09-14-2006, 12:23 PM
Right heres the situation.

Firstly Hello Im new to the forum so If I topic like this already exists apologies, Basically I need the help of a seasoned anime fan/s.

On the old Manga videos before the actual feature would start there would typically be this montage of clips from several films accompanyied by a fast rock theme which went something like this


Does anyone know the name of the song or where I can find it? Your help would be much appreciated.

09-14-2006, 05:26 PM
rofl holy fuck. your lucky you came here. i know exactly what your talking about. i too wanted that song and did some reasearch on it. funny story.

a long long time ago, like around 1999, when i was first learning how to d/l and burn cd's, i made a jpop cd for myself. one of the songs was this hard hitting rock song. but i dind't know what farking anime it came from. all i knew is it said "gits" somewhere in the title.

only this year, when i was bored and was watching macross plus or ninja scroll for like the 5th time, did i hear the song again, and realized, "oh shit..that's where it comes from.." not FROM an anime, it was used for an amv for manga video. :p oh wait. actually i think i was testing out my new dvd copy of ghost in the shell. yah that was it. there was even a special feature explaining the song. yah, that's how i found out. :D

well anyway. heres the song info. i hope they still share it on pvp networks. most of my stuff is really old, i don't know if its easy to find now a days.

artist: KMFDM
song: ULTRA
album: http://www.google.com/musics?lid=jfrHbNH_N2K&aid=cEkwVv2NnOH&sid=yLoGHrHKGIG&sa=X&oi=music&ct=result
official KMFDM site: http://www.kmfdm.net/

have fun. i now feel the need to listen to some of their other songs. they're fucking good. :D

also. thanks for reminding me that i still need to add macross plus the movie to my collection. :p MANGA VIDEO RULZ! :P

09-14-2006, 07:48 PM
lol tact, "a story with every post"

09-14-2006, 08:00 PM
lol tact, "a story with every post"

lol. yah. sometimes. why i remember the time when.............

3 hours later

...and that's how I saved this forum from extiction. :D

09-14-2006, 10:48 PM

Ahhh you got me exicited but its the wrong tune!!!

The one Im after is more deeper and doesnt have any lyrics on it, except for the bit when all the instruments would come out and it would go

"UH---UH---UH" Then back into the Heavy Guitar.

I wonder if it was only on UK Manga videos, it was like an advert for Manga at the start of every film.

Thank you for your help though, It was much appreciated.

09-16-2006, 12:36 AM
rofl holy fuck. your lucky you came here. i know exactly what your talking about. i too wanted that song and did some reasearch on it. funny story.

a long long time ago, like around 1999, when i was first learning how to d/l and burn cd's, i made a jpop cd for myself. one of the songs was this hard hitting rock song. but i dind't know what farking anime it came from. all i knew is it said "gits" somewhere in the title.

only this year, when i was bored and was watching macross plus or ninja scroll for like the 5th time, did i hear the song again, and realized, "oh shit..that's where it comes from.." not FROM an anime, it was used for an amv for manga video. :p oh wait. actually i think i was testing out my new dvd copy of ghost in the shell. yah that was it. there was even a special feature explaining the song. yah, that's how i found out. :D

well anyway. heres the song info. i hope they still share it on pvp networks. most of my stuff is really old, i don't know if its easy to find now a days.

artist: KMFDM
song: ULTRA
album: http://www.google.com/musics?lid=jfrHbNH_N2K&aid=cEkwVv2NnOH&sid=yLoGHrHKGIG&sa=X&oi=music&ct=result
official KMFDM site: http://www.kmfdm.net/

have fun. i now feel the need to listen to some of their other songs. they're fucking good. :D

also. thanks for reminding me that i still need to add macross plus the movie to my collection. :p MANGA VIDEO RULZ! :P

kmfdm pwn =D

yes it was a pointless post ;)

09-16-2006, 01:58 AM

Ahhh you got me exicited but its the wrong tune!!!

The one Im after is more deeper and doesnt have any lyrics on it, except for the bit when all the instruments would come out and it would go

"UH---UH---UH" Then back into the Heavy Guitar.

I wonder if it was only on UK Manga videos, it was like an advert for Manga at the start of every film.

Thank you for your help though, It was much appreciated.

tell me which videos you own so i can try finding it.

i only have ninja scroll, macross plus the ova, and ghost in the shell. i do remember they have a lot of previews.