03-01-2002, 10:00 PM
hey there!

u know when u go 2 the northen cave to fight sephiroth 4 the last time? Well i think i have found a secret materia...although i cannot get so i don't know what it is :Uh?:So anyway i'll tell how to find it and hope that u can help me with what i mean.

when u enter the cave u work your way down. Now when u get 2 the first fork in the road, (where you choose either to go left or right) Go left! Now ur work your way down. Now u start jumping down a load of rocks (They should be loads of green chests around) Well u get to this point were u can see a chest on the far left of the screen. jump towards it and u will see a blue/purple materia floating up and down in the air on a ledge below. U have to jump on this ledge to reach the chest. So you jump but it take you to automaticly to the ledge with the chest completely missing the materia! I don't know if i have explained that right but i hope i have. Does anyone know how to get this materia?

I hav probably confused u or summut but i have asked anyway so cross my fingers!

Thanx, Aeo the immortal soul!

03-01-2002, 11:27 PM
Oh yeah, Mega All. As you jump down, you need to hammer the use button (defult - O). If timed right, as you jump past it, you'll pick it up. May take a few tries mind.

I won't tell ya what it does, but it's one of the most usefuly materia stones in the game.

Hope this helps.

03-02-2002, 12:20 AM
yeh, it masters really quickly aswell, ull have 3 in no time.

03-02-2002, 01:30 AM
Oh my. I missed that! ;_; *gasp* I HAD AN IMPERFECT GAME! NOOOO! ;_; Thank you for telling me this. *shakes their hands*

03-02-2002, 02:03 AM
Oh, i got that one. It's alright if you like All.

03-02-2002, 02:21 AM
LOL i got that, by mistake actually. Was just goin and pressin buttons as usual, and bam i got it.:)

03-02-2002, 03:49 AM
I didn't take that long to figure it out... I don't use mega-all anyway. I'd rather have 4xCut. 4xCut is way better, IMO. Mega-All only hits once, and 4xCut hits 4 times so it's more effective against a single opponent. And if all three party members have 4x Cut, you get a total of 12 hits a turn!

03-02-2002, 02:58 PM
hey thanks, i didn't know about that materia. Two questions. In what order do you go to get the gold chocobo? i completely forgot and i need help. also how do you get the 4xcut materia?

03-02-2002, 03:12 PM
I got that materia by accident, I think.. :uh?: Never really used it though, just all works good enough. And 2/4 x cut is way better than both of those XD

You have to breed chocobos to get a gold one..
There, try that link.. ^^;

03-02-2002, 11:25 PM
The 4x cut materia was in the downed plane. You have to get to it by using the submarine. I must warn you that the enemies her are quite strong. Make sure you're at least level 40 or have a lot of potions and ethers with you. Once you get into the plane, go into the door that's closer to the right. Enter and you'll see all these treasures. I think 4xCut is hidden in the room or something. I remember that I always have trouble finding it, but it's in there so keep trying.

As for the gold chocobo you can get one if you beat ruby weapon. That gold chocobo sucks, though. I think you're better off breeding your own.

03-02-2002, 11:33 PM
4x cut can be gotton when you can get to the gelinka. Just run from battles, if there is any and grab the materia. It takes like 2 seconds to get it, and its very close to the enterance, so don't woyry.
Gold chocobo's take hours to breed, and i don't suggest it unless you want KOTR. Chances of beating ruby to get one are very slim. Breeding one took me like 20 hours, start to finish. Check the internet for help with the breeding. leveling up your chocobos at the gold saucer helps ALOT but takes forever.

03-02-2002, 11:51 PM
4 Cut is the second level of 2 Cut, which can be got in the sunken plane.

I have one character use Slash-All and another use 4 Cut. I normally have Cloud use Slash-All, an it's so strong it destory's all the enemy. Besides, Slash-All also acts like a long range attack (or at least, that's how I see it).