09-23-2006, 08:01 PM
Just curious - the thing took me hours to get use to. Most 'Not-really-first-person-shooters-although-we-like-to-say-they-are games have the 'reverse camera' control scheme, where you move the right analog stick right, and the camera moves left, which my brain loved so very much more then going 'LOL! DOUBLE RIGHT, or j00 die!!one!' [ Er, well, not die because the game's auto aim makes everything a joke, so it's near impossible to die...unless... >_>; ] how about everyone else? ^^;

09-23-2006, 08:02 PM
Where are you and how did you get your hands on the game??
I kill you.

I think you mean third person shooters.

09-23-2006, 09:42 PM
huh magneto42 get bored HUUUHHH...
i see trailers too...

09-23-2006, 09:54 PM
Where are you and how did you get your hands on the game??
I kill you.

I think you mean third person shooters.

Over here, everyone's calling it a 'first person shooter' for some reason - hence why I was all 'WTF?!' when I played it. XD
And I'm on the East Coast of the states. D: Ph33r my American lousiness! Yaa, came out August...22 or 29, If I remember correctly. I lucked out, and snagged the last one at a rental place. No repeat of 'Do you have KH2 yet/back there?!/one?!' for three months for me! :D

I feel so bad that the UK and Australia have to wait ages to get what most other countries get within a few weeks of one another. ...If yee even get it at all, that is. ._.;
Well, at least it's a great 'spam filter'..! ^^;
*Coughs* >_>

[ But...Don't get your hopes up - If you're a FF7 fangirl like me, it's great to see everyone again, but the script reeks of emo wangst, and it's just too easy, even on 'hard!' mode. ^^; ]

09-24-2006, 07:59 AM
the cameras bother me still, I'm getting used to it. (slowly)

09-24-2006, 03:35 PM
[ But...Don't get your hopes up - If you're a FF7 fangirl like me, it's great to see everyone again, but the script reeks of emo wangst, and it's just too easy, even on 'hard!' mode. ^^; ]

You: "FF7 fangirl"
Me: "LOL"

You: "emo wangst"
Me: "Double LOL"

09-24-2006, 09:38 PM
You would think in a modern society where news, porn, spam, and the military can go around the world in less than a day... that when a game comes out in Japan, it gets translated to english within a few weeks, and is out in America, and heaven forbid, Europe within a month or two!

And I do agree on the Emo part... it was way too sappy! Vincent is supposedly the biggest bad a$$ in the series, yet the game that is basically him and him alone "reeks of emo wangst"!!

09-24-2006, 10:10 PM
the camera is a bother.

09-30-2006, 11:19 PM
And I do agree on the Emo part... it was way too sappy! Vincent is supposedly the biggest bad a$$ in the series, yet the game that is basically him and him alone "reeks of emo wangst"!!

But what can we say? Fanbrats like angsty guys, so of course Square is going to cater to the fan audience.

10-01-2006, 07:24 AM
I didn't think the camera was that bad...maybe it was just easy for me cuz I'm used to playing first person shooters and third person shooters have similar camera controls...

it's ok pegasus, it just gets some "getting used to". Did you ever try the live action tutorial session? I found that to be quite useful.

10-01-2006, 02:09 PM
because the game's auto aim makes everything a joke, so it's near impossible to die...unless... >_>; ] how about everyone else? ^^;

Guys all u gotta do for the camera is try changing the controlls to inverted. That what i did and it feels like halo 2 for the xbox, (alittle bit - the shooting button and stuff)

And also pegasus, if u think the auto aims a joke try taking it off in the options menu. Trust me im playin on extra hard + with it, and its fucking dam near impossible :D

10-01-2006, 07:11 PM
I personally had no trouble with the auto aim... except that sometimes when I was sniping. I would have a head shot lined up with the longest barrel on the most accurate gun, and the auto aim would keep pulling my aim to a chest shot.

The camera did suck. If you are in 3rd person view (Behind Vincent) so that you can run, it was way too close to him, and the bigness of his body (because it was so close) kept you from seeing a potential threat such as an enemy. Think about it like a racing game or GTA, you keep the camera behind the car (so you can see if you are fish-tailing... it isn't like driving a real car where you could feel the rear end coming out from under you), you would want to be able to see the car(s) in front of you. Well you wouldn't want to be staring at your back bumper and license plate, so you use the camera that is elevated above the trunk. I think they should have offered at least one more view (a little further back and elevated).

10-14-2006, 02:48 PM
i so totally have truble with the camera as im not used to playing shooting games and the camera moves the other way u tilt the right analog stick... n im havind problem with snipping as well sigh...

12-20-2006, 06:40 PM
a little, yeah.

12-25-2006, 11:32 AM
If you go into a game with preconceptions, you're bound to find problems with it.

Got Dirgy for Christmas! ;) Much happy goodness it's finally out in Australia! yep yep yeeeaaaaahhhhh!

01-01-2007, 09:53 PM
I'd like to blame the cameras, but maybe it's just my aim after all.. lol, i suck at this game..

07-26-2007, 10:55 PM
Psh. yeah, the camera drives me absolutely insane...@_@ lol

08-01-2007, 11:54 PM
camera did not bother me. Vincent looked like an emo fag. and people are stupid for calling it a FPS game. (unless you zoom in w/out a sniper scope which would classify it as an unofficial FPS )