08-11-2006, 01:50 PM
Beginning with Cloud:

What is it that i can do with my life?
I cannot just stand here and wait in my own depression.
I must be forgiven.
By you, the one i love,
The one i let die..............


Dark and alone i wait in your coming,
Mother, Jenova, it is you that I seek,
but I cannot find you anywhere,
but i will keep searching,
in the darkness of the night,
and the light of the day.


Remember the promise we made,
on that well five years ago?
You kept it, didn't you? Once before.
I want to love you, so much but,
I can't.
I just can't express my feeling to you.
I need to know you, more in my heart, but
I can't.


I want you to stop trying Cloud.
You were forgiven the second the sword pierced my chest.
Please for everyone,
I still love you, no matter what.
I will always be with you,
Guiding, giving, loving.
I will.
I promise.


Cloud, i'm sorry,
That i had to go that way, but
we're friends, right?
You were my best friend, don't forget that,
Never forget that, okay?
I wish i could stay with you, getting that job i said we would,
making profit, having fun.
But they hunted me down.
And killed me.
Don't worry though,
we're still friends.


In the darkness of the night i wait,
In a coffin of demise and dark dreams,
I despise those scientists for experimenting on me, but,
it has made me stronger,

Sorry if no one likes em, i just started poetry, thought i might test it on here!