07-27-2006, 04:26 PM
I've watched the first series and the first DVD od fumoffu. I've got the next three DVD's to watch tonight as well. :)

I quite like this anime, as its light hearted and just fun. Fumoffu is pretty darn funny at points.

Has anyone heard of a third series? I think its supposed to be called Second Raid.

07-27-2006, 04:35 PM
The first series started out quite well but kind of lost the plot towards the end. I though Second Raid improved upon this greatly; partially because it was half the length and featured far less (none iirc) filler material.

Very entertaining series overall. I'll have to check out the Manga some time.

07-27-2006, 04:43 PM
Personally, I liked the filler episodes and Fumoffu a lot more than the rest of it. The characters are neat enough that more development is always better than seeing them pilot mechs and blow stuff up. I haven't seen Second Raid yet, but I don't expect to like it nearly as much.

07-27-2006, 04:50 PM
I must say im enjoying Fumoffu more so far. The other series got a little tedious with all the mecha stuff. Especialy four episodes to span whatcould have been done in, one or one and a half. Thats reference to the terrorist thing, with the planes. God that went on.

Ive watched them in Japanese and English and im suprised by how much better the pacing is for the jokes. I knew it would be better, but its far beyong my expectations.

Is Second Raid only in Japan at the moment?