09-14-2006, 04:11 AM
Okay, all I want to do is get Seifer and Edea in my arsenal at all times and just continue the game where I left off. I know how to get them, but I don't know how to get back to where I was. I know this is cheating to a few of you, but I beat the game a million times and I finally found the Debug code. So if any of you can help solve my problem, it will be greatly appreciated.

09-14-2006, 04:53 AM
I've never messed around with this before, so I have absolutely no advice to offer.

However, I was just over at GameFAQs and I spotted two different guides in the FFVIII section on that topic. So it might be a good idea to try those first and then if you still have any specific questions, you can ask them here. (Or not, if you don't want to, I suppose.)

09-14-2006, 05:46 AM
Thank you. I always go there first, but it must've slipped my mind this time. I'll post my progress...

09-15-2006, 01:55 AM
Okay, apparently you can't just go back to where you were, but you can get really close to it. For example, I was in Balamb right after I completed the SeeD exam. I couldn't go right there, but I was able to choose to go to Balamb after the Dollet mission took place. You will still be able to keep your previous items and magic(unless you got all of them from the debug room. You can even the Apocolypse magic and get 100 of them along with a few other spells) and GFs. But after knowing your way around, it's pretty cool. And it's always cool to have 2 gunblade specialists in your party!

09-15-2006, 03:18 AM
It definitely sounds like interesting fun. I don't have the software to do it though, but if I ever got around to getting it, it might be neat to try it sometime.

09-18-2006, 12:12 AM
wow, that'd be pretty wicked to add two more people to your party... :P

but then again, I never really liked Seifer or Edea... >_> I'd much rather whoop Seifer's butt than be healing him... xD

09-18-2006, 12:33 AM
I do have a theory though. When you do add Edea and Seifer, they will be at the levels you would normally recieve them at. Example: because I'm only in the beginning, Edea is my strongest because she's at lvl. 26. And in disk 3 when she does join you for a short while, she's at lvl. 26. Seifer is at 10 though. My theory is this, I noticed in battles that I win with Seifer in the party, he would only get like 96 Exp. while the others would be in the 100s. I don't really use Edea because I prefer everyone to be around that level so the game wouldn't be that easy.

FTR, make sure Seifer and/or Edea is NOT in your party during a scene. Otherwise, the game will get mad at you. I had them both in my party after the Dollet mission and when I got back to Garden, Squall turned around and I was stuck. So I had to restart my game from my last save. Not sure if this would imply to the fight with Ultimecia, but I'll try it out and see what happens.

And it's friggin' awesome to have Seifer in the group! He has a Gunblade that can be customized!!

09-19-2006, 12:55 PM
what do you mean by customized? appearance, stats etc?

and it does sound awesome --;

09-20-2006, 09:25 PM
I was kidding about Seifer's gunblade getting customized, but for him being at only level 10, his stats are pretty good.

I also went to see how well the Apocolypse magic junctions. It junctions pretty well, but Ultima is still better.

10-10-2006, 03:38 AM
One thing I noticed while I was in the Debug Room was that a window popped up that resembled how well you scored during the SeeD exam. The funny thing was; it was in German! Well, after I saw it, I returned to Balamb before the Dollet mission. After it when I was in Cid's office to get my 'report card', I hadd 100 pts. in all categories except for 2 of them. If someone has had this same situation but all categories were at 100, let me know how it's done. If not, I'll figure it out myself.