02-28-2002, 12:33 PM
Light grows and light fades...
Dawn whispers and dusk beckons...
The soul moves on its eternal journey...

While the stars and the sun shine on.

Just a short one to start my place...I'm not exactly a conventional poet, but then again, who is?

Welcome to the Broken Bow.

03-02-2002, 08:21 AM
short and sweet, all ya need for a good poem is movement, and this flows ^__^

03-06-2002, 08:23 AM
The Search

Love is tender, but tis hard to find.
Tenderness is sweet, but love is a bind.
For countless years, the search goes on,
To find the one that remains anon...

In ages past, four years afore now,
When young and new to the word and vow,
The fair one came, sweet tender and true.
Innocent was she, yet she left me to rue...

Long past that was, two years beyond,
Came the day of the Saint, the holy fond.
Whatever the hopes, whatever the pain,
The search continues from where my heart was lain.

Many have passed, between here and there;
My heart has longed, but my soul was bare.
For this year and last, my hope was revived...
And the fair one came, and life seem'd to be live.

Yet once again, she was not to be;
So pure and clean, such would shun me.
Once again my heart was layed open,
Only to have it shut again by the dark invoken.

Still hope I have, for the great One still loves;
Yet the search continues, for my mortal dove.
And as I leave, let this not be left unsaid...

As long as faith lives, hope is never dead.

(Author's note: Simple rhyming scheme I know, but it got my point across.)

zidane tribal
03-14-2002, 06:19 PM
damn seems all i can write about is the depressant girls give me......later....

03-18-2002, 09:30 AM
The water flows...
The eagle flies...
The cobra strikes...

And nations die.

Heh...its sort of a riddle in poetry form. 10 bucks to whoever can interpret it ;).

zidane tribal
03-18-2002, 06:13 PM
ahhh man i have no idea.....:(