08-23-2006, 02:22 AM
I used to have all the Slayers Sound Bible collections, for Slayers, Slayers Next, and Slayers Try... (Hard Drive crash, though, stole all them from me long ago...) Does anyone have these? The BGMs from that series are the greatest!! I've only recovered a few tracks, not even 1 complete album... (And also, if anyone has the various OP/ED theme Albums/singles, I'd love that too, as I've only recovered a few of them, and none of the Karaoke versions anymore...

Hope someone can help!!

08-23-2006, 02:29 AM
Although a couple are only 128 CBR, I did just recently download the OP Singles for Slayers, Slayers NEXT and Slayers PERFECT; I'll see about getting those up for ye sometime soon. That said, I'll hunt around and see if there is anything else I can locate ^^.

08-23-2006, 10:02 AM
Although a couple are only 128 CBR, I did just recently download the OP Singles for Slayers, Slayers NEXT and Slayers PERFECT; I'll see about getting those up for ye sometime soon. That said, I'll hunt around and see if there is anything else I can locate ^^.

Thank ye kindly! Anything helps! And if you come across any of the sound bibles, that'd be sweet, too!
