08-15-2006, 11:26 PM
what does it do?

08-15-2006, 11:31 PM
Master about 20 and Sephiroth joins your team.

I think, can't remeber though.


Black Paladin
08-15-2006, 11:33 PM
Link elemental-Fire for a fire elemntal attack if its set in your weapon, Fire defense in armour etc try poison or particularly break in your weapon.

08-15-2006, 11:35 PM
kk ty i fink i understand now

Black Paladin
08-15-2006, 11:38 PM
Elemental-Break in your weapon has a good chance of stoning the enemy at times. Good luck. Plenty of combinations to be found.

Desert Wolf
08-16-2006, 12:09 AM
Master about 20 and Sephiroth joins your team.

I think, can't remeber though.


Dont listen to this guy. Its actually 30.

Black Paladin
08-16-2006, 12:10 AM
LOL, I believe it's actually 23

Desert Wolf
08-16-2006, 12:26 AM
No, 23 is the number of times you have to fly around the world to make the highwind turn into a condom.

Black Paladin
08-16-2006, 12:28 AM
I knew it was something like that. I should test it to be sure.

08-16-2006, 01:46 AM
Elemental is a useless materia. The only thing it works well with is Ultima Weapon. Junction Elemental + Bahamut on your armor, and Ultima Weapon's attacks will do little damage.

As for the other guys, don't pay any attention to them as they are imcompetent fools. You really need to get the AP on Underwater materia to 777,777,777. Once this happens, it will gain an additional star and have the ability "Deep Dive". Go to the Forgotten City with this, and the stairway down will reappear, allowing you to go near the altar where Aerith was killed. Once you're there, Sapphire Weapon will emerge from the water with White Materia in its mouth. Your party will have a bit of dialogue concerning the materia, and in a move of desperation, Cloud will attack Sapphire, forcing you into battle. Because you have Underwater Materia equipped, you will be able to fight Sapphire on the ocean floor (if you don't remember, Sapphire is the fish). If you manage to defeat it, which isn't hard if you use the Final Attack + Phoenix and Quadra Magic + Flare combinations (it is weak against fire-based magic), you will get the White Materia. A special scene will occur where Aerth uses her Cetran powers to temporarily materialize before the party and thank Cloud for his kindness. She'll tell you where to locate Zach's body and how to use the White Materia to revive him. I don't know why they won't let you revive Aerith this way, it must just be a glitch. Anyways, you'll find that you need to reenter Midgar using the Sector 7 Key you found in Bone Village. After that, you'll need to make your way to Aerith's house - but wait, it's blocked off! Remember those 1/35th Soldiers you've been finding at various points in the game? Well, you'll need to have three of them to give to the guards surrounding her house. They'll tell you how boring it is waiting around her house for Professor Hojo (apparently they don't realize you've already killed him) so you offer those to them and they will start playing, allowing you to pass. At the screen where her house is, continue to the right to the garden. There is a patch of flowers in the center that you'll need to use the Super Sweeper to remove. Do this, and Cloud will throw out some exclamation points and holler Zach's name or something. I can't really remember any of the dialogue, it's been a couple of years since I did this. You'll go to a cutscene where Zach is shown in the ground, and with Aerith's help Cloud will use the White Materia to revive him. He will say some stuff, then ask if he can join you to defeat Sephiroth.

I've notified GameFAQs about this, but none of them want to take the time to verify my claim, so they won't accept it. I personally found out because I realized that the Underwater materia is a goldmine; I never thought it would max out, unlike how All maxes out at 1,500,000, so I saw Apocalypse + Underwater as a better strategy for making Gil.

08-16-2006, 01:48 AM
What he ^ said plus be on disk 1.

Black Paladin
08-16-2006, 01:48 AM
ROFL, I always wondered how to get Zack haha now I know

08-16-2006, 10:42 AM
im only in the shinra hq i accidently saved over my last game lol

Desert Wolf
08-16-2006, 02:16 PM
Well done TeknoBlade. Thats the most detailed guide of that bit of the game ive seen. I did one a long time ago but it wasnt presented as well. Nice work.

08-16-2006, 02:32 PM
yeah well done! im gonna try and remember this! does anyone know how you actually get the underwater materia though?

Black Paladin
08-16-2006, 04:43 PM

08-17-2006, 02:44 AM
yeah well done! im gonna try and remember this! does anyone know how you actually get the underwater materia though?

You get it from trading the Guide Book (morph the Ghost Ship in the tunnel underneath Junon) to the white-haired guy in Kalm. He's standing by his window, and I think it's the only house you can enter on the right. You can only get one Underwater materia.

Desert Wolf
08-17-2006, 02:58 PM
yeah well done! im gonna try and remember this! does anyone know how you actually get the underwater materia though?

Ive done it a few times now so give me a pm if you get stuck.

08-18-2006, 03:31 PM
Hah! TeknoBlade, dear me. You can not be serious right?

08-18-2006, 06:22 PM
Hah! TeknoBlade, dear me. You can not be serious right?

Why yes, I am. You cannot be certain that I am lying until you try it for yourself.

08-18-2006, 06:29 PM
I'll just take your word for it for now and let the poor nooblet do it first ;) I have a couple of more practical things I could be using three hundred hours of my life with :-P

08-22-2006, 06:51 PM
woo thanks teknoblade and desert wolf! that'll be handy

Desert Wolf
08-22-2006, 09:44 PM
No problem my friend. It may take a while to get this right so keep trying ok! Never give up!

08-23-2006, 05:10 PM
do u hav 2 get the guide book on disc 1 ir can u get it whenever?

08-25-2006, 06:42 PM
u need to morph the ghost ship

08-25-2006, 11:22 PM
u need to morph the ghost ship

As soon as you get down to the Underwater Reactor and fight the Ghost Ship, you can get the Guide Book to the guy. I'm thinking this is during the disc 2 fight for the Huge Materia at the soonest, so you can't get the Guidebook during disc 1.

Desert Wolf
08-25-2006, 11:24 PM
Yeah morph the gost ship in the underwater reactor. It doesnt matter what disc it is.

08-27-2006, 08:48 PM
kk thanks!

09-06-2006, 09:20 PM
i keep getting killed by proud clod what should i do to kill him

09-07-2006, 01:17 AM
Be better at battles.

Swedish Fish
09-07-2006, 01:22 AM
Hammer away and he'll fall easily. There's no strategy other than keeping your HP well above 1000.

Also, don't forget that to Deep Dive you need the Cake Chocobo. I can't remember exactly how to get it, but I'm sure TeknoBlade could help.

09-08-2006, 07:59 AM
rohanm - Proud Clod is pretty easy. Did you by any chance defeat the ghost monsters near the train on disc 1? I sure hope you did, because they give you a very useful item you can't find anywhere else.

Kailas - Don't be silly, we know there's no such thing as a Cake Chocobo. You're thinking of the White Chocobo, the one you get by mating two Gold Chocobos. I think it's also referred to as the Platinum Chocobo by the Chocobo Sage. Anyway, you also don't need it to get Zach. After collecting 99 Tissues, go to the Chocobo Sage. He will complain about how cold it is up there, so give him the Tissues. He will remember something else, which is to mate those two S rank Chocobos using a Zeio Nut. Easiest way to do this is to breed one, then trade the Desert Rose to the man in Kalm for the other.

Swedish Fish
09-08-2006, 09:25 PM
Silly me. Why can't I get my facts straight?

09-09-2006, 09:12 AM
it's ok i done it now i just don't know where to train after beating hojo im about lvl 48-50 with cloud red and vincent

01-13-2008, 08:41 PM
I just don't get it, I added this materia to fire and various others, but it doesnt do anything? Its equip effect is blank ffs!! Lol, can anyone tell me what it does exacually?? :?

01-13-2008, 08:45 PM
I just don't get it, I added this materia to fire and various others, but it doesnt do anything? Its equip effect is blank ffs!! Lol, and I've got a question for that person who writes a lot ( I can't say much :$), if it only works well with ultima, then why does make ultimas attck weaker :? can anyone tell me what it does exacually?? :?

01-13-2008, 08:52 PM
that explanation about finding Zack is very good :), but!! Whats this business about morphing :? Explain???

01-13-2008, 09:06 PM
Elemental is a useless materia. The only thing it works well with is Ultima Weapon. Junction Elemental + Bahamut on your armor, and Ultima Weapon's attacks will do little damage.

As for the other guys, don't pay any attention to them as they are imcompetent fools. You really need to get the AP on Underwater materia to 777,777,777. Once this happens, it will gain an additional star and have the ability "Deep Dive". Go to the Forgotten City with this, and the stairway down will reappear, allowing you to go near the altar where Aerith was killed. Once you're there, Sapphire Weapon will emerge from the water with White Materia in its mouth. Your party will have a bit of dialogue concerning the materia, and in a move of desperation, Cloud will attack Sapphire, forcing you into battle. Because you have Underwater Materia equipped, you will be able to fight Sapphire on the ocean floor (if you don't remember, Sapphire is the fish). If you manage to defeat it, which isn't hard if you use the Final Attack + Phoenix and Quadra Magic + Flare combinations (it is weak against fire-based magic), you will get the White Materia. A special scene will occur where Aerth uses her Cetran powers to temporarily materialize before the party and thank Cloud for his kindness. She'll tell you where to locate Zach's body and how to use the White Materia to revive him. I don't know why they won't let you revive Aerith this way, it must just be a glitch. Anyways, you'll find that you need to reenter Midgar using the Sector 7 Key you found in Bone Village. After that, you'll need to make your way to Aerith's house - but wait, it's blocked off! Remember those 1/35th Soldiers you've been finding at various points in the game? Well, you'll need to have three of them to give to the guards surrounding her house. They'll tell you how boring it is waiting around her house for Professor Hojo (apparently they don't realize you've already killed him) so you offer those to them and they will start playing, allowing you to pass. At the screen where her house is, continue to the right to the garden. There is a patch of flowers in the center that you'll need to use the Super Sweeper to remove. Do this, and Cloud will throw out some exclamation points and holler Zach's name or something. I can't really remember any of the dialogue, it's been a couple of years since I did this. You'll go to a cutscene where Zach is shown in the ground, and with Aerith's help Cloud will use the White Materia to revive him. He will say some stuff, then ask if he can join you to defeat Sephiroth.

I've notified GameFAQs about this, but none of them want to take the time to verify my claim, so they won't accept it. I personally found out because I realized that the Underwater materia is a goldmine; I never thought it would max out, unlike how All maxes out at 1,500,000, so I saw Apocalypse + Underwater as a better strategy for making Gil.

I call bullshit!

01-13-2008, 10:35 PM
WTF!!! :? That was very ubhelpful and did not answer my question? I asked for another explaination, not quoting the explaination of the guy I didnt get =.= can anyone help answer my previous question?

01-14-2008, 12:42 AM
The game designers would never put a secret that's quite so literally impossible to find into a game; it's a total waste of programming. Why take the time to program such a long sidequest and battle if nearly nobody in the world is able to find it?

01-18-2008, 01:29 AM
WTF!!! :? That was very ubhelpful and did not answer my question? I asked for another explaination, not quoting the explaination of the guy I didnt get =.= can anyone help answer my previous question?

Precisely what FF1WithAllThieves said. I wasn't responding to you at all. I was merely calling to task the person who posted that ridiculous side quest. If what he said was true, he'd be wanting to produce some sort of proof of his claim. In my opinion, since videos can too easily be doctored, the only thing that would prove it, would be a save code, with the Craploaded AP Underwater Materia and the 1/32 soldiers and all the other items and triggers set and ready to go fight Sappire weapon (Which looks nothing like the fish you can see swimming around Aerith's resting place. I could then procure meself a copy of the PC version of FFVII and verify in less than an hour... I seriously doubt it's the case though. For one thing if it were true, he'd be man enough top post his own topic for it, instead of posting it in a topic that has practically nothing to do with the "Weapons."

Then again, TeknoBlade, if you do give me the save code, and I am able to verify it... Props to you, but i'm joining the Prak Brigade after that...

Elemental is a useless materia. The only thing it works well with is Ultima Weapon. Junction Elemental + Bahamut on your armor, and Ultima Weapon's attacks will do little damage...

Another complete and utter falsehood. Not only are there many other uses for the Elemental Materia, but Bahumut Makes no sense whatsoever. No version of Bahamut in any of the FF's so far has ever had any elemental properties; therefore Bahamut has no elemetal properties to confere onto one's armor or weapon using the Elemental materia, so linking Bahamut to Elemental does precisely jack diddly shit. Besides, Ultima Weapon's attacks aren't that spectacular. Do 10,000 damage to the thing and it runs. Repeat 10 times, and stick a fork in him.(I don't have an exact count.) A level 25 party can beat him.

Elemental Materia is one of the most subtle of the materia. Link it to something and it's elemental properties are mildly added to it. How strong the bond is determined by the two materia being linked. The alterations upon the attacks of the weapon or the defenses of the armor are determined by the levels of both the Elemental Materia and the Materia it's linked to. Linking Fire, Ice, or Lightning will imbue a gradually strenghtening Fire, Ice, or Lightning property to the weapon or armor, but linking a Summon materia will imbue stronger elemental properties. Do be careful, linking a Summon will grant the associated weakeness in addition to stronger benefits. But healing when enemies blast you with Fire or Ice makes it useful to equip the materia in a variety of ways under a variety of circumstances. The most versitile Summon to link to Elemental is Kujata. It's the equivalent to having Elemental simulatneously linked to Titan, Ramuh, Ifrit, and Shiva.

Kujata gives near immunity to some of the most commonly used magics, without making the character weak against opposing elements. Linking poison to it will make a chracter resistant to poison attacks, but putting it on a weapon won't cause it to poison the enemy, enemies that are weak against poison will simply take more damage from the weapon. Added Effect is what is necessary to make the Status effects happen.

Added Effect, is Elemental's close cousin, and one that Elemental get's confused with quite often. Added Effect is what is necessary to actually splice the effect of a spell onto a weapon's attack. Because its effects are more visible, more people use it. (Afterall, everyone knows the Poison-Added Effect combo) What's more kick ass is to put Elemental and Restore(For the Holy Element), on the same weapon as Addes Effect and Restore(Added effect needs at least Regen). The result is a weapon that causes undead to go redead very fast. (Alexander or Full Life would be better to link to Elemental in this case, but most of the worst undead enemies in the game confront you prior to finding either.) Ramuh and Elemantal on a weapon makes robots die fast; It's all pretty straightforward. The materia is useful for a number of things. The disadvantage is, you have to anticipate the types of opponents you are encountering, or you will do yourself more harm than good. Fire need not be on your elemental weapon when fighting Fire Elementals. Nor should it be on your armor when you fight ice creatures. (Kujata is the best for your armor.) It's mostly common sense. The drawback is, you have to have a spare pair of materia slots on the weapon or armor you wish to enhance. Another drawback is that the materia being used to Enhance the weapon cannot be linked for the sake of Metamagic functions, such as All, Quadra Magic, MP Turbo, and Final Attack.

Seeing as Metamagic effects are what most people rely on the most with linked materia, Elemental loses some of it glory.

03-11-2008, 05:35 PM
Dont listen to this guy. Its actually 30.

Thats all aload of nonsense. no matter how much you want it, it is impossible to get either sephiroth, zack or aeris in your party (aeris after she goes) its just a bunch of rumours that have been floating round.

The elemental materia is used for linking to materia to add effect to a weapon to help against enemies that are weak against that specific element e.g. ice enemies are naturally weak against fire so linking fire in the weapon material space to a elemental will increase the attack more, and linking ice in the armour will increase defence.

03-11-2008, 07:27 PM

Dot Centaur
03-20-2008, 06:28 AM
Well if you combine the Elemental materia with Fire, your physical attacks do fire damage. Same with Ice and Lightning. Great if the enemy is weak against any of those elements, but don't use the materia if any of the enemies absorb those elements.

Argus Zephyrus
03-22-2008, 07:16 PM
It's also a suppository for Cloud. You get get his ultimate Limit Break if you use a mastered one.