03-03-2002, 04:26 PM
I Love: The medievil settting :D
I hate: The Hot and Cold chocobo game!:notgood:

What about you?

03-03-2002, 05:02 PM
I love: The great battles

I hate: The easy last boss, and the annoying Hot and Cold thing.

03-03-2002, 05:10 PM
I love:The airship

I hate:Zidane :o (the worst main character i've ever seen).....

Bahamut ZERO
03-03-2002, 06:53 PM
I love:- The diverse range of characters within the game that gave the plot interest in parts where it begun to lag a bit, and the ending which had me choked up. Seeing that ending made playing the game and completing it worthwhile.

I hate:- The fact that I cannot get back into the game for a second playthrough. The fact that the only thing Zidane could do when not in trance is to attack normally. The fact that there wasn't one killer trance attack that could've made things more interesting.

03-03-2002, 07:49 PM
i luv: the characters......they r just very good in their own unique way

i hate:.......uh.........i can't think of anything right now........oh yeah!!! i dun like mr. morrid!! makin me bend over backwards to get him coffee!! i'll give him a piece of my mind!!!!

03-03-2002, 08:18 PM
I LOVE: The characters and the story, plus the world and stuff like that (my fave characters are garnet and eiko)

I HATE: well, I don't really hate this but I dont' like the battle system.

03-04-2002, 12:33 AM
Good: good story, interesting characters, good interface.
Bad: Wayyyy too easy and theres a really bad bug that can ruin ur game.

03-04-2002, 03:05 PM
i love- how they made Ozma, he was perfect in a lot of ways, but he was easy if u didnt steal.

i hate- the stupid trance, u cant save it like in 7, or like in 8, or 10 even.


Majin Freeza
03-04-2002, 03:51 PM
I love: ALL, except Eiko

I hate: Eiko:D

03-05-2002, 11:01 AM
LOVE: The story, Card game (i think its better than 8)

HATE: The suprising and easy last boss

03-05-2002, 07:37 PM
Like: Good gameplay, battle system * I didn't like ff8's battle system* Moogles

hate: Music wasn't very good, trance wouldn't stay till next battle, wasn't much fun for replaying for some reason.

03-05-2002, 10:40 PM
I LOVED that I could name all of my characters!

I HATED restoring Mognet Central! Waste of my time with the WORST prize ever at the end!

03-06-2002, 12:51 AM
I loved the whole game nearly, great story, good characters e.t.c

I hated the jump rope game

03-06-2002, 03:00 PM
i love: i love the game and the characters. they r all very cool an intrerstin.

i hate: the fat annoying Steiner
:notgood: :notgood: :notgood: :notgood:


03-06-2002, 03:26 PM
Wark Cola here. The thing i really loved about FF9 was the exclamation thinges that popped up when you were at an item What i really hated was Stiener. THAT BIG FAT............................. (WHOA, CALM DOWN. COUNT TO 10. 1,2,3,6,7,92,........:notgood: :notgood: :notgood: :notgood: :notgood: :eye:

03-08-2002, 05:15 AM
I luv: The medieval and fantasy theme of it.

I hate: The skipping game.:mad:

03-08-2002, 05:32 AM
Love: Vivi...So KAWAII!!!!:)

Hate: The Chocobo Hot & Cold Game!!!!:mad:

zidane tribal
03-08-2002, 05:42 PM
i love: everything

i hate: nothing.....

03-12-2002, 12:45 AM
I love: The first half hour of the game, and the characters (including Kuja...sure, why not)

I hate (maybe not hate, but dislike): The game after the Evil Forest. It gets so weird. But maybe I just need to play it through. I'll more than likely change my mind..

03-12-2002, 03:37 AM
I love: the invincable (wish I had one)
I hate: How the invincable is a bad guyz air ship but it's not an airship I don't see any propellers:eye:

03-12-2002, 09:44 AM
I loved: The story. I swear I almost started crying at the end. It was so addicting I didn't want to stop playing just so I could see what happened next. Heehee...

And Zidane. Zidane is awesome! :D

But my favorite part, hands-down, was the ANIMATION, and the music that went along with it. How can you portray a sequence without dialog? Heck, these guys did it, and then some! :cool:

I hated: ...??? I can't think of anything offhand.
Maybe what Bahamut ZERO said. You couldn't get a second playthrough with new secret items, harder bosses, etc. Ah well, you still get a great trip.

zidane tribal
03-12-2002, 05:36 PM
i agree exactly ^.....i will admit i shed tears at the end...what else are you supposed to do when you pour 70+ hours into a perfect game??? well the only thing that sucked a little was not being able to save your trance for the next battle when you get it and the battle ends before you can use it.....thats it...

03-12-2002, 09:59 PM
Originally posted by Memphis
I Love: The medievil settting :D
I hate: The Hot and Cold chocobo game!:notgood:

What about you?
Yah, I love the Medival setting too!!!!:p but,
how can you hate the Chocobo H&C game:confused: :confused:
It was awesome, and it involves Chocobos!! What else could you want!?:confused: :confused:

03-13-2002, 12:09 PM
I love: The settings the characters and the card games
I hate: the length of the game and the difficulty is tooo easy:notgood:

zidane tribal
03-18-2002, 05:54 PM
well you could have not leveled up as much, and tried all the side quests.....:D was hard for me.......

03-19-2002, 12:19 AM
I just couldn't shed tears at the end I just wanted to be there so I could rush in with a ski mask on and an AK-47 in my hands
or you know be up on top of the castle with a bazooka the croud has gotta go get rid of the croud can't stand all the damn noise and that clapping ahg must do something about it(rushes in on the ending FMV "EVERYONE ON THE GROUND NOW BEFORE I BLOW YOU ALL AWAY" that would be a sight Counter strike terrorists haha

03-21-2002, 03:56 AM
things I loved: the card game, weapon & armor system, fact that the whoal damn game didn't rely on summons, and the great grafics and story line

Hate: the ease of completion, fact that the game play was far to lenier, no options that effect the ending, possibly making a new one. stuff like that.

03-21-2002, 04:25 PM
i love:all wepons

and this ones for blitzball7 hi, i hate those fat@#$ but ugly stiener and quen i dare not speak her name!

03-21-2002, 07:56 PM
I love: Vivi, hes really cool, with all that magic

I hate: Zidane, Stenier, and Quina( there the worst character ever in any game)

03-22-2002, 01:06 AM
I love: The characters, the overworld(world map) its so detailed with the mist and sh*t, battle system, music, and storyline.

I hate: Some of the sidequests.

Auron 2002
03-22-2002, 09:29 PM
Love: Most of the side quests, the story, the fact that it is four characters in the party

Hate: the card game (hey, that's just me), the slow reaction of the characters in battle, the frog catching(fun when you're getting rewarded, though) and Eiko

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
03-25-2002, 08:00 PM
I Love:- The graphics, the story-line, the battle system, basically the whole damn game.

I Hate:- The Chocobo King bloke, he was really annoying.

03-26-2002, 01:08 AM
Love:The card game (better than 8's)
Hate:The charecters (except garnet and vivi)

zidane tribal
03-26-2002, 05:27 PM
Originally posted by Zachary
I love: Vivi, hes really cool, with all that magic

I hate: Zidane, Stenier, and Quina( there the worst character ever in any game) before you even played the game i bet you promised yourself you wouldnt like the characters because you wanted previous ff titles to remain your favorite....:D could you not like them??? i know you only said zidane steiner and quina, but they added so much depth and comic relief throughout the game.......oh well, can't please them all.....

Zidane 2020
03-30-2002, 04:51 AM
I love the music and the video sequences. - You are not Alone is the best music in the game!!!!!!!!!!!

I hate - How almost everyone dies in the game!

03-30-2002, 05:03 AM
I LOVE the chocobo quest and HATE the fact that only a couple of guys can use magic.

Auron 2002
03-31-2002, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by Zidane 2020
I love the music and the video sequences. - You are not Alone is the best music in the game!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, I love that music too, and Melodies of life of course.

03-31-2002, 07:19 PM
Originally posted by zidane tribal
before you even played the game i bet you promised yourself you wouldnt like the characters because you wanted previous ff titles to remain your favorite....:D could you not like them??? i know you only said zidane steiner and quina, but they added so much depth and comic relief throughout the game.......oh well, can't please them all.....

Once again, you are correct, brother.

zidane tribal
03-31-2002, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by Zidane 2020
I love the music and the video sequences. - You are not Alone is the best music in the game!!!!!!!!!!!

I hate - How almost everyone dies in the game!


well no main character dies.....many innocent people and npc die to add feelings and hate the enemies.....they want you to feel for the characters, and what there going through....i wouldnt want to play a game where you know everyone is safe, and noone dies...boring.....but your opinion is entitled so im not arguing with you....:D

04-02-2002, 05:55 AM
Oh, umm...

What I like most- Now that I've played the game more..everything!

What I hate about the game- Notta' thang!......Well, 'cept maybe...


Garnet cuts her hair..she's still beautiful as ever, but umm...I havn't found out why she did it...o.o; I'll get back to ya' on that..:D

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
04-02-2002, 08:57 PM
Originally posted by Garnets Lover
Oh, umm...

What I like most- Now that I've played the game more..everything!

What I hate about the game- Notta' thang!......Well, 'cept maybe...


Garnet cuts her hair..she's still beautiful as ever, but umm...I havn't found out why she did it...o.o; I'll get back to ya' on that..:D


The reason why she cuts her is, because she wants to be different from her old self, the type of person that get waited on hand and foot, but she wants to be someone who wants to do things herself e.g. explore.

04-03-2002, 12:08 AM
Oh, and I also loved the moogles.

04-04-2002, 10:16 AM
I Love Zidane, Vivi and Beatrix as well as Tantalus (sp?) and the cool citys like Lindblum.

I hate the QUEEN!!!!!! FAT ELEPHANT LADY!!!!! DIE!!!! Oh I forgot you already did! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

zidane tribal
04-04-2002, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by caittheoglop
I Love Zidane, Vivi and Beatrix as well as Tantalus (sp?) and the cool citys like Lindblum.

I hate the QUEEN!!!!!! FAT ELEPHANT LADY!!!!! DIE!!!! Oh I forgot you already did! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH well you should have typed spoiler before the queen comment, but it really doesnt change much

another thing that bothered me was the random battles...sooooo annoying....

04-08-2002, 05:12 AM
But bro', that's what makes FF, FF. If it weren't for random battles, the game would be MUCH quicker than it already what do you think about that? :D

...But I'll tell ya', sometimes, I get so pissed off.....:rolleyes:

zidane tribal
04-08-2002, 04:43 PM
yea i agree...but its when you dont need to battle, or when your guys are about to die, when they come up every 2 seconds.......really a bitch......:D