08-17-2006, 09:37 PM
Anyone here love Nippon Ichi Stategy RPGs? These would include such wonderful titles as Disgaea:Hour of Darkness, Makai Kingdom, Phantom Brave, Rhapsody, and La Pucelle:Tactics. I fell in love with all of these games right off the bat. To me they are some of the best games out there =D I guess my favs in order would prolly be Disgaea, La Pucelle, Makai Kingdom, Rhapsody, Phantom Brave.
I am looking forward to Disgaea 2 coming out here in a few weeks, and also to Makai Wars in the near future (which I hear is being released on PS3 ^^)

08-17-2006, 11:13 PM
I can happily say Disgaea is one of my favourite games. Never played any others, but intend to purchase Disgaea 2. Very customisable and strategic.

jewess crabcake
08-17-2006, 11:58 PM
Disgaea is about ?

08-19-2006, 07:21 PM
Wow....that is a surprisingly difficult question to answer.

Short version--
Follows the story of an up-and-coming Overlord of the Netherworld (Laharl), whose father recently passed away. Hoardes of demons are vying for the throne and it's up to Laharl to claim back the throne (as it is his inherited right). He has some fun friends who help him along the way. Etna -- his main side-kick who is as traiterous as she is flat-chested. She's the leader of the Prinny Squad (a bunch of bumbling penguin-like creatures who enjoy saying DOOD! way too much). Next comes an Angel Trainee (Flonne)who was sent to the netherworld to assassinate the Overlord. Flonne ends up joining the ranks because she wants to see if demons have love in their heart.
And the story takes off from there... You travel through many a place and have many a grande adventure.

The battle system is Strategy RPG. There's (o.o) lots of create-able classes and monster characters, As well as numerous weapons and secrets. The hilarity of the game is pleasantly sewn throughout, and I found myself cracking up every which way. It's an all-around good time.

Swedish Fish
08-20-2006, 03:28 PM
I had a fun time with La Pucelle: Tactics, but the game's unbelievable lack of side quests really killed any chance of a replay.

08-20-2006, 03:53 PM
er? la pucelle tactics has tons of sidequests and you can sink a TON of time into it if you let yourself. most bosses that you're not supposed to be able to beat can actually be defeated and you gain different chapter ending results. it's got as much time-sink-ability as disgaea, really, and I know numerous people that have said they spent 80 to 100+ hours on that game D:

also: nippon ichi yay ~

08-22-2006, 08:52 AM
=D <3 NIS! Disgaea is one of my favorite games of all time, and from what all I know about the sequel (and that is quite a lot actually) it's supposedly better than the first. I can't wait to play it.

The other games from NIS were also quite good and really impressive in their own rights, but none of them have managed to capture that pure essence of joy and awesomeness that Disgaea embodies. It's definitely a must play for anyone who hasn't had the chance to check it out, especially for fans of srpgs.

08-24-2006, 03:33 PM
Disgaea is a great game. For me its up there with FF tactics. I always wanted Makai, phantom, La pucelle but after seeing how I fare I got in Disgaea, I decided to not pick them up. Disgaea is toooooo time consuming and I really didnt have too much time to sit and play it through the way that I wanted to. I think I might still buy Disgaea 2.

Swedish Fish
08-27-2006, 04:51 PM
er? la pucelle tactics has tons of sidequests and you can sink a TON of time into it if you let yourself.

Really? I must have missed a lot.

11-23-2006, 02:49 AM
Disgaea is a great game. For me its up there with FF tactics. I always wanted Makai, phantom, La pucelle but after seeing how I fare I got in Disgaea, I decided to not pick them up. Disgaea is toooooo time consuming and I really didnt have too much time to sit and play it through the way that I wanted to. I think I might still buy Disgaea 2.

I don't want to be the bearer of letdown but Makai and La pucelle were less than par. Disgaea one and two were by far, the best. Never played phantom, but I heard it was a lot like Makai.

01-09-2007, 02:41 AM
I bought Disgaea 2 a few days ago. It is my favorite video game. I really want Disgaea 1 (It took me until episode 9 of the anime to find out it is a big spoiler of the video game)

I have one question though. I heard that Nippon Ichi stopped producing this game only 3 months after making it. Why would they do that to such a great game?

So far I'm at Chapter 10 in Disgaea 2.

01-09-2007, 04:38 AM
Nippon Ichi games are huge and massive grindfests, imo. Stories can be funny, but they're hit or miss. Phantom Brave for example, sucked massive ass. Out of a straw. La Pucelle I liked, and I wish they'd keep that art style. I guess their playerbase is more into the 'lolita' sort of thing. Disgaea was alright, too. Disgaea 2 sucked, I think. The characters were just so unlikable and the designs were pretty bad. I mean, look at the main character. Ugh.

02-21-2007, 05:09 PM
I might be wrong, but Atelier Iris is that a Nippon Ichi game? If that's so, that's my fav. thereafter it will be Disgaea 2...Since those are the only Nippon Ichi game I have...Though I would love to play Ar Tonelico when it comes and Phantom Brave ^__^

03-09-2007, 04:55 AM
I love all nippon ichi's games! xD Disgaea 2 is the best Nippon Ichi Square that i ever played... btw, the new Nippon Ichi's game, Ar Tonelico: Melody of Elemia (or Ar Tonelico Sekai No Owari De Shi Tsudukeru Shoujo in Japanese), this one is good too, the game play is easy but the story is amazing! btw, Nippon Ichi's games are too easy to play isn't it?

03-18-2007, 12:44 AM
^I'm sure thier idea is to have the player spend more time enjoying the story and less time being stressed out by complicating battle systems like we've had to deal with in certain games.

04-08-2007, 12:09 AM
Disgaea is one of the best games that I own. I love the game so much I even bought a prinny plushy ^_^

04-11-2007, 09:06 PM
Nippon Ichi makes some of the best games! Disgaea is one of my favorites~!

04-16-2007, 06:46 PM
I love disgaea but disgaea 2 story sucks compared to it i find :( disgaea soundtrack :D

05-27-2007, 07:39 AM
I love Phantom brave. The gameplay is great!
I even prefer it to FFT or FFTA or anyother stratRPG games.:D

06-08-2007, 01:51 PM
Only played La Pucelle and Makai but I love La Pucelle but never finish it cause I got a bad second-hand disc from EB ( shakes fist at EB)

07-10-2007, 11:09 PM
I only have Phantom Brave which I think is a pretty cool game.
I'm not sure if I prefer over FFTA, but still a good game none the less.
Lots of job classes, but a wierd story and requires loads of grinding which is ok when your trying to unlock abilities on your items.
Not played any other Nippon Ichi games but if I got chance I'd like to check out Disgaea 2 to see what I think.

10-08-2007, 01:45 AM
has anyone played soul nomad

10-17-2007, 05:14 PM
i cant seem to find soul nomad, but i got to play a demo at anime expo last summer, and i gotta say, it is awsome!

also, i have a severe love for the few nippon ichi games i own. im still about 2/3's the way thru both disgaea and disgaea2 :/

work killed my grindfest

03-27-2008, 05:12 PM
I have
La Pucelle
Disgaea psp
Disgaea 2
Phantom Brave
Makai Kingdom
Soul Nomad.

I'm also be getting Disgaea DS.

Btw if you can't find Soul Nomad just get it from