02-28-2002, 05:48 AM
You and Me

Every time I look at you, I get this feeling inside
My heart starts pounding and my eyes open wide.
I can tell by my heart that you are the one.

When I fall you are there to catch me.
When I cannot speak, you speak for me.
When I hurt you hold me and all my pain and trouble go away.

You are the only thing I see. From sunrise to sunset.
Until the Earth dissappears, you are mine and I am yours.
The moon rises and the sun sets.
Yet I cannot think of anything except you.

From day to day we grow closer.
Never fearing that we will be torn apart.
We are special.
We have no reason to fear.
Good and bad will come our way, but if we stan firm and never let go, we will survive it all.

02-28-2002, 05:53 AM
Crashing Down

The world is crashing down around me and I can do nothing to stop it.
Everything is moving so fast, yet I am left behind and have no way to catch up.

Everything is so far ahead that I cannot see it anymore. I only hear didtant laughter, and long to be part of it.

I hear a kind word, but it is not for me. I want to be longed for, to be loved, to catch up. But I cannot. I am stuck with no way out.

I cry out, but no one is there to hear me. So I cry to myself and comfort myself, and long for my sanity to return.

But no matter how much I wish, or how hard I pray, it will not happen. So I wait to pass away, to a place where I will be caught up, and no one is left behind.

02-28-2002, 06:04 AM
Hey, that was good [the first one]. Kind of reminds me of the life I yearn for sometimes.

02-28-2002, 06:06 AM
Twinkling Stars

No matter what htey say, no matter what they do, my heart will always belong to you. The tears that I cry an don't know why are showing the love I have inside.

They say we're young, they tell uo we're fools, puppies in love.
"It won't last!" they claim, and still we exclaim, " I love you. I love you. My love!"

God will set them straight, and we'll prove them wrong by staying together for oh-so long. Till the sun goes down and the stars shine bright, and the day comes when there is no more light. I'll be held in your arms, your eyes, your heart, and know that this is only the start. The begining of our lives forever blessed; God knows how it will end.

YOu and I, growing old, still together despite what we were told. We showed them, we knew we would. Our lives are happy; happy and good. Now the stars are twinkling, like your eyes. And I smile because there were no "good bye's".

Between you and I, our love still grows, as the stars will always continue to glow. You sleep now, for you know when the sun comes up I'll still be here. And when your eyes open I'll whisper in your ear, "I love you, my dear." And I will smile a smile that comes from the heart. My dreams came true when I met you and I have no fear because you are near.

Though stess and strain come day to day, I know that it will be okay. For when I look in your eyes I can see your love for me. An I feel so safe when I'm in you embrace, this feeling inside reflects upon my face.

With out you I would stop. I couldn't go on. But you've promised me that you will never be gone.

My love, words cannot describe how much you mean to me. I'll write it in the stars, or carve it in a tree. To the world I cannot hide all the love I have inside. For all I know is that I want to show you my love.

02-28-2002, 06:09 AM
I hope that you all enjoy my poetry. Let me know what you think, and sorry if I misspell anything....I'm a horrable speller!

Thanks for coming to 'Mystica's Poetry and Experiance Shoppe'.
Please come again!:D

02-28-2002, 06:11 AM
You Rule, Midget ^___^

THAT's Why you're my Advisor ^^


02-28-2002, 06:23 AM
wow, those were really nice... I hope to see more like them!

and midget? O_o

03-07-2002, 05:20 AM
~My Fear~

What I fear is that you will leave,
wash me out of your life for all eternity.
Something I say, or something I do
will call it quits for me and you.

I am so afraid not to have you by my side
that I give into every whim and whine.
The love I have runs deep and true,
but I'm not sure it's the same with you.

The rain is now falling, just like you fell.
My angel from heaven, maybe from Hell.
I pray to my Lord that you keep near,
and that I am wasting all of this fear.

I cry in my bed, hoping I'm wrong
and usually you call, and sing me our song.
How can I hold these feelings of doubt
when I know you are the one I can never do without?

Please prove to me that I am wrong.
Keep your love strong.
Never, ever take you love from my heart.

03-07-2002, 05:46 AM
that's really good...I can feel the emotion behind it. And I can relate in a way too...

keep it up midget ^_^

03-07-2002, 02:10 PM
wow, those are good, very well done, excellent poetry. Keep it up!:)

03-29-2002, 03:16 AM

These feelings inside are burning. I do not know where to turn.

Should I stay with the one I love, or turn to the new hug.

I love the one but do not know wether to stay or wether to go.

The other I see so much more often than thee and have feelings welling inside. I don't know how much longer I can hide.

So I've confronted the new, but not you too.

He said no so I suppose I should go on the path that is along side of you.

I do love you, don't get me wrong. It's just the confused feelings for both are so strong.

I pray that I may see straight one day, and soon would be better than not.

03-31-2002, 01:14 AM
Aww... I so understand that poem (probably because I know the situation)

Mystica, it's okay to love the two and stay with the one.. I don't really think you should feel guilty of it since I'm kinda the type who believes in strong love as a good thing in friendship. Just know yourself, really, and be honest the best that you can. Not meaning to go spill everything now, but take your time and just be aware. :)... Luv ya!