02-28-2002, 03:45 AM
Hey, who's played this cause it kicks ass!!! Swearing, blood, sex, everything it has!

02-28-2002, 12:23 PM
I played it, It's a great game and Rare really has a good sense for humor. The scenes are hilarious and the level are well designed. I like the vertex level way too much xD the mutiplayer is also very good, I just love the war level =D
It's too bad it didn't sell quite as much as rare hoped it would.

02-28-2002, 12:37 PM
1. I don't have a N64
2. The game was really expensive, so no wonder it sold bad

02-28-2002, 01:41 PM
Never played it. Its a little too wierd for me:alien:

02-28-2002, 04:33 PM
A friend of mien has it, I�ve seen some parts of it and it is funny as hell. These squirrels, so cute. In an abnormal way.

02-28-2002, 08:05 PM
I found that it really wasn't even a game. Far to much swearing, and the stupid humor just got on my nerves. I don't really like the game.

03-01-2002, 04:48 AM
*sighs*Everybody's a critic. Well, some people like it at least. And yes, i'm aware that the title of the thread is missing a C but you can't edit the title.

03-01-2002, 02:15 PM
Its a funny game! Especially the Barn Boys chapter...when you have to vs the pitch fork...

03-02-2002, 04:51 AM
If I ever see it for about 15 bucks I will buy it.

I can't beleive how high n64 games are still with the gamecube out.

03-04-2002, 01:13 AM
cart games are expensive to make an cost more than 20 bux each to make. Cd's cost less than 50 cents. Look at FF6 or FF4's prices(on carts) while FF7,8,9 are 20 bux.

03-04-2002, 04:07 AM
three words:


03-04-2002, 06:30 AM
I got Star Wars Episode 1 Pod Racer for 10 bucks. Granted its a crappy game but still 10 bucks new at k-mart

they had a bunch of games for n64 for 20 bucks and under. So does wal-mart as well.

As for why the older cart ff games are so much is there rare. I mean you can go anywhere and get 7 8 9 and 10. But how many places do you know with cart versions of the older ff games?

You are very correct on cd's being cheaper to make then carts still, but when a game is old enough and no longer selling they go cheap. And I see the N64 going out soon with the gamecube out so I plan to stock up on a bunch of n64 games whenever they start dropping big time in price.

Hey I saw mario and duckhunt for .99 cents at babbages a few days ago LOL

03-04-2002, 10:33 PM
HEHE I just looked in the sales ad for Value City Department stores and they have South Park Rally for 10 bucks (n64 game) and a few n64 games for 20 bucks CONKERS included! so if I make it up to the mall I might just splurg and spend 20 bucks on it.

03-05-2002, 09:35 AM
Originally posted by veggita2099
HEHE I just looked in the sales ad for Value City Department stores and they have South Park Rally for 10 bucks (n64 game) and a few n64 games for 20 bucks CONKERS included! so if I make it up to the mall I might just splurg and spend 20 bucks on it.


Man 20 bucks! That's great!!!

03-08-2002, 09:51 AM
Originally posted by veggita2099
I got Star Wars Episode 1 Pod Racer for 10 bucks. Granted its a crappy game but still 10 bucks new at k-mart

they had a bunch of games for n64 for 20 bucks and under. So does wal-mart as well.

As for why the older cart ff games are so much is there rare. I mean you can go anywhere and get 7 8 9 and 10. But how many places do you know with cart versions of the older ff games?

You are very correct on cd's being cheaper to make then carts still, but when a game is old enough and no longer selling they go cheap. And I see the N64 going out soon with the gamecube out so I plan to stock up on a bunch of n64 games whenever they start dropping big time in price.

Hey I saw mario and duckhunt for .99 cents at babbages a few days ago LOL

Course, all your prices are relatively lower than ours. So that 20 buck game would be 40 here. I got Conker's Bad Fur Day for 90 bucks! And that's a good price for that game here. And i wish i could go anywhere and get FF10, but they're taking their sweet ass time getting it here. Here of course, means Australia.

BTW- You might wanna edit yer posts instead of double posting:D.

03-08-2002, 10:09 AM
Originally posted by Cloud

Course, all your prices are relatively lower than ours. So that 20 buck game would be 40 here. I got Conker's Bad Fur Day for 90 bucks! And that's a good price for that game here. And i wish i could go anywhere and get FF10, but they're taking their sweet ass time getting it here. Here of course, means Australia.

Yeah...damn Australian prices!