adam lionhart
02-28-2002, 04:21 PM
ive completed final7 withevery thing all the weapons killed
all the teams weapons every meteria mastered twice
all the summons seen every secret fmv and got lots and lots of items 99 for each of them (exept stuff like save crystals and the desert rose stuff like that) so have u tell me every thing u have.

:alien: :cool: :alien: :lol :lol :eye:

02-28-2002, 04:31 PM
Have u seen Aeris ghost

02-28-2002, 05:50 PM
You're not the only one who's beaten the game, I'll tell you that. I've gotten all the limitbreaks, have all the materia and mastered all of them at least once, got all the items, beat the weapons, win at least 100 times at the chocobo race and battle arena getting all the prizes, and I have 2 golden chocobo, 1 black one, 1 green one, 1 blue one, and a normal one, all capable of winning at the chocobo race.;)

Anima Relic
02-28-2002, 06:41 PM
you're my hero. Who cares if you've beaten the game. So have half of the members. Out of pointlessness, I think I'm going to close this. I don't think our forums are here for you to brag about your mad skills.
