08-07-2006, 03:05 AM

I wonder what this is?

Pimp Daddy McSnake
08-07-2006, 03:19 AM
:smrt: If it's real I want it. If t's not real, I want it.

08-07-2006, 02:23 PM
It's nothing but an illegally bootlegged compilation of the game's cutscenes.

The Lost One
08-07-2006, 02:28 PM
Probably. I dare to believe that there's at least 400 min. of cutscene in FFX anyway XD

08-07-2006, 03:04 PM
Yes, I must agree. Whether it's cut scenes or not, I wanna watch it! There's the ever so slight chance that it's not, and what's 400 min to find out?

Black Paladin
08-07-2006, 03:16 PM
Yes, I must agree. Whether it's cut scenes or not, I wanna watch it! There's the ever so slight chance that it's not, and what's 400 min to find out?

A waste of the viewers time I dare say.

08-07-2006, 03:28 PM
There's the ever so slight chance that it's not

No, there isn't. It is exactly as I have said. The DVD is illegally produced and distributed to gullible morons. If you buy one, especially after being warned this way, you are an absolute cunt with no worth to society.

Pimp Daddy McSnake
08-07-2006, 04:12 PM
:smrt: Well, if it was real fansub groups would be all over it. And since that has not been te case...

08-09-2006, 02:09 PM
I want it lol! if it was real!

08-09-2006, 02:15 PM
Well, the cut-scenes in FFX were bad enough without someone stringing them together and flogging it off as a movie.

The Lost One
08-09-2006, 02:43 PM
Well, the cut-scenes in FFX were bad enough without someone stringing them together and flogging it off as a movie.

Hahaha my words matey XD

08-19-2006, 04:11 AM
Best thing to do is to record the cutscenes yourself and watch them without selling 'em. Although I'm not sure how you go about recording...

I'm Pregnant
08-22-2006, 01:29 PM
Call me stupid but I think it's a 400 minute long Anime

09-21-2006, 03:45 PM
No, there isn't. It is exactly as I have said. The DVD is illegally produced and distributed to gullible morons. If you buy one, especially after being warned this way, you are an absolute cunt with no worth to society.

Tell me something, Prak. You seem to be the all-knowing one when it comes to...just about anything.

If its just a compilation of cutscenes from the game, why does it say manga? Wouldnt that be anime?

Also, have you seen the movie? Cuz if you havent, I think you would be the worthless cunt who assumes to much.


09-21-2006, 03:54 PM
You have now been marked as an irredeemable idiot. I do happen to know everything, for your information, and you would do well to heed my advice wherever you are fortunate enough to be graced with it.

Your first question is retarded (no shock there) and doesn't seem to have any bearing on the matter at hand.

The answer to the second question is that I have not seen it. That is because I am capable of looking at the available data and determining the nature of the product. As for your thought, it merely goes to show that you are incapable of exercising any degree of common sense.

Pimp Daddy McSnake
09-21-2006, 03:59 PM
does the DVD cost $3000?

09-21-2006, 04:00 PM
You have now been marked as an irredeemable idiot. I do happen to know everything, for your information, and you would do well to heed my advice wherever you are fortunate enough to be graced with it.

Your first question is retarded (no shock there) and doesn't seem to have any bearing on the matter at hand.

Uhh...yeah it does. You said its a buncha cutscenes from the game. It couldnt be that if they said it was a manga. I think you just made yourself out to be an idiot here.

The answer to the second question is that I have not seen it. That is because I am capable of looking at the available data and determining the nature of the product. As for your thought, it merely goes to show that you are incapable of exercising any degree of common sense.

You havent seen it. So you ASSUME that because it LOOKS shady it HAS to be a compilation of cutscenes strewn together, when it GIVES actor and actress names, and SAYS it is in anime and manga style. I dont know how else to put this to your ego-growing brain. Your not better then anyone, and you obviously dont know shit, as I have just pointed out. You picked a fight with the wrong person today, buddy.

09-21-2006, 04:10 PM
Wrong person? You're a stupid n00bl3t with a big ego. You're nothing new to me, sport. And you picked a fight, Einstein.

Look at the data at hand. Just because someone says it's an anime movie does not mean it is necessarily so. If you look a little closer, you will see that no animation studio is listed in the production credits. Only Square-Enix is listed, which does not have a traditional animation studio. On top of that, the language is listed as Japanese although the English voice actors are listed. Definitely shady if you're smart enough to actually read something. Or were you simply trying to be argumentative because you thought you were big and bad enough to take on the notorious Prak?

09-21-2006, 08:38 PM
Wrong person? You're a stupid n00bl3t with a big ego. You're nothing new to me, sport. And you picked a fight, Einstein.

A n00bl3t? Are you one of those 40 year old men, who spend their life behind a computer screen callin people NOOBS and thinkin your so hardcore? LMAO. What a pathetic waste of life. So, when did you become so "hardcore". You can trot along these message boards, talking like some kind of badass, but Ive been banned from about 15 message boards ripping arrogant admins and mods to shreds. Then cant say SHIT after Im done with them, so the only thing left for them to do is ban me. Since your not a mod or admin, I dont have to worry about that:). So get off your high horse, before I knock you off it some more.

Look at the data at hand. Just because someone says it's an anime movie does not mean it is necessarily so. If you look a little closer, you will see that no animation studio is listed in the production credits. Only Square-Enix is listed, which does not have a traditional animation studio.

You work for Sqaur Enix, right? So you would know.

On top of that, the language is listed as Japanese although the English voice actors are listed. Definitely shady if you're smart enough to actually read something. Or were you simply trying to be argumentative because you thought you were big and bad enough to take on the notorious Prak?

I think I just took on, and owned the "notorious" prak. You might scare all these other little 14 and 15 year olds on the message boards, but now you have a member who can hold his own in a debate, AND a flame war. So what now, Prak? Scared? Your little throne being taken away? Its ok, man. I'll let you have your dignity and wont flame you too bad. Just know that I am not the person to be throwing around your righteousness at.

To put it in your words. pwned.

09-21-2006, 09:00 PM
A n00bl3t? Are you one of those 40 year old men, who spend their life behind a computer screen callin people NOOBS and thinkin your so hardcore? LMAO. What a pathetic waste of life. So, when did you become so "hardcore". You can trot along these message boards, talking like some kind of badass, but Ive been banned from about 15 message boards ripping arrogant admins and mods to shreds. Then cant say SHIT after Im done with them, so the only thing left for them to do is ban me. Since your not a mod or admin, I dont have to worry about that. So get off your high horse, before I knock you off it some more.

You work for Sqaur Enix, right? So you would know.

I think I just took on, and owned the "notorious" prak. You might scare all these other little 14 and 15 year olds on the message boards, but now you have a member who can hold his own in a debate, AND a flame war. So what now, Prak? Scared? Your little throne being taken away? Its ok, man. I'll let you have your dignity and wont flame you too bad. Just know that I am not the person to be throwing around your righteousness at.

Wow. Not only are you a moron (in a hilarious way), you're also entirely ignorant.

For one thing, I was a moderator until the recent hacking and will be again when the system is sorted out. At the moment, there are only three admins because the mod options are broken. Basically, I do count as staff.

However, people don't often get banned here for making fools of themselves as you're doing now.

Notice the fact that you are now flaming instead of actually making an argument to counter my points? If the best you can come up with is "You don't work for Square-Enix, so you don't know what you're talking about," then that shows that you realize that I'm entirely correct and now you're arguing out of nothing more than retarded pride or a desire to prove something to the other retards around here.

Frankly, if this is the limit of your debate skills, claiming that you can hold your own is like claiming that you can hold a gallon of water in a fork. As for being scared, you must be kidding. In fact, I'm beginning to think you may even be a joke account. I doubt that any real person could be quite so ridiculous.

And when did I ever say "pwned" to you?

Tidus 66
09-21-2006, 09:11 PM
He went offline :(, he was annoying as hell, but entertaining ;-;;;;

09-21-2006, 09:13 PM
The best part is that he actually thought he was winning.

09-22-2006, 12:40 AM
Wow. Not only are you a moron (in a hilarious way), you're also entirely ignorant.

For one thing, I was a moderator until the recent hacking and will be again when the system is sorted out. At the moment, there are only three admins because the mod options are broken. Basically, I do count as staff.

However, people don't often get banned here for making fools of themselves as you're doing now.

Notice the fact that you are now flaming instead of actually making an argument to counter my points? If the best you can come up with is "You don't work for Square-Enix, so you don't know what you're talking about," then that shows that you realize that I'm entirely correct and now you're arguing out of nothing more than retarded pride or a desire to prove something to the other retards around here.

Frankly, if this is the limit of your debate skills, claiming that you can hold your own is like claiming that you can hold a gallon of water in a fork. As for being scared, you must be kidding. In fact, I'm beginning to think you may even be a joke account. I doubt that any real person could be quite so ridiculous.

And when did I ever say "pwned" to you?

Well, when your staff, you can ban me. Till then, you cant do shit.

And no, thats not the limit of my "debate" skills. You never said "owned" but you did call me a n00bl3t (exact spelling) so I assume, yes assume, that you're one of those "hardcore internet elitist's" who think a high post count makes them a god.

No, you dont work for Sqaure Enix. Therefore, you dont KNOW if they have an animation studio or not. You would only have to research to find out if they did. Im not saying they do or dont, you come across as if your word is the final say so, and if anyone says otherwise, their wrong. Thats just being a conceited little bitch.

And who cares whose "winning"

This isnt a game to me. I dont run around on message boards, and get my jollies off to flaming little teenagers who I think are inferior to me. Yeah, Im not debating, Im flaming your punk ass, cuz you fucking deserve it.

You have another rebutal for me, or would this be the 16 message board I am banned from?

09-22-2006, 03:25 AM
Well, when your staff, you can ban me. Till then, you cant do shit.

Actually, it would be a very simple matter for me to report your posts to an admin and request a ban, but there's nothing to be gained by it. You're far too much fun for that!

And no, thats not the limit of my "debate" skills. You never said "owned" but you did call me a n00bl3t (exact spelling) so I assume, yes assume, that you're one of those "hardcore internet elitist's" who think a high post count makes them a god.

You assume incorrectly.

You are a "n00bl3t" to this forum because you are making nonsensical posts, challenging the wisdom of those who know better than you, and failing to comprehend the very nature of the community. Post count is irrelevant.

No, you dont work for Sqaure Enix. Therefore, you dont KNOW if they have an animation studio or not. You would only have to research to find out if they did. Im not saying they do or dont, you come across as if your word is the final say so, and if anyone says otherwise, their wrong. Thats just being a conceited little bitch.

If they had an animation studio, it would most certainly be listed as a subsidiary of the parent entity. No such subsidiary exists. Verify it for yourself. It's not like I have anything to prove when everyone else already knows I'm right.

And my word is final. I do not speak on issues such as this unless I know it is true and can offer proof of it, which I have adequately provided already. If you want to claim I'm wrong, then actually prove it.

And who cares whose "winning"

This isnt a game to me. I dont run around on message boards, and get my jollies off to flaming little teenagers who I think are inferior to me. Yeah, Im not debating, Im flaming your punk ass, cuz you fucking deserve it.

You have another rebutal for me, or would this be the 16 message board I am banned from?

Have you ever wondered why you're banned from so many boards? Based on your behavior here, I'd guess that it's because you're a conceited bitch yourself. However, the difference between us is that my arrogance is justified by my actions. Yours is hollow.

09-22-2006, 03:31 AM
Actually, it would be a very simple matter for me to report your posts to an admin and request a ban, but there's nothing to be gained by it. You're far too much fun for that!

Awww, gunna run and tell the admins? Bring 'em, I'll own their ass too.

You assume incorrectly.

You are a "n00bl3t" to this forum because you are making nonsensical posts, challenging the wisdom of those who know better than you, and failing to comprehend the very nature of the community. Post count is irrelevant.

Now, your making up your own words, and deffinitions for them! And internet tech rep doesnt know more then me, sorry

If they had an animation studio, it would most certainly be listed as a subsidiary of the parent entity. No such subsidiary exists. Verify it for yourself. It's not like I have anything to prove when everyone else already knows I'm right.

Unless the webmaste most certainly didnt list it. *shock!*

And my word is final. I do not speak on issues such as this unless I know it is true and can offer proof of it, which I have adequately provided already. If you want to claim I'm wrong, then actually prove it.

No, your word is shit. I just called you out. Link please, so I can see your "proof". Your word isnt "proof".

Have you ever wondered why you're banned from so many boards? Based on your behavior here, I'd guess that it's because you're a conceited bitch yourself. However, the difference between us is that my arrogance is justified by my actions. Yours is hollow.

Im banned from boards because arrogant and conceited admins and mods cant handle someone who tells them off, and shows them up. Your arrogance isnt justified by shit except mispelled words, and non sensical rants saying you have "proof".

09-22-2006, 03:33 AM
Way to prove your point there, champ. [/sarcasm]

09-22-2006, 03:35 AM
Way to prove your point there, champ. [/sarcasm]

I think I have. Ready to give up? :)

09-22-2006, 03:40 AM
Please tell me that post was at least as sarcastic as my own. Otherwise, there is no hope for you.

09-22-2006, 03:42 AM
Please tell me that post was at least as sarcastic as my own. Otherwise, there is no hope for you.

No, Im pretty seriouse. Ready to continue?

09-22-2006, 03:48 AM
Post a valid argument and I'll gladly continue.

09-22-2006, 03:54 AM
Post a valid argument and I'll gladly continue.

About what, Im just having fun fuckin with ya. Not so much the hot shot huh?

J. Peterman
09-22-2006, 04:02 AM
man r u on hgh watch out it makes u like the ladies say man i do not want to be with him if u know what i mean unless it is like man hgh money in the bank home run champ i want to be with his money

Mr Jack
09-26-2006, 02:38 PM
Wow...this one was even more entertaining than the last one i read, go Grim..

To me Prak sounds like moron who wants to know everything, but cant quite make it, so he compensates time and time, everyday by taking out his/her unspent energies onto poor defenceless "noobs" What a load of Crap, Spare me, your a moron who is soooo obsessed with a different reality than the rest of us, and is willing to show us by doing exactly what your doin there, (i also think he has a small penis (if hes a bloke) or deformed female genitalia (if in fact he is a she))


And now onto Grim - Grim, though i totally undertand how irritatingly obnoxious Prak can be, and though i support your righteous act in defending peeps like me :-) .. . . . .me thinks that you biting off a bit more than you can chew...Though many a time, i have read many a thread about ye old foes....and many a time Prak has resorted to using really big words..(WTF just cause you use big words doesnt make you superior - makes you a bit of a puffy knob tbf) i think the more you to ramble in de rubble, the more obnoxious Prak will get until he swerved uncontrollably into a neverending spiral of self-deciet and stuff...

To sum up - carry on boys


Mr Jack
09-26-2006, 02:38 PM

09-26-2006, 02:40 PM
You are a truly colossal faggot.

Mr Jack
09-26-2006, 02:41 PM
point proven then?

*la lalalal lalaal laa * - can anyone else hear this or just me...ooooohhh look a jellybea *la lalallaa lala*

09-26-2006, 02:45 PM
You are a truly colossal faggot.

Mr Jack
09-26-2006, 02:46 PM
LMAO.....ok then, maybe i am...

Still on the verge of that i, dont i ...

im gonna google whatever the hell one of those is...*why not?*

09-26-2006, 03:16 PM
Wow...this one was even more entertaining than the last one i read, go Grim..

To me Prak sounds like moron who wants to know everything, but cant quite make it, so he compensates time and time, everyday by taking out his/her unspent energies onto poor defenceless "noobs" What a load of Crap, Spare me, your a moron who is soooo obsessed with a different reality than the rest of us, and is willing to show us by doing exactly what your doin there, (i also think he has a small penis (if hes a bloke) or deformed female genitalia (if in fact he is a she))


And now onto Grim - Grim, though i totally undertand how irritatingly obnoxious Prak can be, and though i support your righteous act in defending peeps like me :-) .. . . . .me thinks that you biting off a bit more than you can chew...Though many a time, i have read many a thread about ye old foes....and many a time Prak has resorted to using really big words..(WTF just cause you use big words doesnt make you superior - makes you a bit of a puffy knob tbf) i think the more you to ramble in de rubble, the more obnoxious Prak will get until he swerved uncontrollably into a neverending spiral of self-deciet and stuff...

To sum up - carry on boys


Thank you. Though me and Prak are done now, I've shown him that there are people out there that you just cant win with. No matter how smart you try to sound, there is ALWAYS someone out there smarter and better then you. You DONT know everything, and I showed him that. But its pretty much over between the two of us.

Mr Jack
09-26-2006, 03:22 PM
why the hell did you have to go and say sumthing stupid like that!!

Thats just mean and upsetting, the moment i turn my back the fun finishes...well do somethin then, start it back sure he wont mind...or do you want me to get the ball really rolling...
... ooh...i could say sumthing like, yo momma to really piss him off..! whatya think? ....( serious...) You gotta admit that was well funny though?

*where the hell are all these jelly beans coming from?***current mood...bored and crazy..***

09-26-2006, 03:23 PM
You *must* be kidding, Grim. You didn't prove a damn thing. And anyway, it's not for us to decide who won an argument where neither of us will concede. In that case, it falls to the people reading the argument to make the determination.

Mr Jack
09-26-2006, 03:30 PM
YAY......well...(uh hum ) i know ive made my feelings o the matter clear...)

though obnoxious - very entertaining...Prak is the type of guy you would like to take down to the pub with yer mates just so you can actually have a worthless conversation about how long you can have a conversation about how many bubbles there are in a pint of lager. (how many are there??) before one person acually starts counting them.

Grim on the other hand....sure hes got more important things like saving peoples lives to talk about that crap...but entertaining nontheless.

I vote GRIM

09-26-2006, 03:33 PM
I think most would agree that a vote from a moron like you counts against the person you vote for.

Did you even read what we were arguing about? It sure sounds to me like you don't have a fucking clue. Now stop shitting up the thread already and let it die.

09-26-2006, 03:37 PM

09-26-2006, 03:38 PM
You *must* be kidding, Grim. You didn't prove a damn thing. And anyway, it's not for us to decide who won an argument where neither of us will concede. In that case, it falls to the people reading the argument to make the determination.

Prak...tsk tsk. Im ashamed of you. Lets not start this up agian, k?

Mr Jack
09-26-2006, 03:42 PM
you want to talk about shittin up threads? Ive just read about 4 pages from one thread that you fuked up then pal....and as you quite rightly said....its not for you to decide.....i stand by my decision and you should pull that snooker cue from up your arse and do the same!!

*serious,. are you kidding me - with these jelly beans?*

09-26-2006, 10:25 PM

+ back on topic..
it looks interesting, i want to watch it.

J. Peterman
09-27-2006, 01:34 AM
u ppl r insane in the membrane

u have no um sodium channels so um u are all with the calcium but the e potential is messed up so um watashi wa terebi desu oh no don't burn the unknown oh wait burn it lol um metabolic that is all i learned i guess in 2 seconds c ya

09-27-2006, 02:55 AM
u ppl r insane in the membrane

u have no um sodium channels so um u are all with the calcium but the e potential is messed up so um watashi wa terebi desu oh no don't burn the unknown oh wait burn it lol um metabolic that is all i learned i guess in 2 seconds c ya

First off...what the fuck did you just say?

Second, how the hell do you have 2,000 posts?

Third, why arnt you banned yet?

Mr Jack
09-27-2006, 09:19 AM