Vincent Bishop
08-08-2006, 10:01 AM
Hi everyone. I just thought I'd let you know about a band that I recently discovered, and have grown to love probably faster than any other band in my collection. They're called Lunascape, and my brother introduced me to them, and the reason he did is because I lent him my Silent Hill soundtracks to listen to, and when he brought them back he recommended Lunascape because he said a lot of the guitars / electronics / vocals reminded him of Lunascape.

Here is a link to their site, where you can listen to longer sampe tracks, and watch their music videos for free.

They're kind of gothic / "Bjorkish", which I wasn't a big fan of until recently. Another singer I would recommend would be Emiliana Torrini. You might know her as the singer of "Gollum's Song" from The Two Towers, but I checked out her debut album and was really shocked at how much I liked it. It's very childish, which I love, and her voice is amazing, and is backed up by very decent music.