Seymour Guado
08-07-2006, 04:02 AM
Its not as popular as WoW (World of Warcraft), but it is one of my favorite online games next to battlefield 1942. Your thoughts on this game.

08-07-2006, 05:19 AM
If I had to play an MMORPG, it would probably be that one.

I will never play one though.

Pimp Daddy McSnake
08-07-2006, 05:30 AM
Its not as popular as WoW (World of Warcraft), but it is one of my favorite online games next to battlefield 1942. Your thoughts on this game.

Well I'm kinda interested in CoH. Could you tell me some things about it?

Seymour Guado
08-07-2006, 05:51 AM
well, it starts out where you pick your arch type: Scrapper, Defender, Tanker, Blaster, Controller, Peacebringer, and Warshade. Peacebringer and warshads can only be unlocked if can get a character to lvl 50 (harder than it sounds). Scrappers have a high attack, defenders are mainly healers, tankers are the guys you send to take the heat off your low defense characters, blasters are characters that have a high attack, Controllers do like gravity control, mind control stuff like that. I don't know to much about the other two, i haven't gotten a lvl 50 so you'll have to look that up. As you lvl up you get to choose different attacks from the power pools that you chose from.

If you would like a more details, pm me.

08-07-2006, 02:28 PM
It's a completely entry-level game that has all the depth of the proverbial rock pool, even at higher levels. Pretty awesome character creation, but that's its only real strong point.

08-07-2006, 02:35 PM
I started of on FF11, and I didnt like it that much. I played city of heroes and thought it was much better than FF11. The customization is great!!!! Maybe the best Ive seen in a game. My fave MMO is WoW. It takes nothing away from CoH but its a great game even though it can get repetetive.

Seymour Guado
08-07-2006, 05:29 PM
It's a completely entry-level game that has all the depth of the proverbial rock pool, even at higher levels. Pretty awesome character creation, but that's its only real strong point.

I guess your right about that, but i'm not very picky about games. I found it to be a challenge, like yousaid character creation is awesome, I enjoy mindless banter with my friends on it so I still find it very enjoyable.

08-07-2006, 05:35 PM
Frankly, I'm bitter about the game because it had a lot of wasted potential. It could have been my favorite MMORPG ever if it had included a solid hero vs villain PvP dynamic and more solo playability.

Seymour Guado
08-07-2006, 05:45 PM
It has that, in the release of City of Villians, theres an area on the map where you can take a hero or villian and go fight a hero (if your a villian) or a villian (if your a hero), and its not just a computer, its actual online players. You could always just go to the arena.

08-07-2006, 05:53 PM
I know the dynamic exists, but it's among the most lousy PvP systems I've ever had the displeasure of coming into contact with. It would have made for a far more immersive experience if it had used a faction system and put heroes and villains together in each of the game's zones. Offering a way to switch between being a hero and a villain would have been nice also.

Seymour Guado
08-07-2006, 05:57 PM
It would have made for a far more immersive experience if it had used a faction system and put heroes and villains together in each of the game's zones. Offering a way to switch between being a hero and a villain would have been nice also.

Thats what they have, you take your character to this island and there are heros and villians there, and you fight eachother. The chances of a hero winning are very slim though. There are alot more villians than heros there.

Atom Narmor
08-07-2006, 06:04 PM
I'm going to buy it one of these days. Sounds kool.

08-07-2006, 06:06 PM
You miss my point. I mean there should not be an island. A fully integrated faction system would make for a much more immersive game. Heroes and villains should share all the same zones (with perhaps a few exceptions where instances are concerned) and duke it out freely in the streets. Such a system would add more depth. The one they have in place now is so simplistic and contrived that it simply adds to the fact that CoH/CoV is an entry level game, inferior in almost every regard to other MMORPGs.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
08-07-2006, 06:12 PM
Is there actually anyone (like, one of the developers or something) that plays as Statesman, or is he an NPC that does nothing, despite supposedly being on the frontlines of the major conflicts?

Seymour Guado
08-07-2006, 06:27 PM
You miss my point. I mean there should not be an island. A fully integrated faction system would make for a much more immersive game. Heroes and villains should share all the same zones (with perhaps a few exceptions where instances are concerned) and duke it out freely in the streets. Such a system would add more depth. The one they have in place now is so simplistic and contrived that it simply adds to the fact that CoH/CoV is an entry level game, inferior in almost every regard to other MMORPGs.

I see what your saying. I don't completely agree with that because it would to crazy. I like crazy but that would be rediculasly crazy.

Odin, I think, i'm not sure, but I think that hes an NPC that dose nothing.

08-07-2006, 06:32 PM
There are lots of ways around the craziness you predict. For example, there could simply be a selection of instances each time you go into a new zone, each with different PvP options. Do you think it wouldn't work if there was a free-for-all zone, an elective PvP zone, and a no-PvP zone? Or perhaps the current zone system could remain in place with a global elective PvP system. There are plenty of possibilities, all with successful precedents.

Seymour Guado
08-07-2006, 06:51 PM
Yeah, that would be pretty cool. eventually they may do something like that. It seems the last few issues gave people a little more freedom.

08-07-2006, 10:35 PM
There are lots of ways around the craziness you predict. For example, there could simply be a selection of instances each time you go into a new zone, each with different PvP options. Do you think it wouldn't work if there was a free-for-all zone, an elective PvP zone, and a no-PvP zone? Or perhaps the current zone system could remain in place with a global elective PvP system. There are plenty of possibilities, all with successful precedents.

Do you mean kind of what WoW has? At the start of the game you can either create a horde, or an alliance character. They are sworn enemies. If you see a horde character and you are an alliance, if the horde characters pvp option is on, you can attack him without even thinking about it and vice versa. There are also battlegrounds set up where its horde against alliance and its basically a game of CTF or control points. Is this sort of what you would want to see in CoH??

08-07-2006, 11:22 PM
reminds me of RYL. (my most fav mmo of all time)

i think it has good pvp as well. coh/cov sounds fun too. i tried to play the demo but i dind't wanna wait for the dumb patch. maybe theres a manual patch out there or maybe demo players are forced to go through it cause they didn't buy it but..whatever. i'm content with what i play and have no need for another one right now.

whats most important to me in a 3d mmo is controls. the more fluid and easy it is to simply walk around/run get around, the better. RYL uses wasd and offers the option of mouse mode. you can't imporove on that even if you tried.

how are coh/cov controls for movement?

08-07-2006, 11:33 PM
The game starts out with the controls being W (forward) A (left) S(backward) and D (right) with Q and E (where you slide left or right). But you can reset them to be any 6 keys you'd like, or you can use your mouse- I think. I don't play the game as often as my brother, but I get quite an earful about it.

08-07-2006, 11:46 PM
wow. it uses wasd? man. that's like perfection right there!

especially if the mouse controls the camera and direction of the character at the same time in 3rd person.

but does s and d strafe or turn? cause if its turn, then that just totaly sucks. what are win in? the fucking early 90's? if people keep making games where s and d control TURNING, then that's just fucking sad. its like stupid res evil and their stupid controls. >.<

i take my controls very seriously. if they can't do wasd properly, they should just stick to point and click for movement like in diablo. point to a spot, move to the spot. simple. :p

08-07-2006, 11:51 PM
I'm sorry, I was wrong my brother corrected me... A & D strafe and Q & E turn, but I ususally change it.

Seymour Guado
08-08-2006, 03:40 AM
wow. it uses wasd? man. that's like perfection right there!

especially if the mouse controls the camera and direction of the character at the same time in 3rd person.

but does s and d strafe or turn? cause if its turn, then that just totaly sucks. what are win in? the fucking early 90's? if people keep making games where s and d control TURNING, then that's just fucking sad. its like stupid res evil and their stupid controls. >.<

i take my controls very seriously. if they can't do wasd properly, they should just stick to point and click for movement like in diablo. point to a spot, move to the spot. simple. :p

I really don't think it makes that much of a differance. It seems easier to have A and D turn instead of Q and E becaues you would have to move your finger back if you want to go backwards. if you use A and D you don't have to move a finger at all. Besides its not like strafing makes a differance in that game, if hes going to miss hes going to miss, you can't really dodge and attack. You can use powers to decrease the chances of it hitting you but strafing dosen't really do anything.

08-08-2006, 08:11 PM
maybe so. its the same in ryl. not really good for dodging...but i feel as if though a,d = strafe is a must have. a rule that can never be broken unless under very special specific circumstances beyond anyone's control. its just a flawless system its pathetic to see new games either not use it or mess it up entirely.

but really i'm just pissed cause silkroad and knight online and this other game i tried out all dind't implement it right or at all. so i don't even bother playing those games even if they might be really good beyond that. silkroad has a nice background to it. REALLY nice. but once your in its a regular ol powerlvl fest. -_- and the job choices suck. knight online i coudln't even stand cause i think i had to use the arrow keys. O_o wow. that is so like...early 90's. >.<

but guild wars, (and thanks to koneko-chan for letting me know) coh/cov DO use it correctly so that just makes me happy. :)

i wonder if WoW uses it. O_o if they use point and click...that's fine. its also a very good system. but if they ATTEMPT wasd movement, it better be perfect! >.>

i'm just very picky about wasd. IF your gonna use it, use it RIGHT! otherwise, stick to your point and click systems. once you get that settled, then you can enjoy an mmo game for what it is. be it crap or be it gold.

08-08-2006, 08:26 PM
I can't speak for any others, but the movement system in WoW works really well. The A and D keys do actually turn your character instead of strafing if you're using wasd to move. However, most people use the mouse to control their character's movement, at least to some extent. By holding the right mouse button when you move, you can steer with the mouse. Also, while you're using the mouse to control movement, the A and D keys do cause your character to strafe instead of turn.

I think at least one or two other games use a similar system.

Seymour Guado
08-08-2006, 08:45 PM
You can turn with the mouse in coh/cov. If you have a scroll on your mouse you can change the camera angles around yourself.

08-09-2006, 08:18 PM
those sound like great control schemes to me. :p

a friend of mine said he'd give me his WoW account cause he's too busy to play anymore. I'd really like to try it. All the hype i heard gives me the impression that its the like...the way mmo's should have been O_o or something like that. Basically i've heard like 0 negative comments on it. and that's a game i'd like to try on for myself.

Seymour Guado
08-09-2006, 11:09 PM
I've heard one. Its not really negative, but one of my friends said that it was alright, and he likes coh more.