09-23-2006, 07:51 PM
Good lord, I feel like such a spammish troll! [ So it's not really 'shamelessly pimping' now is it..? lol. ]
My first post here on this godly forum, and it has to be this! ;_;
Er, anyway, a good friend of mine is a talented plushie artist [ I have a three smaller ones, and one poseable two-footer, and they're grand. XD ] and she's going nuts trying to find the money to get her sister something she's been lusting after for years this year for Christmas, so she's put up a lovely poseable Vincent!Plushie for sale on the bay. :3 Here's a sample image of the plush - I'd post more, but I feel guilty enough for doing this, let alone raping this place's bandwidth with mass image dumps, so the rest of her images can be found at her auction here - [ ]

Feel free to brick me in the head! ^^;

09-23-2006, 07:54 PM
Good lord, I feel like such a spammish troll! [ So it's not really 'shamelessly pimping' now is it..? lol. ]
My first post here on this godly forum, and it has to be this! ;_;
Er, anyway, a good friend of mine is a talented plushie artist [ I have a three smaller ones, and one poseable two-footer, and they're grand. XD ] and she's going nuts trying to find the money to get her sister something she's been lusting after for years this year for Christmas, so she's put up a lovely poseable Vincent!Plushie for sale on the bay. :3 Here's a sample image of the plush - I'd post more, but I feel guilty enough for doing this, let alone raping this place's bandwidth with mass image dumps, so the rest of her images can be found at her auction here - [ ]

Feel free to brick me in the head! ^^;

Dear lord the innuendo.
Sorry. Hi and welcome.

09-23-2006, 08:04 PM
Dear lord the innuendo.
Sorry. Hi and welcome.

I guess that's what having the flu for a week, and being 'hopped up on Niquil' will do to you. XD
'ello to you too, and thanks for the welcome. ^^

09-23-2006, 08:07 PM
Yay I get huggled!
(etc. cuteness yada yada)

11-22-2006, 04:13 AM

He's really, really awesome. I would have bid on him if I had the cash. (He was won for more than two weeks worth of pay, though.) Do you know what the original price was? And does she do commissions?

11-22-2006, 04:44 AM
He's really, really awesome. I would have bid on him if I had the cash. (He was won for more than two weeks worth of pay, though.) Do you know what the original price was? And does she do commissions?

I believe he was first listed at 85 - I forget the exact amount, but it was very close to that.. XD [ I actually didn't think it was going to skyrocket towards the end like that. O.o; Go figure. lol. Er, better for her, though! Huzza for cash paypoff! XD ]
Yaa, they actually specialize in commissions! They take awhile to be made, but are uber-worth it. XD If you're on a budget [ like me. lol ] you can get a smaller one for about 40 bucks; their site takes some getting use to, but it's easy navigate once you wander around, and figure out what’s what. :3

Good luck. X3

11-22-2006, 05:43 PM
Thanks, I'll go have a look!