08-02-2006, 10:24 AM
ive been playing 8 again and ive realised how f*****g awesome the game is.
but it happened again
i posted a while ago saying about having kiros and ward in the dream sequence with laguna when hes shooting the movie and u fight the ruby dragon or whatever it is. i had ward with me again. and kiros. what makes it so this happens. sum1 help

08-02-2006, 11:54 PM
Hmm, I could have sworn we already went over this extensively, but maybe it was in one of the threads that was lost during the hack. Ward's presence in that sequence is based on whether or not you picked up (and possibly read, I'm not sure) a particular issue of Timber Maniacs --- I think we determined it was the one in Shumi Village, but I could be wrong. If you did, Ward isn't there. If you didn't, then he'll still be there. If you view the issue of Timber Maniacs in the garden panel, you'll see Laguna and Kiros doing the play scene and Squall will make some kind of comment wondering where Ward is.

The Lost One
08-04-2006, 03:30 PM
Not the one in Shumi village. I've read that issue after the sequence, and I had Ward. But indeed it's based on a Timber Maniac. Can't remember which one though....

09-03-2006, 03:54 PM
ah,dat explains it cheers