Meet the Jim
07-29-2006, 11:14 PM
I need you in my arms for I lie here awake,
Wondering by myself if I made a mistake,
Even meeting you, you have no clue,
The choice you made, the feelings faid,
Now the love that was here has now gone,
Flew into the darkness where it belongs,
My heat now longs to see you die,
To see the blood flow from your chest,
To hear your last breath, to see the fear in your eye,
To hear you scream your last words as you die in pain,
You will never live to love again.
Ever...... Welcome to your death.

But then my mind suddenly clicks,
Why the hell did I think this,
I wake up in reality feeling bold,
Then shrivel and tremble again in the cold,
You said to me that you would be there,
Then you discarded my heart without a care,
The pain you make me feel will never die,
The tears start to run from my eyes,
"Am I such a angry person that I want to kill?"
I said to myself takeing the pills,
The opium helps, it eases the pain,
But if you ever speak to me again,
I swear I will rip out your heart,
Then the reign of coldness for you will start,
The way it did for me, then you will see,
That what you do is twisted and evil,
You bring out the worst in all people.

That poem I wrote about someone who pissed me off. They really did piss me off.

07-29-2006, 11:19 PM

Meet the Jim
07-29-2006, 11:45 PM
In the fog, the gunshots,
the piles of dead bodies on the floor,
There is a child that hides,
cold and alone behind a secure door,
He remebers the lying words they told him before the war,
Your father will not fight anymore,
But now this time the war came to him,
In his country, his village, his house of sin.
He opens the secure door to escape on his own,
The light blinds him, he lets out a moan,
Then to his eyes he see's the fright,
His father lay on the floor,
Blood sprayed on the door.
Why did it happen he thought,
As he realised he would not see him anymore,
The tears build up in his eyes,
Cold, alone, in the dark he cries,
He walks out of the house, its calm as can be,
Although there are dead bodies as far as the eye can see,
Women, men, children, that were living in harmony,
Gunshots started to sound in his head,
The shot hit his heart and he let out a shout and bled,
As his life flashed before his eyes,
he remembers his farthers big lies,
He said it would be no more, that there would be no war,
The child falls on the floor and dies,
The man who shot him looked with evil eyes,
"Heathen, wretch, little basterd" he cries,
Walks away, tears in his eyes,
Not tears of sorrow, but tears of joy,
That man avenged the fall of his country,
In the last war.

I worte this on how I pictured it would be like to be stuck in a war. Your famaly dead and the reast of your friends slaughtered. But there is always two sides to one story, times change, war is a tool of the powefull to gain land and profit. It must be stoped. Now!

07-29-2006, 11:52 PM
wow, you're really talented

07-29-2006, 11:53 PM
He has a book.

07-29-2006, 11:54 PM

07-30-2006, 12:02 AM
That poem I wrote about someone who pissed me off. They really did piss me off.

if loving one just to give them hope is wrong,
then for what reason do u love?

Meet the Jim
07-30-2006, 12:13 AM
I have a book??? No, but I hope to someday.

Anyway here is one for you off the top of my head.

A man stands still with a cap in his hand,
Wishing for money to reign from heaven,
Even though his soul is whole,
His mind is lost in a hole,
That is so black it taints his thoughts,
Like the feelings of a black heart that shows no remorse,
He thinks to himself "why is this happening to me, I paid ever fee"
He was made redundant, because he could not see,
The system was using him to work for them,
They smile at his loss with glee,
At this time he realises that it has to be no more,
He takes what remains of his money and heads for the door,
Of a fire arms shop that sels shotguns for a £200 fee,
He buy's the shotgun, smiles gleefully,
Revenge now will finally be his,
He goes on a manic killing spree,
He killed all the men and women that ruind his life and family,
But the the police arrive after all the people are dead,
And the homless man is shot,
The blood spews out from where the bullet hit,
He falls on the floor dead as a door knob,
He got his revenge before,
But he is labled as a desctuctive menace on the news and T.V. screens,
The people watch and believe the lies they say,
Never looking behind the sences,
Those men and women, children are cought,
In a hypnotic trance,
Made by the master of the hypnotic dance.
That master is........... Society.

07-30-2006, 12:14 AM
wow, how emotional

07-30-2006, 12:15 AM
You do too! *+*Yuna*+* (My cousin) told me you did.

07-30-2006, 12:16 AM
you do too?????????

Meet the Jim
07-30-2006, 12:16 AM
I love not just for hope. I long for a person, not for hope, not for freedom, but for the warm feeling they give me, the kindness that they show, the feeling that someone could actually love me. I love for a person, not for hope.

07-30-2006, 12:16 AM

07-30-2006, 12:16 AM
wow, how emotional

i never knew u to like poems..:)

Meet the Jim
07-30-2006, 12:18 AM
I have a book??? What book?? What the hell...... When did I have a book.... I am hopeing to write a book and try to get it published but I don't have a book..... When did I tell her that? I only spoke to her twice.

07-30-2006, 12:21 AM
She asked you where you got those poems (in pm) and you said you found a poetry book with that poem in it

07-30-2006, 12:22 AM
wait, is this ur actual work or copy righted work?

Meet the Jim
07-30-2006, 12:24 AM
Considering I only said hello how are you my name is jim blah blah blah. Then I asked her what her favorite Final Fantasy was. Those were the two things I said, she replyed sanpily so I thought "ooooookay, i'm not going to talk to her now" and I haven't talked to her since. When the hell did I did I found a book with that in? You don't belive me? Then surch on google to find out the truth. Surch every word of those poems if you want I made them myself and since there my personal poems that I warote about how I ME JIM feel on thing in the world I do not take kindly to people saying it is other peoples work. Since it is MY FELLINGS MY PAIN MY FEAR HOW DARE YOU SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT WITHOUT EVIDENCE.

07-30-2006, 12:33 AM
*clock ticks nearby* it just me or is it silent in here?

Meet the Jim
07-30-2006, 12:43 AM
To be honest I really don't care. This thread is for me to post my poems that I write. Thats why I created it, its supposed to be silent except for me.

07-30-2006, 12:45 AM
i respect that anwser

07-30-2006, 01:56 AM
I love not just for hope. I long for a person, not for hope, not for freedom, but for the warm feeling they give me, the kindness that they show, the feeling that someone could actually love me. I love for a person, not for hope.

You don't know what love is until that feeling goes away and you only have your friendship left. When you stay with a person because you just want to, not because you can't live without him/her, that's when you're really in love.

People get the idea that love is something that just happens to you, and then you HAVE to get married. It's all Hollywood. I've never heard anyone who's been married say that. The truth is that there's more to love than the warm, fuzzy feeling you get when you hug your first sweetheart. It's about wanting to take care of someone, even when you fight, and even when you don't have the same feelings you used to.

But that's more than my two cents.

Meet the Jim
07-30-2006, 11:17 AM
FF1WithAllThieves: I respect that answer, but i'm never gonna get married. Marrige is a foolish idea. You wanna be married, then I respect that and I hope everything works out for you, but in my eyes marrige is a bond the same as a normal relationship. Its just a ring on your finger that people show off. There is no value to it at all.

07-30-2006, 11:30 AM
Jim i have to say i think these poems are probably the best i have read yet and i also agree with the marriage thing who needs a peice of paper to say that you love someone surely getting engaged shows enough commitment and you don't have to give the other half any money if you break up

Meet the Jim
07-30-2006, 11:32 AM
Thank you. That makes me feel happy.:)

07-30-2006, 11:35 AM
thats good to hear

Meet the Jim
07-30-2006, 11:44 AM
This poem is a very short poem, but it is for someone close to me. They know who they are.:)

Do not fear for I am here,
If you need a sholder to cry on,
Or the strength to carry on,
I am here, I will hold you in my arms,
Sheild you from lifes harms,
Do not worry, you can trust me,
There is no reason to be scared of me,
My friendship and love will last till the end,
Trust your hope in me, my friend.:)

07-30-2006, 11:46 AM
that one was nice aswell

07-30-2006, 01:58 PM
This poem is a very short poem, but it is for someone close to me. They know who they are.:)

Do not fear for I am here,
If you need a sholder to cry on,
Or the strength to carry on,
I am here, I will hold you in my arms,
Sheild you from lifes harms,
Do not worry, you can trust me,
There is no reason to be scared of me,
My friendship and love will last till the end,
Trust your hope in me, my friend.:)

glad i am bro, even it matters
yours truthful, yet candour
creating poem, though i'm no good
trying more and repenting less
whatever happen no one knows
vow your devotion
as your life great
glee arise

Meet the Jim
07-30-2006, 02:24 PM
This life is evil, your soul it consumes,
It laughs at you in the darkness, licking your wounds,
The eyes that stare all the time,
The eyes of paranoia, the abnormal it primes,
Life messes around with your head,
So many fucked up people wish you were dead,
Dictators, Society and Countries too,
The people owned by them have not got a clue,
They are just part of a fucked up game,
The aim of the game has World Domination as its name,
People believe the lies on T.V.,
What the goverments tell Society,
Those who believe are as bad as there masters,
One day they will get the revenge of the people united in the darkness,
Those people are the ones how defy society,
They don't believe the bullshit sprayed on the T.V.,
They fight for a world of freedom, without the shead of blood,
To not be owned by people, or pushed in the mud,
The world of equal values that we all wish,
Except for those who wish,
To dish out pain for thier own selfish cause,
To the people of thier enemy they show no remorse,
The time has come, to rise and fight,
Fight these evil powerhungry men into the night,
To make them stay there where they belong,
The conquering of countries is fucking wrong.

07-30-2006, 02:43 PM
The eyes that stare all the time
is it the eyes from heaven?...

So many fucked up people wish you were dead

The aim of the game has World Domination as its name,
People believe the lies on T.V.,
What the goverments tell Society,
Those who believe are as bad as there masters,
this resemble what happens now...
Israel attack Lebanon...
and america's media create their own story...

One day they will get the revenge of the people united in the darkness,

hehe...they will...

Meet the Jim
07-30-2006, 02:50 PM
"The eyes that stare" represents how all the people who believe in Society stare at the unbelievers with evil eyes, whatiching them to make sure that they don't do anything wrong.

"So many fucked up people who wish you were dead" That describes how the people of the goverment silence the enemies of society. The patriots of goverments who laugh when the people sound in one voice against society. Sorry i'm really anti-political. I think goverments and dictators, presidents alike should ceace to exist and the world should unite under on banner.

07-30-2006, 02:55 PM
i also hate politics...

i really wish that i can see japan and china getting well together...

because if they're, asia rockzs...

Meet the Jim
07-30-2006, 06:39 PM
There is a place where no one knows,
The only place that I go,
When I seek guidance I try to find,
In that place my own piece of mind,
My brother is there he helps me out,
Whenever i'm am hurt or in doubt,
He is there for me with open arms,
A embrace so warm it makes my feelings calm,
I feel joy and happieness when your there,
I can run, play, laugh and joke without a care,
There are other people who do this for me to,
Those people themselves know who they are,
Every single one of them a star,
In the distant supernova that is in my heart,
I will keep you warm from the start,
So please don't hesitate to call,
On me if you ever fall,
In to a hole and cannot get out,
I will be there without a doubt,
My brother, my shield, this espectially goes to you,
You are my light, my hope to pull me through,
There are so many people I care for here,
This is to make my feelings clear,
You are great friends to me, thank you.

That was written for all of my friends here, espetially a few I call my own. TeeheeMisha-San, Yuna's_Reincarnation, Eki, Trent, Rjkrider, Kirea, DokusouX, LittleShiva, yunachick15 and MissMurder. You are good friends, thank you for being there.

07-30-2006, 07:02 PM
what an excellent poem...

you're bless jim, for being creative and talented...

after reading it, i think i'm gonna dance all night...

Meet the Jim
07-31-2006, 06:50 PM
Sorry, there was a poem here, but I have decided to keep it just for myself. Its the kind of poem that I want in my heart.

07-31-2006, 07:00 PM
that was a lovely poem there Jim

Meet the Jim
07-31-2006, 07:02 PM
Thank you.^_^

07-31-2006, 07:31 PM
your welcome

Meet the Jim
07-31-2006, 09:24 PM
This ain't my lyrics but I fuckin' love them, so here they are:

Rage Against the Machine: Calm Like a Bomb

Feel the funk blast
Feel the funk blast
Feel the funk blast
Feel the funk blast
Feel the funk blast
Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, check it out, yo, yo, yo

I be walkin' god like a dog
My narrative fearless
My word war returns to burn
Like Baldwin home from Paris
Like Steel from a furnace
I was born landless
This is tha native son
Born of Zapata's guns
Stroll through tha shanties
And tha cities remains
Same bodies buried hungry
But with different last names
These vultures rob everything
Leave nothing but chains
Pick a point on tha globe
Yes tha pictures tha same
There's a bank There's a church a myth and a hearse
A mall and a loan a child dead at birth
There's a widow pig parrot
A rebel to tame
A whitehooded judge
A syringe and a vein

And tha riot be tha rhyme of tha unheard
what ya say, what ya say, what ya say, what?
What ya say, what ya say, what ya say, what?
What ya say, what ya say, what ya say, what?
What ya say, what ya say, what ya say, what?

Calm like a bomb
Ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite
Calm like a bomb
Ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite

This ain't subliminal
Feel tha critical mass approach horizon
Tha pulse of tha condemned
Sound off America's demise
Tha anti-myth rhythm rock shocker
Yes I spit fire
Hope lies in tha smoldering rubble of empires
Yes back through tha shanties and tha cities remains
Tha same bodies buried hungry
But with different last names
These vultures rob everyone
Leave nothing but chains
Pick a point here at home
Yes tha picture's tha same
There's a field full of slaves
Some corn and some debt
There's a ditch full of bodies
Tha check for tha rent
There's a tap, tha phone, tha silence of stone
Tha numb black screen
That be feelin' like home

And tha riot be tha rhyme of tha unheard
What ya say, what ya say, what ya say, what?
What ya say, what ya say, what ya say, what?
What ya say, what ya say, what ya say, what?
What ya say, what ya say, what ya say, what?

Calm like a bomb
Ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite
Calm like a bomb
Ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite
Calm like a bomb
Ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite
Calm like a bomb
Ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite

Calm like a bomb
Ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite
Calm like a bomb
Ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite
Calm like a bomb
Ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite
Calm like a bomb
Ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite, ignite
Calm Like a bomb

There's a mass without roofs
There's a prison to fill
There's a country's soul that reads post no bills
There's a strike and a line of cops outside of tha mill
There's a right to obey
And there's a right to kill
There's a mass without roofs
There's a prison to fill
There's a country's soul that reads post no bills
There's a strike and a line of cops outside of tha mill
There's a right to obey
And there's a right to kill

07-31-2006, 09:28 PM
Well, I guess you're pretty good. But I suppose you need more work.

Edit: Here you go, one of mine. It's a bit old, but recently I've not been able to write any. As soon as I am able to write again, I guess I will post it here somewhere in the shrine.


The Gleamingly Full Moon,
shows nothing but a reflection.
A reflecting light lith upon its surface.
Calming, and serene upon its moments.

Meet the Jim
07-31-2006, 09:33 PM
Thank you, Jiro. I'm gonna definatly try and get better.

07-31-2006, 09:35 PM
That is good to know. I'm sure you'll get better in time, do you seek a career in poetry?

07-31-2006, 09:37 PM
what an excellent poem...

you're bless jim, for being creative and talented...

after reading it, i think i'm gonna dance all night...

*dances with a sensu at hand,
while wearing cool shades*

� Uh uh...yea yea...
...feel the beat...move your feet....
...burn the heat...uh uh...yea yea...�

Meet the Jim
07-31-2006, 09:40 PM
Jiro: Not really, my career is precussion and drumming, im a drum teacher. Its just a way of getting my emotions out really, but if someone asked me too then I wouldn't say no. But some of the poems I write I keep just for me, if ya know what I mean.:) Also I love your avatar, its class.:)

Sorry I couldn't help myself, here are some more Rage Against the Machine lyrics. Hope you enjoy them.

No matter how hard you try, you can't stop us now
No matter how hard you try, you can't stop us now

We're the renegades of this atomic age
This atomic age of renegades
Renegades of this atomic age
This atomic age of renegades

Since the Prehistoric ages and the days of ancient Greece
Right down through the Middle Ages
Planet earth kept going through changes
And then no renaissance came, and times continued to change
Nothing stayed the same, but there were always renegades
Like Chief Sitting Bull, Tom Paine
Dr. Martin Luther King, Malcom X
They were renegades of their time and age
So many renegades

We're the renegades of funk
We're the renegades of funk
We're the renegades of funk
We're the renegades of funk

From a different solar system many many galaxies away
We are the force of another creation
A new musical revelation
And we're on this musical mission to help the others listen
And groove from land to land singin' electronic chants like
Zulu nation
Destroy our nations
Destroy our nations
Destroy our nations
Destroy our nations
Destroy our nations
Destroy our nations

Now renegades are the people with their own philosophies
They change the course of history
Everyday people like you and me
We're the renegades we're the people
With our own philosophies
We change the course of history
Everyday people like you and me
We're the renegades of funk
We're the renegades of funk
We're the renegades of funk
We're the renegades of funk

Poppin', sockin', rockin' puttin' a side of hip-hop
Because where we're goin' there ain't no stoppin'
Poppin', sockin', puttin' a side of hip-hop
Because where we're goin' there ain't no stoppin'
Poppin', sockin', rockin' puttin' a side of hip-hop
'Cause we're poppin', sockin', rockin' puttin' a side of hip-hop
Poppin', sockin', rockin' puttin' a side of hip-hop

We're the renegades of funk
We're the renegades of funk
We're the renegades of funk
We're the renegades of funk

We're teachers of the funk
And not of empty popping
We're blessed with the force and the sight of electronics
With the bass, and the treble the horns and our vocals
'Cause everytime I pop into the beat we get fresh

There was a time when our music
Was something called the Bay Street beat
People would gather from all around
To get down to the big sound
You had to be a renegade in those days
To take a man to the dance floor

Say jam sucker
Say jam sucker
Say groove sucker
Say groove sucker
Say dance sucker
Say dance sucker
Now move sucker
Now move sucker

We're the renegades of funk

Meet the Jim
08-01-2006, 07:02 PM
Some where in the darkness, the lies, the deceit,
The movement of truth begins to meet,
To tie up the loose ends,
And into the lies the truth blends,
What people know think is the real,
Is controled by the goverment to make people feel,
Hatred towards the opposition, peace and the eyes of truth,
They feed the past lies to our youth,
They digest it, live by it, even love it so,
Untill they are pupets, the goverment tells them where to go,
Fuck the bullshit and the fucking eyes,
That watch you, manipulate you, don't give a shit if you meet your demise,
Stand up for what is right and what you believe,
Stop letting the goverment leave,
Thier mark on you as you stand still,
You would die for the goverment and even kill,
The people like me,
Wish to solve this peacefully,
But hey, if you do not,
We'll hack up goverment bodies and leave them to rot,
They play you as a pawn in thier sick twisted game,
All they give a shit about is money, world domination and fame,
So stand up for yourself do not be ruled,
Over the leaders of a broken nation,
This poem is a fucking demonstation,
A weapon in the silent power war,
Pencils and ink are the core,
Of our arsenal not bloold and lives,
The only blood we will spill is in the final hours before societys demise,
Now is the question we are waiting for,
How many brothers and sisters answer the call,
Stand up to the truth coverd lies,
There are many who fight for this cause,
I am just one of them, I will show no remorse,
Will you be manipulated by the shit,
Or grasp the power in your hand and rise against it.

Meet the Jim
08-03-2006, 12:39 AM
Again these arn't my lyrics but Zack De La Rocha is such a good author.

R.A.T.M: Mic Check

Oh Wait a minute now
Ha ha ha
Come on
Wait a Minute Now

To tha young r to tha e tha b to tha e tha l
Never give up just live up
Fed upon America
We be spittin' it up
Rippin' it up
For an even amount in each cup
To my brothers burning bare feet on black top
Whose curled 'neath tha shadows
From tha gaze of tha cops
Whose huntin' for 9 to 5's through factory locks
Is now hunted on this modern day auction block

Mic Check, ha ha ha
I be the anti-myth rhythm rock shocker
Mic Check, ha ha ha ha
I be the anti-myth rhythm rock shocker, what?
Mic Check, ha ha ha
I be the anti-myth rhythm rock shocker
Mic Check, ha ha ha ha
I be the anti-myth rhythm rock shocker, what?

Check check check check the check, oh

Flexin' and mashin'
With complex text
Fast and in a fashion
That snap back necks
Quicker than a fed cash tha company checks
Come with tha fire only Marley could catch
This be tha flame in tha cellar beware
Nameless cold millions gaspin' for air
Those naked and wageless
Now scream within cages
What, they make you pull your shit
Just to get your share, what?

Mic Check, ha ha ha
I be the anti-myth rhythm rock shocker
Mic Check, ha ha ha ha
I be the anti-myth rhythm rock shocker, what?
Mic Check, ha ha ha
I be the anti-myth rhythm rock shocker
Mic Check, ha ha ha ha
I be the anti-myth rhythm rock shocker, what?

Welcome down with the warrior sound, UGH!

With this mic device
I spit nonfiction
Who got tha power
This be my question
Tha mass of tha few in this torn nation?
Tha priest tha book or tha congregation?
Tha politricks who rob and hold down your zone?
Or those who give tha thieves tha key to their homes?
Tha pig who's free to murder one Shucklak
Or survivors who make a move and murder one back?

This mic device
I spit nonfiction
Who got tha power
This be my question
Tha mass of tha few in this torn nation?
Tha priest tha book or tha congregation?
Tha politricks who rob and hold down your zone?
Or those who give tha thieves tha key to their homes?
Tha pig who's free to murder one Shucklak
Or survivors who make a move and murder one back?

Mic Check, ha ha ha
I be the anti-myth rhythm rock shocker
Mic Check, ha ha ha ha
I be the anti-myth rhythm rock shocker, what?
Mic Check, ha ha ha
I be the anti-myth rhythm rock shocker
Mic Check, ha ha ha ha
I be the anti-myth rhythm rock shocker, what?

08-07-2006, 07:41 AM
o' "the jim" how awesome you are
so full of political stances and views
alas, emotional too!!
listen to parkway drive do you?
you clearly already listen to 'rage'
but do you realise the HISTORY behind the words on the page?
you have all the answers so go on, take the stage.
"anti political", they're all wrong, that's fine,
but what if your balls were the ones on the line?
how would you eradicate poverty and crime
you think there's no need for armies and guns
we can all get together and have harmless fun?
write poems of murder in the warm winter sun
as our world is dying and anarchy rules
why would you murder these elderly fools?
so what if they use the mindless as tools?
they will die for their cause and they will be proud.
the governments will lie, long and loud
but what percentage of their crowd
will swallow that jagged pill?
fighting it is kicking shit up hill.
when they are gone who will pay for care of the ill?
who'll build the roads, the hospitals and such?
no postal system would just be too much
how would me and my nan keep in touch?
these people spin bullshit, we all know it's lies
and yours are not unjust outcries
but consider your life without these 'allies'.
best to just bite your tongue, put down the brick.
accept that your "leader" is a dick
and dicks are a necessary item, however thick.

08-07-2006, 07:48 AM
o' "the jim" how awesome you are
so full of political stances and views
alas, emotional too!!
listen to parkway drive do you?
you clearly already listen to 'rage'
but do you realise the HISTORY behind the words on the page?
you have all the answers so go on, take the stage.
"anti political", they're all wrong, that's fine,
but what if your balls were the ones on the line?
how would you eradicate poverty and crime
you think there's no need for armies and guns
we can all get together and have harmless fun?
write poems of murder in the warm winter sun
as our world is dying and anarchy rules
why would you murder these elderly fools?
so what if they use the mindless as tools?
they will die for their cause and they will be proud.
the governments will lie, long and loud
but what percentage of their crowd
will swallow that jagged pill?
fighting it is kicking shit up hill.
when they are gone who will pay for care of the ill?
who'll build the roads, the hospitals and such?
no postal system would just be too much
how would me and my nan keep in touch?
these people spin bullshit, we all know it's lies
and yours are not unjust outcries
but consider your life without these 'allies'.
best to just bite your tongue, put down the brick.
accept that your "leader" is a dick
and dicks are a necessary item, however thick.

Meet the Jim
08-07-2006, 11:35 AM
I respect your views man, but I have my own reasons for fighting the goverment in a war of words. Maybe if we get to know each other one day I will tell them to you.

Pimp Daddy McSnake
08-09-2006, 03:48 AM
I respect your views man, but I have my own reasons for fighting the goverment in a war of words. Maybe if we get to know each other one day I will tell them to you.
:smrt: viva la resistance!

I really wonder what your reasons are. Good to know there are still people who prefer anarchy over what we've got now.

fastidious percolator
08-09-2006, 06:20 PM
I really wonder what your reasons are. Good to know there are still people who prefer anarchy over what we've got now.


Pimp Daddy McSnake
08-09-2006, 06:22 PM

:smrt: Yeah cuz if radioactive hentai loli ninja ball conquers the world there will be anarchy all over!

fastidious percolator
08-09-2006, 06:29 PM
:smrt: Yeah cuz if radioactive hentai loli ninja ball conquers the world there will be anarchy all over!



Memento Mori
08-10-2006, 02:12 AM
These aren't bad Jim, although, many of your rhymes are very cliched and overused. Since I don't feel like exhausting myself posting examples in this thread, if you wish to know what I am talking about, PM me.

08-11-2006, 01:47 PM
All of these are great, even the lyrics

RAtM rocks!

Pimp Daddy McSnake
08-11-2006, 03:23 PM
:smrtst: Where's Jim anyway?

Memento Mori
08-12-2006, 04:38 PM
went on a rendezvous with MissMurder hoping to reconcile. But they're just talking together... There was NO TOUCHING!!!!!