09-09-2006, 02:00 PM
Hello all.
Im having some trouble aquiring the Doomtrain GF, Ive collected all the items needed, I have MED DATA on my Alexzander GF, but no MED LVL UP.
Do I need to finish the last skill he is currently learning before MED LVL UP appears on the list or what?

Thanks alot!

09-09-2006, 07:06 PM
Yes, you do need to finish Med Data before Med Lvl Up appears. Med Lvl Up is needed to acquire Doomtrain because only that ability gives you Remedy+ which is one of the requirements to get Doomtrain. You need 6 Remedy+.

Hex Omega
09-09-2006, 07:21 PM
What the girl with cute pink hair said. ^__^

09-10-2006, 12:38 PM
Thanks for that, but Ive read in here someone said not to fill alexzanders list with unneeded abilities, I think thats what I did.
Is there any way a gf can unlearn an ability?
or have i ruined my chances?

09-10-2006, 10:57 PM
Oh, I saw this thread and I was worried that may have been what you did. Yeah, if you filled his list with unneeded abilities, then that could definitely be causing your problem. Try looking for Amnesia Greens --- I think that may solve the problem. I can't recall offhand where you get them though, but I think the pet stores have them. Maybe not all though --- perhaps just Esthar's. Anyway, if you can get a hold of those Amnesia Greens, try using them to unlearn some of those added abilities and see if that solves the problem.