09-09-2006, 04:33 AM
This is a story that I've come up with, it's part of a series, but I'm sure you guys will like it. I hope you all enjoy.

Ground Zero.

Chapter One: Code Red.

January 16th, 1993. Exactly 2 years after the Persian Gulf War.

Reporter: Mr. Styles, sir, exactly what is this situation that has brought the U.S. on Code Red emergency Alert?
Reporter: Is it true that the president has ordered a nuclear strike on the Brazilian Island, Colares?
Reporter: Mr. Styles? Mr. Styles?!
Styles: Ladies! Gentlemen, please calm down, and I will address each question one by one, but please, remain calm, okay?
Reporter: So what is it that has brought us to a Code Red emergency alert?
Styles: Approximately 26 hours ago, a terror cell unit known as "Hell's voice" stole 6 ballistic nuclear missiles, and they are threatening to launch them at the United States.
Reporter: What are their demands?
Reporter: Do they have a time set?!
Styles: I'm afraid we've been unable to contact the terrorists, but they've contacted us, and I'm afraid they have yet to tell us what they plan to do.
Reporter: Then what the hell do we plan to do?!
Reporter: Where is the president?!!
Styles: The president is currently meeting with his administration on handling this situation, but rest assured, we have this entire situation under control.
Reporter: Will you stop with this government cover-up bullshit?!
Reporter: What does the U.S. government plan to do?!!
Styles: We plan to send our most elite unit of Marines on the island, to disarm the terrorists, and recover the missiles, as we get them safely dismantled.
Reporter: And what unit is this?
Styles: Unit Phoenix. A unit devised of our finest Marines, sent to this island to infiltrate their defenses, and stop this group of madmen from taking over our country. And I'm afraid I'm needed back at the white house, so if you'll excuse me, I think we have to cut this interview short.
Reporters: But Mr. Styles! Mr. Styles!!

Styles then exits the building, and enters a limo, as the press runs towards it. But the limo drives off before the press could hover all around it.

Styles: Man, how does the press ALWAYS get a hold of the top secret stuff?!
Renalds: You know the press, just trying to get a good story, no matter how much of a pain in the ass they become.
Rhoemer: So have we got our unit set up?
Styles: Yes, actually, we have the entire unit of our finest soldiers ready.
Rhoemer: So when do we inform the president?
Styles: We inform him when we reach the white house.
Renalds: *Takes files.* So Preston, how was the interview?
Styles: God, next time, get him to talk to the fucking press, okay?
Rhoemer: Stop whining.
Renalds: *reads the files* Wait up, Callaway's on the unit?
Rhoemer: Callaway? Dane Callaway?!
Styles: Yes.
Rhoemer: Dane? What’s he doing on this mission? He’s no infiltration soldier, he’s a ground trooper.
Styles: I called him up and informed him of the situation, and what it would require, and he accepted, you guys know Dane, he’s a quick learner.
Renalds: Yeah, he’s right.
Rhoemer: I know, calm down.
Styles: We're also sending Wright along with the unit as well, we'll need an infiltration expert along with these guys just in case.
Renalds: Callaway and the others aren’t exactly rookie though.
Styles: No, but this is his first on the field of infiltration. Same with most of the soldiers on the unit.
Renalds: *Continues reading files.* Wait, what the hell is this? Falcon? Hawk? Eagle? What the hell is all that?
Styles: Oh, yes, the code names the guys are going to be using during this mission.
Rhoemer: Birds?
Styles: What's wrong with that?
Rhoemer: Birds.
Styles: They go by the code of the name of the unit. All infiltration units do it. You can’t really use your real names when on radio, you know that.
Rhoemer: Bir-
Styles: Will you shut the fuck up?
Renalds: Jesus, do you really think Hell's Voice plans to use the missiles?
Styles: I don't know, and quite frankly, I don't intend to find out.
Limo Driver: We've reached the White House, sir.
Styles: Well gentlemen, time to get this show started.
Renalds: *Grabs files.* I want to help.
Both: What?
Renalds: I'd like to join the support unit if that’s alright with you.
Styles: Just wait until we get our guys on the island, son.
Rhoemer: Yeah, if you really want to help, that’s fine, John, but it won’t exactly be fun, you know.
Renalds: I don’t care, a lot of these guys are my friends, especially Dane, I feel sorta obligated to help them out, you know?
Rhoemer: Hey, nobodies gonna stop you, I’m just saying.
Styles: Regardless, you can be on the support unit, John, but have you set up any arrangements for getting this op dealt with?
Renalds: I discussed them with President Gordon personally.
Styles: Wait, so President Gordon knows about what we have to do?
Renalds: He should.
Styles: We’ll still need to go over the unit before getting his approval though.
Renalds: Trust me, with a team like this, I’m almost certain he’ll approve.
Rhoemer: We’ll find out then won’t we?

09-09-2006, 04:11 PM
Oh look. Someone else who has absolutely no idea how to write a story has tried their hand at it and come up with a complete atrocity. I was wondering if we'd meet our quota this week, but it seems my fears were unfounded.

09-09-2006, 04:18 PM
Hahaha, I liked the bit when, you know, the guy reveals the top secret plan to the media rather than keeping it under wraps and utilising surprise. BUT HEY, THEY'LL BE GOING IN ALL ESPIONAGE STYLE SO EVEN IF THOSE DIRTY TERROR MONGERS ARE ON HIGH ALERT LOOKING FOR THE MARINE TEAM, <B>THEY'LL NEVER SEE THEM COMING.</B>

09-26-2006, 03:53 PM
Thanks, and yes, that first chapter was bad, I forgot to update the editted version, but I promise you it won't be a bad story Prak. But since I have class, I have to put up the next two chapters and head out.

*And you know the media, they keep pushing til government officials just give in, lol.*

Chapter Two: Battle Plan.

The three officials then enter the presidential office of the white house to greet the president.

Styles: *Salutes* Mr. President, sir, it's good to see you again.
Gordon: At ease, Styles.
Rhoemer: So, Mr. President, we've made the code red official, and we've given the press the official story as well.
Styles: Sir, if you don't mind me asking, why weren't you at the press meeting?
Gordon: Because I've been in contact with the terrorists.
Renalds: What do you mean?
Gordon: They haven't given us their demands, yet, there's something about the terrorist leader...he seems a bit...familiar.
Renalds: How the hell did these guys even manage to get their hands on ballistic nukes anyways?!
Gordon: Styles?
Styles: Around 2 weeks ago, they hijacked them in the middle of a transfer from Brazil to the U.S. We were transporting our remaining missiles that we didn't use during the gulf war, and while the trucks were transporting them, the terrorists killed the drivers, and took the missiles.
Renalds: WHAT?!! So they could have MORE then just 6 missiles?!
Rhoemer: I would be surprised if they didn't.
Renalds: Why didn't you say anything during the interview?!
Styles: Because I don't want to cause panic.
Renalds: ONE nuke in the hands of terrorists ALONE is gut-wrenching.
Styles: Relax. They'll have NONE when we get this mission dealt with.
Gordon: So what's the plan?
Styles: Well, sir, you are aware of Unit Phoenix, right?
Gordon: Yes, I've already made contact with the men of Phoenix, as agreed. They are all being transported via carrier helicopter.
Styles: Well, we'll be sending them on Colares, in the depths of the jungle, in order to infiltrate the island, and reach their base of operations. Odds are, that if these guys managed to pull off a hijacking like this, they aren't your average braindead guerillas.
Renalds: Well, aside from Callaway, who else is on this mission?
Gordon: Yes, I'd like to hear all their stories, including Callaway.
Rhoemer: Take it away, Preston.
Styles: Dane Callaway, Falcon, is one of the commandos personally trained by me, during the time of the Gulf War. He helped lead one of our ground platoons. He led the men into the enemy base, and he actually managed to take some of the enemies as prisoners, where he and his men "Interrogated" the prisoners, and got as much info out of them through their foreign translator.
Rhoemer: Hope it's the same here.
Styles: Ryan Grey, or Hawk. The jungle is his specialty, but he tends to work on solo missions then team ops, but he'll manage. He's also a survival expert, he uses every resource he can get his hands on.
Rhoemer: That's good to have on the field.
Styles: Can I continue? Michael Wallace, Condor, is on the support and heavy fire units. He prefers support assault rifles, and heavy duty stuff. He's also usually our radio guy, for when things get messy, he stays calm, and tells us the entire situation. Johnny Markinson, or Eagle, is another soldier on the light infantry. He doesn't actually use rifles like the others, he uses two 50 calibur Desert Eagles, hence his code name. He's a hell of a skilled marksmen, but a bit of a hot-head. But hopefully the jungle'll cool him down.
Rhoemer: Hand guns in heavy battle?! Is Johnny some kind of retard?
Styles: I still don't know, but I do know he's got some really good aim with those things.
Rhoemer: Yeah, but aim doesn't mean shit when he's up against a swarm of soldiers now does-
Gordon: Gentlemen!
Styles: Oh right, sorry, Alan Paige, or Robin, was one of the best in his last platoon, but doesn't have as much experience as the others. But there are always rookies on these missions, can't blame them, right? Tyrese Simmons, Dove, is pretty much the same sort of story, he's pretty young, but he knows how to get the job done, according to his past superiors. And the other two even worth mentioning are Crow and Vulture. Two heavy support units. Dan and Kane are both really big guys, they both prefer the M63 assault rifles, and have a reload time of 1.3 seconds.
Renalds: WHAT? Are you serious?! That's unheard of!
Gordon: With M63's? Wow.
Secretary: Sir! There's a helicopter landing on our helipad.
Gordon: Well, they're here.

The president and his three mission officials then come to greet the soldiers on the carrier, as they all exit, and the carrier flies away.

Styles: Good to see you again, son.
Dane: Sir.
Styles: *Shakes hand.* At ease, son. So, you're back on the field?
Dane: Never left it, sir.
Johnny: *Twirls his Eagles.* Oh yeah, showtime, baby.
Mike: Shit, don't point those things everywhere, ya idiot!
Johnny: Relax, they're unloaded.
Mike: If you hit me with one of those, I'ma kick your ass.
Johnny: Sorry, but sometimes I gotta do it, like I can't keep my fingers still.
Mike: So you twirl guns in your hand?!
Johnny: Yeah.
Gordon: Gentlemen.

All the Phoenix members stop, and salute their commander and chief.

Phoenix Unit: Sir.
Gordon: At ease. Gentlemen, I'm sure you've all been briefed, correct?
Phoenix Unit: Sir yes sir!
Gordon: Good, so you know what you're in for, correct?
Phoenix Unit: Sir yes sir!
Rhoemer: Is that all they say?
Gordon: Good, then get dressed, and get armed, gentlemen, prepared to be deployed in the jungle.
Styles: And Dane...
Dane: Yes sir?
Styles: Glad to see you on this mission, don't forget anything I've taught you, son, do you understand?
Dane: Sir, I have a bigger chance of marrying a goat then I do forgetting all you've trained me.

They all then got in their uniform, and boarded the helicopter, as it flies to Brazil, where their mission would begin.

Chapter Three: Deep in the Jungle.

The carrier takes off with all twelve members of the Phoenix unit inside as they head for Brazil.

Styles: *Over radio* Now remember men, this is your mission objective, you are to make your way through the jungle and to the base of Hell's Voice, around 25 miles from your original drop-off point, without being detected by the enemy. If you run into hostiles, then take them out, but please, do it quietly, because if you run into one hostile, odds are, you've run into around 15. If you decide you can't muffle yourselves, then kill them quick, and kill them fast, got it?
All: Sir! Yes sir!
Styles: Also, we'll be here on the radio as your unofficial support team. In case you have any question on the area, or about your mission. It's me, Liutenant Rhoemer, and John Renalds, he's in charge of our medical staff for Phoenix. So if you need any help medically, radio us, and ask for him, he'll walk you through anything you need help with.
Dane: Got it.
Styles: Oh, and just so I remember, from now on, none of you will refer to each other by your real names, odds are they have informants all over the island, and they can tap you if they do, so from now on, Dane, you're Falcon, Michael, you're Condor, Ryan, you're Hawk, Johnny, Eagle, Evan, Sparrow, Kane, Vulture, Daniel, Crow, Andre, Blue Jay, Alan, Robin, Tyrese, Dove, John, you're Mockingbird, and finally, Jack, you are codename Raven, understood?
All: Sir! Yes sir!
Styles: Finally, if anyone needs to contact us, get Condor, because he's your radioman.
Condor: Okay, we get it.
Styles: Is that cl-

Condor then turns off his radio before Styles can get another order in.

Condor: So guys, how y'all feel'n?
Eagle: *clicks his trigger to the empty Desert Eagle.* Can't complain, man, you?
Condor: Well, guess I'm feel'n ready, bro.
Hawk: We're one mile away from the drop-off point, prepare to drop the rope.
Falcon: Got it.

Callaway then releases the rope from the open carrier, and puts his M16 on his back.

Falcon: Strap up, guys, we got a long drop from here.
Raven: *Puts on his harness* So Evan, how long you been in a marine?
Sparrow: Oh, going on 2 years now, no real infiltration experience, so this is a first for me.
Raven: Me too.
Dove: Yo Mike, check her out, *Hands Wallace a picture of his girlfriend* this is my girl, man. Right after this mission, I'm comin' home to 'er, and the two of us gonna go to Red Lobster, gonna eat some steak, and have me a really nice time dude.
Condor: I thought it was only sea food.
Dove: Oh hell na, man. They got everythin there, man. Steak, lobster, burgers, fish, it's all pretty good actually.
Condor: Take her to some place romantic man, not that place.
Dove: Hey, she seems to like it, and what about you?
Condor: Huh?
Dove: What you gonna do once you get outta here?
Condor: Here.

Michael then gives Tyrese a picture of him and his girl.

Dove: That's your girlfriend?
Condor: Yeah, we been together for three years now, next week is our third anniversary. When we go out, I'm gonna propose to her.
Dove: You mean, you want to marry her?
Condor: Yeah.
Dove: That's beautiful, Mike. Does she know?
Condor: Hell no, man. I'm gonna surprise her. I just know she's the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. After this mission, I'm leaving the marines, and I'm gonna settle down for a while.
Dove: Nice, just make sure you don't die, Mike, that should probably be on your to do list.
Hawk: We're here.

Hawk then connects his harness to the rope, and slides down. Falcon then follows, along with the rest, one by one.

Carrier Pilot: Radio us when you're ready to be extracted!
Falcon: Roger!

The helicopter then flies away, as they begin moving through the jungle.

Dane points his M16 in front, along with the rest, as they then reach an area covered with vines on the trail they're taking, so Dane takes out his Machete and begins hacking through the vines along with Ryan and the others. They continue to hack and hack at the vines as they travel further down the jungle.

As they crouch and continue with the trail, Dane signals for the soldiers to stop. So they all stop, as Dane crouches in a bush, and pulls out his scope. What he sees is two sentries guarding a small radio base. As he scopes to the left, he sees another soldier posted with a turret gun, protected by sand bags. And to the right, the same.

Falcon: Shit....

Dane then signals for Hawk to make his way to the first turret soldier, and for Dove to go the other. So Ryan crawls on the floor to the direction of the first soldier, and makes his way right behind him. He then raises up, and slowly creeps behind the soldier as he pulls out his hunting knife, and grabs him from behind, stabbing him in the chest and covering his mouth so that he doesn't scream.

Dove then makes his way to the other turret mounded soldier, but he's mounted higher then the other soldier. So he whistles to catch the soldiers attention, and when he comes to check it out, Dove stabs him in the neck, and tosses him out from his mounted position.

Falcon then scopes the two areas once more to see that the turret soldiers have been disposed of. He then gives the signal to move in. The silence is broken by the sound of gunfire. Dane and the others unload their M16's on the sentries and shoot through the bamboo hut where their radio mount was stationed.

Dane then runs in the bamboo hut, and shoots at the three sentries posted inside, and searches for anyone else posted. As he searches, another sentry slowly comes from behind Dane, with a hunting knife. But as he comes to Dane to strike, Ryan comes from behind, and unloads his entire clip on him.

Falcon: Thanks.
Hawk: Don't mention it.

The two then search the area, when suddenly, they see a fax has been sent. So they both go to check it out, but it's typed in Brazilian.

Falcon: Shit.
Hawk: Wait up, where's Blue Jay? He can translate this for us.

So the two go to find Andre outside, to see that he too, is searching the setup like everyone else.

Falcon: Blue Jay! You're Brazilian, right?
Blue Jay: Yeah.
Falcon: The sentries just got a fax, we need you to translate.
Blue Jay: Roger that.

As they enter the hut, Condor turns the radio back on and contacts Commander Styles.

Condor: Sir! We've reached a hut in the northern part of Colares.
Styles: Was there any heat?
Condor: 8 hostiles, but we dealt with them.
Styles: Good work son.
Condor: We'll be continuing on soon with the trail soon, their could be more coming.
Styles: Very well, continue with your mission.
Condor: Roger.

As they enter the hut, Andre begins to read the fax, but as he continues to read further and further, his eyes begin to stare closer to the fax, as if he was somewhat distraught.

Falcon: Something wrong?
Blue Jay: This fax...these guys....were warned....
Condor: What?!
Blue Jay: "Gentlemen, be warned, there are Americans coming your way, twelve, heavily armed, and coming for you. Get your patrols and retreat so that my men will deal with him.”
Condor: What does this mean?
Hawk: We've been spotted.
Falcon: By who? The drop-off point was in the middle of the jungle, how could anyone have seen us?
Hawk: Maybe they had another patrol unit somewhere, we could've been spotted when we were on the trail. There could be other stations nearby.
Falcon: We can't go back though.
Condor: So what do we do?
Falcon: Raven can keep our trail safe, since we aren't back tracking, he can keep claymores on the trail, in case we have enemies following us. I'll let him know.
Hawk: When do we head on with the trail?
Condor: As soon as Raven takes care of this place.

Falcon goes outside, and signals his men to get out of the perimeter of the station further down the trail, and stops Raven.

Falcon: Raven, you're our demolition expert, right?
Raven: Yes.
Falcon: I need you to plant Claymores to the entrance of the station on the trail, in the hut, and to the exit of the hut on the trail.
Raven: Understood.

They all the carry on with the trail, as Raven begins planting the explosives near the hut and within the trail they’re using.

Hawk: You sure this'll work? What if they spot the claymores?
Raven: Hey, I'm a pro, trust me, they'll never see the explosives. I've camouflaged the claymores with twigs, paint, and grass. Our pursuers are as good as dead.
Falcon: Perfect.

The Phoenix Unit then heads further down the trail to their mission, but as they carry on, another jumps from tree to tree, and hops down in the bushes taking his scope and observing his prey.

????: Twelve...just as he said....the sources don’t lie, we need to slaughter ten of these guys...and call this mission a success...Hahahahahaha!!!