08-22-2006, 01:58 AM
Who here notices any MAJOR similarities between FF12 and other *Older* FF games? I know that FF12 is set in Ivalice from FF Tactics Advance, but I'm cool with that. Namely, the concept of a princess wanting to be "stolen" by a Sky Pirate? FF9 with Zidane and Garnet should immediately come to mind. Next, if the idea of Magicite didn't come from FF6, I must be a flying pig!!! Finally, here are some character similarities between FF12 and other FF's: Ashe=Yuna (They look almost the same!), Vaan=Tidus (They also look almost the same, with their funky pants and metal arms), Penelo=Lenna (Only with lond hair, and not pink), Balthier=Cid/Irvine (Cid from FF7, only a lot younger and with a gun like Irvine from FF8). Basch looks like a cross between Cyan, Beatrix (From FF9), and Sabin. Fran is the only unique-looking character of the entire cast. I know that people will be pissed at me for being a cunt on this topic, but it is very, very frustrating to me. I can only pin this on a complete lack of originality on the development team. All I can say is that there is more to come from me on this topic...

08-22-2006, 02:08 AM
Well, FFXII is not a total ripoff... you could say... FFXII is the result when you combine all the other Final Fantasies together!

08-22-2006, 02:33 AM
Understood, but it's evident that they could have tried a little harder to come up with original stuff. Just so it's known, I'm basing all of my conclusions off of the limited amount of the game that I've seen. I saw the official site, and wasn't terribly impressed by what I saw in the trailer. It looks visually stunning, and will probably still be fun to play, but most of the content seemed to be taken directly from the other games. I noticed another thing: They took the song "Battle On The Big Bridge" from FF5 and reorchestrated it, which has never been done to another FF song except the Prelude, Chocobo, Moogle, and Ending Theme (The Intro to FF1 and 4 part of it; You know, Duh-dah-dah-duh Daah-dah-duh Dah-du-da-dah-duuh-duuh-duuh etc.) songs.

08-22-2006, 02:48 AM
Every character can't be completely unique, there are only so many ideas put into one and yes, some aspects will be adopted from past characters. There have been many Final Fantasy's and I would find it hard to make something completely new. If this is what the development team wants to do, oh well, it's a game that when you're done you'll probably come raving back on the forums about how much you love Vaan and idolize him like the next Cloud Strife.

Your comparisons are pretty crappy and are only held up by your opinion, so they fail. It'd be different if you showed me some visual diagrams, some proof of your opinions, and please no putting two pictures together and telling me to look at the similarity because that doesn't cut it. I like visual aids like circles and notes telling me what to notice. You haven't even played the game so you can't compare the storyline just because of what you saw in a trailor, clips, or whatever.

Theres my 4 cents, the end.

08-22-2006, 04:38 AM
Who here notices any MAJOR similarities between FF12 and other *Older* FF games? I know that FF12 is set in Ivalice from FF Tactics Advance, but I'm cool with that. Namely, the concept of a princess wanting to be "stolen" by a Sky Pirate? FF9 with Zidane and Garnet should immediately come to mind. Next, if the idea of Magicite didn't come from FF6, I must be a flying pig!!! Finally, here are some character similarities between FF12 and other FF's: Ashe=Yuna (They look almost the same!), Vaan=Tidus (They also look almost the same, with their funky pants and metal arms), Penelo=Lenna (Only with lond hair, and not pink), Balthier=Cid/Irvine (Cid from FF7, only a lot younger and with a gun like Irvine from FF8). Basch looks like a cross between Cyan, Beatrix (From FF9), and Sabin. Fran is the only unique-looking character of the entire cast. I know that people will be pissed at me for being a cunt on this topic, but it is very, very frustrating to me. I can only pin this on a complete lack of originality on the development team. All I can say is that there is more to come from me on this topic...

Understood, but it's evident that they could have tried a little harder to come up with original stuff. Just so it's known, I'm basing all of my conclusions off of the limited amount of the game that I've seen. I saw the official site, and wasn't terribly impressed by what I saw in the trailer. It looks visually stunning, and will probably still be fun to play, but most of the content seemed to be taken directly from the other games. I noticed another thing: They took the song "Battle On The Big Bridge" from FF5 and reorchestrated it, which has never been done to another FF song except the Prelude, Chocobo, Moogle, and Ending Theme (The Intro to FF1 and 4 part of it; You know, Duh-dah-dah-duh Daah-dah-duh Dah-du-da-dah-duuh-duuh-duuh etc.) songs.

You have the most ignorant argument I have ever heard. Aside from Norse mythology, every Final Fantasy take something from all the other Final Fantasies.

I noticed another thing: They took the song "Battle On The Big Bridge" from FF5 and reorchestrated it, which has never been done to another FF song except the Prelude, Chocobo, Moogle, and Ending Theme

Yeah they have, Case in point: FFIX took 2 or 3 songs from older FF games and updated them, and I don't mean the examples you listed.

08-22-2006, 06:32 AM
I admit that, yes, I have not seen much of the game yet. What I have seen, though, I feel has been taken from older FF games.

Twilight makes a good point, in which that all characters can't be completely unique. I can only say that the crop of characters for FF12 is too similar to other FF's for my taste. I'm not saying that I hate all Final Fantasies, or even Final Fantasy 12. I'm also excited to see how the game will actually be. I'm just saying that certain elements of the game are extremely similar.

I've never said anything about the plot, for that matter. I only said that the IDEA of Magicite originally came from FF6. I did say that certain smaller elements of the plot were taken directly from other FF's, though (Case in Point: The princess wanting to be kidnapped by the sky pirate).

As for the music, It's bad that a different composer from Nobuo Uematsu took Nobuo's original song for FF5 and just reorchestrated it. I know that it's hard to compose original music (I should know; I compose music all the time), but you shouldn't take ANOTHER PERSON'S music and try to update it and make it your own.

MarvinStraight: Tell me what songs in FF11 were previously used in earlier FF's, and I will validate your statements. I can at least admit that I have no real basis for my claims, but you can't seem to do that, now can you?

08-22-2006, 06:34 AM
I know that people will be pissed at me for being a cunt on this topic, but it is very, very frustrating to me.

Foresight on my part, I suppose

08-22-2006, 07:45 AM
MarvinStraight: Tell me what songs in FF11 were previously used in earlier FF's, and I will validate your statements. I can at least admit that I have no real basis for my claims, but you can't seem to do that, now can you?

I didn't say FF11 (XI), I was talking about FF9 (IX). anyway, Gulug Volcano from FF1 is one. the 2nd I can't remember for the life of me but it's somewere before the end around crystal world.

08-22-2006, 08:13 AM
Just because the characters may be similar to others doesn't mean they will ride the same story to the end.

08-22-2006, 02:53 PM
I admit that, yes, I have not seen much of the game yet. What I have seen, though, I feel has been taken from older FF games.

The series has been referencing itself for ages. Practically every one of the FF games for the last decade has homaged the previous games. It's nothing new.

As for the music, It's bad that a different composer from Nobuo Uematsu took Nobuo's original song for FF5 and just reorchestrated it. I know that it's hard to compose original music (I should know; I compose music all the time), but you shouldn't take ANOTHER PERSON'S music and try to update it and make it your own.

I'm sure the rights to the music would technically belong to Square-Enix. Uematsu was duly compensated for his work on the previous games, after all.

08-23-2006, 09:47 AM
Oh yea ^^ Like Prak said the serires has been referencing iteslf for ages. If they didn't have chocobos, moogles, cid and the prelude, well they might as well call it Vaan's Story: The next generation RPG because it certainly wouldn't be a Final Fantasy?

But now is the real question... is a final fantasy without ifrit and shiva and bahamut as summons a final fantasy??

08-23-2006, 12:11 PM
But now is the real question... is a final fantasy without ifrit and shiva and bahamut as summons a final fantasy??
Many people, and mostly those that don't consider the Spirit's Within to be an FF I expect, would say no, but then I'm stereotyping...

I don't believe that they need those summons or anything that is associated with FF (such as chocobos) to be in the game to be considered a Final Fantasy. It's more about what it tries to achieve in regards to emotions and the like, but in then it's just a name. What matters is the game itself.

08-23-2006, 09:56 PM
Anybody who believes FFXII, FF:TSW or any other FF are not FF's obviously miss the point of what it means to be a FF game/movie/etc.

08-24-2006, 05:01 AM
The whole FF series has similarities. The vehicles, animals, and names are the most obvious to me.

08-24-2006, 11:56 AM
well, how about Dirge of Cerberus?

is DOC similar to ffvii?

why many people hate DOC?

i suggest you to wait until ffxii release and then play it

and one more thing, vaan doesn't look like tidus at all

08-24-2006, 02:33 PM
Many people hate DoC because it is a generic shooter with piss-poor gameplay, terrible camera control, a lackluster script, uninteresting level designs, no difficulty to speak of, lack of key features in most shooters... the list goes on. In short, people hate it because it's a cheaply made cash-in designed to sell purely by having an affiliation with FFVII. It's another example of Square-Enix treating FFVII fans like they're stupid and FFVII fans justifying that belief by being stupid enough to support the product.

08-24-2006, 02:35 PM
I have spotted some similiries from other ffs too. The characters, the plot. It reminds me a mixture of 6,8,9 and 11. Btw the bad guy looks a lot like Laguna to me.

Of course we will be sure only when we play the game

08-24-2006, 03:38 PM
Uhhh, yeah FFXII a total rip-off because Squareenix are really going to want to rip off their own franchise, first of all do you even know what a rip-off is. It is when one company takes another company's idea and then they try to pass it off as their own work. I don't think it is actually possible to rip-off your own company unless you was to quit the company and create something yourself using their ideas but then, as the ex-employee would not be working for the company, the ex-employee would still not ripping-off their own company.

If there was no simillarities between XII & the others then people would question whether they have gone too far away from the final fantasy franchise they have come to love.

I suppose in your opinion then, FF IX was a rip-off because it paid due respect to everything that had made Final Fantasy what it was by then.

08-24-2006, 04:01 PM
Many people hate DoC because it is a generic shooter with piss-poor gameplay, terrible camera control, a lackluster script, uninteresting level designs, no difficulty to speak of, lack of key features in most shooters... the list goes on. In short, people hate it because it's a cheaply made cash-in designed to sell purely by having an affiliation with FFVII. It's another example of Square-Enix treating FFVII fans like they're stupid and FFVII fans justifying that belief by being stupid enough to support the product.


i still think that DOC is not for ffvii fans

and i disagree with what you typed

DOC is a good game

08-24-2006, 04:05 PM
If you want to disagree, back it up. Saying that you disagree and think it's good does nothing to counter what I said. It just presents the impression that people who like the game have no real reason for it, further reinforcing my own point.

08-24-2006, 04:12 PM
well, i like the game because i like the game

when i play it, my mind react and say that 'wow this game is kinda good'

so i will say that this game is good

08-24-2006, 04:22 PM
And you would be wrong. Something is not good simply because you like it. It just means that you like it.

08-24-2006, 04:41 PM

okay then, if you said so

i have nothing more to object

08-26-2006, 07:56 PM
Who here notices any MAJOR similarities between FF12 and other *Older* FF games? I know that FF12 is set in Ivalice from FF Tactics Advance, but I'm cool with that. Namely, the concept of a princess wanting to be "stolen" by a Sky Pirate? FF9 with Zidane and Garnet should immediately come to mind. Next, if the idea of Magicite didn't come from FF6, I must be a flying pig!!! Finally, here are some character similarities between FF12 and other FF's: Ashe=Yuna (They look almost the same!), Vaan=Tidus (They also look almost the same, with their funky pants and metal arms), Penelo=Lenna (Only with lond hair, and not pink), Balthier=Cid/Irvine (Cid from FF7, only a lot younger and with a gun like Irvine from FF8). Basch looks like a cross between Cyan, Beatrix (From FF9), and Sabin. Fran is the only unique-looking character of the entire cast. I know that people will be pissed at me for being a cunt on this topic, but it is very, very frustrating to me. I can only pin this on a complete lack of originality on the development team. All I can say is that there is more to come from me on this topic...

They are a common fanchise, there are going to be recurring themes. Deal with it. Expect, and respect the recurrence of themes. Afterall, for every new thing an FF game does, it most do 10 old things to keep the Japanese fans happy. The incorporation of aspects from all the prior FF games is both a tribute to it's predecessors, and an attempt to unify the cosmology of the games into a single mythos. Also Fran reminds me of Freya. lol. She is also oddly reminiscent of a few characters from FFT. Ashe supeficially resmbles both Yuna and Garnet, yet an a deeper level, she reminds me more of Ritz, from FFTA than any other character. Also Vaan and Ashe may have similarities to Garnet and Zidane or Yuna and Tidus, but what their faces and forms resemble far more closely than any of those character sets, are the pictures of Ramza and Alma. Those were the characters that came to mind when I saw the two. If you don't know what Ramza looks like, look at Marche. Aside from hair styles the character's are identical. (Marche has a callick.) Marche is pretty much the same character as Ramza, only Marche grew up on Earth. Ritz doesn't bear much resemblance to Ashe superficially. They have similar hair, and the same forehead. (Same forehead as Yuna, and the only divergance in Ashe's facial structure from that of Alma.) However their personalities seem very similar to me. I'd have to actually play the game to be able to tell, but it seems to be that Ashe and Ritz share the same, heroic, yet semi-villainous nature.

08-26-2006, 10:34 PM
There's so many games and characters, think about it for a minute before just jumping on here and creating a BS conclusion man, geez.

It's 2006, the stories have had some repeating for a while now, and theres always been character similarities. Square usually re-invents with there new games though so chill, just in different ways.

dark phoenix
08-26-2006, 10:35 PM
Also it would be hard creating unique charcters after 14 games.

08-27-2006, 10:30 PM
True, at some point there are no more ideas or the new ideas are based on older ones.

dark phoenix
08-27-2006, 10:35 PM
This will keep happening until they run out of ideas and the series will sadly die. Though i hate the way that they have got a gamble system for defence, but i guess it will make it harder.

08-28-2006, 10:11 PM
im worried about the battle system.


08-31-2006, 04:56 PM
I wouldn't worry about the battle system too much, Squareenix have a habit of experimenting with new things whether it be the battle system or the magic system. I can't think of any final fantasy game that has been released in which they have tried something new which has fell flat on its arse, all of their new/improved systems seem worrying at first but as soon as you get use to the new idea(s), they prove to be innovative and effective. I think i read somewhere that the dragon quest series will continue with classic role-playing battles indefinitely, Final Fantasy games have a tendancy to sell by the bucketloads, so what better franchise to incorporate new ideas. I know the battle system has borrowed from XI but the idea works brilliantly for most MMORPG's, so why not implement it to a single player game and see how it works within that.

Final Fantasy will probably continually evolve, we the gamers will love or loathe it, I am sure SE will be aware of if an idea should be scrapped or continued, if they did not take in to mind the thoughts of the gamers then they would not be where they are now.

jewess crabcake
08-31-2006, 05:31 PM
Wow is this news to you Final fantsy has been reusing things from prior FFs all the time I'm just surprised they never just put the FF characters in a new FF world.

09-17-2006, 04:47 PM
I wouldn't worry about the battle system too much, Squareenix have a habit of experimenting with new things whether it be the battle system or the magic system. I can't think of any final fantasy game that has been released in which they have tried something new which has fell flat on its arse, all of their new/improved systems seem worrying at first but as soon as you get use to the new idea(s), they prove to be innovative and effective. I think i read somewhere that the dragon quest series will continue with classic role-playing battles indefinitely, Final Fantasy games have a tendancy to sell by the bucketloads, so what better franchise to incorporate new ideas. I know the battle system has borrowed from XI but the idea works brilliantly for most MMORPG's, so why not implement it to a single player game and see how it works within that.

Final Fantasy will probably continually evolve, we the gamers will love or loathe it, I am sure SE will be aware of if an idea should be scrapped or continued, if they did not take in to mind the thoughts of the gamers then they would not be where they are now.

Yes, they always experiment with new mechanics, not only that but, these new mechanics are usually tested in side titles before they enter the FF franchise. The 3 character party and graduated technique progression in Chrono Trigger, as well as the ATB's final form, were integrated into Final Fantasy VII, in one form or another. And FFXII's combat system borrows as much from the Mana series as it does from FFXI.

09-17-2006, 04:51 PM
I have noticed alot of similiarities as well. For once I would like to see a current gen FF that doesn't involve some guy that is better suited to be a woman.

What i like most about Square Enix is that they often take good ideas and improve upon them. Gives their fans a sense of nostalgia in a way. I like that. I noticed alot of those similarities as well, but I set them aside and look at the actual game. The only thing that bothers me is the fact that it's set in Ivalice and resembles Tactics in even the music. I loved both of the Tactics games, but.... I think that they should have come up with a different world setting. True, a name is just a name, but the overall game gives me a feel of tactics (as it should). I played the Japanese version of the game and I didn't really put too much emphasis on what's what and who's who and what reminds me of who. The game itself just intrigued me and made me lust for more. I did not get a chance to play alot of it being that I do not speak japanese and I played a burned copy while I was in Indonesia visiting my in-laws. (I had to have my brother-in-law next to me with the games guide reading it to me while i play. Guide was in Indonesian and I don't speak that either)

09-17-2006, 06:00 PM
I played the Japanese version of the game and I didn't really put too much emphasis on what's what and who's who and what reminds me of who. The game itself just intrigued me and made me lust for more. I did not get a chance to play alot of it being that I do not speak japanese and I played a burned copy while I was in Indonesia visiting my in-laws. (I had to have my brother-in-law next to me with the games guide reading it to me while i play. Guide was in Indonesian and I don't speak that either)

hey, same with me

i also have played the japanese with the help of simple walkthrough in malay language

but i stopped at the golmore jungle, after leaving eruyt village

09-17-2006, 06:05 PM
Well you made it tons farther than me. I never got out of the city.. well..except for the first job that you have to kill that pumpkin headed guy. That's it though for the most part. I only had it for one night.. couple hours and i got fed up with having to try to get through broken english and icouldn't very well read the book myself, so.. .. but it was fun. I got a chance to figure out the liscence board. I figured out alot of things on my own and had a blast doing it.

09-17-2006, 06:13 PM
you mean, that stray tomato?

hehe, do you remember that T-Rex kinda monster?

i manage to defeat it after i have got my first esper (for ashe)

09-17-2006, 06:16 PM
yes i do remember that T-Rex. Was it hard? My brother in law was like..DON'T ATTACK THAT!!!!! .. i was like..aww.. why not? It's IN the n00b area.. shouldn't be that hard. Never did.... haha.

How soon do you get the first esper? Is it Famfrit? I'd figure it is since Ifrit was usually your first. And he looks like the kind of Esper that would be the first one you'd get.

09-17-2006, 06:28 PM
well, it's name is Belias, wearing a staff and unleash the power of fire, well if you succed to keep the esper remain in the battle

i got it after defeating a giant yellow kinda bird/phoenix boss and then found it in the tomb of raithwall

09-17-2006, 06:30 PM
That's what I meant. Famfrit is something else all together.. that name came to mind because it's so close to Ifrit and so.. fire.. Belias.. fire.. yeah. Nevermind. lol I figured he'd be the frist one.

jewess crabcake
09-17-2006, 06:47 PM
you guys could use Pms this is off topic.
srry to be so brusque

09-17-2006, 07:00 PM
hehe sorry

i didn't realise that

09-17-2006, 07:18 PM
Not really.. we're still talking about FFXII. :p Besides.. no one else is posting. haha

03-24-2007, 02:09 PM
Personally, I think the the whole Sky Pirate and and Airship Battleships was ripped from the RPG Classic Skies of Arcadia with no apologies or words of thanks.

I mean --> Sky pirate - Air Pirate (SOA).

That said, XII is a good game.

03-24-2007, 04:53 PM
One no necro posting this thread has been dead for 6 months the horse stopped twitching a long time ago so stop trying to ride it okay?

Second Skies of Archadia ripped their idea from FF which had the same exact thing in different games or not stated titles. Airship battle? FFIV where you get shot down in a Battle in the Underworld between Dwarf Tanks and the Airship force Red wings. Sky Pirates? Basically while never stated Sezeter of FFVI was a Sky pirate. Both of these games came LONG before PSX was even introduced let alone Skies of Archadia. Also I know for a Fact because my dad plays it that there is a PC Fighter Plane simulator where you are a Sky Pirate.

So no Skies of Archadia has no call towards those ideas because those ideas have exisited in reality long before Video Games where invented. Aerial Battles and Gurellia forces using Planes all of them are Airship Battles and Sky pirates under different Names.

03-24-2007, 06:08 PM
Not really! I'm not argueing the the whole "who had Airships first?" thing. I've got every FF game that came out on a Playstation system (except XI). I know that FF had air ships first.

But Your "FF IV had Airship battles" arguement is wrong. You never control the ship-ship battles in the FF games. They all play automatically. Skies of Arcadia had player contolled Ship-Ship battles.

Setzer was a gambler. For what I've read/seen about him, his ship was petty much a flying casino.

It is pretty hard to do an RPG without ripping-off something. I mean how many FF games revolved around crystals/Jewels? I,IV,V,IX
Star Trek and The Matrix Trilogy ripped ideas directly from Doctor who with no thank-you notes attached. They are still good.
I mean how many major villians in the FF series are mutants/experiments gone wrong? Kefka, Sephiroth, Kuja, Genesis, the Tsviets.
How many heroes have been directly related to the villians? Cecil and Golbez (Brothers), Kuja and Zidane (Brothers), Jecht and Tidus (Father and Son).

I know there were earliar games that had sky/air pirates in them. I'm not saying there weren't.

All I'm saying is, within the RPG realm the air pirate idea was first used (as far as i know) by Skies of Arcadia. I dont actually mind - it's just my opinion.

All I would like is if someone from square Enix either admitted that they were a fan of, or worked on, SOA and Decided to use some of it's some story points.
I wasn't looking for an arguement. i'm just stating my opinion.

03-24-2007, 08:51 PM
You don't get to control the Airship battles in FFXII either so once again you hold no grounds on that. And I bet you some other game has used Sky pirates before in fact I know the anime Final Fantasy Legend of the cyrstals, Which is a sequal to FFV a few hundred years or so later I think been awhile, DID use Sky pirates and it was made 1994 while Skies was made in 2000. Rip off I think not.

As for your family Connection you are right except on FFIV Golbez was not the last boss nor even a true villian he was a Mind control victim Zeremours or however you spell it is the true boss.

The Villian portion is also off. The Tsviets where Killers basically left on their own and did the only thing they knew how Kill they were soliders. Kuja was also not a screw up he was just nearing the end of his usefullness is all and he tried to live once again the only way he knew how by taking down what was going to kill him. Kefka was an expirement gone wrong either he was just Insane there is a Line in the game where it says he snapped from the Magitik infusion but that is only once and YEARS in the past. Sephiroth also wasn't an Experiment gone wrong he went RIGHT. Hojo was trying to create a Super Human basically Sephiroth did that he just went Insane Long after his true Usefullness had withered away.

As well how can you say something was ripped off when it is in the same series? That would be like saying Soul Reaver ripped off Kain despite the fact it is a Sequal it doesn't make sense. Now if say a Game came out with mystical stone that Control an element and say they called them Gems and it wasn't made by Square-enix then yes that is a Rip off but same series or company no it is not.

As for Sezeter he was basically a Sky pirate I mean he had no Kings to answer too, no laws to Hold, and he tried to kidnap someone. Basically he was a Pirate in the Sky so the title Sky Pirate works.

03-24-2007, 09:15 PM
No I don't believe FFXII was a total rip off. I mean it was fun and entertaining, and your right that the characters were the same as past games. But you try and make unique characters that haven't been like any in the series. I mean all the games have pretty much referenced the past games.

03-25-2007, 05:03 PM
Sorry to interfere... but this is a bit ridiculous. No games in the past 10 years has come up with anything really new in terms of characterizations. Every characters we get to play are created around well known and appreciated stereotypes so the players will related to them more.

As for Skies of Arcadia, when I played the game back in the Dreamcast era, I enjoyed the game because it reminded me of Final Fantasy IV, not the other way around.

And calling FFXII a rip-off is totally ridiculous.


-Hey, there are chocobos in FFXII! RIP-OFF!!!
-Hey, there's a Cid in FFXII!! RIP-OFF!!!
-Hey, there are Behemoths, Bomb, Goblins, Magic Pots in FFXII! RIP-OFF!!!
-Hey, there's Crystals and Magicites in FFXII! RIP-OFF!!!
-Hey, there are Kings, Princesses and Princes in FFXII! RIP-OFF!!!
-Hey, there are Moogles in FFXII! RIP-OFF!!!
-Hey, you can summon creatures in FFXII! RIP-OFF!!!
-Hey, they are using the theme song of Gilgamesh when you fight against him!!! RIP-OFF!!! (that one was the most stupid complaint I've ever heard about the game!)

I could go on and on about it and that would be ridiculous. What you are complaing about is what is defining a Final Fantasy and not an other common "RPG" (see the - " - Prak!). Whining about those things is like complaining about Mario being in every games of his own series!

03-29-2007, 04:20 AM
I just beat it @ 90 hours, Only thing I really don't like about it was the summons. They were practically always pointless to use on bosses. Died rather easy and the bosses were normally immune to their attacks.

04-15-2007, 10:09 AM
PRobably to my point of vuew Final Fantasy XII pretty much was good value for money because most fans of the Series always craved for something new in terms of the Fight system, the new Lisence Board system and the storyline. i personally like the first two systems especially cause it really gets you thinking about how things should work like what equipment to give who and all that.

04-15-2007, 12:03 PM
this is one of the best in the series the only problem is how weak and insignificant the espers are and that infuriating time limit lol
and the story line is brilliant almost as good as final fantasy VII's =)

04-29-2007, 10:57 PM
WHATTHE****ARE YA TALKIN' ABOUT?????? This game is no ripoff. Sure i played it for ovre 110 hrs. and still havnt compleated it, but still, it is an exxelent game!!!!!!!!!!

04-30-2007, 03:41 AM
I find most of this thread to be rather confusing - to me, FFXII is indeed a rip-off, but not of a conglomeration of other series titles...it's simply an offline version of FFXI.

Notorious monsters (sorry, I meant "marks") random treasure chests, real-time enemy engagement, level-specific equipment (or in this case license board activated) etc etc...the game screams practically screams "Vana'diel!"

04-30-2007, 05:30 AM
how can a title be a rip off of ITS OWN SERIES???

some people really are retarded around here.

05-27-2007, 08:32 PM
Technicaly every fantasy RPG is a Rip-off of Lord of the Rings, the Tales of King arthur and just about every myth and legend ever told.

05-27-2007, 09:34 PM
Technically, what you just said is utter nonsense.

Just because a game is set in a medieval world with swords and armor, doesn't mean they've ripped LOTR or King Arthur. They would be rip-off if the stories were the same, but we all know they aren't.

It's like saying every stories out there that revolves around Good VS Evil are rip-off of The Bible.

jewess crabcake
05-27-2007, 10:00 PM
Technicaly every fantasy RPG is a Rip-off of Lord of the Rings, the Tales of King arthur and just about every myth and legend ever told.

Wow did you really just say that?

05-27-2007, 11:02 PM
Technicaly every fantasy RPG is a Rip-off of Lord of the Rings, the Tales of King arthur and just about every myth and legend ever told.

Uh huh. You're dumb for uttering such nonsense. Were that true then Lord of The Rings, and King Arthur are knock-offs of Norse, Roman, and Greek Mythology. So... Yeah just don't speak again.

05-27-2007, 11:35 PM
JoSephiroth: LOL!!! It couldn't be more true. Since King Arthur is part of the celtic mythology, and Tolkien said it himself that LOTR was strongly inspired by Anglo Saxon's myths.

Your last comment is kinda like you shotting yourself on your own foot.

05-28-2007, 11:19 AM
FF12 is in my opinion the most entertaining game I have played on the ps2. I don't regret buying it at all.

I love the fact that certain aspects of the FF series appear time after time that is why we follow the series isn't it? To see our favourite items, summons, airships, magic and the works injected into a new story? Certainly why I spend my money when a new FF game comes out.

06-12-2007, 05:47 AM
FFXII just didn't flesh the characters out well enough. Balthier was done by far the best in that regard. Vaan or Penelo was possibly the worst, which is a pity since Vaan was in a since the main character of the story at least from the beginning.

Similarities in looks is about all you have to go on in FFXII. The characters simply don't have enough detailed personalities and backgrounds explained in the game to make them truly unique in my opinion.

06-12-2007, 05:56 AM
Story = Got lost in all the questing!

Fun game anyway.

Also the light bulb was a rip-off from torches. Just a little tidbit.

06-12-2007, 11:22 PM
Gameplay: Well done! I enjoyed it.

Story: Good, it's allright. They could have done a lot more with it though... For me, more cut/FMV-scenes would make the story more interesting.

Characters: Crap. I wanted to know more about them. The characters had great personalities and pasts, it's just that we don't get enough oppurtunities to re-hear or get to see the characters' personalities shine through in the plot. For me, when this happens, I end up forgetting important things.

Those are only my opinions on the game though...

06-13-2007, 04:42 PM
I think that I would have loved FFXII if a few things in particular were changed:

1) If battles had been made to be more interesting and not so much of a grind. I *hated* having to sit in a dungeon and go back and forth for hours just to progress the story. As someone else said, the story, or what existed of it, was lost in all the battles and questing. Also, all monsters seemed rather similar to me as far as fighting styles. Even the bosses were very similar. I really think they could have made more interesting monsters to fight besides just giving them different graphic models.

2) If we had more background information on all characters, more character interaction (ala FFX), more FMVs and cutscenes, and more story all the way around. The graphics power was certainly there for great in game cutscenes, but they are extremely rare in the game. The entire story setting seemed rather weak to me for an FF game. The story started out fairly strong, but fell along the wayside about half way into the game. Also, the motivation to continue on.. there just wasn't much of it for me. At the end, I wasn't entirely sure I -wanted- to kill Vayne or wanted the Occuria to be defeated, because what they were preaching sounded pretty good to me. I guess I prefer stories where i'm saving the world or nation from a truly bad guy instead of killing someone who simply has different (not necessarily bad) ideas about what would make the world a peaceful place.

Before I got the game, I downloaded a high quality trailer of it to watch, and I was completely blown away. It looked like a perfect set up for a story that would draw you in and keep you there with great FMVs. It turned out that the FMVs present in the trailer consisted of almost *every* FMV in the entire game, and that there was almost more characterization in the trailer than in the actual game itself. "Vaan.. the boy who wanted to become a sky pirate. Penelo.. the girl who wants peace." That's about all we learned about Penelo in the entire game. It felt almost as if they had a superb story and characters lined up and then simply snipped them out of the game at the last minute, leaving a lot of unfilled holes in it.

11-18-2007, 05:43 PM

11-18-2007, 09:21 PM
Uh, was there a particular reason you revived a five-month old thread just to say that?

11-18-2007, 09:28 PM
the posts that preceded me?

11-18-2007, 10:31 PM
He's a faggot.

No, I am not a bigot but the word seemed appropiate.

11-19-2007, 10:13 AM
He's a faggot.

Actually, it does'nt seem to be appropriate. It totally IS appropriate.

matt damon
11-19-2007, 08:48 PM
the posts that preceded me?

so? you revived an old thread with an argument that is over and responded to a post that was made by someone that probably doesn't even check this site anymore.

so, you sir, are an idiot.