09-06-2006, 12:40 PM
It doesn`t surprise me at all to be perfectly honest. It`ll be a flick in the nuts for Sony seeing that they`ll miss out on the christmas market.

Anyway, here be the news (


09-06-2006, 01:17 PM
People were planing to buy a PS3 before 2008?

09-06-2006, 01:21 PM
No shock at all. I actually find it pretty funny that they cut back on the number of parts going into stand-alone blu-ray players though. It seems pretty silly to stake the entire future of the format on the PS3.

Mr. Bunniesworth
09-06-2006, 01:43 PM
I heard about this. I also do not believe it will effect Australia's stockpile either, god-willing; that's what I've heard thus far anyway.

09-06-2006, 01:59 PM
so by the time its going to launch here it has missed 2 holiday seasons and itl be up against Halo 3
i like where this is going

09-06-2006, 02:20 PM
i have no problem with that

with the upcoming of God of War 2, FFXII and Godhand, PS2 still useful to me, so i can wait

09-06-2006, 04:12 PM
One more time Sony proved that it cant be trusted. I was not really suprisedme. It is not the first time that Sony does this.

jewess crabcake
09-06-2006, 04:15 PM
Oh yeah because Sony has a supreme legacy of customer satisfaction.:rolleyes:

dark phoenix
09-06-2006, 07:28 PM
It dosen't matter to me because i wont be getting it until it gets reduced by £200.

09-06-2006, 08:00 PM

dark phoenix
09-06-2006, 08:10 PM
Piisses me right off i hate it how the UK gets Ripped off on games,we Still dont have Kingdom Hearts 2! or Metal Gear Solid 3:Subsistance and FFXII has now been delayed to Feb 2007 and im sure FF7DoC will be delayed to its really out of order,I though The PS3 has no Reigion differences ARGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!

Kingdom Hearts 2 is realesed at the 29th of September.

Why has all these games been delayed again? :mad:

jewess crabcake
09-06-2006, 08:12 PM
Lol KH2 17.99 at Gamestop same price as Star Ocean 3. and FFXII coming soon.

09-06-2006, 08:24 PM

09-06-2006, 11:26 PM
its probbly for the best. id rather them take there sweet little time and make the best possible playstaion they can then see them put out something only half- done.
(cuz then they know its not as good, you know its not as good, and you have to go out and buy all the upgrades they put out for it if you what to play all the games you've got to the best of quality.)
it already sounds very impresive, and im looking forward to seeing it, the 360, and Wii go head to head on the market.

09-07-2006, 01:09 AM
its probbly for the best. id rather them take there sweet little time and make the best possible playstaion they can then see them put out something only half- done.
(cuz then they know its not as good, you know its not as good, and you have to go out and buy all the upgrades they put out for it if you what to play all the games you've got to the best of quality.)
it already sounds very impresive, and im looking forward to seeing it, the 360, and Wii go head to head on the market.

They would have already finished the design of the console though for jap and us markets. So surely there is another reason.

Well ive just read the news post thing. and it seems it's to do with the part of the blu ray drive. It's taking longer to produce than they expected. So they're probably waiting on it since they don't want a global shortage when they can concentrate on jap and us instead of spreading units too thin by trying to cover europe too.

Pff i''m not rushing to get one anyway. Infact i don't see myself opting for ps3 at all. Xbox360 an wii look much better options at the moment.

Mr. Bunniesworth
09-07-2006, 02:27 AM
Damn it, damn it, damn it... it has drifted over to Australia as well. Sony has just made it official. Bloody hell that really annoys me, that's basically four months!!

09-07-2006, 03:36 AM
You know, with all this going against it, I can't see the PS3 putting in a very strong showing this generation. With the Xbox360 having such a huge lead on it and the Wii's launch looming, combined with the prospect of most of the major playstation franchises going multi-platform, the future looks very bleak indeed for Sony's machine. And I'm not even being anti-Sony when I say this.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
09-07-2006, 04:20 AM
You know, with all this going against it, I can't see the PS3 putting in a very strong showing this generation. With the Xbox360 having such a huge lead on it and the Wii's launch looming, combined with the prospect of most of the major playstation franchises going multi-platform, the future looks very bleak indeed for Sony's machine. And I'm not even being anti-Sony when I say this.

I'm wondering what they've got up their sleeve to be so damn cocky about all the negative press they keep getting.

Also: This is news to me because I was thinking the US release wasn't until next year. Shows how much I've been keeping up with things since E3.

Mr. Bunniesworth
09-07-2006, 04:29 AM
I'm wondering what they've got up their sleeve to be so damn cocky about all the negative press they keep getting.

Come on. If they had anything locked away for a rainy day, the time to wield it and show it off was ages ago. If they do pull something out to wow us any time soon, you can bet they thought it up the night before... because despite the confident front they continue to present, they can't possibly be stupid, they know they are hurting themselves.

Pimp Daddy McSnake
09-07-2006, 10:27 AM
hehe I've just won a bet.

09-07-2006, 02:19 PM
I'm wondering what they've got up their sleeve to be so damn cocky about all the negative press they keep getting.

I think it`s just a case of them playing down the negative press tbh. Behind the scenes i`d say they`re shitting bricks. ;(

Also don`t worry Mr.Bunniesworth, it can only drop in price anyway.

Mr. Bunniesworth
09-07-2006, 02:35 PM
I think it`s just a case of them playing down the negative press tbh. Behind the scenes i`d say they`re shitting bricks. ;(

Also don`t worry Mr.Bunniesworth, it can only drop in price anyway.

Price was never a worry for me to begin with, I just want the damn thing out already...

09-07-2006, 09:01 PM
I'm wondering what they've got up their sleeve to be so damn cocky about all the negative press they keep getting.

I really kind of doubt that they have anything at all. It's not like companies are in the habit of saying "Yes, actually we are screwed" publicly in response to bad press. They are going to keep acting confident because to do otherwise would just make things worse.

Generally, I agree with Prak. There is almost nothing in the system's favor at this point.

Damn it, damn it, damn it... it has drifted over to Australia as well. Sony has just made it official. Bloody hell that really annoys me, that's basically four months!!

As if there would be anything worth playing on it when it first came out anyway. I am really baffled by you few people who are still eager for this stupid thing to come out. Did you learn nothing from the PS2 launch? It was ages before there was anything worthwhile on that system. Those schmucks who waited out in the freezing cold to get one on launch day got one of the worst deals in history, I think.

09-07-2006, 09:16 PM
As if there would be anything worth playing on it when it first came out anyway. I am really baffled by you few people who are still eager for this stupid thing to come out. Did you learn nothing from the PS2 launch? It was ages before there was anything worthwhile on that system. Those schmucks who waited out in the freezing cold to get one on launch day got one of the worst deals in history, I think.

I got a PS2 about eighteen months after it was released, and only then because me and my brother's PS1 just stopped working one day when I was trying to play Ready 2 Rumble or something ;( SO YEAH! For ages we didn't even have any PS2 games except for the free demo because, like you said, all the games were super shit like Midnight Pool Club. Good times, good times.

09-07-2006, 09:55 PM
I heard that the PS3 is going to be region free. So that's a plus in my book because I'm a big fan of imports and don't feel like modding my system. And I wouldn't buy a system right at launch anymore. The price isn't the reason, it's the system itself because it will obviously have a lot of kinks in it that would need fixing compared to a newer system.

hb smokey
09-07-2006, 10:08 PM
You made me think of Grumpy Old Men <3

Also: I love this news, but of course you guys know that because I'm a big anti-Sony dude.

Mr. Bunniesworth
09-08-2006, 02:59 AM
As if there would be anything worth playing on it when it first came out anyway. I am really baffled by you few people who are still eager for this stupid thing to come out. Did you learn nothing from the PS2 launch? It was ages before there was anything worthwhile on that system. Those schmucks who waited out in the freezing cold to get one on launch day got one of the worst deals in history, I think.

In the case of the PS2, I didn't jump on the bandwagon right away. I purchased it when Final Fantasy X was released; in a special package comprising of the console + controller, a memory card, and a copy of the game.

The only reason I stuck in a pre-order and plunked down some money for the PS3 in advance was because of the worldwide launch date, we all remember what happened to the X-Box 360 when they tried that, and I didn't want to get caught in a similar way. Looks like I shouldn't have bothered, but these are the chances we take.

dark phoenix
09-08-2006, 06:44 PM
You can't trade or buy games from the preowned shelf because the games register on your PS3 and makes itself uncompatable with other PS3's.
Also one of my brothers friends had to put in a hundred pound deposit for his.

09-09-2006, 02:02 AM
This doesn't affect me too much - I wasn't planning on picking mine up until March next year anyway. Like TK says, there is nothing really decent out at launch. The extra four months also gives American sites plenty of time to review the launch titles, so I can pick up a decent game, unlike the crap pile that was Perfect Dark Zero.

There are only two reasons i'm getting a PS3 anyway - Metal Gear Solid 4 is teh sex, and Fabula Nova Crystalis: Final Fantasy XIII is, well, Final Fantasy.

Mr. Bunniesworth
09-09-2006, 03:33 AM
You know what gets me though? March 2007 is still not a launch date; they haven't given us anything definitive. If they pushed the launch date back to a given day that's one thing, but at the moment it still comes off as a stab in the dark...

09-09-2006, 11:13 AM
You can't trade or buy games from the preowned shelf because the games register on your PS3 and makes itself uncompatable with other PS3's.
Also one of my brothers friends had to put in a hundred pound deposit for his.

Please don't spread unsubstantiated rumours.

Sony registered the technology to do this via HDMI, but they have announced that they will NOT be using this technology with games. It's designed to be part of their digital delivery system (ie, only registered downloads will work). This prevents digital piracy.

09-09-2006, 11:15 AM
You know what gets me though? March 2007 is still not a launch date; they haven't given us anything definitive. If they pushed the launch date back to a given day that's one thing, but at the moment it still comes off as a stab in the dark...

They probably don't want to do what Microsoft did. They pushed the X360 back to March this year; and then they had to delay the launch date by a further two weeks, which was just rubbing salt in the wound.

It seems Sony is doing the same thing and not releasing a release date until they know for sure.

Mr. Bunniesworth
09-09-2006, 03:05 PM
They probably don't want to do what Microsoft did. They pushed the X360 back to March this year; and then they had to delay the launch date by a further two weeks, which was just rubbing salt in the wound.

It seems Sony is doing the same thing and not releasing a release date until they know for sure.

True enough. But the cynic in me thinks its the ol' $49.99 trick. Saying March 2007 is a really conservative way of saying "March 29th" or "March 31st".

dark phoenix
09-10-2006, 02:53 PM
Please don't spread unsubstantiated rumours.

Sony registered the technology to do this via HDMI, but they have announced that they will NOT be using this technology with games. It's designed to be part of their digital delivery system (ie, only registered downloads will work). This prevents digital piracy.

My mistake i read it wrong on PSM3.

09-10-2006, 04:42 PM
PSM3 is the most cumbersomely titled magazine I have ever encountered, not to mention it is poop.