08-01-2006, 02:14 AM
Ever seen an old anime that has just been a total acid trip? Ever watch any old vintage anime just for old time's sake? Ever wondered what rock they got the crappy engilsh voice actors out from under? Wouldn't it have been cheaper and more effective to hire some starving college drama students? If you find yourself asking any of these questions, or if any of these questions bring you a distint feeling of nostalgia, then this is the thread for you.

What was your favorite Vintage Anime? What Vintage Anime made you want to puke?

For me it was the old Harlock Sagas that realy kept me interested. Those were the one's that Captain Harlock becomes captured by the Ul Medians, and they find in his genetic memory an SS Officer who was a figher pilot in the Luftwaffe, who in his heart deplored the atrocities of his Fuehror but fought for valiantly for his country without regret... Harlock sees in his dreams the people who came before him, and that it will all end with him if the Ul Medians destroy humanity, and so he fights for liberty throughout the universe, and resists all who will try to put an end to anyone's dream. My mom found it a Big Lots Store for 1 dollar. It was an old track,with marginal voice actors. But said marginal voice actors were the same actors who did later movies with said characters. In this movie, Harlock became a pirate for the first time, and Queen Emeraldas got that scar of hers that makes her so famous. I was astounded. She was actually a Queen before she became a pirate. She, her honor guard, and a few of her flagship's crewmen were the last survivors of her nation. Entire planets die out. Earth is saved, as Ul Medas brings about her own destruction, and the seeds of the Andromedian Empire are planted. Drama unfolds around every corner, and it's a truly engading story the whole way. I don't remember the exact title anymore. I think it was just called "Revenge of the Space Pirate," or "Legend of the Space Pirate." I was suprised when it was a Harlock Saga story, but to find the one that started it all for just a buck. I was very happy.

The most acid trip I've ever seen, was this one called Space Transformers. The title probably had nothing to do with the title of the Japanese version. It was about this guy who piloted a Robot Called the Diatron 5, and these aliens that shrunk one of their elite forces and put them along with a bunch of malignant bacteria in an injection inside of some Earth girl who for some reason had a universe inside of her, and the Earth was not invadable while she was still alive for some reason the story never bothered to clarify. Characters died arbitrarily. The people who lived in universe inside this girl were called the White Kindom, and the bacteria that were ravaging them were awfully african looking green guys with pointed ears, and the green guys that didn't look african looked jewish. And did I mention that full sized aliens looked somewhat Jewish with the exception of the blue skin? Or there was this scene where white soldiers were being fed to a black devil. (This tentacled beast that looked black when it was in the cave. When he took and ran for it, he was actually blue.) Or there was this Red haired blue eyed, guy who lived in the woods with his blond haired blue eyed girlfriend, who took the main character in and nursed him back to health after his robot got smashed, but they wouldn't help him rebuild his robot because they were peace loving, then the "Green" guys came and killed his the redhead guy's girlfriend, and he decided to help rebuild to robot and vowed to exterminate those "green" devils. This was more than a bad tranlation in the english version. It was either a bad translation to a terrible script, or an MXC style translation to what was innitially a mediocre script. Either way, I think it must've been put together by a bunch of Nazis who were smoking way too much hash!

08-01-2006, 02:58 PM
For me it was the old Harlock Sagas that realy kept me interested. Those were the one's that Captain Harlock becomes captured by the Ul Medians, and they find in his genetic memory an SS Officer who was a figher pilot in the Luftwaffe, who in his heart deplored the atrocities of his Fuehror but fought for valiantly for his country without regret... Harlock sees in his dreams the people who came before him, and that it will all end with him if the Ul Medians destroy humanity, and so he fights for liberty throughout the universe, and resists all who will try to put an end to anyone's dream. My mom found it a Big Lots Store for 1 dollar. It was an old track,with marginal voice actors. But said marginal voice actors were the same actors who did later movies with said characters. In this movie, Harlock became a pirate for the first time, and Queen Emeraldas got that scar of hers that makes her so famous. I was astounded. She was actually a Queen before she became a pirate. She, her honor guard, and a few of her flagship's crewmen were the last survivors of her nation. Entire planets die out. Earth is saved, as Ul Medas brings about her own destruction, and the seeds of the Andromedian Empire are planted. Drama unfolds around every corner, and it's a truly engading story the whole way. I don't remember the exact title anymore. I think it was just called "Revenge of the Space Pirate," or "Legend of the Space Pirate." I was suprised when it was a Harlock Saga story, but to find the one that started it all for just a buck. I was very happy.

The actual title was Arcadia of My Youth, and it happens to be one of my favorite anime movies of all time. If you have never seen the uncut version, you simply must get your hands on the DVD.

Also, you definitely have quite a few misconceptions about the film, probably relating to the poor translation and edited content of the version you saw. For that, you especially must see it in its proper form.

If you couldn't tell, I'm quite a lover of the Harlock franchise. Too bad we can't get the original tv series here in any format. :(

08-02-2006, 04:34 PM
Well...misconceptions are inevitable. It wasn't very poorly translated in the usual deliberate tampering since, but it definitely had several points that they had trouble translating. Arcadia of My Youth is the title of the uncut version? Then I will search for it. It was a damned good movie.

08-02-2006, 04:42 PM
Incidentally, the version you saw of the movie was the first one I saw. My brother rented it several years ago. I took a look at it and said, "Oh shit, that's Captain Harlock!"

I didn't know it had been hacked to shreds for a little while either. Once I found out though, I couldn't get the original version fast enough. You really won't believe the difference.

Also, if you liked that one, you should try to get your hands on Galaxy Express 999.

08-02-2006, 08:08 PM
I've seen Galaxy Express 999 and Adieu Galaxy Express 999. But they were the Sci. Fi channel versions, so I don't know how well the translation was on them. They were very nice nonetheless.

08-02-2006, 08:11 PM
I'm pretty sure they were edited, but I don't know how badly.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
08-02-2006, 08:55 PM
I never knew Sci Fi Channel played that. Kind of cool I guess.

08-02-2006, 09:10 PM
Yeah, they played it before they turned into the "Lame ass monster movie, OMG there's a new one every week" Channel... You know back when they were still good.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
08-02-2006, 09:47 PM
Yep. It's a pretty shit channel now. I used to enjoy it in the early/mid 90s when they played anime now and then. I didn't have much access to anime otherwise then so it was really neat, despite the commercials and editing etc. It definitely helped solidify my interest in the medium a bit more.

08-03-2006, 12:08 AM
I'm pretty sure they were edited, but I don't know how badly.

Sci-Fi channel edits were pretty heavy, because a lot of them were made for time and not content.

They eventually moved the anime thing to the middle of the night and cut down on the editing; maybe they sold less commercials late at night, I dunno.

08-03-2006, 01:45 AM
That's exactly correct. They used to sell far less commercials at late night... but now they've earmarked those timeslots for infomercials.

Yeah, they played it before they turned into the "Lame ass monster movie, OMG there's a new one every week" Channel... You know back when they were still good.

You know how I said that. Well now they are the "Lame ass monster movie, OMG that's the same one I saw last week" Channel. Sci Fi Fridays are the only time the ever play anything actually sci-fi-ish.

Edit: Oh yeah, I actually found that tape today. It's called "Vengance of the Space Pirate." lol. Still it's the heavily edited version, with the bad voice actors... however when they did the not heavily edited version with the good voice actors, they were the same voice actors, so it was all good in the end. lol.

08-03-2006, 03:05 PM
To be perfectly honest, that's one movie I would never touch in English again. I'm usually a defender of dubbing in general, but I love it too much in Japanese. Also, AnimEigo did a wonderful job of subtitling it.

08-03-2006, 04:39 PM


08-04-2006, 07:37 AM
He he he! What about Voltron?