08-15-2006, 02:37 PM
Five years later...................

I woke up in a tube. I had no idea what was going on. I stared down at my feet, but i could barely even see them. "Life sucks", I thought to myself. Then, a crashing sound was heard next to me. Zack, my best friend, broke out of his tube. He stood in front of mine and broke it. I fell to his feet, not knowing anything, head bobbing, almost mentally retarded feeling. Zack picked up his Buster Sword hidden under a table, left the Nibel Mansion, and hitched a ride with a trucker. He had made me feel so happy, so free, he was a great friend, but i couldn't say it in my state of mind. I just sat next to him, in the back, drooling, bobbing, and sliding back and forth at the truck's recoil after stopping.

"So, what are you gonna do...................................... ..once we get to Midgar", he said. Every moment i would tone out, like then. I fell back, hitting my head on the dirty ground, then flew back up again. Zack was asking questions about jobs, but the man just gave him obvious answers, "I've got it. We should start a job that'll get us alot of money. And you'll help, okay?" I toned out again, almost falling asleep, but gave out this time. I stayed awake long enough to hear him say, "We're friends.......right?" I fell straight down.

I woke up in a firefight, on the muddy, rained-on ground. Zack was swarmed with soldiers, "Cloud, run!!!!", he shouted, but i was too weak to even moved. So I played dead.

"He's dead all right," said one soldier, "but....what about him?" They looked at me, i saw them out the corner of my eye, shooting his body, just to make sure he was dead. Right then my anger, my hatred for Shin-ra grew, grew high enough to get me out of my state of near stupidity. I crawled up to him, grabbed his sword, stared at his body, and cried. So much i had never cried like that before. Never........

That was the short pt.2 of the story up to Zacks End. Pt3 will be disc1
pt4 disc 2 pt5 disc 3. Leave comments.

08-15-2006, 03:01 PM
Oh look..........another thread that..............could have easily been part....................of the .........................last one.............

You suck at making threads. You have no literary talent at all. You have failed to make a worthwhile contribution to the forums.

08-15-2006, 03:11 PM