Lil' Sain
09-14-2006, 04:56 PM
u guys know any i wanna see if teres any funny ones
this includes secrets hidden movies and glitch's

09-14-2006, 05:08 PM
um in ffx-2 theres some annying clipping issues graphically where its obvious the things they have just added over the original ffx.

im sure i will think of some decent ones soon, i have played the game that much.

Lil' Sain
09-14-2006, 05:48 PM
lol cool thanks anyone have anymore

09-17-2006, 01:09 PM
Fight a worm-type enemy (e.g. Abyss Worm) and have it swallow a character. Have your other characters use Sentinel until the worm uses Regurgitate. See what happens.

Lil' Sain
09-18-2006, 03:21 AM
can u jsut tell me what happens

09-18-2006, 05:29 AM
can u jsut tell me what happens

That would spoil the surprise, now wouldnt it? :)