08-13-2006, 07:53 AM
So, since the game is coming in a little more than 2 months, well at least to the US, and with so many things happening, such as the new recent FFXII site, which has high definition English Trailer o(^_^)o,

what are your final thoughts on FFXII?

Do you like the setting, thinking SE is taking a risky move with the battling system, no bahamut, or ifrit, or shiva, or fat chocobo..., what bout the english voices are you gonna love them or hate them? Will you buy the game straight away, get a pirated copy, download off the interent thanks to bit torrent, borrow it off a friend or wait til it goes platinum (which in my guess will be a little under one hour)? etc etc whatever. You get the drift.

So after looking at the english trailer for a billionth time, reading about it all on the fan sites, looking at those countless gameplay videos on gamespot and ign, and whatever you did, what do you think about the next saga in Final Fantasy?

PS: Vaan is Asian :) :) :) :) :) :), according to a old interview somewhere on gamespot, well actually the guy said "Vaan is somewhat of an asian" or something like that :D

08-13-2006, 02:02 PM
From the trailer I will probably wait until it goes platinum purely because there are games that seem more appealing to me at the moment.

Also from the trailer I think Ashe said to some tall guy, if you are a pirate steal me, anyone else see the FF9 connection there?

Swedish Fish
08-13-2006, 04:37 PM
I'll probably borrow it from a friend. I'm saving all my money for the Wii.

08-13-2006, 07:09 PM
Well, Final Thoughts huh... Let's just say I pre-ordered 2 copies of the metal cased collectors edition, () one to play and one to save, and the strategy guide. I even own the FFXII Potion. What it comes down to is, FFVI and Tactics are my 2 fav FF games and I am very optemistic about XII being in the same ranks. here's what appears to be the official regular cover ().

08-17-2006, 05:21 PM
i'm not so sure about it i will most likely do what "barretboy14" doe's and wait for a while i am already in alot of game's as it is.

08-17-2006, 05:48 PM
Final thoughts!?

It`s quite surprising that all i`ve seen so far is a few screenshots and a trailer. Games in general, especially FF games, don`t have as much as a hold on me as they did a few years ago.

I`ll probably wait until it goes down in price though if the reviews are anyways good. ;(

08-18-2006, 05:41 AM
Final thoughts now? The game comes out Oct. 31. We still have over 2 months. Or do you want thoughts before we play the game?

08-18-2006, 07:12 AM
You're getting the idea ^^

Anyway my final thoughts are:

I reckon the game looks awesome. No more random battles.. yay. And the fmv's look great! Something you would expect ps3 to have ^^ Well at least from what i've seen.

I kind like that medieval yet hugely fantasy theme for the game. It's kinda a theme you don't see much nowadays.

Anyway, from what i've heard, i'm disappointed with the music. It's hard to imagine it in the game. Its sounds too distracting :(. And won't anyone, please, think of the chocobo theme...

I reckon it was a bad idea to change the summons. One of the best things about a new Final Fantasy was seeing your favourite summon's new imagination

So anyway, yeah, i just know i'm gonna love this one ^^

08-18-2006, 08:37 AM
My final thoughts are the same as my first: OMG!!!!!!!!!!! MATSUNO ON MAIN FF!!!!! BEST-FF-EVA!!!

That said I'm also impressed at how they implemented the combat system they made for FFXI offline. After being a bit disappointed with the sphere grid in FFX I worried the direction they'd try to take the system, but rest assured Matsuno came through. Gamebits add a lot of customization and much more depth to it so that it doesn't feel akward or too simplistic. From the bit I played of the Japanese version, the game just looked amazing, fantastic art direction, great sounding characters, the works. Lastly, from the new trailer released by S-E USA, it seems that they've managed to keep the quality of the voice acting in tacted for the NA version, so I'm very pleased with that and now I really look forward to playing the game.

As for the music, I haven't heard it all, but I loved what I heard so far, but then again I've loved all of Sakimoto's work, especially his work on Final Fantasy Tactics.

matt damon
08-20-2006, 01:40 AM
no shiva, ifrit, bahamut, etc?????


Shiva is my fav!!!! i was so looking foward to seeing her in this installment

08-20-2006, 10:44 PM
Final thoughts? I think it looks good. Well, the trailer looks good anyways.

08-21-2006, 05:23 AM
it won't be as ground-breaking as VII or X were, but i feel it'll be a good new addition to the FF series.

08-21-2006, 03:22 PM
Um... It's not like any game in the series has been particularly ground-breaking. The only one that comes even remotely close is FFVII, and only for its marketing. The games themselves have never done anything new. Some of them, however, have been done very well, so that offsets their lack of originality.

08-22-2006, 12:57 AM
[FFVII was] the first game in the Final Fantasy series to be produced for the Sony PlayStation, the first to be ported to Windows-based computers, and the first to use 3D computer graphics, featuring fully rendered characters on pre-rendered backgrounds and is often credited with allowing RPGs to achieve mainstream success outside Japan.
source (

Final Fantasy X is the first in the series to feature a wide range of realistic facial expressions, as well as other technological developments in graphical effects achieved...Final Fantasy X is also the first in the series to feature voice-over actors, as well as the first to spawn a direct sequel.source (

all i meant was that i don't think that ffxii will be as revolutionary in the graphics realm, nor do i think we'll be seeing a ffxii-2.

08-22-2006, 01:04 AM
"in the series"

08-22-2006, 09:03 AM
of course ffxii won't "wow" the world, but we've been waiting so long... 6 years its been... we might as well pretend.

08-22-2006, 03:07 PM
[FFVII was] the first game in the Final Fantasy series to be produced for the Sony PlayStation, the first to be ported to Windows-based computers, and the first to use 3D computer graphics, featuring fully rendered characters on pre-rendered backgrounds and is often credited with allowing RPGs to achieve mainstream success outside Japan.

None of that even remotely qualifies as revolutionary except, as I mentioned before, the fact that its marketing helped drive sales and popularize the genre. Simply being made for PSX doesn't make something revolutionary, so that's automatically dismissed. Games being ported to PC was nothing new, even if it was the first time a FF game had been. Similar graphical styles (featuring much better graphics) had been used in PC adventure games for years, so it was simply a case of console technology starting to catch up to PCs. Basically, to call FFVII revolutionary in any sense is to ignore the years of precedents that it clumsily followed.

Final Fantasy X is the first in the series to feature a wide range of realistic facial expressions, as well as other technological developments in graphical effects achieved...Final Fantasy X is also the first in the series to feature voice-over actors, as well as the first to spawn a direct sequel.

Every single one of these things had been done in PC games years before consoles were powerful enough to do it. Again, it was just a case of consoles catching up. To call anything about it revolutionary is to be ignorant of gaming history.

08-22-2006, 11:18 PM
By the way games like Spyro the Dragon and the first Silent Hill had voice-over actors.

matt damon
08-23-2006, 12:25 AM
of course ffxii won't "wow" the world, but we've been waiting so long... 6 years its been... we might as well pretend.
has it been that long?! wow, doesn't seem like it

09-07-2006, 09:09 PM
I cannot wait for this game! It has a lot of hot guys! Plus the storyline looks promising.

09-08-2006, 11:18 PM
The song is awesome.

Japanese Version video (
English Version video (

09-09-2006, 12:12 AM
Yes, the song is pretty good. The game itself have quotes from final fantasy IX, i already found 2 ;)

09-17-2006, 01:49 AM
no shiva, ifrit, bahamut, etc?????


Shiva is my fav!!!! i was so looking foward to seeing her in this installment

You and me both, damn it! Ever since Enix bought out Square(or however it happened) some bad crap has been going on! On the up side, at least we get a Final Fantasy with action RPG style fighting! Should have seen this coming ever since Leviathan, Odin and Rumah basically dropped of the map!

09-17-2006, 04:39 PM

09-17-2006, 04:46 PM
So FFI isn't a Final Fantasy?

EDIT: Oh, sarcasm. NM then.

09-24-2006, 06:57 PM
I believe 12 will be pretty good despite the theme s0ng and music viedo making the game seem pessimistic and depressing here yall go
peaces outta the box

09-24-2006, 07:01 PM
o forgot one thing where did u guys get the info tht vaan and penelo/penelope w/e r bf gf i have not read anythin like tht

09-24-2006, 07:21 PM
i know this kinda throwin somethin out there but doesn't Lord Rasler (I believ thts his nam) Ashes newly wed husband bare a striking semi- resemblance to Vaan? and think Rasler was killed by Basch and so was Vaan's brother maybe thts the relationship between Ashe and Vaan u know an in-law relationship

09-28-2006, 02:58 PM
Dude ^^ See that edit button next to the "quote" button and next to that weird scerwed up symbol with the plus sign at the bottom that i haven't dared to click for the fear that gay porn will infiltrate my computer? Well use it ^^

Jiro Aoi
10-03-2006, 02:38 AM
for all those who are mad about no shiva, ifirit and all those bad asses yea dont worry my dad works for SE and there are summons DONT WORRY

10-03-2006, 02:41 AM
for all those who are mad about no shiva, ifirit and all those bad asses yea dont worry my dad works for SE and there are summons DONT WORRY

Tell your dad to hurry SE's ass up with further releases for me!

10-03-2006, 05:28 AM
for all those who are mad about no shiva, ifirit and all those bad asses yea dont worry my dad works for SE and there are summons DONT WORRY dude r u fuckin serious tht is bad ass i am gonna try to get a job there as a Game designer and or graphucs artist once i finish highschool and college tht is awsome