09-22-2006, 07:01 PM
I've always fantasized about an underwater setting for a "horror" game but even in my wildest dreams i never could have tought of such a perfect stylistic approach to it.

For all the amazing audio(07:05!!) and visuals they are presenting here, there's already a suprisingly big amount of gameplay ideas present and it all fits so perfectly.. sigh, i've watched it over 4 times already and this is by far my most wanted game for 2007.
100mb big but so damn worth it (

This could very well be the new Half Life

09-22-2006, 07:22 PM


09-26-2006, 01:32 PM
I honestly can`t wait for Bioshock, my bladder just won`t allow it.

In a games industry that i increasingly find quite boring this is the only game that i`m looking forward to. Everything from the art design to the characters down to the audio looks and sounds terrific.

Lovely :)