08-16-2006, 10:36 AM
Hello! This site has:
*Animetal Lady Marathon II
*Animetal Marathon 5

And I would like to request for your help in finding other Animetal works. Anything will do, as I wish to collect those (but stuff with kamen rider or super robot shows would be very appreciated).

So far I have found Animetal only in eDonkey and due to my ISP and a proxy I need to use, I can't get much of that :|

If you have ANY non-ed2k links (heck even torrent, though I won't be able to use that until September) on Animetal, share them please.

Duke Fleed
09-29-2006, 07:11 PM
Hey z01,

I posted a bunch of Animetal (I think 5) songs in a seperate thread -- catch them here.

Thread 29724

08-15-2007, 01:57 PM
Does anyone have the recent Animetal album Decade of Bravehearts?

I freaked out and partied when I heard it had the Godannar them on it :-)