Justin Holliday
08-26-2006, 07:44 AM
How strong do you think Zidane would be if you could use him when he is at his full maturity in other words when he is 24 yrs old. Since Garland said Zidane was ment to become stronger than Kuja when he has reached full growth. I personaly think that if he tranced when he's at his strongast he'd be able to destroy a planet with his power. "Though I know he would never do such a horrible thing.

08-26-2006, 01:12 PM
Actually, Zidane had already reached full maturity (he was said to have come of age) by the time he was 16; that's why Garland sent for him when he came back to Tera. I think I might just be nitpicking over technicalities and stuff, but either way...

The reason Zidane was ever expected to grow stronger than Kuja's were becuase he had a normal body that would grow and mature naturally, rather than artificially, as Kuja and the other genomes did.

Kuja's powers were actually not entirely his own, too. If I remember correctly, he actually used the powers he gathered from other souls in order to trance into something that powerful.

So whether or not Zidane could reach THAT level of power without doing the same things Kuja did...? We don't really know. And I think part of the reason Kuja got that power was because he had the selfish desire to attain it in the first place, and power is something Zidane never had the desire for. The only time he ever had motive to do anything even remotely that rash was when he wanted to use it to destroy Garland and prevent him from taking over Gaia.

Maybe Zidane did have the potential to reach that level of power on his own. Garland said he had the motive and position (even though he was wrong), but I think when Garland was referring to Zidane's powers, the ability to trance wasn't one of them. So I still think that unless Zidane actually had it in him to take advantage of another person's soul, as Kuja did, no, he'd never attain that level of power.

the intellectual
08-26-2006, 11:21 PM
makes sense to me

and besides, zidane practically IS stronger than kuja, after all, he beat him
he would have killed him if not for the script

Justin Holliday
08-26-2006, 11:25 PM
Oh yeah thanks for pointing that out Kurohime Kuja was meant to die at the age of 24 whan Zidane turns 16 like he is in the game.

Though I still think that Zidane is the better gnome, even with all those souls Kuja absorbed in his self. If I remember correctly Garland said that Zidane is meant to become stronger than he is now, but he has not reached that age yet. Also Garland said Zidane was supposed to become an imortal at the age when Kujas supposed to die in other word 24 yrs old.

But maybe the fact that Garland and terra were destroyed the effects on Zidanes spiritual power lessend as a result.

08-27-2006, 02:47 AM
Also Garland said Zidane was supposed to become an imortal at the age when Kujas supposed to die in other word 24 yrs old.
When Garland told Zidane he'd live for an eternity among the stars, he was referring to Zidane's soul. The people of Tera had figured out a way to achieve immortality by finding new planets with young crystals and absoribing it into their planet's crystal. The red and blue energies they were talking about on Tera (in the abservatory) were the energies of Gaia's and Tera's crystals.

Because Zidane was Teran, and a Genome, he also had a soul that had the potential to be immortal in the same way Terans were all "immortal." The souls of the Terans were placed in shells (in this case, the Genomes.) Zidane was unique becuase he was born with a soul and also born with a normal body. Aside from him, Kuja, Mikoto, and Garland, the other genomes were basically just animate shells, remember? Garland expected that Zidane would want to join in that plan and continue on with him, absorbing plantes and having his soul reborn in different bodies for eternity.

Justin Holliday
08-27-2006, 03:34 AM
(Do not read if you have not completed FFIX) The Gnomes were all still emtey vessels when Zidane and co meet them at Bran Bul. They exist to house the terans souls once the light of Giai's crystal which is blue (because of Giai's spiritual energy) turns scarlet when all the life energy of Gaia get's absorbed in Terra. Once that energy assimilation is complete is when the Gnomes were supposed to house the terans souls.

Another reason you can tell that all the Gnomes of course besiedes Zidane, Mikoto, and Kuja are soules is because they all have no emotions or knowelege of the elements of life itself. For example after terra got destroyed by Kuja an all the Gnomes were taken to Gaia where they then lived at the Black Mage village. One of the Gnomes did not even Know like meant or emotion even(the part with the chocobo Boby Corwen liking that gnome).

The Gnomes also did not know that water flowed, and even that time flowed and existed. The Gnomes are like the Black Mages one of the village leader Black Mages said. I do think since the Black Mages bacame self-aware so will the Gnomes once given enough time.O:]

07-27-2007, 11:13 AM
I have been wondering the same thing...what did Garland mean by those words?

I have finished the game many times too..so Zidane has born with a soul?


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07-27-2007, 12:09 PM
I have finished the game many times too..so Zidane has born with a soul?

I'm not an FFIX expert but... this point isn't explained very well and doesn't really need to be. Garland merely states "When you received the gift of life in Bran Bal" and not much else. If you were going to make an assumption i'd say Garland would have used one of the sleeping Terrans souls for Zidane and Kuja.

Tag of Fire
09-05-2007, 09:24 PM
Ooh I just love these kind of conversations and speculations. ^^

There are certain ways Zidane could have been born with a soul. It could have been insterted somehow, it could have been some error in the development or.. oh well. That's as far as I'll go. =P

09-06-2007, 12:44 AM
Ooh I just love these kind of conversations and speculations. ^^

There are certain ways Zidane could have been born with a soul. It could have been insterted somehow, it could have been some error in the development or.. oh well. That's as far as I'll go. =P

Dude.... Who cares? I swear people read far too much into games these days. When I first played FFIX I wasn't overbothered about the storyline, I just wanted to play the game.

And secondly, why revive a month old thread!?!

09-06-2007, 12:54 AM
maybe how Garland inserted a soul was he took a soul from the Invincible.. .maybe...i think...

09-06-2007, 04:48 AM
Dude.... Who cares?

Lots of people do, so why don't you let the discussion take place? The thread was still in the first page, I take it.

I swear people read far too much into games these days.

Because they're curious about an aspect of the storyline? lol

When I first played FFIX I wasn't overbothered about the storyline, I just wanted to play the game.

Good thing you speak for the rest of us then, eh?

09-06-2007, 06:05 AM
Ooh I just love these kind of conversations and speculations. ^^

There are certain ways Zidane could have been born with a soul. It could have been insterted somehow, it could have been some error in the development or.. oh well. That's as far as I'll go. =P

It was magic!! :O!!

I don't think it was a mistake that he was born with a soul, though, becuase Garland said that he was made specifically for that purpose. So it was probably intentional.