08-20-2006, 06:26 AM
I think the Nintindo Wii will do the best just because of the price being under $250 following the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3[its to much freaken money!!]

08-20-2006, 07:16 AM
Not sure, either Wii or PS3 for me, have to wait and see what S-E is planning first since I usually go with what they support, it's usually the best choice.

J. Peterman
08-20-2006, 07:18 AM

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
08-20-2006, 12:19 PM
The Wii will win for sure, but following that I think will be the PS3. I mean I agree with everybody saying that it is far too much money, but it will go down in price plus it has a Blu Ray drive and looking at the companies in the Blu-Ray Association (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blu-ray_Disc_Association), having a console that can double as a Blu-Ray disc reader will do alot for it.

Hex Omega
08-20-2006, 01:41 PM
How exactly can we vote on this, seeing as how none of us have actually played it? Nevertheless, I voted for the Wii, it's cheaper, looks like a lot more fun and has some intresting games in the line-up.

dark phoenix
08-20-2006, 02:26 PM
The Wii will probably be the best considering it will be �500 just to set up the PS3 and the games will be at least �60

Swedish Fish
08-20-2006, 03:30 PM
Hahaha. Unanimous vote. But same as Bryan.

08-20-2006, 05:14 PM
The Wii just because it's more innovative than the other systems. I don't like how the PS3 doubles as something else when it's supposed to be a video game system. I would rather have Sony focus on video games and making them more fun to play.

08-20-2006, 06:42 PM
The Wii because of the cheap pricing and the downloadable games and the controller. I do like the PS3 better though and it has a power button in the middle of the controller.

hb smokey
08-20-2006, 06:45 PM
Everyone knows what I'm going to say already.

08-21-2006, 02:52 PM
There's not really much question here. The Wii is obviously looking like the stronger choice at this point, especially considering the huge number of quality launch titles it should have. Besides, I'm automatically biased against the PS3 because Sony pisses me off with their efforts to dictate to consumers what they want to buy. You'd think they would have learned by now that it doesn't work, considering how many times they've failed.

Mr. Bunniesworth
08-21-2006, 03:34 PM
The Wii is going to be solid. Its funny, both Microsoft and Sony seem to think that Nintendo has found a quiant little niche... but what they don't seem to acknowledge is that it is growing. I think the Wii might become the sister console that people will get to suppliment either their PS3 or their XBox 360.

Look at it this way. Though a devout PS2 fan, the princess and I got a GameCube to follow the Resident Evil series and we got caught up in a whole host of other great games and had an absolute ball with it (and still do). I honestly think, despite siding with the PS3 in the next-generation console wars; I'll be waiting on the Wii to hit shelves too. Heck, it'll be the price of about two PS3 games... so its not a huge hit to the hip-pocket.

That's the really danger I think. Because despite great titles I think the other two consoles have the wind in their sales (i.e. hype, media attention and all the rest); so I think the Wii will be the second-purchase for a solid share of gamers. And I think that's what's so brilliant about Nintendo's strategy... hit the lead, by coming runner-up in the households of next-gen gamers everywhere. Because while Sony and Microsoft split the market, Nintendo can happily cater to both camps...

08-21-2006, 03:42 PM
The Wii is going to be solid. Its funny, both Microsoft and Sony seem to think that Nintendo has found a quiant little niche... but what they don't seem to acknowledge is that it is growing. I think the Wii might become the sister console that people will get to suppliment either their PS3 or their XBox 360.

That's the really danger I think. Because despite great titles I think the other two consoles have the wind in their sales (i.e. hype, media attention and all the rest); so I think the Wii will be the second-purchase for a solid share of gamers. And I think that's what's so brilliant about Nintendo's strategy... hit the lead, by coming runner-up in the households of next-gen gamers everywhere. Because while Sony and Microsoft split the market, Nintendo can happily cater to both camps...

My thoughts exactly.

08-21-2006, 06:57 PM
The Wii will win for sure, but following that I think will be the PS3

J. Peterman
08-21-2006, 07:21 PM
Really, though, I think you guys are all underestimating the potential of the Frasier Console.

I mean, Kelsey Grammer has gone on record to say that it will be "Frasierific," and by golly, I would have to think that means something. We all know the greatness Grammer has shown in such classic shows as Frasier and Cheers, not to mention his brief cameo appearance in Wings, and to question his entrance into the world of video gaming is just silly.

With a launch line-up that includes great games like Frasier: The Curse of the Lost Wine, Eddie's Quest: Tale of the Silent Bard, Niles n' Times, Daphne's Magical Mop and High Crane Drifter, I really can't think of any other console that could top that. I mean, seriously, that is a killer line-up with games that are definitely going to be classics.

And the price will probably be pretty cheap. There's no doubt in my mind that Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft will be kicked out of the gaming market with the arrival of the Frasier gaming console! Don't delay! PRE-ORDER YOUR FRASIER GAMING CONSOLE TODAY!

08-21-2006, 08:23 PM

08-21-2006, 08:40 PM
In terms of hardware, the PS3. But when it comes down to popularity and such, not really sure about that one. I'll make a more specific vote when both the Wii and the PS3 are actually launched.

08-22-2006, 12:37 AM
I don't know which is better.

however the Wii is probably the only one i'm considering right now. Maybe i'll get the 360 too since it could be dead cheap in a year or so.

09-04-2006, 06:08 PM
hard to say. we'll have to wait and see how they hold up in the market. but personal opinions are a good indication of which will come out on top.

09-04-2006, 06:23 PM
The thing is, there is the ps1&ps2 fan who want to play his/her old games and the new ones of the series (for ex the new tekken and final fantasy titles). At the same time ps3 is very expensive, and that i beilive it doesnt deserve my money. Sony never made something original, it didnt omprove the gameplay with its consoles. Nintendo is the one that has improved gameplay, with DS, Wii etc. If nintendo soon suceeds, the other comanies will copy its ideas (again).

I would buy a ps3 only because of the 3rd party comapnies and their games.

Wii is the best console that comes out.