03-01-2002, 10:02 AM
Since they closed that other topic...*sigh*nazi*sigh*


they always kill off main characters (like tidus or aeris) or less than secondary characters, like general leo, zack, queen brahne, emperor gestahl, etc. never a person in the party around whom the plot doesn't revolve (possible exceptions are mog and shadow, but those are your choice, not a set part of the plot.)

Shadow didn't die.
Another thing....Yang. Plot didn't revolve around Yang, he was a secondary party member. Dead. The twins. Dead. Tella. Dead.

The real point of this post...

I was doing the alien quest...had enc-none on....anyway, I saw the spaceship everywhere it was supposed to be, except when I went to the Trabia-Heath penninsula...walked around there for a good hour straight. No go. never showed up. *shrugs*
I feel ripped off.

03-01-2002, 12:11 PM
Yup, they closed it.. And said why.. So why did you post this? o_o;
