09-09-2006, 03:23 AM
Halo is probbly the greatest shooter of all time wheater you like it or not. Area 51 had the guts to challenge it. (it says so on the back). and now that you've all had time to speculate and evaluate who do you think wins?

my vote goes to Halo.

hb smokey
09-09-2006, 09:36 AM
Halo is probbly the greatest shooter of all time wheater you like it or not. Area 51 had the guts to challenge it. (it says so on the back). and now that you've all had time to speculate and evaluate who do you think wins?

my vote goes to Halo.
Both games lose.

09-09-2006, 04:23 PM
Both games lose.

So does Sciz_Bisket.

09-09-2006, 05:12 PM
Halo is probbly the greatest shooter of all time wheater you like it or not.


You probably like it. CoD is a much better FPS shooter.

09-09-2006, 06:27 PM
i was taking more market and award wise then anything. i know that not everybody likes halo.
and since area 51 said it would chanllenge that way back when it came out. i just wondered what you guys thought.

Desert Wolf
09-09-2006, 06:40 PM
I used to play Area 51 in the bowling alley. Shame they moved and didnt bring that machine with them :(

09-09-2006, 07:10 PM
I used to play Area 51 in the bowling alley. Shame they moved and didnt bring that machine with them :(

He meant the PS2 version.

Hex Omega
09-09-2006, 08:00 PM
Both games lose.

So does Sciz_Bisket.

09-09-2006, 08:34 PM
Area 51 > Halo (arcade version anyways)


09-10-2006, 02:52 AM
I liked Area 51 because of the scaryness and the guns. But Halo wins with its soundtrack, story line, and gameplay. Now if they made a arcade version of Halo and it was just as cool as the game I would vote for Halo all the way.

09-10-2006, 04:33 AM
i was taking more market and award wise then anything.

I'd hate to burst your bubble, but even though I personally like Halo, popularity doesn't equal quality. Even if different gaming publications/websites give it awards. Case in point: Most of the FF's released for the psx/ps2.

09-10-2006, 05:48 AM
Halo is probbly the greatest shooter of all time wheater you like it or not.
I can assure you this is quite an ignorant statement.

I am willing to argue with this, but definately not now, I am quite tired.

09-10-2006, 08:13 AM
why does every body Hate Halo?

hb smokey
09-10-2006, 09:14 AM
why does every body Hate Halo?
It's not that everyone hates Halo. But when you compare how incredibly popular it is with the actual quality of the game, it doesn't make any sense.

the guy watching you
09-10-2006, 09:20 AM
Halo is probbly the greatest shooter of all time wheater you like it or not.


09-10-2006, 10:55 AM
Metal slug pwns both.

09-10-2006, 07:56 PM
It's not that everyone hates Halo. But when you compare how incredibly popular it is with the actual quality of the game, it doesn't make any sense.

halo is a pretty good handleing and well told game. i dont see whats wrong with it.

09-10-2006, 07:57 PM
It's not that everyone hates Halo. But when you compare how incredibly popular it is with the actual quality of the game, it doesn't make any sense.

halo is a pretty good handleing and well told game. i dont see whats wrong with it.

09-10-2006, 08:12 PM
but anyway, this guy (possibble girl i dont know, ive never seen him and or her) just said what i was talking about. halo is a massively popualr game. massive. and then area 51 comes out and says "ok were going to more popualr than that" and stats claims that it is and such, so... i made this here thread to see if anybody really thought area51 achived its massive goal of being massively more popular then halo. and again not everybody like halo... i know. people here seem to really hate it or somthing. but evern if you dont like it you have to admit it is popular, and iwas just wondering your thoughts on the above. and cyan cyde, what the heak,were not talking about final fantesy in here,that really has nothing to do with this at all. and yes... golden eye is the shizzle.

09-11-2006, 12:30 AM
It's not that everyone hates Halo. But when you compare how incredibly popular it is with the actual quality of the game, it doesn't make any sense.

Chewbacca Is A Wookie... Wookies Are From The Planet Kashyyyk Yet Chewbacca Lives On Endor... Why? It Doesnt Make SENSE!

Also Halo Is Shit Stop Bringing it Up All Of You... In Comparison To Most Pc FPS Series Its A Total Joke...

09-11-2006, 02:01 AM
Halo sucks and is boring! Can't people just get over that?

hb smokey
09-11-2006, 05:26 AM
but anyway, this guy (possibble girl i dont know, ive never seen him and or her) just said what i was talking about. halo is a massively popualr game. massive. and then area 51 comes out and says "ok were going to more popualr than that" and stats claims that it is and such, so... i made this here thread to see if anybody really thought area51 achived its massive goal of being massively more popular then halo. and again not everybody like halo... i know. people here seem to really hate it or somthing. but evern if you dont like it you have to admit it is popular, and iwas just wondering your thoughts on the above. and cyan cyde, what the heak,were not talking about final fantesy in here,that really has nothing to do with this at all. and yes... golden eye is the shizzle.
Ok I never heard a single thing about Area 51 trying to become a more popular shooter than Halo. Sure it might say it on the back of the cover box, but it hasn't come close to becoming as popular. Halo is like a cult, sad to say.

09-11-2006, 06:17 AM
and yet, Area 51 is the better game, imo.

09-11-2006, 11:27 PM
Chewbacca Is A Wookie... Wookies Are From The Planet Kashyyyk Yet Chewbacca Lives On Endor... Why? It Doesnt Make SENSE!

Kashyyyk was overrun by the Seperatist Army, that is why you see Chewie and Yoda saying farewell in Episode III. Chewie was retreating to to Endor in that escape capsule thing.

Back on topic, Halo had become more popular than Counterstrike. Which is fine by me because CS sucks but so does Halo.

09-11-2006, 11:52 PM
Sciz_Bisket is possibly the most retarded fanboy around. All of his posts/threads include Halo in some way. I'm going to have to suggest stop playing shitty games on a shitty console. You might come out a little more likeable afterwards but I doubt I ever will.

L2 Not Suck @ Life

09-12-2006, 01:12 AM
Sciz_Bisket is possibly the most retarded fanboy around. All of his posts/threads include Halo in some way. I'm going to have to suggest stop playing shitty games on a shitty console. You might come out a little more likeable afterwards but I doubt I ever will.

L2 Not Suck @ Life

PS2 fan.

09-12-2006, 01:33 AM
For one, don't call me a "fan". Two, you forgot my Gamecube. Three, I don't play my consoles anymore. I play World of Warcraft and if that fucking registers in your thick skull, it's PC. kthxbye.

09-12-2006, 01:46 AM
ok. sorry, i apologize.
just a few things though., only one of my threads is about halo. and now for some reason thats all asosheated (cant spell) with now. two and three are "learn to" is not that had to spell and did you mean to say "thick" skull?

09-12-2006, 01:53 AM
The only thing I got out of that was something about Halo, and my typo between "think" and "thick"; which will be fixed.

IMO, Sentence structure is your friend, but if you wish to pester me more. PM me.

09-12-2006, 02:00 AM
no im good.

Van Finel
09-12-2006, 03:04 AM
Both games lose. Half Life 2 wins

09-13-2006, 12:40 AM


09-13-2006, 03:21 AM
to be honest. i never even HEARD of this "new" area51.

that alone means its prolly nothing special.

it'll be worth a try though. like most everything else.

halo isn't as bad as people make it sound. so just ignore them. they just hate fans of anything these days. -_-

if theres anything on this earth, that has fans, the ffforum members will make it their life's goal to hate it for that, and that alone.

aside from that bs. i'll let you know how it is once i play it. but from what i can gather, i feel like it might dissapoint. conspiracies? that alone will set me up in a state of mind where i will no longer be "surprised" no matter WHAT they throw at me. but lets hope i'm wrong.

Van Finel
09-14-2006, 12:33 AM
to be honest. i never even HEARD of this "new" area51.

that alone means its prolly nothing special.

it'll be worth a try though. like most everything else.

halo isn't as bad as people make it sound. so just ignore them. they just hate fans of anything these days. -_-

if theres anything on this earth, that has fans, the ffforum members will make it their life's goal to hate it for that, and that alone.

aside from that bs. i'll let you know how it is once i play it. but from what i can gather, i feel like it might dissapoint. conspiracies? that alone will set me up in a state of mind where i will no longer be "surprised" no matter WHAT they throw at me. but lets hope i'm wrong.

Area 51 to my knowledge wasnt that new. I don't know why we are comparing the 2 considering Area 51 got 7/10's and Halo got 10/10 (even though i do think Halo 2 is overrated singleplayer wise.)

09-14-2006, 02:14 AM
ive played halo before and didn't really like it much.

I prefer
Unreal tournament (the 1999 one)
Timesplitters 2
perfect dark
quake 2
counter strike.

but then again i don't own an xbox or the pc version of halo...

i do have a demo and i may play it again sometime because the multiplayer was quite fun.

Van Finel
09-14-2006, 02:23 AM
Forgot about timesplitters 2. that one was great

09-14-2006, 03:30 AM
hmm, ok i just got here let's see....

halo as mostly been great with the game play down to the story line it defently beat's "area 51" for me.

area 51 itself had no real story line and it reminded me of doom to much..

area 51 defently get's the toast...:D

09-14-2006, 03:49 AM
TimeSplitters 2 was a good game, so was Medal of Honor Rising Sun. Oh yeah, Quake 3 for the PC or DC were fun also.

09-14-2006, 05:15 PM
hmm, ok i just got here let's see....

halo as mostly been great with the game play down to the story line it defently beat's "area 51" for me.

area 51 itself had no real story line and it reminded me of doom to much..

area 51 defently get's the toast...:D

arg. damn you to hell! that toast sounds delicious right about now. :p (i'm hungry...)

and yes, i quoted you solely for the toast comment. it sounds delicious right about now..:(

09-14-2006, 08:45 PM
arg. damn you to hell! that toast sounds delicious right about now. :p (i'm hungry...)

and yes, i quoted you solely for the toast comment. it sounds delicious right about now..:(

i have much bread! do not fear :D

Hex Omega
09-15-2006, 04:51 PM
Metal slug pwns all and inspires so much nostalgia in me.

Fix'd ~

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
09-15-2006, 08:56 PM
Time Crisis and Police 911 > all others.


09-16-2006, 02:12 AM
rofl. the fps' where the camera moves your char is the best.

house of the dead, original area51, die hard (yes, based on the movie) lol those are great. theres also this one that came out for the snes with an aerosmith theme i think. it was wierd. O_o

11-06-2006, 12:39 AM
ha! i got band for this.

11-16-2007, 07:54 PM

11-16-2007, 08:02 PM
So you revived a year-old thread that was garbage to begin with to make a worthless one-word post that has nothing to do with the topic?

Die in a fire, you fucking idiot.

11-16-2007, 09:26 PM
And to think, some people think that reviving threads isn't a bad thing.


but since we're here:

Half Life 2 wins

11-16-2007, 10:04 PM
Die in a fire, you fucking idiot.

12-11-2007, 06:44 PM
@Prak My dear Prak, your posts may be longer than one word, but this fact doestn�t change your IQ, which is obviously not so high, so cool down... little prakiboy...

12-11-2007, 06:45 PM
@Battle Unicorn: Of course, HL2 is great :)

12-11-2007, 06:47 PM
@Prak: Oh, I revived something again, didn�t I? I�m soooory... now go home and play with yourself...

12-11-2007, 07:46 PM
Get off the internet, leave the gene pool, wipe all records of your existance, because you fail as hard as any could possibly fail.

12-11-2007, 10:57 PM
I sort of prefer Call of Duty 4 over Halo at the moment.