09-04-2006, 05:57 PM
have you noticed that you could probbly count the hardcore female gamers on your hand.? the gaming industry is primarlly targeted toward the male gender. though i do addmite that times are changing and there are a growing number of female gamers, but. there is still a vast over population of males in the gaming industery and fan base. and we (i am male) would not probbly be procieved as quote " nerds and/or geeks" by the female gender if there were more and better games targeted at the younger female audience. my hypothisis for the decline in female gamers... barbie horse adventure. ect. tell me what you think on this issue.

09-04-2006, 06:03 PM
They should make a DOA beach volley ball with guys and instead of the camerea angle focusing on boobs bouncing it focuses on male parts. That would attract woman. Maybe gays to.

09-04-2006, 06:23 PM
Roughly 30% of the gaming population is females, which isn't entirely bad. But really, the less girls, the better. Most of them are are too fucking retarded to even figure out DDR and that shit is like /ezmode. If they don't understand anything past dps, they're useless to me and I don't like girls to begin with.

Though I must admit, I did meet this badass druid on World of Warcraft who out healed me all the time and I'm a god damn priest. She was so awesome, we were buddies to, she made me Major Mana Pots all the time and I bought her a 20g Cenarion Herb Bag. ^___^ She's one of the reasons I'm playing a druid now.

09-04-2006, 07:32 PM
Roughly 30% of the gaming population is females, which isn't entirely bad. But really, the less girls, the better. Most of
them are are too fucking retarded to ...

Your reasons are stubit and retarded.

09-04-2006, 07:42 PM
Ouch, right in the kidneys. QQ more why don't you.

I don't really feel like the need to have viable reasons for my opinion on the female race. If you're a chick, and play games, good fucking game, otherwise, I really don't care. Bitches better get in the kitchen and make me some buritos.

Swedish Fish
09-04-2006, 08:23 PM
The thing about girls is that they can't seem to devote more than half an hour at a time to a game and (Please don't kill me. It's from my experience only. I'm not insulting the female gender) they just can't take the frustration of getting killed an hour after the last save. Guys just don't seem to care how much time they spend. But that could be because a lot of male gamers aren't very..."groomed" shall we say. Also, a lot of girls feel insulted by female depiction in games. I'm sure they're other things like girls being more outward and social than guys, but I'd say that these are the main reasons.

Van Finel
09-04-2006, 09:03 PM
have you noticed that you could probbly count the hardcore female gamers on your hand.? the gaming industry is primarlly targeted toward the male gender. though i do addmite that times are changing and there are a growing number of female gamers, but. there is still a vast over population of males in the gaming industery and fan base. and we (i am male) would not probbly be procieved as quote " nerds and/or geeks" by the female gender if there were more and better games targeted at the younger female audience. my hypothisis for the decline in female gamers... barbie horse adventure. ect. tell me what you think on this issue.

Wii is already being focused more on females. Problem solved

09-04-2006, 09:06 PM
Ouch, right in the kidneys. QQ more why don't you.

I don't really feel like the need to have viable reasons for my opinion on the female race. If you're a chick, and play games, good fucking game, otherwise, I really don't care. Bitches better get in the kitchen and make me some buritos.

Without having reasons you have no opinion. Only for this post i realise what kind of man you going to be in your life.

And no, iam not a girl

Van Finel
09-04-2006, 09:11 PM
Ouch, right in the kidneys. QQ more why don't you.

I don't really feel like the need to have viable reasons for my opinion on the female race. If you're a chick, and play games, good fucking game, otherwise, I really don't care. Bitches better get in the kitchen and make me some buritos.

Cartman: I would never let a woman kick my ass. If she tried something, I'd be like, HEY! You get your bitch ass back in the kitchen and make me some pie!

09-05-2006, 12:45 AM
"Wii is already being focused more on females. Problem solved"

sweet. go Wii!

09-05-2006, 01:19 AM
it's not that girls don't game, it's that girls play different games.

the sims is the best selling PC game of all time.

think sims. think nintendogs. etc.

09-05-2006, 01:21 AM
Without having reasons you have no opinion. Only for this post i realise what kind of WOman you going to be in your life.

And no, iam not a girl
fix'd :smrt: You may not be a girl buddy but I am so, gfg.

Mr. Bunniesworth
09-05-2006, 02:35 AM
it's not that girls don't game, it's that girls play different games.

the sims is the best selling PC game of all time.

think sims. think nintendogs. etc.

Sarah hit the nail on the head. The vast mojority of female gamers tend to restrict themselves to a limited library of games, or a specific genre. If figures out there stipulate that 30% of gamers are women I wouldn't be surprised.

09-05-2006, 03:24 AM

09-05-2006, 06:38 AM
my lil sis is a gamers

09-05-2006, 10:54 AM
fix'd :smrt: You may not be a girl buddy but I am so, gfg.

Now im confused. Were you joking?:-$

09-05-2006, 05:11 PM
wtf? i thought this was gonna be about rumble roses xx or something. i'm outta here. *spit*

i got some manly things to do. :p

Seymour Guado
09-05-2006, 07:35 PM
I was playing Halo 2 with this girl, REALLY REALLY HOT HUGE TITS AND HER FACE IS ABOUT A 7. Kind of a stupid, she couldn't figure out how to stop looking at her feet.

I think women don't play video games because they are offended by the women in the game, this is just from my expirence. There offended because most are half naked. There aren't alot of games made for women, most for men and men like naked women.

09-05-2006, 07:49 PM
IMO, I like attractive, "hot" women in video games. It makes them more idolizing, providing they gun wield and don't suck at life. (ie Ada Wong ^___^)

and ROKI, joking about what?

Seymour Guado
09-05-2006, 07:52 PM
Don't get me wrong, i love it to. Just some women that i've meet are like that.

09-05-2006, 09:09 PM
The thing about girls is that they can't seem to devote more than half an hour at a time to a game and (Please don't kill me. It's from my experience only. I'm not insulting the female gender) they just can't take the frustration of getting killed an hour after the last save. Guys just don't seem to care how much time they spend. But that could be because a lot of male gamers aren't very..."groomed" shall we say. Also, a lot of girls feel insulted by female depiction in games. I'm sure they're other things like girls being more outward and social than guys, but I'd say that these are the main reasons.

This may be true, but this applies to both genders. I have a friend who likes video games, (who is man) and he doesn't play them as much anymore because he is afraid he will be unpopular and called a "geek" or "nerd."
I have another friend (who is woman) that faces the same problem. Failure to commit to a game goes beyond females, it is mainly based on priority and personality.

Valerie Valens
09-05-2006, 09:25 PM
LOL @ Gina, GG. XD

jewess crabcake
09-05-2006, 10:54 PM
Woman are too self devoted to care about anything else. please feel free to insult.

09-06-2006, 12:40 AM
IMO, I like attractive, "hot" women in video games. It makes them more idolizing, providing they gun wield and don't suck at life. (ie Ada Wong ^___^)

and ROKI, joking about what?

About your "opinion on the female race"

Pimp Daddy McSnake
09-06-2006, 02:08 AM
I'm a hamster and I play all sorts of games.

Van Finel
09-06-2006, 02:09 AM
Woman are too self devoted to care about anything else. please feel free to insult.


09-06-2006, 03:00 AM
LOL @ Gina, GG. XD
Thank you thank you. /bow

About your "opinion on the female race"
I'm serious. If they don't understand basic video game lingo and can't hold a general conversation they're useless to me and better get in the kitchen and make me buritos.

Swedish Fish
09-06-2006, 03:01 AM

mmmmmmmm. buritos.

Tootsie Pop
09-06-2006, 12:27 PM
Uh well I am female, and sure I might not know all of the gaming lingo and stuff like that, but I love playing video games, and one of my friends is worse than me. She plays heaps of stuff like Halo and Zelda etc.
It is a shame that some bimbo girls think that it's 'nerdy' or 'boyish' to play video games, but what can I say? They are too interested in knowing who hooked up with who at the party on the weekend. Don't get me wrong, some girls are like that and like to be a gamer, but it's very rare. =/
I personally like all of the FF games, plus some Tekken games (please don't hurt me) and other stuff, but I like Crash Bandicoot and Spyro the Dragon games too.
And I sure as hell am not going to be making any male buritos.~ ...but maybe for myself instead.

09-06-2006, 12:38 PM
I'm serious. If they don't understand basic video game lingo and can't hold a general conversation they're useless to me and better get in the kitchen and make me buritos.

It really sound very differend in my ears. Like someone who beilives that the opposite sex is "lower-class". Sorry for attacking you

09-06-2006, 07:45 PM
btw. burritos is with two 'r's


09-07-2006, 08:48 PM
The game industry needs to focus more on how smart the girls are than there boobs.

09-08-2006, 11:57 PM
You gotta love them boobs.

09-09-2006, 12:14 AM

09-09-2006, 12:33 AM

09-10-2006, 05:49 AM


hb smokey
09-10-2006, 06:00 AM
Most 'hard core' gamers don't want to play female characters in their video gmaes. Myself, it doesn't matter much to me. My favorite game of all time has a female lead.

09-10-2006, 02:17 PM
I would think that "hardcore" gamers would play any game of reasonable quality, regardless of the main character's gender.

Mr. Bunniesworth
09-10-2006, 04:46 PM
The game industry needs to focus more on how smart the girls are than there boobs.

Why Ms. Croft what bulging... intellect you have. Come on, game industries are like mass-media in general, sex sells and they know it. Yuna was a refreshing change; she's about the only female lead that had depth and it was a step in the right direction.

More Yuna's please...

jewess crabcake
09-10-2006, 05:09 PM
You gotta love them boobs.


09-10-2006, 07:07 PM
Most 'hard core' gamers don't want to play female characters in their video gmaes. Myself, it doesn't matter much to me. My favorite game of all time has a female lead.
I never really asked about guys' preferences to character gender but I must say, personally, I dislike playing male characters. All my Warcraft characters are female, I'd take Ada over Leon anyday, I dunno, I guess it really depends. Another reason I think X-2 is one of the best.

11-27-2007, 04:40 AM
IMO, I like attractive, "hot" women in video games. It makes them more idolizing, providing they gun wield and don't suck at life. (ie Ada Wong ^___^)

Same here. I like to play games where the princess doesnt need rescuing becase she's holding her own.

Anyway, I play Halo 2 online and at LAN parties.... badly I suppose, but there's a real thrill and sense of pride when I hear " F*%&! that Miri Tekker sniped me again" or " GET TEKKER! " DOA is about T&A mostly. Sex sells, its a fact. and Lara Croft was female because the designers wanted to look at a girls butt for the whole game.

And yes, I'm a female gamer. I play Halo 2 ( weapon of choice: warthog or anything with a zoom) , Tomb Raider, Doom 3, RE4, gran turismo, need for speed (I like the customizing options more than the racing)

and my favorite games are the Soul calibur games because I've had a character banned from every version so far, even beating 6 boys in winner stays on for 14 matches. All are female btw, my favorite being Talim. the only reason Someone took my place was because I got bored. Oh and I played with my back to the screen against one of them because he had the nerve to say he ruled with Nightmare. He lost... not just the game but his respect from his buddies.... boys really hate to lose to a girl, lol.

11-27-2007, 04:52 AM
He lost... not just the game but his respect from his buddies.... boys really hate to lose to a girl, lol.

Hey! That was me!


Actually, it wasn't. Something in my bored mind (damn Steelers/Dolphins game) thought that would actually be funny.

11-27-2007, 05:05 AM
necro'd but oh well

I have a pretty strong distaste for girls who associate themselves as "GIRL GAMERS" as if this is some sort of phenomenon on par with fighting for women's rights.

Separating yourself as a "female" gamer is lame. Bragging about beating guys is even more lame, imo. If girls want to be treated as equals and not as oddballs out in the video game world, don't flaunt the fact that you're a hArDcOrE gUrL GaMeR and don't act like beating a guy is some exceptional feat. It should be no different than a guy beating another guy, or a girl beating another girl.

I imagine that sounds pretty aggressive towards Keaira, and I really don't mean it to sound so, just sparked me to post about something that has always been irritating to me.

Of course, I do think there should be more female leads and maybe even more female-targeted games besides... Nintendogs and stuff. I do tend to prefer female characters (especially in games where I can create my own), and female leads are always fun as well. Hell, Valkyrie Profile is one of my favorite games. SO2 gives you the option of playing a male or female lead (and that is my favorite game).

I don't think gun-toting, strong, "I-don't-need-no-man-to-rescue-me" characters are bad, necessarily, but its sort of a "Mary Sue" thing. Defenseless princesses aren't any better, but going so against the grain doesn't really make it any less of a stock, generic character in a video game. in the FF series, for example, a good chunk of people seem to dislike Tidus/Vaan characters because they are "wimpy" or more sensitive. They prefer Squall/Cloud because those characters have a "darker" or more stoic personality. If you can call it personality. Its still a basic, stock, generic attribute given to a lot of (j)RPG main characters.

Reason I like Valkyrie Profile so much? Lenneth is a strong warrior, but has a softer side, and isn't all powerful. She has flaws, she is deceived and lied to, and she falls in love without compromising who she is.

The reason why I dislike Yuna from X-2. Granted, I haven't played the entire game, but it seemed like they took her from the sensitive, quiet, soft, "princess-y" type character and completely 180'd her into a gun wielding, hot-pants wearing, ass-kicking, GURL POWAH character. I didn't think either character was particularly strong or convincing.

Buuut, I guess you aren't going to find the best personalities in video game characters, and most of the second part of this rant relates better to stories, rather than games themselves.

11-27-2007, 06:01 AM
necro'd but oh well

I have a pretty strong distaste for girls who associate themselves as "GIRL GAMERS" as if this is some sort of phenomenon on par with fighting for women's rights.

Separating yourself as a "female" gamer is lame. Bragging about beating guys is even more lame, imo. If girls want to be treated as equals and not as oddballs out in the video game world, don't flaunt the fact that you're a hArDcOrE gUrL GaMeR and don't act like beating a guy is some exceptional feat. It should be no different than a guy beating another guy, or a girl beating another girl.

I imagine that sounds pretty aggressive towards Keaira, and I really don't mean it to sound so, just sparked me to post about something that has always been irritating to me.

Of course, I do think there should be more female leads and maybe even more female-targeted games besides... Nintendogs and stuff. I do tend to prefer female characters (especially in games where I can create my own), and female leads are always fun as well. Hell, Valkyrie Profile is one of my favorite games. SO2 gives you the option of playing a male or female lead (and that is my favorite game).

I don't think gun-toting, strong, "I-don't-need-no-man-to-rescue-me" characters are bad, necessarily, but its sort of a "Mary Sue" thing. Defenseless princesses aren't any better, but going so against the grain doesn't really make it any less of a stock, generic character in a video game. in the FF series, for example, a good chunk of people seem to dislike Tidus/Vaan characters because they are "wimpy" or more sensitive. They prefer Squall/Cloud because those characters have a "darker" or more stoic personality. If you can call it personality. Its still a basic, stock, generic attribute given to a lot of (j)RPG main characters.

Reason I like Valkyrie Profile so much? Lenneth is a strong warrior, but has a softer side, and isn't all powerful. She has flaws, she is deceived and lied to, and she falls in love without compromising who she is.

The reason why I dislike Yuna from X-2. Granted, I haven't played the entire game, but it seemed like they took her from the sensitive, quiet, soft, "princess-y" type character and completely 180'd her into a gun wielding, hot-pants wearing, ass-kicking, GURL POWAH character. I didn't think either character was particularly strong or convincing.

Buuut, I guess you aren't going to find the best personalities in video game characters, and most of the second part of this rant relates better to stories, rather than games themselves.

You do bring up some points I agree with. I liked Yuna in FFX because she was quiet, had strong beliefs in her duties yet also had that reluctant hero quality. The other girls in the 1st game were the butt-kicking type and she just seemed like she was along for the ride.

I dont brag about beating boys and I just consider myself a casual gamer usually I do 3D artwork in Lightwave or write stories. I've just learned that Boys in general will either go all-out, T-baging, put-her-in-her-place on a girl, or really take it bad if a girl beats them.(in Halo 2 anyway) I'm an equal opportunities player. I'll do my best to take you out if your the enemy, I dont care if your male, female, both or non of the above. A game's a game. :P I will give respect where it is due too. I'm just happy when I dont suck at something. I get my butt handed to me every time in halo 2. But I keep playing because its just a blast. Like paintball only without the stains and bruises ^_^

11-27-2007, 06:14 AM
heh gamming girls are awsome in my opion

11-27-2007, 07:06 AM
I've just learned that Boys in general will either go all-out, T-baging, put-her-in-her-place on a girl, or really take it bad if a girl beats them.(in Halo 2 anyway)


But I like girl characters that can kick some ass. Aka Paine (ffx-2), Lady (DMC3), of course it helps that they are hawt and stuff. And if a girl can kick the crap out of me in a game...then they should just know that I'm not gonna quit trying to beat them or get pissed because i just lost to a girl. Doesn't really matter to me whether it is a guy or a girl, but it is pretty rare to see a girl gamer...I mean...I don't really know many girl gamers. They'd rather go shopping or something.

J. Peterman
11-27-2007, 07:25 AM

11-27-2007, 08:14 AM
Females all have different taste, and especially since they think and feel differently towards things that otherwise wouldn't be so different to us males. For example, females are attracted to cute things, such as that kitty hello thing? and they are attracted to make up and being fit to attract the opposite sex or somewhat of a sort. In other words, females are just indescribable and their thoughts can't be predicted so simply

11-27-2007, 09:38 AM
i know a girl that never ever stops playing halo

11-27-2007, 10:29 AM
My sis is seriously addicted to all those puzzle games that're on Yahoo games. And my mom is so totally addicted to Freecell.

So yeah, girls do game, but for a majority of them their gaming tastes are on the point of a scale where few males dare to tread.

11-27-2007, 11:04 PM
i wanna marry a gamer gurl. :p

actually i'd rather marry a girl into anime. either way, ima fantasize of sailor mercury when we fuck

11-27-2007, 11:07 PM
Go to the library tact

11-27-2007, 11:17 PM

oh i get good tip. :p

J. Peterman
11-27-2007, 11:51 PM
tact marry somebody rich for money

11-28-2007, 12:01 AM
My neighbour is a female and she plays Counter Strike and WOW etc. She is very good at Counter Strike and she always wins against me :-D. I think girls (or woman) are very talented but the have many preconceptions about games and gaming. This must be the reason why the most players are males.

11-28-2007, 11:04 AM
I have a pretty strong distaste for girls who associate themselves as "GIRL GAMERS" as if this is some sort of phenomenon on par with fighting for women's rights.

Separating yourself as a "female" gamer is lame. Bragging about beating guys is even more lame, imo. If girls want to be treated as equals and not as oddballs out in the video game world, don't flaunt the fact that you're a hArDcOrE gUrL GaMeR and don't act like beating a guy is some exceptional feat. It should be no different than a guy beating another guy, or a girl beating another girl.

I get giggles when skimpy tiny girls with high voices in fighter games kick the butts if giganto guys.


giggles I tell you.

11-28-2007, 12:27 PM
fighting the patriarchy one jump, high kick to the teeth at a time


ps chun li

11-28-2007, 12:38 PM
sophitia ^T^

11-28-2007, 05:02 PM
I think girls playing games is pretty hawt.

Though I remember a girl writing in to a mag saying that store clerks made fun of her because she bought PS2 mags.

11-28-2007, 07:15 PM
Should it really matter if you're a guy or a girl?
As long as you like to game, it's ok isn't it? It all depends on your personal taste anyway. There are guys playing nintendogs and there are girls playing counterstrike or whatever, why not? I'm not too much into games considered 'girlish' myself (in case you haven't guessed, I'm female =) )

11-28-2007, 07:22 PM
I personally loved Nintendogs, and I play with an awesome girl on Counterstrike :P

jewess crabcake
11-28-2007, 08:35 PM
I wanna marry a GameGirl, I mean 2 people in love, and 1 system, the way god intended.

12-08-2007, 06:10 AM
meh, you wouldnt want to marry me then, I like different systems. I have an xbox , PS2 and PSP. I had a gamecube too once, but it died...

jewess crabcake
12-08-2007, 04:43 PM
I can share the Gamin looove.

12-08-2007, 07:05 PM
Hey baby, what's going on? How about you and I kick it at my house and hit up some splitscreen?

12-08-2007, 08:09 PM
Hey baby, what's going on? How about you and I kick it at my house and hit up some splitscreen?

Just what every girl wants to hear. An invitation you can't refuse.

12-08-2007, 08:23 PM
hey you want to know something. Girls can play games and keep a good social status at the same time. Girls don't play a lot of games cause some think it's a waste of time and some will only play cute things like super princess peach. I also think that game playing is too solitary for a lot of girls. You have to think of the demographic of girls you would be talking about girls love to be with their friends and that might be why the wii is selling well to girls it's like a party game system. I'm pretty sure of this because I'm a girl

Megaman Zero
12-08-2007, 08:41 PM
This thread completely threw me to the wayside...I thought this was about that magazine with pictures of video game and anime chicks in it. The magazine is a total rip-off by the way.

But...I'm off topic, I guess. I think a gamer is a gamer. Some girls are more dedicated to gaming than others. Some are casual. Some are just strange - there's this good Christie player (Tekken) at my college who always leaves in a huff when I beat her. And she always calls me a "bully". I thought we were just playing a game, here. Now whenever I play her she gives me this nasty look. I think I'll stick playing Street Fighter with the Asians; I won't have to deal with her anymore.

12-09-2007, 01:03 PM
I have this female friend that plays video games and watches some anime. She is very social (goes to the mall, hangs out with friends, etc.) and also was runner-up for homecoming queen last year (and yes, she's very pretty. DUH!).

And let me tell you...she plays a mean game of Halo. I don't really care who plays video games, but I find it refreshing to see girls play games and kicking some serious ass. It's amusing too because males have their pride of thinking they are better than females in video games just to be proven wrong. I don't really look at gender against whoever I'm playing. I simply play to win and give it my all. If I loose, I'll tip my hat to them (only if it was a game that even I know that I'm seriously good in) no matter the gender.

12-11-2007, 02:51 AM
This was my 2nd thread ever OMG the nestalga.

12-19-2007, 05:55 AM
i'd marry any girl that would rather play games all night than watch princess diaries 15...for the 15th time

12-19-2007, 02:06 PM
who always leaves in a huff when I beat her. And she always calls me a "bully"

Let her win, then tap that.