08-06-2006, 02:33 AM
Well, I was new here once, I started becoming active, stopped posting, and I just rejoined last night because I can't remember my username, and resending my information didn't work, so, I'm back, and I thought that I'd go on ahead and post something.
Before I say anything on the Compilation, be warned that I'm not exactly the biggest FFVII fan out there. As a matter of fact, I refuse to pick up FFVII until I've gotten all of the other ones that I want to pick up.
So, since the Compilation is, I believe, nearing its end now, I was wondering what both FFVII fans and FFVII haters (and those who are neutral) thought about it.
I jumped in during Advent Children, and I knew part of the story, and AC and Wikipedia filled in the rest for me. I've looked at FFVII a lot, and, I must say that it seems very tedious. Remember, I haven't palyed FFVII, but, even without playing it, I don't think that I'll like it as much as the others. The story, from what I can see so far, was pulled out far too much. And I can already say that Sephiroth is overrated. I really don't think that FFVII was that good, and I don't care that much that the Compilation is nearing its end. Apparently, a lot of people liked FFVII for either Cloud or Tifa (usernames: "Cloud_Strife", "Tifa_Lockhart", personal text that goes below the username: "Cloud, a badass for life", "Tifa's REAL lover", "Tifa's breasts are huge". Enough already.), but it's been drawn out:

Emotinally-troubled hero with big sword.
Woman that he wants to marry, whom he can't get, and who has a rather large bust size.
A bad guy who overreacts, and really shouldn't even be the bad guy.

These are the 3 main characters, and, while they may be okay for the first time through, seeing and hearing about them over and over just gets annoying. Don't get me wrong, I loved AC, because it made the characters better, but, even then, it was a bit overrated. Mainly because of Sephiroth.
FFVII only got this far because of Cloud's big sword, Tifa's large busts (and it's really sad that the FFVII fanboys highlighted this. Yes, they're large, but leave it alone already.), and Sephiroth's big egand sword. It's a bit overrated, and AC was its prime. DoC may be good, but I think that FFVII has, mostly, run its overrated course, and I'm not too hurt by that.
Sorry if I'm not really qualified to state my opinions seeing as how I haven't really played FFVII, or if this topic has been brought up before.

Gentleman Ghost
08-06-2006, 05:51 AM
yes nice thoughts...
I think my view on FF7 is the same as you in a way...
but what the hell is the ending compilation?....

Pimp Daddy McSnake
08-06-2006, 05:59 AM
but what the hell is the ending compilation?....

08-06-2006, 07:06 AM
Well, from what I've heard and seen, it appears to me that the Compilation Effort is either ending now or is nearing its end. Here are two links suggesting that we could have decades more of FFVII:


Well, see, the thing is, I'm not sure just how many people are willing to stick around for two more decades and hear about FFVII. The Compilation itself is already between 6 and 7 installments long, which is around how many installments people are expecting for the Fabula Nova Crystallis Series. I won't say this as a fact, but an opinion: I think that people would much rather see the Fabula Nova Crystallis Series take off rather than see Cloud wield an oversized sword and kill a bad guy who could create a Dark Lifestream, but couldn't beat Cloud for anything. Unless they can somehow change FFVII (that means no more Cloud beating Sephiroth, and putting more characters in there and expanding the universe), then I don't think that the Compilation will get much further.
Well, that's just what I think. True, it could, by all right, expand for 2 more decades, but I'm curious as to how they'd do that and still keep people crazed over it.
Besides, they said 2 decades, but they never said just how much they could release in those 2 decades. It doesn't mean another game every year. And if they release a game or movie every other year, then they'll have to work even harder to keep people's interests (well, those who aren't dieheard FFVII fans.). So they could end up giving us 2 or 3 more things for all we know.
I guess that, when it comes down to it, this thread is based more off of one's point of view and their theories, so I guess I should add "if you think it's ending soon", since there's no proof that they're ending it soon.

Swedish Fish
08-06-2006, 01:58 PM
we could have decades more of FFVII

Thank you, very much. You just made me ruin my favorite pants.

fastidious percolator
08-06-2006, 02:44 PM
Well, then I'm glad it's over.

08-06-2006, 08:25 PM
Me too, Trent.

You're completely wrong. Comparing FFVII to anything recent is like comparing any other game of that time to Half-Life. If you had played FFVII in the year it came out and kept it within the timeframe it was created in, then you would realize that it deserved all of the hype it received. Sure, everyone looks at it now and realizes it wasn't that great, but that's only because their perspective on video games have changed in the almost ten years since its release. You cannot tell me that it was not a great game in 1997, and it did not usher in new changes in RPG's.

Keeping it within its chronological restraints, I consider it a great game, but I think that reviving it with new content and "compilations" was a bad idea.

08-06-2006, 08:51 PM
I think Temprathe is hating FFVII for the wrong reasons.
You can't really say you don't really liked FFVII if you have bever played it.


I am just clearly stating a point.

08-07-2006, 01:33 AM
[QUOTE=Temprathe]I think that people would much rather see the Fabula Nova Crystallis Series take off rather than see Cloud wield an oversized sword and kill a bad guy who could create a Dark Lifestream[QUOTE]

08-07-2006, 06:34 AM
I agree with Joey. I don't think that you can say all of these things about something you've never experienced for yourself. And how can they change FFVII by "not having Cloud beat Sephiroth" when the whole purpose of ALL FF games is good conquering over evil? Also, I think that it's unfair for you to say"Cloud wields an oversized sword and kilsl a bad guy who could create a Dark Lifestream, but couldn't beat Cloud for anything" when you haven't played the game to understand why Cloud is more powerful than Sephiroth.

Plus, it's DEFINATELY unfair for you to tell people to give it a rest on Tifa's boobs until you've seen that movie scene on Disc 2 XD :D

08-07-2006, 02:42 PM
I wont be able to speak on the compilation until I play every game of it. Ive played FF7, seen AC and last order, but I havent played Dirge, crisis core, or before crisis.

08-07-2006, 02:42 PM
You're completely wrong. Comparing FFVII to anything recent is like comparing any other game of that time to Half-Life. If you had played FFVII in the year it came out and kept it within the timeframe it was created in, then you would realize that it deserved all of the hype it received. Sure, everyone looks at it now and realizes it wasn't that great, but that's only because their perspective on video games have changed in the almost ten years since its release. You cannot tell me that it was not a great game in 1997, and it did not usher in new changes in RPG's.

TB, even at the time, it wasn't a huge leap in most ways. Almost everything it did had been done by games that came out several months before it. The difference was that it was flashier and made a big impression on people thanks to all the advertising it received.

Case in point, and I know I always bring this game up, but it's an effective example: Blood Omen was released several months before FFVII, at least in the US. It featured full voice acting, CG cutscenes of similar quality to FFVII's (if not greater), and a well-crafted story that was understandable and complete, yet not absolutely predictable.

Besides that, I think you'd be very hard-pressed to show a single way FFVII influenced future games that was not merely a natural evolution that came about as a result of new technology. If you can, however, I'd be happy to hear it.

08-07-2006, 02:46 PM
TB, even at the time, it wasn't a huge leap in most ways. Almost everything it did had been done by games that came out several months before it. The difference was that it was flashier and made a big impression on people thanks to all the advertising it received.

Case in point, and I know I always bring this game up, but it's an effective example: Blood Omen was released several months before FFVII, at least in the US. It featured full voice acting, CG cutscenes of similar quality to FFVII's (if not greater), and a well-crafted story that was understandable and complete, yet not absolutely predictable.

Besides that, I think you'd be very hard-pressed to show a single way FFVII influenced future games that was not merely a natural evolution that came about as a result of new technology. If you can, however, I'd be happy to hear it.

I think certain games after FF7 tried to mimick its style. Well its fighting style more so than anything. The way the battles were set up and fought were mimicked. Other than that I really cant think of anything else. The FMV's really stood out and alot of games tried to surpass the FF7 fmvs. I wouldnt say the FMVs in blood omen were better than FF7's but it was still a classic game.

08-07-2006, 07:32 PM
I think certain games after FF7 tried to mimick its style. Well its fighting style more so than anything. The way the battles were set up and fought were mimicked.

Are you talking about a turn based battle system?
Because if so, I will just enjoy the sound of my own laughter.

The only thing that future games would want to mimic from FFVII, is pulling in a huge audience and keeping them attracted for 10 years.

08-07-2006, 07:34 PM
TB, even at the time, it wasn't a huge leap in most ways. Almost everything it did had been done by games that came out several months before it. The difference was that it was flashier and made a big impression on people thanks to all the advertising it received.

I don't know of any RPG's that came out before FFVII that incorporated anything similar. Sure, there had to have been some, but they are only exhibiting the key elements of an RPG. Also, they might have been released in the US a few months before, but they weren't necessarily released in Japan at that time. FFVII's US release was the first to be given additional features, like Ruby and Emerald Weapon for starters. By the time they had incorporated new elements into the gameplay for a US release, I wouldn't be surprised if the "previous games" you mentioned were quickly thrown together and pushed into the market.

Case in point, and I know I always bring this game up, but it's an effective example: Blood Omen was released several months before FFVII, at least in the US. It featured full voice acting, CG cutscenes of similar quality to FFVII's (if not greater), and a well-crafted story that was understandable and complete, yet not absolutely predictable.

That's a good point, but Blood Omen didn't have nearly half the story and wasn't comprised of four discs.

Besides that, I think you'd be very hard-pressed to show a single way FFVII influenced future games that was not merely a natural evolution that came about as a result of new technology. If you can, however, I'd be happy to hear it.

Like I mentioned before in this post, FFVII was the pioneer "one-upsmanship" title. I don't recall any other RPG releases before it that were added onto for the US release, then rereleased with newer features as an international title. I also think it was the first time a Limit Break sort of move was incorporated, since I don't recall at least any FF before it using them. And with new technology, there needs to be a game that reaches the limits. Final Fantasy Tactics was sort of unspectacular compared to FF7.

08-07-2006, 07:51 PM
they might have been released in the US a few months before, but they weren't necessarily released in Japan at that time. FFVII's US release was the first to be given additional features, like Ruby and Emerald Weapon for starters.

That's hardly something that made a big impact in the world of gaming. All it serves to do is frustrate people who have the original version and never get access to the additional content.

That's a good point, but Blood Omen didn't have nearly half the story and wasn't comprised of four discs.

Either you didn't play Blood Omen or you were doing so with a blindfold and earplugs. That's the only reasonable explanation for that claim. Also, it was not comprised of three discs like FFVII because it did not have the tremendous number of different designs and perspectives incorporated into it, nor did it have as many of those extremely space-consuming cutscenes.

Like I mentioned before in this post, FFVII was the pioneer "one-upsmanship" title. I don't recall any other RPG releases before it that were added onto for the US release, then rereleased with newer features as an international title.

Which is a fairly irrelevant development in any case, as it does not have a noticable effect on the market aside from aggravating and/or alienating a certain group(s) of consumers.

I also think it was the first time a Limit Break sort of move was incorporated, since I don't recall at least any FF before it using them.

FFVI actually had an early form of limit breaks. They were called desperation attacks.

08-07-2006, 10:59 PM
How many games before FF7 had more than one disc??? I know alot of games after it had multiple discs? Im just not too sure how many before it.

08-07-2006, 11:08 PM
Honestly, the amount of discs shouldn't change the performance of the game at all.

There was a game released on the early PlayStation that was 8 discs. The game sucked.
Number of discs doesn't really change a thing.
(Except maybe flashier cutscenes.)

08-07-2006, 11:17 PM
']Honestly, the amount of discs shouldn't change the performance of the game at all.

There was a game released on the early PlayStation that was 8 discs. The game sucked.
Number of discs doesn't really change a thing.
(Except maybe flashier cutscenes.)

I was just asking because before FF7 I didnt see slot of game doing the multiple disc thing. I thought maybe FF7 started that trend, or atleast made the trend popular. That is why I was asking.

08-08-2006, 02:24 PM
That had been happening with PC games for years. It was only natural that console games would do the same once they switched to disc media.

08-08-2006, 08:26 PM
Well, in a way im happy and in a way im not,I still like ff7 and enjoy some spinoffs, but its starting to get annoying and boring of always having to defend it.It should end and in a way it should continue.(Still confused better reply to come later)

08-10-2006, 08:09 PM
from what ive seen so far of the compilation, its been pretty damn good. advent children was 100 times better than i originally thought it would be.
dirge of cerberus (english version) is set to be pretty good especially with its revised controls.
last order was a little gem if a bit short, zacks fight with sephiroth in particular.
and before crisis, even if we dont get it for a long time if at all looks excellent for a phone game XD
and finally (i think) crisis core is shaping up to be the only reason to get a psp imo

08-10-2006, 10:06 PM
I pretty much dislike you for that entire post.

08-21-2006, 03:07 PM
I dont wanna start an argument about wether FFVII was shit or shit hot. I think it was excellent, and i totally understand if people think it is shit..BUT:

Even tho i think it was an excellent game, and i have enjoyed the compilation as far as i have seen it, i am EXTREMELY FUCKED OFF that at the moment certain games are going to be released on different formats. i.e if i wanna play Crisis Core, i gotta buy a fucking PSP! Excuse me if im being irrational, but i would have at least preffered a version on the PS2 or PC, or some way i didnt have to buy an entirely new gizmo i dont want.

Thats as far as i understand the situation, someone correct me if i'm mistaken about that.

..oh and a mobile phone game seems a bit shit and tacky, consoles have evolved for a reason, but ill reserve full judgement till ill played it, tho it'll prob require several hundreds of pounds for whatever expensive phone it needs!!