-2006, 05:39 PM
The Wind God rage requires you to have defeated the Wind God FIRST, and then going to the veldt and praying that another Wind God will appear.

Um, no. That setup would be a Merit Award, an Offering, a Tempest sword, and the StrayCat Rage. A rage you start with when you get Gau.

Don't know about the Gem/Box economiser, but if it has anything to do with boosting GP earnings then, no. You'd have plenty of money for what you want from the shops without help anyways.

The Gem Box gives you X-Magic, the Economizer reduces MP use to 1 for ANY spell. Including Ultima.

Genji Glove/Offering...there's only one of each in the game, and it leaves the character equipped with them to be quite vulnerable to status effects that other relics could have protected against. Not to mention the drop in physical defense associated with sacrificing a shield to equip an extra weapon, and back-rowing the character pretty much ruins the purpose of the genji glove for most weapons.

At a moderately-high level, Atma Weapon swings for a bazillion damage. A Terra with GG/O, Atma/Illumina, and a Minerva (none of which are THAT difficult to obtain) is rather scary. It's not like you won't have remedies/Cures with your Ribbon-equipped party member.

Ultima - You only get it very late in the game, damage caps at 9999, very high MP requirement, long casting time, etc.

Seeing as everything caps at quad-9, I don't see that as a weakness. Also see Gem Box/Economizer.

Vanish/Doom doesn't work on bosses.

It works on Doom Gaze. He's a boss, no?

Valerie Valens
10-03-2006, 11:05 AM
Well...fuck, I got nothing to refute that. :P

10-03-2006, 07:20 PM
I do. It could be said that Doom Gaze isn't technically a "boss," since it isn't a required battle.

Hex Omega
10-04-2006, 12:27 AM
And, it requires a huge-amount of effort to attain that level of strength, as opposed to say, FFVII or FFVIII, where it is pitifully easy to become strong.

10-04-2006, 09:01 AM
I do. It could be said that Doom Gaze isn't technically a "boss," since it isn't a required battle.

He's an optional boss then. Happy? :P

And, it requires a huge-amount of effort to attain that level of strength, as opposed to say, FFVII or FFVIII, where it is pitifully easy to become strong.

Not as much as you'd make it out to be. The GG/O/Minerva/AtmaWeapon/Illumina combo isn't difficult to obtain, and five to ten levels of smart Esper equipping makes Terra a total beast in battle. With only a little more forethought than what's necessary to break the junction system, you can turn Terra (or Celes, I usually use Terra in that role, though) into a juggernaut. Maxing out Ultima is particularly easy with certain characters, like Relm, Terra, and Celes. Add a Gem Box/Economizer combo, and voila, another juggernaut. Gau, like Terra, only needs a bit of smart Esper equipping to make Wind God uber.

Compare that to the uber-abilities of FFIX. Thievery requires a TON of stealing in order to even get close to maxing--in my last playthrough, I managed to get it to roughly 7800 or so before giving up at level 70-plus, stealing in every battle. Maxing Frog Drop may not take as long, but the patience required to catch at least 100 frogs (more realistically, 130 or more) is far beyond my limits. I actually maxed Dragon Crest, because it really is easy. Killing 100 Dragons isn't exactly difficult. Reflect x2 and Auto-Reflect (to guarantee quad-9 Flares without grinding Vivi to a stupidly high level) makes you choose between status immunities and auto-haste.

10-04-2006, 10:13 AM
Just to add to the whole vanish/doom thing, there are many more bosses then just Doomgaze that are effected by it.

Presuming this list is accurate (

10-04-2006, 04:41 PM
Just to add to the whole vanish/doom thing, there are many more bosses then just Doomgaze that are effected by it.

Presuming this list is accurate (

I thought V/D worked on a good many bosses; I just wasn't a hundred percent sure, as that's one 'trick' I don't use.

10-08-2006, 12:32 AM
Final Fantasy IX, got nothing else to say ..

The Anti-Existence
11-04-2006, 10:13 PM
Why is Kefka so much better than Kuja? Do try to explain it to me in some detailed way. I know it's not because his appearance is better. Or his plot. So I'm intrigued to see how the random psychotic and evil for absolutely no reason clown is so much better than the sane and yet cruel but still human pretty boy.

11-04-2006, 10:27 PM
Hrm. There was a big debate about this a while back in a thread in the General Final Fantasy section about the best FF villain. You might try looking that up, although I'm pretty sure a good portion of it was lost due to the forum hack a while back.

11-04-2006, 11:10 PM
A lot of good 'ol fashioned debate..

I like VI because it had the same graphics and functions as IV which was funner at the time than IX or anything else was later due to factors outside the game. If both were played without distraction IX would be better as far as that goes. In terms of gameplay IX has a pretty good supply, VI's levelling pissed me off sometimes and I agree:

While we're at it, Tantalus > the Returners. Especially Baku > Baron.

Although the ending in VI was a lot more dramatic than IX's. The end boss fight(s) especially.

The Anti-Existence
11-04-2006, 11:34 PM
Hrm. There was a big debate about this a while back in a thread in the General Final Fantasy section about the best FF villain. You might try looking that up, although I'm pretty sure a good portion of it was lost due to the forum hack a while back.

The only debate I remember that was long was the most evil FF villain. I still say Kuja is more evil but that's because I feel insanity makes someone incapable of being truly evil. Bryan and some others didn't agree with this. Anyway, there is no arguing which is the better character. They both have qualities I really love. However, if you try to argue while one is better than the other, you run into a wall. Kefka is not better than Kuja because he is a very simple and black/white character. Kuja is not better than Kefka because he did not manage to seize te world and spend hours at his leisure to destroy cities and ravage the land. They both are awesome and completely equal.

11-05-2006, 01:05 AM
I guess in some ways it depends on your personal taste when it comes to the behavior of villains. Kuja is a speechmaker. He likes to stand and talk and make long-winded speeches. And then in the end of the gamae, he ends up doing good by your party. Kefka isn't so much of a speechmaker. He just rants and raves and mercilessly mocks your characters and laughs evilly. And there can be no doubt that he seeks no redemption and there can be none for him.

The Anti-Existence
11-05-2006, 01:23 AM
He can't seek redemption. He can't understand fully what good and evil are. His mind is wraped and if anything proves he can't be classified as "pure" evil that is it. He can't think, rationalize or regret. Kuja was on his deathbed and had the mindset and capability to ponder his existence and his life as people do. Kefka could do no such thing.

11-05-2006, 01:27 AM
And I think that's a very fair point. Although I think some people would debate with you the exact degree and nature of Kefka's madness.

The Anti-Existence
11-05-2006, 01:41 AM
They have. The argument is "yeah, he's insane. But he's aware of what he's doing." But to me, evilness has to be a choice. All we know about Kefka is that he went insane afte ra Magitek experiment was performed on him. how do we know he can choose to be evil? Can he lie dying and have the capability to look back on his life and think over it fully as Kuja did and not regret what he did? This is the main reason I never considered him fully evil.

11-05-2006, 02:24 AM
I prefer IX to VI. The two are my favorite Final Fantasy games. Then again, I've only beaten VI, VII, IX and X. I've played IV and VIII, but I got bored of them (I quit IV fairly early, and I quit VIII after the orphanage scene). Are the other Final Fantasy games worth playing?

11-05-2006, 02:31 AM
Yeah, if you played X, then I think X-2 is definitely worth playing! Some people don't like X-2, for a lot of different reasons, but I found it quite a great game.

Also, Final Fantasy V. This is one that isn't very popular at all, but I think it really gets less respect than it deserves. It starts out slow, but it's really good.

And I just recently started the new Final Fantasy XII and it's awesome so far.

11-05-2006, 02:40 AM
Yeah, if you played X, then I think X-2 is definitely worth playing! Some people don't like X-2, for a lot of different reasons, but I found it quite a great game.

Also, Final Fantasy V. This is one that isn't very popular at all, but I think it really gets less respect than it deserves. It starts out slow, but it's really good.

And I just recently started the new Final Fantasy XII and it's awesome so far.

My friend recommended Final Fantasy V as well, so I'll give it a try. I suppose I'll try X-2 as well, since X is my third favorite Final Fantasy (I'm not saying that I dislike it). I'll end up playing XII just because it's so highly regarded. Sadly, a major plot twist (I'm assuming it's the largest one in the game) was spoiled for me a few days ago.

11-05-2006, 02:54 AM
Fortunately, I haven't had anything spoiled for me yet. I'm being very careful to read as little information that looks like it might even be slightly spoilerish as possible.

11-05-2006, 05:17 AM
I prefer VI by a longshot.

IX has horrendous gameplay. The "Tetra Master" mini-game is infuriating and requires a lot of patience and time investment. It doesn't help that you have to beat the game once to advance the story since it is compulsory to do so. I only won by a lot of luck. In contrast the FFVIII "Triple Triad" game is a lot easier in terms of gameplay and understanding of the game.

Another irritating thing about IX's gameplay are the "Trances" which just seem to activate whenever you need them the least and are never available when you need them the most.

It's interesting to compare IX and VI since when I first heard IX's battle them I thought "Hang on. Isn't this FFVI's battle theme?". The beginning of it sounds almost note for note exact.

The characters aren't great either. Final Fantasy IX features the most irritating and annoying main character that I have ever seen in a game and I'm an old school gamer. Zidane is just brash, arrogant and cocky. The other characters don't get much of a look in unfortunately as the game's sole focus is on Zidane and Garnet which is a shame as some of the other characters could be fairly interesting. The two redeeming characters in it are Vivi and Kuja who are very well handeled plot wise. Maybe the game would have been more interesting with Zidane as the villain and Kuja as the hero since Kuja could be more sympathised with than Zidane.

The characters in VI have far more depth and personality. It's also one of the few Final Fantasy games in my opinion to have quite an equal focus on characters. Terra is the main character but a lot of the others get quite a bit of focus too (Locke, Celes, Edgar, Mash/Sabin and Cyan in particular). Kefka is psychotic and is responsible for a lot of deaths. *SPOILERS FOR FFVI*. Not only did he poison the water killing all of Cyan's friends and family he was responsible for the world falling into ruins causing floods, earthquakes and other disasters which would have killed a lot of people. In answer to someone's post above Kefka is evil. There's a saying that "Everyone is born evil. When your young you 'want' and 'need' and as you grow older you must learn to grow out of that as well as to learn kindness. It's a natural progression of life".

My favorite two FF's are VI and VIII followed by IV (which I think has the best story out of all the games and I have played them all to date with the exception of XI and XII). My faves in the series are in an even pattern (ie: II, IV, VI, VIII and X so I have got high hopes for XII and judging from what I've read about it it sounds like it is very good). I also have a soft spot for X-2 which I know received a lot of criticism.

My least faves are V and then IX which is right down at the bottom of the list. V's problem is the story which starts off extremely slow and doesn't pick up until a long way into the game. It's redeeming features are that the game is quite challenging and does have some interesting characters but not an extremely original villain or story.

11-05-2006, 05:38 AM
All we know about Kefka is that he went insane afte ra Magitek experiment was performed on him. how do we know he can choose to be evil?

Because there are also varying levels of consciousness and when someone goes crazy their inner desires come to the forefront i.e. Kefka's enjoyment in causing pain and destruction. No there is no background to his life besides what you've mentioned---and that he was a General in the empire---but that kind of position can be somewhat assumed to require handling your emotions and war isn't lacking in causing grief or anger unless the particular military that's being run is just so overpowering that someone can become addicted to it, which is a choice that Kefka could have made in the back of his mind before the Magicite experiments. Kuja has a clearer reason being part of Terra and Garland's machinations but Kefka isn't completely devoid of purpose either.

11-12-2006, 06:02 AM
I would have to say Final Fantasy VI / III (SNES) hands down. Storyline, the way the game works - Final Fantasy IX is just too - odd like, the characters, Zidane and the tail, the guy with the iron armor etc. It's just too weird.

11-12-2006, 06:08 AM
Oh, and FFVI doesn't haven't its fair share of oddballs? The knight who always says "thou?" The laughing madman? The kid draped in hides who says "Vwao?" The slam-dancing moogle and his brute yeti companion?

11-12-2006, 06:19 AM
You could say that, but it's not as 'obvious' as in they don't exagurate it - as much.

It's just my opinion though. iV (Chronicles) and IX are probably my least favourite Final Fantasy game (that I've played - at least so far).

Van Finel
11-15-2006, 04:10 AM
Didnt feel like making a whole new thread for this. Anyone know when FF VI is being released for the GBA?

11-15-2006, 07:31 AM

But I have to choose FFIX, cause ofn the characters, mingames, and villian(yeah I said it, somebody had to say it!)

11-15-2006, 08:27 AM
Didnt feel like making a whole new thread for this. Anyone know when FF VI is being released for the GBA?
Check in the FF Classics forum sometime.

It's being released in Japan on Nov. 30.

No word on the overseas version, but since FF5:Advance has already been released, less than a month after it was released in Japan, maybe (hopefully) FF6:Advance will see just as fast a release overseas.